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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE
* file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
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package kafka.api
import java.util
import java.util.Properties
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import kafka.log.LogConfig
import kafka.server.KafkaConfig
import kafka.utils.TestUtils
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer._
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.{StringDeserializer, StringSerializer, ByteArraySerializer}
import org.apache.kafka.test.{MockProducerInterceptor, MockConsumerInterceptor}
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.{ProducerConfig, ProducerRecord}
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.{InvalidTopicException, RecordTooLargeException}
import org.apache.kafka.common.record.{CompressionType, TimestampType}
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer
import org.junit.Assert._
import org.junit.Test
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable.Buffer
import java.util.Locale
/* We have some tests in this class instead of `BaseConsumerTest` in order to keep the build time under control. */
class PlaintextConsumerTest extends BaseConsumerTest {
def testMaxPollRecords() {
val maxPollRecords = 2
val numRecords = 10000
this.consumerConfig.setProperty(ConsumerConfig.MAX_POLL_RECORDS_CONFIG, maxPollRecords.toString)
val consumer0 = new KafkaConsumer(this.consumerConfig, new ByteArrayDeserializer(), new ByteArrayDeserializer())
consumers += consumer0
consumeAndVerifyRecords(consumer0, numRecords = numRecords, startingOffset = 0,
maxPollRecords = maxPollRecords)
def testAutoCommitOnClose() {
this.consumerConfig.setProperty(ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG, "true")
val consumer0 = new KafkaConsumer(this.consumerConfig, new ByteArrayDeserializer(), new ByteArrayDeserializer())
val numRecords = 10000
val assignment = Set(tp, tp2)
TestUtils.waitUntilTrue(() => {
consumer0.assignment() == assignment.asJava
}, s"Expected partitions ${assignment.asJava} but actually got ${consumer0.assignment()}")
// should auto-commit seeked positions before closing, 300), 500)
// now we should see the committed positions from another consumer
assertEquals(300, this.consumers(0).committed(tp).offset)
assertEquals(500, this.consumers(0).committed(tp2).offset)
def testAutoCommitOnCloseAfterWakeup() {
this.consumerConfig.setProperty(ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG, "true")
val consumer0 = new KafkaConsumer(this.consumerConfig, new ByteArrayDeserializer(), new ByteArrayDeserializer())
val numRecords = 10000
val assignment = Set(tp, tp2)
TestUtils.waitUntilTrue(() => {
consumer0.assignment() == assignment.asJava
}, s"Expected partitions ${assignment.asJava} but actually got ${consumer0.assignment()}")
// should auto-commit seeked positions before closing, 300), 500)
// wakeup the consumer before closing to simulate trying to break a poll
// loop from another thread
// now we should see the committed positions from another consumer
assertEquals(300, this.consumers(0).committed(tp).offset)
assertEquals(500, this.consumers(0).committed(tp2).offset)
def testAutoOffsetReset() {
consumeAndVerifyRecords(consumer = this.consumers(0), numRecords = 1, startingOffset = 0)
def testGroupConsumption() {
consumeAndVerifyRecords(consumer = this.consumers(0), numRecords = 1, startingOffset = 0)
def testPatternSubscription() {
val numRecords = 10000
val topic1 = "tblablac" // matches subscribed pattern
TestUtils.createTopic(this.zkUtils, topic1, 2, serverCount, this.servers)
sendRecords(1000, new TopicPartition(topic1, 0))
sendRecords(1000, new TopicPartition(topic1, 1))
val topic2 = "tblablak" // does not match subscribed pattern
TestUtils.createTopic(this.zkUtils, topic2, 2, serverCount, this.servers)
sendRecords(1000, new TopicPartition(topic2, 0))
sendRecords(1000, new TopicPartition(topic2, 1))
val topic3 = "tblab1" // does not match subscribed pattern
