blob: 76a94fd5af8c43b27afac65aa0f24f01140b8669 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerPartitionAssignor;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerProtocol;
import org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition;
import org.apache.kafka.common.Uuid;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.ApiException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.CoordinatorNotAvailableException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.FencedMemberEpochException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.GroupIdNotFoundException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.GroupMaxSizeReachedException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.IllegalGenerationException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.InconsistentGroupProtocolException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.InvalidRequestException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RebalanceInProgressException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.UnknownMemberIdException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.UnknownServerException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.UnsupportedAssignorException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.FencedInstanceIdException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.UnreleasedInstanceIdException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.ConsumerGroupDescribeResponseData;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.ConsumerGroupHeartbeatRequestData;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.ConsumerGroupHeartbeatResponseData;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.DescribeGroupsResponseData;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.HeartbeatRequestData;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.HeartbeatResponseData;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.JoinGroupRequestData.JoinGroupRequestProtocol;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.JoinGroupRequestData.JoinGroupRequestProtocolCollection;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.JoinGroupRequestData;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.JoinGroupResponseData;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.LeaveGroupRequestData;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.LeaveGroupRequestData.MemberIdentity;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.LeaveGroupResponseData;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.LeaveGroupResponseData.MemberResponse;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.ListGroupsResponseData;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.SyncGroupRequestData;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.SyncGroupResponseData;
import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.Errors;
import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.types.SchemaException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.JoinGroupRequest;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.RequestContext;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.LogContext;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Time;
import org.apache.kafka.image.MetadataDelta;
import org.apache.kafka.image.MetadataImage;
import org.apache.kafka.image.TopicImage;
import org.apache.kafka.image.TopicsImage;
import org.apache.kafka.timeline.SnapshotRegistry;
import org.apache.kafka.timeline.TimelineHashMap;
import org.apache.kafka.timeline.TimelineHashSet;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import static org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.Errors.COORDINATOR_NOT_AVAILABLE;
import static org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.Errors.ILLEGAL_GENERATION;
import static org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.Errors.NOT_COORDINATOR;
import static org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.Errors.UNKNOWN_SERVER_ERROR;
import static org.apache.kafka.common.requests.ConsumerGroupHeartbeatRequest.LEAVE_GROUP_MEMBER_EPOCH;
import static org.apache.kafka.common.requests.ConsumerGroupHeartbeatRequest.LEAVE_GROUP_STATIC_MEMBER_EPOCH;
import static org.apache.kafka.common.requests.JoinGroupRequest.UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID;
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* The GroupMetadataManager manages the metadata of all classic and consumer groups. It holds
* the hard and the soft state of the groups. This class has two kinds of methods:
* 1) The request handlers which handle the requests and generate a response and records to
* mutate the hard state. Those records will be written by the runtime and applied to the
* hard state via the replay methods.
* 2) The replay methods which apply records to the hard state. Those are used in the request
* handling as well as during the initial loading of the records from the partitions.
