blob: a037fd401e9e3b41854b23bd0f83318d5f71b872 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package kafka.admin
import joptsimple.OptionParser
import kafka.server.{DynamicConfig, ConfigType}
import kafka.utils._
import scala.collection._
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.exception.ZkNodeExistsException
import kafka.common.{AdminCommandFailedException, TopicAndPartition}
import kafka.log.LogConfig
import LogConfig._
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils
object ReassignPartitionsCommand extends Logging {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val opts = validateAndParseArgs(args)
val zkConnect = opts.options.valueOf(opts.zkConnectOpt)
val zkUtils = ZkUtils(zkConnect,
try {
verifyAssignment(zkUtils, opts)
else if(opts.options.has(opts.generateOpt))
generateAssignment(zkUtils, opts)
else if (opts.options.has(opts.executeOpt))
executeAssignment(zkUtils, opts)
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
println("Partitions reassignment failed due to " + e.getMessage)
} finally zkUtils.close()
def verifyAssignment(zkUtils: ZkUtils, opts: ReassignPartitionsCommandOptions) {
val jsonFile = opts.options.valueOf(opts.reassignmentJsonFileOpt)
val jsonString = Utils.readFileAsString(jsonFile)
verifyAssignment(zkUtils, jsonString)
def verifyAssignment(zkUtils: ZkUtils, jsonString: String): Unit = {
println("Status of partition reassignment: ")
val partitionsToBeReassigned = ZkUtils.parsePartitionReassignmentData(jsonString)
val reassignedPartitionsStatus = checkIfReassignmentSucceeded(zkUtils, partitionsToBeReassigned)
reassignedPartitionsStatus.foreach { case (topicPartition, status) =>
status match {
case ReassignmentCompleted =>
println("Reassignment of partition %s completed successfully".format(topicPartition))
case ReassignmentFailed =>
println("Reassignment of partition %s failed".format(topicPartition))
case ReassignmentInProgress =>
println("Reassignment of partition %s is still in progress".format(topicPartition))
removeThrottle(zkUtils, partitionsToBeReassigned, reassignedPartitionsStatus)
private def removeThrottle(zkUtils: ZkUtils, partitionsToBeReassigned: Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]], reassignedPartitionsStatus: Map[TopicAndPartition, ReassignmentStatus]): Unit = {
var changed = false
//If all partitions have completed remove the throttle
if (reassignedPartitionsStatus.forall { case (_, status) => status == ReassignmentCompleted }) {
//Remove the throttle limit from all brokers in the cluster
//(as we no longer know which specific brokers were involved in the move)
for (brokerId <- zkUtils.getAllBrokersInCluster().map( {
val configs = AdminUtils.fetchEntityConfig(zkUtils, ConfigType.Broker, brokerId.toString)
// bitwise OR as we don't want to short-circuit
if (configs.remove(DynamicConfig.Broker.LeaderReplicationThrottledRateProp) != null
| configs.remove(DynamicConfig.Broker.FollowerReplicationThrottledRateProp) != null){
AdminUtils.changeBrokerConfig(zkUtils, Seq(brokerId), configs)
changed = true
//Remove the list of throttled replicas from all topics with partitions being moved
val topics = => tp.topic).toSeq.distinct
for (topic <- topics) {
val configs = AdminUtils.fetchEntityConfig(zkUtils, ConfigType.Topic, topic)
// bitwise OR as we don't want to short-circuit
if (configs.remove(LogConfig.LeaderReplicationThrottledReplicasProp) != null
| configs.remove(LogConfig.FollowerReplicationThrottledReplicasProp) != null){
AdminUtils.changeTopicConfig(zkUtils, topic, configs)
changed = true
if (changed)
println("Throttle was removed.")
