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package unit.kafka.admin
import kafka.admin.ReassignPartitionsCommand
import kafka.server.{KafkaConfig, KafkaServer}
import kafka.utils.TestUtils._
import kafka.utils.ZkUtils._
import kafka.utils.{CoreUtils, Logging}
import kafka.zk.ZooKeeperTestHarness
import org.junit.{After, Before, Test}
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import scala.collection.Seq
class ReassignPartitionsClusterTest extends ZooKeeperTestHarness with Logging {
val partitionId = 0
var servers: Seq[KafkaServer] = null
val topicName = "my-topic"
override def setUp() {
def startBrokers(brokerIds: Seq[Int]) {
servers = => createBrokerConfig(i, zkConnect))
.map(c => createServer(KafkaConfig.fromProps(c)))
override def tearDown() {
servers.foreach(server => CoreUtils.delete(server.config.logDirs))
def shouldMoveSinglePartition {
//Given a single replica on server 100
startBrokers(Seq(100, 101))
val partition = 0
createTopic(zkUtils, topicName, Map(partition -> Seq(100)), servers = servers)
//When we move the replica on 100 to broker 101
ReassignPartitionsCommand.executeAssignment(zkUtils, s"""{"version":1,"partitions":[{"topic":"$topicName","partition":0,"replicas":[101]}]}""")
//Then the replica should be on 101
assertEquals(zkUtils.getPartitionAssignmentForTopics(Seq(topicName)).get(topicName).get(partition), Seq(101))
def shouldExpandCluster() {
//Given partitions on 2 of 3 brokers
val brokers = Array(100, 101, 102)
createTopic(zkUtils, topicName, Map(
0 -> Seq(100, 101),
1 -> Seq(100, 101),
2 -> Seq(100, 101)
), servers = servers)
//When rebalancing
val newAssignment = ReassignPartitionsCommand.generateAssignment(zkUtils, brokers, json(topicName), true)._1
ReassignPartitionsCommand.executeAssignment(zkUtils, zkUtils.formatAsReassignmentJson(newAssignment))
//Then the replicas should span all three brokers
val actual = zkUtils.getPartitionAssignmentForTopics(Seq(topicName))(topicName)
assertEquals(actual.values.flatten.toSeq.distinct.sorted, Seq(100, 101, 102))
def shouldShrinkCluster() {
//Given partitions on 3 of 3 brokers
val brokers = Array(100, 101, 102)
createTopic(zkUtils, topicName, Map(
0 -> Seq(100, 101),
1 -> Seq(101, 102),
2 -> Seq(102, 100)
), servers = servers)
//When rebalancing
val newAssignment = ReassignPartitionsCommand.generateAssignment(zkUtils, Array(100, 101), json(topicName), true)._1
ReassignPartitionsCommand.executeAssignment(zkUtils, zkUtils.formatAsReassignmentJson(newAssignment))
//Then replicas should only span the first two brokers
val actual = zkUtils.getPartitionAssignmentForTopics(Seq(topicName))(topicName)
assertEquals(actual.values.flatten.toSeq.distinct.sorted, Seq(100, 101))
def waitForReasignmentToComplete() {
waitUntilTrue(() => !zkUtils.pathExists(ReassignPartitionsPath), s"Znode $zkUtils.ReassignPartitionsPath wasn't deleted")
def json(topic: String): String = {
s"""{"topics": [{"topic": "$topic"}],"version":1}"""