public class GroupMetadataManager {
public static class Builder {
private LogContext logContext = null;
private SnapshotRegistry snapshotRegistry = null;
private Time time = null;
private CoordinatorTimer<Void, CoordinatorRecord> timer = null;
private List<PartitionAssignor> consumerGroupAssignors = null;
private int consumerGroupMaxSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private int consumerGroupHeartbeatIntervalMs = 5000;
private int consumerGroupMetadataRefreshIntervalMs = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private MetadataImage metadataImage = null;
private int consumerGroupSessionTimeoutMs = 45000;
private int classicGroupMaxSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private int classicGroupInitialRebalanceDelayMs = 3000;
private int classicGroupNewMemberJoinTimeoutMs = 5 * 60 * 1000;
private int classicGroupMinSessionTimeoutMs;
private int classicGroupMaxSessionTimeoutMs;
private ConsumerGroupMigrationPolicy consumerGroupMigrationPolicy;
private GroupCoordinatorMetricsShard metrics;
Builder withLogContext(LogContext logContext) {
this.logContext = logContext;
return this;
Builder withSnapshotRegistry(SnapshotRegistry snapshotRegistry) {
this.snapshotRegistry = snapshotRegistry;
return this;
Builder withTime(Time time) {
this.time = time;
return this;
Builder withTimer(CoordinatorTimer<Void, CoordinatorRecord> timer) {
this.timer = timer;
return this;
Builder withConsumerGroupAssignors(List<PartitionAssignor> consumerGroupAssignors) {
this.consumerGroupAssignors = consumerGroupAssignors;
return this;
Builder withConsumerGroupMaxSize(int consumerGroupMaxSize) {
this.consumerGroupMaxSize = consumerGroupMaxSize;
return this;
Builder withConsumerGroupSessionTimeout(int consumerGroupSessionTimeoutMs) {
this.consumerGroupSessionTimeoutMs = consumerGroupSessionTimeoutMs;
return this;
Builder withConsumerGroupHeartbeatInterval(int consumerGroupHeartbeatIntervalMs) {
this.consumerGroupHeartbeatIntervalMs = consumerGroupHeartbeatIntervalMs;
return this;
Builder withConsumerGroupMetadataRefreshIntervalMs(int consumerGroupMetadataRefreshIntervalMs) {
this.consumerGroupMetadataRefreshIntervalMs = consumerGroupMetadataRefreshIntervalMs;
return this;
Builder withMetadataImage(MetadataImage metadataImage) {
this.metadataImage = metadataImage;
return this;
Builder withClassicGroupMaxSize(int classicGroupMaxSize) {
this.classicGroupMaxSize = classicGroupMaxSize;
return this;
Builder withClassicGroupInitialRebalanceDelayMs(int classicGroupInitialRebalanceDelayMs) {
this.classicGroupInitialRebalanceDelayMs = classicGroupInitialRebalanceDelayMs;
return this;
Builder withClassicGroupNewMemberJoinTimeoutMs(int classicGroupNewMemberJoinTimeoutMs) {
this.classicGroupNewMemberJoinTimeoutMs = classicGroupNewMemberJoinTimeoutMs;
return this;
Builder withClassicGroupMinSessionTimeoutMs(int classicGroupMinSessionTimeoutMs) {
this.classicGroupMinSessionTimeoutMs = classicGroupMinSessionTimeoutMs;
return this;
Builder withClassicGroupMaxSessionTimeoutMs(int classicGroupMaxSessionTimeoutMs) {
this.classicGroupMaxSessionTimeoutMs = classicGroupMaxSessionTimeoutMs;
return this;
Builder withConsumerGroupMigrationPolicy(ConsumerGroupMigrationPolicy consumerGroupMigrationPolicy) {
this.consumerGroupMigrationPolicy = consumerGroupMigrationPolicy;
return this;
Builder withGroupCoordinatorMetricsShard(GroupCoordinatorMetricsShard metrics) {
this.metrics = metrics;
return this;
GroupMetadataManager build() {
if (logContext == null) logContext = new LogContext();
if (snapshotRegistry == null) snapshotRegistry = new SnapshotRegistry(logContext);
if (metadataImage == null) metadataImage = MetadataImage.EMPTY;
if (time == null) time = Time.SYSTEM;
if (timer == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timer must be set.");
if (consumerGroupAssignors == null || consumerGroupAssignors.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Assignors must be set before building.");
if (metrics == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("GroupCoordinatorMetricsShard must be set.");
return new GroupMetadataManager(
* The log context.
private final LogContext logContext;
* The logger.
private final Logger log;
* The snapshot registry.
private final SnapshotRegistry snapshotRegistry;
* The system time.
private final Time time;
* The system timer.
private final CoordinatorTimer<Void, CoordinatorRecord> timer;
* The coordinator metrics.