TestUtils.createTopic(this.zkUtils, topic3, 2, serverCount, this.servers)
sendRecords(1000, new TopicPartition(topic3, 0))
sendRecords(1000, new TopicPartition(topic3, 1))
assertEquals(0, this.consumers(0).assignment().size)
val pattern = Pattern.compile("t.*c")
this.consumers(0).subscribe(pattern, new TestConsumerReassignmentListener)
var subscriptions = Set(
new TopicPartition(topic, 0),
new TopicPartition(topic, 1),
new TopicPartition(topic1, 0),
new TopicPartition(topic1, 1))
TestUtils.waitUntilTrue(() => {
this.consumers(0).assignment() == subscriptions.asJava
}, s"Expected partitions ${subscriptions.asJava} but actually got ${this.consumers(0).assignment()}")
val topic4 = "tsomec" // matches subscribed pattern
TestUtils.createTopic(this.zkUtils, topic4, 2, serverCount, this.servers)
sendRecords(1000, new TopicPartition(topic4, 0))
sendRecords(1000, new TopicPartition(topic4, 1))
subscriptions ++= Set(
new TopicPartition(topic4, 0),
new TopicPartition(topic4, 1))
TestUtils.waitUntilTrue(() => {
this.consumers(0).assignment() == subscriptions.asJava
}, s"Expected partitions ${subscriptions.asJava} but actually got ${this.consumers(0).assignment()}")
assertEquals(0, this.consumers(0).assignment().size)
def testPatternUnsubscription() {
val numRecords = 10000
val topic1 = "tblablac" // matches subscribed pattern
TestUtils.createTopic(this.zkUtils, topic1, 2, serverCount, this.servers)
sendRecords(1000, new TopicPartition(topic1, 0))
sendRecords(1000, new TopicPartition(topic1, 1))
assertEquals(0, this.consumers(0).assignment().size)
this.consumers(0).subscribe(Pattern.compile("t.*c"), new TestConsumerReassignmentListener)
val subscriptions = Set(
new TopicPartition(topic, 0),
new TopicPartition(topic, 1),
new TopicPartition(topic1, 0),
new TopicPartition(topic1, 1))
TestUtils.waitUntilTrue(() => {
this.consumers(0).assignment() == subscriptions.asJava
}, s"Expected partitions ${subscriptions.asJava} but actually got ${this.consumers(0).assignment()}")
assertEquals(0, this.consumers(0).assignment().size)
def testCommitMetadata() {
// sync commit
val syncMetadata = new OffsetAndMetadata(5, "foo")
this.consumers(0).commitSync(Map((tp, syncMetadata)).asJava)
assertEquals(syncMetadata, this.consumers(0).committed(tp))
// async commit
val asyncMetadata = new OffsetAndMetadata(10, "bar")
val callback = new CountConsumerCommitCallback
this.consumers(0).commitAsync(Map((tp, asyncMetadata)).asJava, callback)
awaitCommitCallback(this.consumers(0), callback)
assertEquals(asyncMetadata, this.consumers(0).committed(tp))
// handle null metadata
val nullMetadata = new OffsetAndMetadata(5, null)
this.consumers(0).commitSync(Map((tp, nullMetadata)).asJava)
assertEquals(nullMetadata, this.consumers(0).committed(tp))
def testAsyncCommit() {
val consumer = this.consumers(0)
val callback = new CountConsumerCommitCallback
val count = 5
for (i <- 1 to count)
consumer.commitAsync(Map(tp -> new OffsetAndMetadata(i)).asJava, callback)
awaitCommitCallback(consumer, callback, count=count)
assertEquals(new OffsetAndMetadata(count), consumer.committed(tp))
def testExpandingTopicSubscriptions() {
val otherTopic = "other"
val subscriptions = Set(new TopicPartition(topic, 0), new TopicPartition(topic, 1))
val expandedSubscriptions = subscriptions ++ Set(new TopicPartition(otherTopic, 0), new TopicPartition(otherTopic, 1))
TestUtils.waitUntilTrue(() => {
this.consumers(0).assignment == subscriptions.asJava
}, s"Expected partitions ${subscriptions.asJava} but actually got ${this.consumers(0).assignment}")
TestUtils.createTopic(this.zkUtils, otherTopic, 2, serverCount, this.servers)
this.consumers(0).subscribe(List(topic, otherTopic).asJava)
TestUtils.waitUntilTrue(() => {
this.consumers(0).assignment == expandedSubscriptions.asJava
}, s"Expected partitions ${expandedSubscriptions.asJava} but actually got ${this.consumers(0).assignment}")
def testShrinkingTopicSubscriptions() {
val otherTopic = "other"
TestUtils.createTopic(this.zkUtils, otherTopic, 2, serverCount, this.servers)
