blob: 384be74703050fe7b508ba744bf8e144ecd36d52 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
package kafka.consumer
import kafka.common.{OffsetAndMetadata, TopicAndPartition}
import kafka.javaapi.consumer.ConsumerRebalanceListener
import scala.collection._
import kafka.utils.Logging
import kafka.serializer._
* Main interface for consumer
trait ConsumerConnector {
* Create a list of MessageStreams for each topic.
* @param topicCountMap a map of (topic, #streams) pair
* @return a map of (topic, list of KafkaStream) pairs.
* The number of items in the list is #streams. Each stream supports
* an iterator over message/metadata pairs.
def createMessageStreams(topicCountMap: Map[String,Int]): Map[String, List[KafkaStream[Array[Byte],Array[Byte]]]]
* Create a list of MessageStreams for each topic.
* @param topicCountMap a map of (topic, #streams) pair
* @param keyDecoder Decoder to decode the key portion of the message
* @param valueDecoder Decoder to decode the value portion of the message
* @return a map of (topic, list of KafkaStream) pairs.
* The number of items in the list is #streams. Each stream supports
* an iterator over message/metadata pairs.
def createMessageStreams[K,V](topicCountMap: Map[String,Int],
keyDecoder: Decoder[K],
valueDecoder: Decoder[V])
: Map[String,List[KafkaStream[K,V]]]
* Create a list of message streams for all topics that match a given filter.
* @param topicFilter Either a Whitelist or Blacklist TopicFilter object.
* @param numStreams Number of streams to return
* @param keyDecoder Decoder to decode the key portion of the message
* @param valueDecoder Decoder to decode the value portion of the message
* @return a list of KafkaStream each of which provides an
* iterator over message/metadata pairs over allowed topics.
def createMessageStreamsByFilter[K,V](topicFilter: TopicFilter,
numStreams: Int = 1,
keyDecoder: Decoder[K] = new DefaultDecoder(),
valueDecoder: Decoder[V] = new DefaultDecoder())
: Seq[KafkaStream[K,V]]
* Commit the offsets of all broker partitions connected by this connector.
def commitOffsets(retryOnFailure: Boolean)
* KAFKA-1743: This method added for backward compatibility.
def commitOffsets
* Commit offsets from an external offsets map.
* @param offsetsToCommit the offsets to be committed.
def commitOffsets(offsetsToCommit: immutable.Map[TopicAndPartition, OffsetAndMetadata], retryOnFailure: Boolean)
* Wire in a consumer rebalance listener to be executed when consumer rebalance occurs.
* @param listener The consumer rebalance listener to wire in
def setConsumerRebalanceListener(listener: ConsumerRebalanceListener)
* Shut down the connector
def shutdown()
object Consumer extends Logging {
* Create a ConsumerConnector
* @param config at the minimum, need to specify the groupid of the consumer and the zookeeper
* connection string zookeeper.connect.
def create(config: ConsumerConfig): ConsumerConnector = {
val consumerConnect = new ZookeeperConsumerConnector(config)
* Create a ConsumerConnector
* @param config at the minimum, need to specify the groupid of the consumer and the zookeeper
* connection string zookeeper.connect.
def createJavaConsumerConnector(config: ConsumerConfig): kafka.javaapi.consumer.ConsumerConnector = {
val consumerConnect = new kafka.javaapi.consumer.ZookeeperConsumerConnector(config)