private final GroupCoordinatorMetricsShard metrics;
* The supported partition assignors keyed by their name.
private final Map<String, PartitionAssignor> assignors;
* The default assignor used.
private final PartitionAssignor defaultAssignor;
* The classic and consumer groups keyed by their name.
private final TimelineHashMap<String, Group> groups;
* The group ids keyed by topic names.
private final TimelineHashMap<String, TimelineHashSet<String>> groupsByTopics;
* The maximum number of members allowed in a single consumer group.
private final int consumerGroupMaxSize;
* The heartbeat interval for consumer groups.
private final int consumerGroupHeartbeatIntervalMs;
* The session timeout for consumer groups.
private final int consumerGroupSessionTimeoutMs;
* The metadata refresh interval.
private final int consumerGroupMetadataRefreshIntervalMs;
* The metadata image.
private MetadataImage metadataImage;
* An empty result returned to the state machine. This means that
* there are no records to append to the log.
* Package private for testing.
static final CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> EMPTY_RESULT =
new CoordinatorResult<>(Collections.emptyList(), CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null), false);
* The maximum number of members allowed in a single classic group.
private final int classicGroupMaxSize;
* Initial rebalance delay for members joining a classic group.
private final int classicGroupInitialRebalanceDelayMs;
* The timeout used to wait for a new member in milliseconds.
private final int classicGroupNewMemberJoinTimeoutMs;
* The group minimum session timeout.
private final int classicGroupMinSessionTimeoutMs;
* The group maximum session timeout.
private final int classicGroupMaxSessionTimeoutMs;
* The config indicating whether group protocol upgrade/downgrade is allowed.
private final ConsumerGroupMigrationPolicy consumerGroupMigrationPolicy;
private GroupMetadataManager(
SnapshotRegistry snapshotRegistry,
LogContext logContext,
Time time,
CoordinatorTimer<Void, CoordinatorRecord> timer,
GroupCoordinatorMetricsShard metrics,
List<PartitionAssignor> assignors,
MetadataImage metadataImage,
int consumerGroupMaxSize,
int consumerGroupSessionTimeoutMs,
int consumerGroupHeartbeatIntervalMs,
int consumerGroupMetadataRefreshIntervalMs,
int classicGroupMaxSize,
int classicGroupInitialRebalanceDelayMs,
int classicGroupNewMemberJoinTimeoutMs,
int classicGroupMinSessionTimeoutMs,
int classicGroupMaxSessionTimeoutMs,
ConsumerGroupMigrationPolicy consumerGroupMigrationPolicy
) {
this.logContext = logContext;
this.log = logContext.logger(GroupMetadataManager.class);
this.snapshotRegistry = snapshotRegistry;
this.time = time;
this.timer = timer;
this.metrics = metrics;
this.metadataImage = metadataImage;
this.assignors =, Function.identity()));
this.defaultAssignor = assignors.get(0);
this.groups = new TimelineHashMap<>(snapshotRegistry, 0);
this.groupsByTopics = new TimelineHashMap<>(snapshotRegistry, 0);
this.consumerGroupMaxSize = consumerGroupMaxSize;
this.consumerGroupSessionTimeoutMs = consumerGroupSessionTimeoutMs;
this.consumerGroupHeartbeatIntervalMs = consumerGroupHeartbeatIntervalMs;
this.consumerGroupMetadataRefreshIntervalMs = consumerGroupMetadataRefreshIntervalMs;
this.classicGroupMaxSize = classicGroupMaxSize;
this.classicGroupInitialRebalanceDelayMs = classicGroupInitialRebalanceDelayMs;
this.classicGroupNewMemberJoinTimeoutMs = classicGroupNewMemberJoinTimeoutMs;
this.classicGroupMinSessionTimeoutMs = classicGroupMinSessionTimeoutMs;
this.classicGroupMaxSessionTimeoutMs = classicGroupMaxSessionTimeoutMs;
this.consumerGroupMigrationPolicy = consumerGroupMigrationPolicy;
* @return The current metadata image used by the group metadata manager.