val subscriptions = Set(new TopicPartition(topic, 0), new TopicPartition(topic, 1), new TopicPartition(otherTopic, 0), new TopicPartition(otherTopic, 1))
val shrunkenSubscriptions = Set(new TopicPartition(topic, 0), new TopicPartition(topic, 1))
this.consumers(0).subscribe(List(topic, otherTopic).asJava)
TestUtils.waitUntilTrue(() => {
this.consumers(0).assignment == subscriptions.asJava
}, s"Expected partitions ${subscriptions.asJava} but actually got ${this.consumers(0).assignment}")
TestUtils.waitUntilTrue(() => {
this.consumers(0).assignment == shrunkenSubscriptions.asJava
}, s"Expected partitions ${shrunkenSubscriptions.asJava} but actually got ${this.consumers(0).assignment}")
def testPartitionsFor() {
val numParts = 2
TestUtils.createTopic(this.zkUtils, "part-test", numParts, 1, this.servers)
val parts = this.consumers(0).partitionsFor("part-test")
assertEquals(2, parts.size)
def testPartitionsForAutoCreate() {
val partitions = this.consumers(0).partitionsFor("non-exist-topic")
@Test(expected = classOf[InvalidTopicException])
def testPartitionsForInvalidTopic() {
this.consumers(0).partitionsFor(";3# ads,{234")
def testSeek() {
val consumer = this.consumers(0)
val totalRecords = 50L
val mid = totalRecords / 2
// Test seek non-compressed message
sendRecords(totalRecords.toInt, tp)
assertEquals(totalRecords, consumer.position(tp))
assertEquals(0, consumer.position(tp), 0)
consumeAndVerifyRecords(consumer, numRecords = 1, startingOffset = 0), mid)
assertEquals(mid, consumer.position(tp))
consumeAndVerifyRecords(consumer, numRecords = 1, startingOffset = mid.toInt, startingKeyAndValueIndex = mid.toInt,
startingTimestamp = mid.toLong)
// Test seek compressed message
sendCompressedMessages(totalRecords.toInt, tp2)
assertEquals(totalRecords, consumer.position(tp2))
assertEquals(0, consumer.position(tp2), 0)
consumeAndVerifyRecords(consumer, numRecords = 1, startingOffset = 0, tp = tp2), mid)
assertEquals(mid, consumer.position(tp2))
consumeAndVerifyRecords(consumer, numRecords = 1, startingOffset = mid.toInt, startingKeyAndValueIndex = mid.toInt,
startingTimestamp = mid.toLong, tp = tp2)
private def sendCompressedMessages(numRecords: Int, tp: TopicPartition) {
val producerProps = new Properties()
producerProps.setProperty(ProducerConfig.LINGER_MS_CONFIG, Long.MaxValue.toString)
val producer = TestUtils.createNewProducer(brokerList, securityProtocol = securityProtocol, trustStoreFile = trustStoreFile,
saslProperties = saslProperties, retries = 0, lingerMs = Long.MaxValue, props = Some(producerProps))
(0 until numRecords).foreach { i =>
producer.send(new ProducerRecord(tp.topic, tp.partition, i.toLong, s"key $i".getBytes, s"value $i".getBytes))
def testPositionAndCommit() {
assertNull(this.consumers(0).committed(new TopicPartition(topic, 15)))
// position() on a partition that we aren't subscribed to throws an exception
intercept[IllegalArgumentException] {
this.consumers(0).position(new TopicPartition(topic, 15))
assertEquals("position() on a partition that we are subscribed to should reset the offset", 0L, this.consumers(0).position(tp))
assertEquals(0L, this.consumers(0).committed(tp).offset)
consumeAndVerifyRecords(consumer = this.consumers(0), numRecords = 5, startingOffset = 0)
assertEquals("After consuming 5 records, position should be 5", 5L, this.consumers(0).position(tp))
assertEquals("Committed offset should be returned", 5L, this.consumers(0).committed(tp).offset)
// another consumer in the same group should get the same position
consumeAndVerifyRecords(consumer = this.consumers(1), numRecords = 1, startingOffset = 5)
def testPartitionPauseAndResume() {
val partitions = List(tp).asJava
consumeAndVerifyRecords(consumer = this.consumers(0), numRecords = 5, startingOffset = 0)
consumeAndVerifyRecords(consumer = this.consumers(0), numRecords = 5, startingOffset = 5)
def testFetchInvalidOffset() {
this.consumerConfig.setProperty(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "none");
val consumer0 = new KafkaConsumer(this.consumerConfig, new ByteArrayDeserializer(), new ByteArrayDeserializer())
consumers += consumer0
// produce one record
