blob: 69e83c03be88ead7a98c16fd1c6373ade395309a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package kafka.server
import java.util.Collections
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.{MetricConfig, Metrics, Quota}
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.MockTime
import org.junit.Assert.{assertEquals, assertTrue}
import org.junit.{Before, Test}
class ClientQuotaManagerTest {
private val time = new MockTime
private val config = ClientQuotaManagerConfig(quotaBytesPerSecondDefault = 500)
var numCallbacks: Int = 0
def callback(delayTimeMs: Int) {
numCallbacks += 1
def beforeMethod() {
numCallbacks = 0
def testQuotaParsing() {
val clientMetrics = new ClientQuotaManager(config, newMetrics, "producer", time)
// Case 1: Update the quota. Assert that the new quota value is returned
clientMetrics.updateQuota("p1", new Quota(2000, true))
clientMetrics.updateQuota("p2", new Quota(4000, true))
try {
assertEquals("Default producer quota should be 500", new Quota(500, true), clientMetrics.quota("random-client-id"))
assertEquals("Should return the overridden value (2000)", new Quota(2000, true), clientMetrics.quota("p1"))
assertEquals("Should return the overridden value (4000)", new Quota(4000, true), clientMetrics.quota("p2"))
// p1 should be throttled using the overridden quota
var throttleTimeMs = clientMetrics.recordAndMaybeThrottle("p1", 2500 * config.numQuotaSamples, this.callback)
assertTrue(s"throttleTimeMs should be > 0. was $throttleTimeMs", throttleTimeMs > 0)
// Case 2: Change quota again. The quota should be updated within KafkaMetrics as well since the sensor was created.
// p1 should not longer be throttled after the quota change
clientMetrics.updateQuota("p1", new Quota(3000, true))
assertEquals("Should return the newly overridden value (3000)", new Quota(3000, true), clientMetrics.quota("p1"))
throttleTimeMs = clientMetrics.recordAndMaybeThrottle("p1", 0, this.callback)
assertEquals(s"throttleTimeMs should be 0. was $throttleTimeMs", 0, throttleTimeMs)
// Case 3: Change quota back to default. Should be throttled again
clientMetrics.updateQuota("p1", new Quota(500, true))
assertEquals("Should return the default value (500)", new Quota(500, true), clientMetrics.quota("p1"))
throttleTimeMs = clientMetrics.recordAndMaybeThrottle("p1", 0, this.callback)
assertTrue(s"throttleTimeMs should be > 0. was $throttleTimeMs", throttleTimeMs > 0)
} finally {
def testQuotaViolation() {
val metrics = newMetrics
val clientMetrics = new ClientQuotaManager(config, metrics, "producer", time)
val queueSizeMetric = metrics.metrics().get(metrics.metricName("queue-size", "producer", ""))
try {
/* We have 10 second windows. Make sure that there is no quota violation
* if we produce under the quota
for (i <- 0 until 10) {
clientMetrics.recordAndMaybeThrottle("unknown", 400, callback)
assertEquals(10, numCallbacks)
assertEquals(0, queueSizeMetric.value().toInt)
// Create a spike.
// 400*10 + 2000 + 300 = 6300/10.5 = 600 bytes per second.
// (600 - quota)/quota*window-size = (600-500)/500*10.5 seconds = 2100
// 10.5 seconds because the last window is half complete
val sleepTime = clientMetrics.recordAndMaybeThrottle("unknown", 2300, callback)
assertEquals("Should be throttled", 2100, sleepTime)
assertEquals(1, queueSizeMetric.value().toInt)
// After a request is delayed, the callback cannot be triggered immediately
assertEquals(10, numCallbacks)
// Callback can only be triggered after the delay time passes
assertEquals(0, queueSizeMetric.value().toInt)
assertEquals(11, numCallbacks)
// Could continue to see delays until the bursty sample disappears
for (i <- 0 until 10) {
clientMetrics.recordAndMaybeThrottle("unknown", 400, callback)
assertEquals("Should be unthrottled since bursty sample has rolled over",
0, clientMetrics.recordAndMaybeThrottle("unknown", 0, callback))
} finally {
def testExpireThrottleTimeSensor() {
val metrics = newMetrics
val clientMetrics = new ClientQuotaManager(config, metrics, "producer", time)
try {
clientMetrics.recordAndMaybeThrottle("client1", 100, callback)
// remove the throttle time sensor
// should not throw an exception even if the throttle time sensor does not exist.
val throttleTime = clientMetrics.recordAndMaybeThrottle("client1", 10000, callback)
assertTrue("Should be throttled", throttleTime > 0)
// the sensor should get recreated
val throttleTimeSensor = metrics.getSensor("producerThrottleTime-client1")
assertTrue("Throttle time sensor should exist", throttleTimeSensor != null)
} finally {
def testExpireQuotaSensors() {
val metrics = newMetrics
val clientMetrics = new ClientQuotaManager(config, metrics, "producer", time)
try {
clientMetrics.recordAndMaybeThrottle("client1", 100, callback)
// remove all the sensors
// should not throw an exception
val throttleTime = clientMetrics.recordAndMaybeThrottle("client1", 10000, callback)
assertTrue("Should be throttled", throttleTime > 0)
// all the sensors should get recreated
val throttleTimeSensor = metrics.getSensor("producerThrottleTime-client1")
assertTrue("Throttle time sensor should exist", throttleTimeSensor != null)
val byteRateSensor = metrics.getSensor("producer-client1")
assertTrue("Byte rate sensor should exist", byteRateSensor != null)
} finally {
def newMetrics: Metrics = {
new Metrics(new MetricConfig(), Collections.emptyList(), time)