public MetadataImage image() {
return metadataImage;
* @return The group corresponding to the group id or throw GroupIdNotFoundException.
public Group group(String groupId) throws GroupIdNotFoundException {
Group group = groups.get(groupId, Long.MAX_VALUE);
if (group == null) {
throw new GroupIdNotFoundException(String.format("Group %s not found.", groupId));
return group;
* @return The group corresponding to the group id at the given committed offset
* or throw GroupIdNotFoundException.
public Group group(String groupId, long committedOffset) throws GroupIdNotFoundException {
Group group = groups.get(groupId, committedOffset);
if (group == null) {
throw new GroupIdNotFoundException(String.format("Group %s not found.", groupId));
return group;
* Get the Group List.
* @param statesFilter The states of the groups we want to list.
* If empty, all groups are returned with their state.
* If invalid, no groups are returned.
* @param typesFilter The types of the groups we want to list.
* If empty, all groups are returned with their type.
* If invalid, no groups are returned.
* @param committedOffset A specified committed offset corresponding to this shard.
* @return A list containing the ListGroupsResponseData.ListedGroup
public List<ListGroupsResponseData.ListedGroup> listGroups(
Set<String> statesFilter,
Set<String> typesFilter,
long committedOffset
) {
// Converts each state filter string to lower case for a case-insensitive comparison.
Set<String> caseInsensitiveFilterSet =
// Converts each type filter string to a value in the GroupType enum while being case-insensitive.
Set<Group.GroupType> enumTypesFilter =
Predicate<Group> combinedFilter = group -> {
boolean stateCheck = statesFilter.isEmpty() || group.isInStates(caseInsensitiveFilterSet, committedOffset);
boolean typeCheck = enumTypesFilter.isEmpty() || enumTypesFilter.contains(group.type());
return stateCheck && typeCheck;
Stream<Group> groupStream = groups.values(committedOffset).stream();
return groupStream
.map(group -> group.asListedGroup(committedOffset))
* Handles a ConsumerGroupDescribe request.
* @param groupIds The IDs of the groups to describe.
* @param committedOffset A specified committed offset corresponding to this shard.
* @return A list containing the ConsumerGroupDescribeResponseData.DescribedGroup.
public List<ConsumerGroupDescribeResponseData.DescribedGroup> consumerGroupDescribe(
List<String> groupIds,
long committedOffset
) {
final List<ConsumerGroupDescribeResponseData.DescribedGroup> describedGroups = new ArrayList<>();
groupIds.forEach(groupId -> {
try {
describedGroups.add(consumerGroup(groupId, committedOffset).asDescribedGroup(
} catch (GroupIdNotFoundException exception) {
describedGroups.add(new ConsumerGroupDescribeResponseData.DescribedGroup()
return describedGroups;
* Handles a DescribeGroup request.
* @param groupIds The IDs of the groups to describe.
* @param committedOffset A specified committed offset corresponding to this shard.
* @return A list containing the DescribeGroupsResponseData.DescribedGroup.
public List<DescribeGroupsResponseData.DescribedGroup> describeGroups(
List<String> groupIds,
long committedOffset
) {
final List<DescribeGroupsResponseData.DescribedGroup> describedGroups = new ArrayList<>();
groupIds.forEach(groupId -> {
try {
ClassicGroup group = classicGroup(groupId, committedOffset);
if (group.isInState(STABLE)) {
if (!group.protocolName().isPresent()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid null group protocol for stable group");
describedGroups.add(new DescribeGroupsResponseData.DescribedGroup()
.map(member -> member.describe(group.protocolName().get()))
} else {
describedGroups.add(new DescribeGroupsResponseData.DescribedGroup()
.map(member -> member.describeNoMetadata())
} catch (GroupIdNotFoundException exception) {
describedGroups.add(new DescribeGroupsResponseData.DescribedGroup()
return describedGroups;
* Gets or maybe creates a consumer group without updating the groups map.