val totalRecords = 2
sendRecords(totalRecords, tp)
// poll should fail because there is no offset reset strategy set
intercept[NoOffsetForPartitionException] {
// seek to out of range position
val outOfRangePos = totalRecords + 1, outOfRangePos)
val e = intercept[OffsetOutOfRangeException] {
val outOfRangePartitions = e.offsetOutOfRangePartitions()
assertEquals(1, outOfRangePartitions.size)
assertEquals(outOfRangePos.toLong, outOfRangePartitions.get(tp))
def testFetchRecordTooLarge() {
val maxFetchBytes = 10 * 1024
this.consumerConfig.setProperty(ConsumerConfig.MAX_PARTITION_FETCH_BYTES_CONFIG, maxFetchBytes.toString)
val consumer0 = new KafkaConsumer(this.consumerConfig, new ByteArrayDeserializer(), new ByteArrayDeserializer())
consumers += consumer0
// produce a record that is larger than the configured fetch size
val record = new ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]](tp.topic(), tp.partition(), "key".getBytes, new Array[Byte](maxFetchBytes + 1))
// consuming a too-large record should fail
val e = intercept[RecordTooLargeException] {
val oversizedPartitions = e.recordTooLargePartitions()
assertEquals(1, oversizedPartitions.size)
// the oversized message is at offset 0
assertEquals(0L, oversizedPartitions.get(tp))
def testRoundRobinAssignment() {
// 1 consumer using round-robin assignment
this.consumerConfig.setProperty(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, "roundrobin-group")
this.consumerConfig.setProperty(ConsumerConfig.PARTITION_ASSIGNMENT_STRATEGY_CONFIG, classOf[RoundRobinAssignor].getName)
val consumer0 = new KafkaConsumer(this.consumerConfig, new ByteArrayDeserializer(), new ByteArrayDeserializer())
consumers += consumer0
// create two new topics, each having 2 partitions
val topic1 = "topic1"
val topic2 = "topic2"
val expectedAssignment = createTopicAndSendRecords(topic1, 2, 100) ++ createTopicAndSendRecords(topic2, 2, 100)
assertEquals(0, consumer0.assignment().size)
// subscribe to two topics
consumer0.subscribe(List(topic1, topic2).asJava)
TestUtils.waitUntilTrue(() => {
consumer0.assignment() == expectedAssignment.asJava
}, s"Expected partitions ${expectedAssignment.asJava} but actually got ${consumer0.assignment()}")
// add one more topic with 2 partitions
val topic3 = "topic3"
createTopicAndSendRecords(topic3, 2, 100)
val newExpectedAssignment = expectedAssignment ++ Set(new TopicPartition(topic3, 0), new TopicPartition(topic3, 1))
consumer0.subscribe(List(topic1, topic2, topic3).asJava)
TestUtils.waitUntilTrue(() => {
consumer0.assignment() == newExpectedAssignment.asJava
}, s"Expected partitions ${newExpectedAssignment.asJava} but actually got ${consumer0.assignment()}")
// remove the topic we just added
consumer0.subscribe(List(topic1, topic2).asJava)
TestUtils.waitUntilTrue(() => {
consumer0.assignment() == expectedAssignment.asJava
}, s"Expected partitions ${expectedAssignment.asJava} but actually got ${consumer0.assignment()}")
assertEquals(0, consumer0.assignment().size)
def testMultiConsumerRoundRobinAssignment() {
this.consumerConfig.setProperty(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, "roundrobin-group")
this.consumerConfig.setProperty(ConsumerConfig.PARTITION_ASSIGNMENT_STRATEGY_CONFIG, classOf[RoundRobinAssignor].getName)
// create two new topics, total number of partitions must be greater than number of consumers
val topic1 = "topic1"
val topic2 = "topic2"
val subscriptions = createTopicAndSendRecords(topic1, 5, 100) ++ createTopicAndSendRecords(topic2, 8, 100)
// create a group of consumers, subscribe the consumers to all the topics and start polling
// for the topic partition assignment
val (rrConsumers, consumerPollers) = createConsumerGroupAndWaitForAssignment(10, List(topic1, topic2), subscriptions)
// add one more consumer and validate re-assignment
addConsumersToGroupAndWaitForGroupAssignment(1, consumers, consumerPollers, List(topic1, topic2), subscriptions)
// done with pollers and consumers
for (poller <- consumerPollers)
for (consumer <- consumers)
* This test re-uses BaseConsumerTest's consumers.