def generateAssignment(zkUtils: ZkUtils, opts: ReassignPartitionsCommandOptions) {
val topicsToMoveJsonFile = opts.options.valueOf(opts.topicsToMoveJsonFileOpt)
val brokerListToReassign = opts.options.valueOf(opts.brokerListOpt).split(',').map(_.toInt)
val duplicateReassignments = CoreUtils.duplicates(brokerListToReassign)
if (duplicateReassignments.nonEmpty)
throw new AdminCommandFailedException("Broker list contains duplicate entries: %s".format(duplicateReassignments.mkString(",")))
val topicsToMoveJsonString = Utils.readFileAsString(topicsToMoveJsonFile)
val disableRackAware = opts.options.has(opts.disableRackAware)
val (proposedAssignments, currentAssignments) = generateAssignment(zkUtils, brokerListToReassign, topicsToMoveJsonString, disableRackAware)
println("Current partition replica assignment\n\n%s".format(ZkUtils.formatAsReassignmentJson(currentAssignments)))
println("Proposed partition reassignment configuration\n\n%s".format(ZkUtils.formatAsReassignmentJson(proposedAssignments)))
def generateAssignment(zkUtils: ZkUtils, brokerListToReassign: Seq[Int], topicsToMoveJsonString: String, disableRackAware: Boolean): (Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]], Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]]) = {
val topicsToReassign = ZkUtils.parseTopicsData(topicsToMoveJsonString)
val duplicateTopicsToReassign = CoreUtils.duplicates(topicsToReassign)
if (duplicateTopicsToReassign.nonEmpty)
throw new AdminCommandFailedException("List of topics to reassign contains duplicate entries: %s".format(duplicateTopicsToReassign.mkString(",")))
val currentAssignment = zkUtils.getReplicaAssignmentForTopics(topicsToReassign)
val groupedByTopic = currentAssignment.groupBy { case (tp, _) => tp.topic }
val rackAwareMode = if (disableRackAware) RackAwareMode.Disabled else RackAwareMode.Enforced
val brokerMetadatas = AdminUtils.getBrokerMetadatas(zkUtils, rackAwareMode, Some(brokerListToReassign))
val partitionsToBeReassigned = mutable.Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]]()
groupedByTopic.foreach { case (topic, assignment) =>
val (_, replicas) = assignment.head
val assignedReplicas = AdminUtils.assignReplicasToBrokers(brokerMetadatas, assignment.size, replicas.size)
partitionsToBeReassigned ++= { case (partition, replicas) =>
TopicAndPartition(topic, partition) -> replicas
(partitionsToBeReassigned, currentAssignment)
def executeAssignment(zkUtils: ZkUtils, opts: ReassignPartitionsCommandOptions) {
val reassignmentJsonFile = opts.options.valueOf(opts.reassignmentJsonFileOpt)
val reassignmentJsonString = Utils.readFileAsString(reassignmentJsonFile)
val throttle = if (opts.options.has(opts.throttleOpt)) opts.options.valueOf(opts.throttleOpt) else -1
executeAssignment(zkUtils, reassignmentJsonString, throttle)
def executeAssignment(zkUtils: ZkUtils, reassignmentJsonString: String, throttle: Long = -1) {
val partitionsToBeReassigned = parseAndValidate(zkUtils, reassignmentJsonString)
val reassignPartitionsCommand = new ReassignPartitionsCommand(zkUtils, partitionsToBeReassigned.toMap)
// If there is an existing rebalance running, attempt to change its throttle
if (zkUtils.pathExists(ZkUtils.ReassignPartitionsPath)) {
println("There is an existing assignment running.")
else {
printCurrentAssignment(zkUtils, partitionsToBeReassigned)
if (throttle >= 0)
println(String.format("Warning: You must run Verify periodically, until the reassignment completes, to ensure the throttle is removed. You can also alter the throttle by rerunning the Execute command passing a new value."))
if (reassignPartitionsCommand.reassignPartitions(throttle)) {
println("Successfully started reassignment of partitions.")