* The group will be materialized during the replay.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param createIfNotExists A boolean indicating whether the group should be
* created if it does not exist or is an empty classic group.
* @param records The record list to which the group tombstones are written
* if the group is empty and is a classic group.
* @return A ConsumerGroup.
* @throws GroupIdNotFoundException if the group does not exist and createIfNotExists is false or
* if the group is not a consumer group.
* Package private for testing.
ConsumerGroup getOrMaybeCreateConsumerGroup(
String groupId,
boolean createIfNotExists,
List<CoordinatorRecord> records
) throws GroupIdNotFoundException {
Group group = groups.get(groupId);
if (group == null && !createIfNotExists) {
throw new GroupIdNotFoundException(String.format("Consumer group %s not found.", groupId));
if (group == null || (createIfNotExists && maybeDeleteEmptyClassicGroup(group, records))) {
return new ConsumerGroup(snapshotRegistry, groupId, metrics);
} else {
if (group.type() == CONSUMER) {
return (ConsumerGroup) group;
} else if (createIfNotExists && validateOnlineUpgrade((ClassicGroup) group)) {
return convertToConsumerGroup((ClassicGroup) group, records);
} else {
throw new GroupIdNotFoundException(String.format("Group %s is not a consumer group.",
* Gets a consumer group by committed offset.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param committedOffset A specified committed offset corresponding to this shard.
* @return A ConsumerGroup.
* @throws GroupIdNotFoundException if the group does not exist or is not a consumer group.
public ConsumerGroup consumerGroup(
String groupId,
long committedOffset
) throws GroupIdNotFoundException {
Group group = group(groupId, committedOffset);
if (group.type() == CONSUMER) {
return (ConsumerGroup) group;
} else {
// We don't support upgrading/downgrading between protocols at the moment so
// we throw an exception if a group exists with the wrong type.
throw new GroupIdNotFoundException(String.format("Group %s is not a consumer group.",
* An overloaded method of {@link GroupMetadataManager#consumerGroup(String, long)}
ConsumerGroup consumerGroup(
String groupId
) throws GroupIdNotFoundException {
return consumerGroup(groupId, Long.MAX_VALUE);
* The method should be called on the replay path.
* Gets or maybe creates a consumer group and updates the groups map if a new group is created.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param createIfNotExists A boolean indicating whether the group should be
* created if it does not exist.
* @return A ConsumerGroup.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the group does not exist and createIfNotExists is false or
* if the group is not a consumer group.
* Package private for testing.
ConsumerGroup getOrMaybeCreatePersistedConsumerGroup(
String groupId,
boolean createIfNotExists
) throws GroupIdNotFoundException {
Group group = groups.get(groupId);
if (group == null && !createIfNotExists) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Consumer group %s not found.", groupId));
if (group == null) {
ConsumerGroup consumerGroup = new ConsumerGroup(snapshotRegistry, groupId, metrics);
groups.put(groupId, consumerGroup);
metrics.onConsumerGroupStateTransition(null, consumerGroup.state());
return consumerGroup;
} else {
if (group.type() == CONSUMER) {
return (ConsumerGroup) group;
} else {
// We don't support upgrading/downgrading between protocols at the moment so
// we throw an exception if a group exists with the wrong type.
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Group %s is not a consumer group.", groupId));
* Gets or maybe creates a classic group.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param createIfNotExists A boolean indicating whether the group should be
* created if it does not exist.
* @return A ClassicGroup.
* @throws UnknownMemberIdException if the group does not exist and createIfNotExists is false.
* @throws GroupIdNotFoundException if the group is not a classic group.
* Package private for testing.