* As a result, it is testing the default assignment strategy set by BaseConsumerTest
def testMultiConsumerDefaultAssignment() {
// use consumers and topics defined in this class + one more topic
sendRecords(100, tp)
sendRecords(100, tp2)
val topic1 = "topic1"
val subscriptions = Set(tp, tp2) ++ createTopicAndSendRecords(topic1, 5, 100)
// subscribe all consumers to all topics and validate the assignment
val consumerPollers = subscribeConsumersAndWaitForAssignment(consumers, List(topic, topic1), subscriptions)
// add 2 more consumers and validate re-assignment
addConsumersToGroupAndWaitForGroupAssignment(2, consumers, consumerPollers, List(topic, topic1), subscriptions)
// add one more topic and validate partition re-assignment
val topic2 = "topic2"
val expandedSubscriptions = subscriptions ++ createTopicAndSendRecords(topic2, 3, 100)
changeConsumerGroupSubscriptionAndValidateAssignment(consumerPollers, List(topic, topic1, topic2), expandedSubscriptions)
// remove the topic we just added and validate re-assignment
changeConsumerGroupSubscriptionAndValidateAssignment(consumerPollers, List(topic, topic1), subscriptions)
// done with pollers and consumers
for (poller <- consumerPollers)
for (consumer <- consumers)
def testMultiConsumerSessionTimeoutOnStopPolling(): Unit = {
def testMultiConsumerSessionTimeoutOnClose(): Unit = {
def testInterceptors() {
val appendStr = "mock"
// create producer with interceptor
val producerProps = new Properties()
producerProps.put(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, brokerList)
producerProps.put(ProducerConfig.INTERCEPTOR_CLASSES_CONFIG, "org.apache.kafka.test.MockProducerInterceptor")
producerProps.put("mock.interceptor.append", appendStr)
val testProducer = new KafkaProducer[String, String](producerProps, new StringSerializer, new StringSerializer)
// produce records
val numRecords = 10
(0 until numRecords).map { i =>
testProducer.send(new ProducerRecord(tp.topic(), tp.partition(), s"key $i", s"value $i"))
assertEquals(numRecords, MockProducerInterceptor.ONSEND_COUNT.intValue())
assertEquals(numRecords, MockProducerInterceptor.ON_SUCCESS_COUNT.intValue())
// send invalid record
try {
testProducer.send(null, null)
fail("Should not allow sending a null record")
} catch {
case e: Throwable => {
assertEquals("Interceptor should be notified about exception", 1, MockProducerInterceptor.ON_ERROR_COUNT.intValue())
assertEquals("Interceptor should not receive metadata with an exception when record is null", 0, MockProducerInterceptor.ON_ERROR_WITH_METADATA_COUNT.intValue())
// create consumer with interceptor
this.consumerConfig.setProperty(ConsumerConfig.INTERCEPTOR_CLASSES_CONFIG, "org.apache.kafka.test.MockConsumerInterceptor")
val testConsumer = new KafkaConsumer[String, String](this.consumerConfig, new StringDeserializer(), new StringDeserializer())
testConsumer.assign(List(tp).asJava), 0)
// consume and verify that values are modified by interceptors
val records = consumeRecords(testConsumer, numRecords)
for (i <- 0 until numRecords) {
val record = records.get(i)
assertEquals(s"key $i", new String(record.key()))
assertEquals(s"value $i$appendStr".toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT), new String(record.value()))
// commit sync and verify onCommit is called
val commitCountBefore = MockConsumerInterceptor.ON_COMMIT_COUNT.intValue()
testConsumer.commitSync(Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]((tp, new OffsetAndMetadata(2L))).asJava)
assertEquals(2, testConsumer.committed(tp).offset)
assertEquals(commitCountBefore + 1, MockConsumerInterceptor.ON_COMMIT_COUNT.intValue())
// commit async and verify onCommit is called
val commitCallback = new CountConsumerCommitCallback()
testConsumer.commitAsync(Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]((tp, new OffsetAndMetadata(5L))).asJava, commitCallback)
awaitCommitCallback(testConsumer, commitCallback)
assertEquals(5, testConsumer.committed(tp).offset)
assertEquals(commitCountBefore + 2, MockConsumerInterceptor.ON_COMMIT_COUNT.intValue())
// cleanup
def testAutoCommitIntercept() {
val topic2 = "topic2"
TestUtils.createTopic(this.zkUtils, topic2, 2, serverCount, this.servers)
// produce records
val numRecords = 100
val testProducer = new KafkaProducer[String, String](this.producerConfig, new StringSerializer, new StringSerializer)
(0 until numRecords).map { i =>
testProducer.send(new ProducerRecord(tp.topic(), tp.partition(), s"key $i", s"value $i"))
// create consumer with interceptor
this.consumerConfig.setProperty(ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG, "true")