} else
println("Failed to reassign partitions %s".format(partitionsToBeReassigned))
def printCurrentAssignment(zkUtils: ZkUtils, partitionsToBeReassigned: Seq[(TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int])]): Unit = {
// before starting assignment, output the current replica assignment to facilitate rollback
val currentPartitionReplicaAssignment = zkUtils.getReplicaAssignmentForTopics(
println("Current partition replica assignment\n\n%s\n\nSave this to use as the --reassignment-json-file option during rollback"
def parseAndValidate(zkUtils: ZkUtils, reassignmentJsonString: String): Seq[(TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int])] = {
val partitionsToBeReassigned = ZkUtils.parsePartitionReassignmentDataWithoutDedup(reassignmentJsonString)
if (partitionsToBeReassigned.isEmpty)
throw new AdminCommandFailedException("Partition reassignment data file is empty")
val duplicateReassignedPartitions = CoreUtils.duplicates( { case (tp, _) => tp })
if (duplicateReassignedPartitions.nonEmpty)
throw new AdminCommandFailedException("Partition reassignment contains duplicate topic partitions: %s".format(duplicateReassignedPartitions.mkString(",")))
val duplicateEntries = partitionsToBeReassigned
.map { case (tp, replicas) => (tp, CoreUtils.duplicates(replicas))}
.filter { case (_, duplicatedReplicas) => duplicatedReplicas.nonEmpty }
if (duplicateEntries.nonEmpty) {
val duplicatesMsg = duplicateEntries
.map { case (tp, duplicateReplicas) => "%s contains multiple entries for %s".format(tp, duplicateReplicas.mkString(",")) }
.mkString(". ")
throw new AdminCommandFailedException("Partition replica lists may not contain duplicate entries: %s".format(duplicatesMsg))
//Check that all partitions in the proposed assignment exist in the cluster
val proposedTopics = { case (tp, _) => tp.topic }.distinct
val existingAssignment = zkUtils.getReplicaAssignmentForTopics(proposedTopics)
val nonExistentPartitions = { case (tp, _) => tp }.filterNot(existingAssignment.contains)
if (nonExistentPartitions.nonEmpty)
throw new AdminCommandFailedException("The proposed assignment contains non-existent partitions: " +
private def checkIfReassignmentSucceeded(zkUtils: ZkUtils, partitionsToBeReassigned: Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]])
:Map[TopicAndPartition, ReassignmentStatus] = {
val partitionsBeingReassigned = zkUtils.getPartitionsBeingReassigned().mapValues(_.newReplicas) { topicAndPartition =>
(topicAndPartition, checkIfPartitionReassignmentSucceeded(zkUtils, topicAndPartition, partitionsToBeReassigned,
def checkIfPartitionReassignmentSucceeded(zkUtils: ZkUtils, topicAndPartition: TopicAndPartition,
partitionsToBeReassigned: Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]],
partitionsBeingReassigned: Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]]): ReassignmentStatus = {
val newReplicas = partitionsToBeReassigned(topicAndPartition)
partitionsBeingReassigned.get(topicAndPartition) match {
case Some(partition) => ReassignmentInProgress
case None =>
// check if the current replica assignment matches the expected one after reassignment
val assignedReplicas = zkUtils.getReplicasForPartition(topicAndPartition.topic, topicAndPartition.partition)
if(assignedReplicas == newReplicas)
else {
println(("ERROR: Assigned replicas (%s) don't match the list of replicas for reassignment (%s)" +
" for partition %s").format(assignedReplicas.mkString(","), newReplicas.mkString(","), topicAndPartition))
def validateAndParseArgs(args: Array[String]): ReassignPartitionsCommandOptions = {
val opts = new ReassignPartitionsCommandOptions(args)
if(args.length == 0)
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(opts.parser, "This command moves topic partitions between replicas.")