ClassicGroup getOrMaybeCreateClassicGroup(
String groupId,
boolean createIfNotExists
) throws UnknownMemberIdException, GroupIdNotFoundException {
Group group = groups.get(groupId);
if (group == null && !createIfNotExists) {
throw new UnknownMemberIdException(String.format("Classic group %s not found.", groupId));
if (group == null) {
ClassicGroup classicGroup = new ClassicGroup(logContext, groupId, ClassicGroupState.EMPTY, time, metrics);
groups.put(groupId, classicGroup);
metrics.onClassicGroupStateTransition(null, classicGroup.currentState());
return classicGroup;
} else {
if (group.type() == CLASSIC) {
return (ClassicGroup) group;
} else {
// We don't support upgrading/downgrading between protocols at the moment so
// we throw an exception if a group exists with the wrong type.
throw new GroupIdNotFoundException(String.format("Group %s is not a classic group.",
* Gets a classic group by committed offset.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param committedOffset A specified committed offset corresponding to this shard.
* @return A ClassicGroup.
* @throws GroupIdNotFoundException if the group does not exist or is not a classic group.
public ClassicGroup classicGroup(
String groupId,
long committedOffset
) throws GroupIdNotFoundException {
Group group = group(groupId, committedOffset);
if (group.type() == CLASSIC) {
return (ClassicGroup) group;
} else {
// We don't support upgrading/downgrading between protocols at the moment so
// we throw an exception if a group exists with the wrong type.
throw new GroupIdNotFoundException(String.format("Group %s is not a classic group.",
* Validates the online downgrade if a consumer member is fenced from the consumer group.
* @param consumerGroup The ConsumerGroup.
* @param memberId The fenced member id.
* @return A boolean indicating whether it's valid to online downgrade the consumer group.
private boolean validateOnlineDowngrade(ConsumerGroup consumerGroup, String memberId) {
if (!consumerGroupMigrationPolicy.isDowngradeEnabled()) {"Cannot downgrade consumer group {} to classic group because the online downgrade is disabled.",
return false;
} else if (!consumerGroup.allMembersUseClassicProtocolExcept(memberId)) {
log.debug("Cannot downgrade consumer group {} to classic group because not all its members use the classic protocol.",
return false;
} else if (consumerGroup.numMembers() <= 1) {
log.debug("Skip downgrading the consumer group {} to classic group because it's empty.",
return false;
} else if (consumerGroup.numMembers() - 1 > classicGroupMaxSize) {"Cannot downgrade consumer group {} to classic group because its group size is greater than classic group max size.",
return true;
* Creates a ClassicGroup corresponding to the given ConsumerGroup.
* @param consumerGroup The converted ConsumerGroup.
* @param leavingMemberId The leaving member that triggers the downgrade validation.
* @param response The response of the returned CoordinatorResult.
* @return A CoordinatorResult.
private <T> CoordinatorResult<T, CoordinatorRecord> convertToClassicGroup(
ConsumerGroup consumerGroup,
String leavingMemberId,
T response
) {
List<CoordinatorRecord> records = new ArrayList<>();
ClassicGroup classicGroup;
try {
classicGroup = ClassicGroup.fromConsumerGroup(
} catch (SchemaException e) {
log.warn("Cannot downgrade the consumer group " + consumerGroup.groupId() + ": fail to parse " +
"the Consumer Protocol " + ConsumerProtocol.PROTOCOL_TYPE + ".", e);
throw new GroupIdNotFoundException(String.format("Cannot downgrade the classic group %s: %s.",
consumerGroup.groupId(), e.getMessage()));
classicGroup.createClassicGroupRecords(metadataImage.features().metadataVersion(), records);
// Directly update the states instead of replaying the records because
// the classicGroup reference is needed for triggering the rebalance.