this.consumerConfig.setProperty(ConsumerConfig.INTERCEPTOR_CLASSES_CONFIG, "org.apache.kafka.test.MockConsumerInterceptor")
val testConsumer = new KafkaConsumer[String, String](this.consumerConfig, new StringDeserializer(), new StringDeserializer())
val rebalanceListener = new ConsumerRebalanceListener {
override def onPartitionsAssigned(partitions: util.Collection[TopicPartition]) = {
// keep partitions paused in this test so that we can verify the commits based on specific seeks
override def onPartitionsRevoked(partitions: util.Collection[TopicPartition]) = {}
changeConsumerSubscriptionAndValidateAssignment(testConsumer, List(topic), Set(tp, tp2), rebalanceListener), 10), 20)
// change subscription to trigger rebalance
val commitCountBeforeRebalance = MockConsumerInterceptor.ON_COMMIT_COUNT.intValue()
List(topic, topic2),
Set(tp, tp2, new TopicPartition(topic2, 0), new TopicPartition(topic2, 1)),
// after rebalancing, we should have reset to the committed positions
assertEquals(10, testConsumer.committed(tp).offset)
assertEquals(20, testConsumer.committed(tp2).offset)
assertTrue(MockConsumerInterceptor.ON_COMMIT_COUNT.intValue() > commitCountBeforeRebalance)
// verify commits are intercepted on close
val commitCountBeforeClose = MockConsumerInterceptor.ON_COMMIT_COUNT.intValue()
assertTrue(MockConsumerInterceptor.ON_COMMIT_COUNT.intValue() > commitCountBeforeClose)
// cleanup
def testInterceptorsWithWrongKeyValue() {
val appendStr = "mock"
// create producer with interceptor that has different key and value types from the producer
val producerProps = new Properties()
producerProps.put(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, brokerList)
producerProps.put(ProducerConfig.INTERCEPTOR_CLASSES_CONFIG, "org.apache.kafka.test.MockProducerInterceptor")
producerProps.put("mock.interceptor.append", appendStr)
val testProducer = new KafkaProducer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]](producerProps, new ByteArraySerializer(), new ByteArraySerializer())
producers += testProducer
// producing records should succeed
testProducer.send(new ProducerRecord(tp.topic(), tp.partition(), s"key".getBytes, s"value will not be modified".getBytes))
// create consumer with interceptor that has different key and value types from the consumer
this.consumerConfig.setProperty(ConsumerConfig.INTERCEPTOR_CLASSES_CONFIG, "org.apache.kafka.test.MockConsumerInterceptor")
val testConsumer = new KafkaConsumer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]](this.consumerConfig, new ByteArrayDeserializer(), new ByteArrayDeserializer())
consumers += testConsumer
testConsumer.assign(List(tp).asJava), 0)
// consume and verify that values are not modified by interceptors -- their exceptions are caught and logged, but not propagated
val records = consumeRecords(testConsumer, 1)
val record = records.get(0)
assertEquals(s"value will not be modified", new String(record.value()))
def testConsumeMessagesWithCreateTime() {
val numRecords = 50
// Test non-compressed messages
sendRecords(numRecords, tp)
consumeAndVerifyRecords(consumer = this.consumers(0), numRecords = numRecords, startingOffset = 0, startingKeyAndValueIndex = 0,
startingTimestamp = 0)
// Test compressed messages
sendCompressedMessages(numRecords, tp2)
consumeAndVerifyRecords(consumer = this.consumers(0), numRecords = numRecords, tp = tp2, startingOffset = 0, startingKeyAndValueIndex = 0,
startingTimestamp = 0)
def testConsumeMessagesWithLogAppendTime() {
val topicName = "testConsumeMessagesWithLogAppendTime"
val topicProps = new Properties()
topicProps.setProperty(LogConfig.MessageTimestampTypeProp, "LogAppendTime")
TestUtils.createTopic(zkUtils, topicName, 2, 2, servers, topicProps)
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
val numRecords = 50
// Test non-compressed messages
val tp1 = new TopicPartition(topicName, 0)
sendRecords(numRecords, tp1)
consumeAndVerifyRecords(consumer = this.consumers(0), numRecords = numRecords, tp = tp1, startingOffset = 0, startingKeyAndValueIndex = 0,
startingTimestamp = startTime, timestampType = TimestampType.LOG_APPEND_TIME)
// Test compressed messages
val tp2 = new TopicPartition(topicName, 1)
sendCompressedMessages(numRecords, tp2)
consumeAndVerifyRecords(consumer = this.consumers(0), numRecords = numRecords, tp = tp2, startingOffset = 0, startingKeyAndValueIndex = 0,
startingTimestamp = startTime, timestampType = TimestampType.LOG_APPEND_TIME)
def runMultiConsumerSessionTimeoutTest(closeConsumer: Boolean): Unit = {
// use consumers defined in this class plus one additional consumer