// Should have exactly one action
val actions = Seq(opts.generateOpt, opts.executeOpt, opts.verifyOpt).count(opts.options.has _)
if(actions != 1)
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(opts.parser, "Command must include exactly one action: --generate, --execute or --verify")
CommandLineUtils.checkRequiredArgs(opts.parser, opts.options, opts.zkConnectOpt)
//Validate arguments for each action
if(opts.options.has(opts.verifyOpt)) {
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(opts.parser, "If --verify option is used, command must include --reassignment-json-file that was used during the --execute option")
CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(opts.parser, opts.options, opts.verifyOpt, Set(opts.throttleOpt, opts.topicsToMoveJsonFileOpt, opts.disableRackAware, opts.brokerListOpt))
else if(opts.options.has(opts.generateOpt)) {
if(!(opts.options.has(opts.topicsToMoveJsonFileOpt) && opts.options.has(opts.brokerListOpt)))
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(opts.parser, "If --generate option is used, command must include both --topics-to-move-json-file and --broker-list options")
CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(opts.parser, opts.options, opts.generateOpt, Set(opts.throttleOpt, opts.reassignmentJsonFileOpt))
else if (opts.options.has(opts.executeOpt)){
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(opts.parser, "If --execute option is used, command must include --reassignment-json-file that was output " + "during the --generate option")
CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(opts.parser, opts.options, opts.executeOpt, Set(opts.topicsToMoveJsonFileOpt, opts.disableRackAware, opts.brokerListOpt))
class ReassignPartitionsCommandOptions(args: Array[String]) {
val parser = new OptionParser
val zkConnectOpt = parser.accepts("zookeeper", "REQUIRED: The connection string for the zookeeper connection in the " +
"form host:port. Multiple URLS can be given to allow fail-over.")
val generateOpt = parser.accepts("generate", "Generate a candidate partition reassignment configuration." +
" Note that this only generates a candidate assignment, it does not execute it.")
val executeOpt = parser.accepts("execute", "Kick off the reassignment as specified by the --reassignment-json-file option.")
val verifyOpt = parser.accepts("verify", "Verify if the reassignment completed as specified by the --reassignment-json-file option. If there is a throttle engaged for the replicas specified, and the rebalance has completed, the throttle will be removed")
val reassignmentJsonFileOpt = parser.accepts("reassignment-json-file", "The JSON file with the partition reassignment configuration" +
"The format to use is - \n" +
"{\"partitions\":\n\t[{\"topic\": \"foo\",\n\t \"partition\": 1,\n\t \"replicas\": [1,2,3] }],\n\"version\":1\n}")
.describedAs("manual assignment json file path")
val topicsToMoveJsonFileOpt = parser.accepts("topics-to-move-json-file", "Generate a reassignment configuration to move the partitions" +
" of the specified topics to the list of brokers specified by the --broker-list option. The format to use is - \n" +
"{\"topics\":\n\t[{\"topic\": \"foo\"},{\"topic\": \"foo1\"}],\n\"version\":1\n}")
.describedAs("topics to reassign json file path")
val brokerListOpt = parser.accepts("broker-list", "The list of brokers to which the partitions need to be reassigned" +
" in the form \"0,1,2\". This is required if --topics-to-move-json-file is used to generate reassignment configuration")
val disableRackAware = parser.accepts("disable-rack-aware", "Disable rack aware replica assignment")
val throttleOpt = parser.accepts("throttle", "The movement of partitions will be throttled to this value (bytes/sec). Rerunning with this option, whilst a rebalance is in progress, will alter the throttle value. The throttle rate should be at least 1 KB/s.")
val options = parser.parse(args : _*)
class ReassignPartitionsCommand(zkUtils: ZkUtils, proposedAssignment: Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]])
extends Logging {
def existingAssignment(): Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]] = {
val proposedTopics =
private def maybeThrottle(throttle: Long): Unit = {
if (throttle >= 0) {
assignThrottledReplicas(existingAssignment(), proposedAssignment)
* Limit the throttle on currently moving replicas. Note that this command can use used to alter the throttle, but
* it may not alter all limits originally set, if some of the brokers have completed their rebalance.