// Set the appendFuture to prevent the records from being replayed.
groups.put(consumerGroup.groupId(), classicGroup);
metrics.onClassicGroupStateTransition(null, classicGroup.currentState());
classicGroup.allMembers().forEach(member -> rescheduleClassicGroupMemberHeartbeat(classicGroup, member));
prepareRebalance(classicGroup, String.format("Downgrade group %s from consumer to classic.", classicGroup.groupId()));
CompletableFuture<Void> appendFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
appendFuture.exceptionally(__ -> {
metrics.onClassicGroupStateTransition(classicGroup.currentState(), null);
return null;
return new CoordinatorResult<>(records, response, appendFuture, false);
* Validates the online upgrade if the Classic Group receives a ConsumerGroupHeartbeat request.
* @param classicGroup A ClassicGroup.
* @return A boolean indicating whether it's valid to online upgrade the classic group.
private boolean validateOnlineUpgrade(ClassicGroup classicGroup) {
if (!consumerGroupMigrationPolicy.isUpgradeEnabled()) {"Cannot upgrade classic group {} to consumer group because the online upgrade is disabled.",
return false;
} else if (!classicGroup.usesConsumerGroupProtocol()) {"Cannot upgrade classic group {} to consumer group because the group does not use the consumer embedded protocol.",
return false;
} else if (classicGroup.size() > consumerGroupMaxSize) {"Cannot upgrade classic group {} to consumer group because the group size exceeds the consumer group maximum size.",
return false;
return true;
* Creates a ConsumerGroup corresponding to the given classic group.
* @param classicGroup The ClassicGroup to convert.
* @param records The list of Records.
* @return The created ConsumerGroup.
ConsumerGroup convertToConsumerGroup(ClassicGroup classicGroup, List<CoordinatorRecord> records) {
// The upgrade is always triggered by a new member joining the classic group, which always results in
// updatedMember.subscribedTopicNames changing, the group epoch being bumped, and triggering a new rebalance.
// If the ClassicGroup is rebalancing, inform the awaiting consumers of another ongoing rebalance
// so that they will rejoin for the new rebalance.
ConsumerGroup consumerGroup;
try {
consumerGroup = ConsumerGroup.fromClassicGroup(
} catch (SchemaException e) {
log.warn("Cannot upgrade the classic group " + classicGroup.groupId() +
" to consumer group because the embedded consumer protocol is malformed: "
+ e.getMessage() + ".", e);
throw new GroupIdNotFoundException("Cannot upgrade the classic group " + classicGroup.groupId() +
" to consumer group because the embedded consumer protocol is malformed.");
// Create the session timeouts for the new members. If the conversion fails, the group will remain a
// classic group, thus these timers will fail the group type check and do nothing.
consumerGroup.members().forEach((memberId, __) ->
scheduleConsumerGroupSessionTimeout(consumerGroup.groupId(), memberId)
return consumerGroup;
* Removes the group.
* @param groupId The group id.
private void removeGroup(
String groupId
) {
Group group = groups.remove(groupId);
if (group != null) {
switch (group.type()) {
ConsumerGroup consumerGroup = (ConsumerGroup) group;
metrics.onConsumerGroupStateTransition(consumerGroup.state(), null);
ClassicGroup classicGroup = (ClassicGroup) group;
metrics.onClassicGroupStateTransition(classicGroup.currentState(), null);
log.warn("Removed group {} with an unknown group type {}.", groupId, group.type());
* Throws an InvalidRequestException if the value is non-null and empty.
* A string containing only whitespaces is also considered empty.
* @param value The value.
* @param error The error message.
* @throws InvalidRequestException
private void throwIfEmptyString(
String value,
String error
) throws InvalidRequestException {
if (value != null && value.trim().isEmpty()) {
throw new InvalidRequestException(error);
* Throws an InvalidRequestException if the value is non-null.
* @param value The value.
* @param error The error message.
* @throws InvalidRequestException
private void throwIfNotNull(
Object value,
String error
) throws InvalidRequestException {
if (value != null) {
throw new InvalidRequestException(error);
* Throws an InvalidRequestException if the value is null.