// Use topic defined in this class + one additional topic
sendRecords(100, tp)
sendRecords(100, tp2)
val topic1 = "topic1"
val subscriptions = Set(tp, tp2) ++ createTopicAndSendRecords(topic1, 6, 100)
// first subscribe consumers that are defined in this class
val consumerPollers = Buffer[ConsumerAssignmentPoller]()
for (consumer <- consumers)
consumerPollers += subscribeConsumerAndStartPolling(consumer, List(topic, topic1))
// create one more consumer and add it to the group; we will timeout this consumer
val timeoutConsumer = new KafkaConsumer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]](this.consumerConfig)
// Close the consumer on test teardown, unless this test will manually
consumers += timeoutConsumer
val timeoutPoller = subscribeConsumerAndStartPolling(timeoutConsumer, List(topic, topic1))
consumerPollers += timeoutPoller
// validate the initial assignment
validateGroupAssignment(consumerPollers, subscriptions, s"Did not get valid initial assignment for partitions ${subscriptions.asJava}")
// stop polling and close one of the consumers, should trigger partition re-assignment among alive consumers
if (closeConsumer)
val maxSessionTimeout = this.serverConfig.getProperty(KafkaConfig.GroupMaxSessionTimeoutMsProp).toLong
validateGroupAssignment(consumerPollers, subscriptions,
s"Did not get valid assignment for partitions ${subscriptions.asJava} after one consumer left", 3 * maxSessionTimeout)
// done with pollers and consumers
for (poller <- consumerPollers)
* Creates topic 'topicName' with 'numPartitions' partitions and produces 'recordsPerPartition'
* records to each partition
def createTopicAndSendRecords(topicName: String, numPartitions: Int, recordsPerPartition: Int): Set[TopicPartition] = {
TestUtils.createTopic(this.zkUtils, topicName, numPartitions, serverCount, this.servers)
var parts = Set[TopicPartition]()
for (partition <- 0 until numPartitions) {
val tp = new TopicPartition(topicName, partition)
sendRecords(recordsPerPartition, tp)
parts = parts + tp
* Subscribes consumer 'consumer' to a given list of topics 'topicsToSubscribe', creates
* consumer poller and starts polling.
* Assumes that the consumer is not subscribed to any topics yet
* @param consumer consumer
* @param topicsToSubscribe topics that this consumer will subscribe to
* @return consumer poller for the given consumer
def subscribeConsumerAndStartPolling(consumer: Consumer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]],
topicsToSubscribe: List[String]): ConsumerAssignmentPoller = {
assertEquals(0, consumer.assignment().size)
val consumerPoller = new ConsumerAssignmentPoller(consumer, topicsToSubscribe)
* Creates consumer pollers corresponding to a given consumer group, one per consumer; subscribes consumers to
* 'topicsToSubscribe' topics, waits until consumers get topics assignment, and validates the assignment
* Currently, assignment validation requires that total number of partitions is greater or equal to
* number of consumers (i.e. subscriptions.size >= consumerGroup.size)
* Assumes that topics are already created with partitions corresponding to a given set of topic partitions ('subscriptions')
* When the function returns, consumer pollers will continue to poll until shutdown is called on every poller.
* @param consumerGroup consumer group
* @param topicsToSubscribe topics to which consumers will subscribe to
* @param subscriptions set of all topic partitions
* @return collection of consumer pollers
def subscribeConsumersAndWaitForAssignment(consumerGroup: Buffer[KafkaConsumer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]],
topicsToSubscribe: List[String],
subscriptions: Set[TopicPartition]): Buffer[ConsumerAssignmentPoller] = {
val consumerPollers = Buffer[ConsumerAssignmentPoller]()
for (consumer <- consumerGroup)
consumerPollers += subscribeConsumerAndStartPolling(consumer, topicsToSubscribe)
validateGroupAssignment(consumerPollers, subscriptions, s"Did not get valid initial assignment for partitions ${subscriptions.asJava}")
* Creates 'consumerCount' consumers and consumer pollers, one per consumer; subscribes consumers to
* 'topicsToSubscribe' topics, waits until consumers get topics assignment, and validates the assignment
* Currently, assignment validation requires that total number of partitions is greater or equal to
* number of consumers (i.e. subscriptions.size >= consumerCount)
* Assumes that topics are already created with partitions corresponding to a given set of topic partitions ('subscriptions')
* When the function returns, consumer pollers will continue to poll until shutdown is called on every poller.