def maybeLimit(throttle: Long) {
if (throttle >= 0) {
val existingBrokers = existingAssignment().values.flatten.toSeq
val proposedBrokers = proposedAssignment.values.flatten.toSeq
val brokers = (existingBrokers ++ proposedBrokers).distinct
for (id <- brokers) {
val configs = AdminUtils.fetchEntityConfig(zkUtils, ConfigType.Broker, id.toString)
configs.put(DynamicConfig.Broker.LeaderReplicationThrottledRateProp, throttle.toString)
configs.put(DynamicConfig.Broker.FollowerReplicationThrottledRateProp, throttle.toString)
AdminUtils.changeBrokerConfig(zkUtils, Seq(id), configs)
println(s"The throttle limit was set to $throttle B/s")
/** Set throttles to replicas that are moving. Note: this method should only be used when the assignment is initiated. */
private[admin] def assignThrottledReplicas(allExisting: Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]], allProposed: Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]], admin: AdminUtilities = AdminUtils): Unit = {
for (topic <- {
val (existing, proposed) = filterBy(topic, allExisting, allProposed)
//Apply the leader throttle to all replicas that exist before the re-balance.
val leader = format(preRebalanceReplicaForMovingPartitions(existing, proposed))
//Apply a follower throttle to all "move destinations".
val follower = format(postRebalanceReplicasThatMoved(existing, proposed))
val configs = admin.fetchEntityConfig(zkUtils, ConfigType.Topic, topic)
configs.put(LeaderReplicationThrottledReplicasProp, leader)
configs.put(FollowerReplicationThrottledReplicasProp, follower)
admin.changeTopicConfig(zkUtils, topic, configs)
debug(s"Updated leader-throttled replicas for topic $topic with: $leader")
debug(s"Updated follower-throttled replicas for topic $topic with: $follower")
private def postRebalanceReplicasThatMoved(existing: Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]], proposed: Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]]): Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]] = {
//For each partition in the proposed list, filter out any replicas that exist now (i.e. are in the proposed list and hence are not moving) { case (tp, current) =>
tp -> (proposed(tp).toSet -- current).toSeq
private def preRebalanceReplicaForMovingPartitions(existing: Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]], proposed: Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]]): Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]] = {
//Throttle all existing replicas (as any one might be a leader). So just filter out those which aren't moving
existing.filter { case (tp, current) =>
(proposed(tp).toSet -- current).nonEmpty
def format(moves: Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]]): String =
moves.flatMap { case (tp, moves) => => s"${tp.partition}:${replicaId}")
def filterBy(topic: String, allExisting: Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]], allProposed: Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]]): (Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]], Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]]) = {
(allExisting.filter { case (tp, _) => tp.topic == topic },
allProposed.filter { case (tp, _) => tp.topic == topic })
def reassignPartitions(throttle: Long = -1): Boolean = {
try {
val validPartitions = proposedAssignment.filter { case (p, _) => validatePartition(zkUtils, p.topic, p.partition) }
if (validPartitions.isEmpty) false
else {
val jsonReassignmentData = ZkUtils.formatAsReassignmentJson(validPartitions)
zkUtils.createPersistentPath(ZkUtils.ReassignPartitionsPath, jsonReassignmentData)
} catch {
case ze: ZkNodeExistsException =>
val partitionsBeingReassigned = zkUtils.getPartitionsBeingReassigned()
throw new AdminCommandFailedException("Partition reassignment currently in " +
"progress for %s. Aborting operation".format(partitionsBeingReassigned))
case e: Throwable => error("Admin command failed", e); false
def validatePartition(zkUtils: ZkUtils, topic: String, partition: Int): Boolean = {
// check if partition exists
val partitionsOpt = zkUtils.getPartitionsForTopics(List(topic)).get(topic)
partitionsOpt match {
case Some(partitions) =>
if(partitions.contains(partition)) {
} else {
error("Skipping reassignment of partition [%s,%d] ".format(topic, partition) +
"since it doesn't exist")
case None => error("Skipping reassignment of partition " +
"[%s,%d] since topic %s doesn't exist".format(topic, partition, topic))
sealed trait ReassignmentStatus { def status: Int }
case object ReassignmentCompleted extends ReassignmentStatus { val status = 1 }
case object ReassignmentInProgress extends ReassignmentStatus { val status = 0 }
case object ReassignmentFailed extends ReassignmentStatus { val status = -1 }