* @param consumerCount number of consumers to create
* @param topicsToSubscribe topics to which consumers will subscribe to
* @param subscriptions set of all topic partitions
* @return collection of created consumers and collection of corresponding consumer pollers
def createConsumerGroupAndWaitForAssignment(consumerCount: Int,
topicsToSubscribe: List[String],
subscriptions: Set[TopicPartition]): (Buffer[KafkaConsumer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]], Buffer[ConsumerAssignmentPoller]) = {
assertTrue(consumerCount <= subscriptions.size)
val consumerGroup = Buffer[KafkaConsumer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]]()
for (i <- 0 until consumerCount)
consumerGroup += new KafkaConsumer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]](this.consumerConfig)
consumers ++= consumerGroup
// create consumer pollers, wait for assignment and validate it
val consumerPollers = subscribeConsumersAndWaitForAssignment(consumerGroup, topicsToSubscribe, subscriptions)
(consumerGroup, consumerPollers)
* Create 'numOfConsumersToAdd' consumers add then to the consumer group 'consumerGroup', and create corresponding
* pollers for these consumers. Wait for partition re-assignment and validate.
* Currently, assignment validation requires that total number of partitions is greater or equal to
* number of consumers, so subscriptions.size must be greater or equal the resulting number of consumers in the group
* @param numOfConsumersToAdd number of consumers to create and add to the consumer group
* @param consumerGroup current consumer group
* @param consumerPollers current consumer pollers
* @param topicsToSubscribe topics to which new consumers will subscribe to
* @param subscriptions set of all topic partitions
def addConsumersToGroupAndWaitForGroupAssignment(numOfConsumersToAdd: Int,
consumerGroup: Buffer[KafkaConsumer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]],
consumerPollers: Buffer[ConsumerAssignmentPoller],
topicsToSubscribe: List[String],
subscriptions: Set[TopicPartition]): Unit = {
assertTrue(consumerGroup.size + numOfConsumersToAdd <= subscriptions.size)
for (i <- 0 until numOfConsumersToAdd) {
val newConsumer = new KafkaConsumer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]](this.consumerConfig)
consumerGroup += newConsumer
consumerPollers += subscribeConsumerAndStartPolling(newConsumer, topicsToSubscribe)
// wait until topics get re-assigned and validate assignment
validateGroupAssignment(consumerPollers, subscriptions,
s"Did not get valid assignment for partitions ${subscriptions.asJava} after we added ${numOfConsumersToAdd} consumer(s)")
* Wait for consumers to get partition assignment and validate it.
* @param consumerPollers consumer pollers corresponding to the consumer group we are testing
* @param subscriptions set of all topic partitions
* @param msg message to print when waiting for/validating assignment fails
def validateGroupAssignment(consumerPollers: Buffer[ConsumerAssignmentPoller],
subscriptions: Set[TopicPartition],
msg: String,
waitTime: Long = 10000L): Unit = {
TestUtils.waitUntilTrue(() => {
val assignments = Buffer[Set[TopicPartition]]()
consumerPollers.foreach(assignments += _.consumerAssignment())
isPartitionAssignmentValid(assignments, subscriptions)
}, msg, waitTime)
def changeConsumerGroupSubscriptionAndValidateAssignment(consumerPollers: Buffer[ConsumerAssignmentPoller],
topicsToSubscribe: List[String],
subscriptions: Set[TopicPartition]): Unit = {
for (poller <- consumerPollers)
// since subscribe call to poller does not actually call consumer subscribe right away, wait
// until subscribe is called on all consumers
TestUtils.waitUntilTrue(() => {
consumerPollers forall (poller => poller.isSubscribeRequestProcessed())
}, s"Failed to call subscribe on all consumers in the group for subscription ${subscriptions}", 1000L)
validateGroupAssignment(consumerPollers, subscriptions,
s"Did not get valid assignment for partitions ${subscriptions.asJava} after we changed subscription")
def changeConsumerSubscriptionAndValidateAssignment[K, V](consumer: Consumer[K, V],
topicsToSubscribe: List[String],
subscriptions: Set[TopicPartition],
rebalanceListener: ConsumerRebalanceListener): Unit = {
consumer.subscribe(topicsToSubscribe.asJava, rebalanceListener)
TestUtils.waitUntilTrue(() => {
val records = consumer.poll(50)
consumer.assignment() == subscriptions.asJava
}, s"Expected partitions ${subscriptions.asJava} but actually got ${consumer.assignment()}")