* @param value The value.
* @param error The error message.
* @throws InvalidRequestException
private void throwIfNull(
Object value,
String error
) throws InvalidRequestException {
if (value == null) {
throw new InvalidRequestException(error);
* Validates the request.
* @param request The request to validate.
* @throws InvalidRequestException if the request is not valid.
* @throws UnsupportedAssignorException if the assignor is not supported.
private void throwIfConsumerGroupHeartbeatRequestIsInvalid(
ConsumerGroupHeartbeatRequestData request
) throws InvalidRequestException, UnsupportedAssignorException {
throwIfEmptyString(request.groupId(), "GroupId can't be empty.");
throwIfEmptyString(request.instanceId(), "InstanceId can't be empty.");
throwIfEmptyString(request.rackId(), "RackId can't be empty.");
if (request.memberEpoch() > 0 || request.memberEpoch() == LEAVE_GROUP_MEMBER_EPOCH) {
throwIfEmptyString(request.memberId(), "MemberId can't be empty.");
} else if (request.memberEpoch() == 0) {
if (request.rebalanceTimeoutMs() == -1) {
throw new InvalidRequestException("RebalanceTimeoutMs must be provided in first request.");
if (request.topicPartitions() == null || !request.topicPartitions().isEmpty()) {
throw new InvalidRequestException("TopicPartitions must be empty when (re-)joining.");
if (request.subscribedTopicNames() == null || request.subscribedTopicNames().isEmpty()) {
throw new InvalidRequestException("SubscribedTopicNames must be set in first request.");
} else if (request.memberEpoch() == LEAVE_GROUP_STATIC_MEMBER_EPOCH) {
throwIfEmptyString(request.memberId(), "MemberId can't be empty.");
throwIfNull(request.instanceId(), "InstanceId can't be null.");
} else {
throw new InvalidRequestException("MemberEpoch is invalid.");
if (request.serverAssignor() != null && !assignors.containsKey(request.serverAssignor())) {
throw new UnsupportedAssignorException("ServerAssignor " + request.serverAssignor()
+ " is not supported. Supported assignors: " + String.join(", ", assignors.keySet())
+ ".");
* Verifies that the partitions currently owned by the member (the ones set in the
* request) matches the ones that the member should own. It matches if the consumer
* only owns partitions which are in the assigned partitions. It does not match if
* it owns any other partitions.
* @param ownedTopicPartitions The partitions provided by the consumer in the request.
* @param target The partitions that the member should have.
* @return A boolean indicating whether the owned partitions are a subset or not.
private boolean isSubset(
List<ConsumerGroupHeartbeatRequestData.TopicPartitions> ownedTopicPartitions,
Map<Uuid, Set<Integer>> target
) {
if (ownedTopicPartitions == null) return false;
for (ConsumerGroupHeartbeatRequestData.TopicPartitions topicPartitions : ownedTopicPartitions) {
Set<Integer> partitions = target.get(topicPartitions.topicId());
if (partitions == null) return false;
for (Integer partitionId : topicPartitions.partitions()) {
if (!partitions.contains(partitionId)) return false;
return true;
* Checks whether the consumer group can accept a new member or not based on the
* max group size defined.
* @param group The consumer group.
* @param memberId The member id.
* @throws GroupMaxSizeReachedException if the maximum capacity has been reached.
private void throwIfConsumerGroupIsFull(
ConsumerGroup group,
String memberId
) throws GroupMaxSizeReachedException {
// If the consumer group has reached its maximum capacity, the member is rejected if it is not
// already a member of the consumer group.
if (group.numMembers() >= consumerGroupMaxSize && (memberId.isEmpty() || !group.hasMember(memberId))) {
throw new GroupMaxSizeReachedException("The consumer group has reached its maximum capacity of "
+ consumerGroupMaxSize + " members.");
* Validates the member epoch provided in the heartbeat request.
* @param member The consumer group member.
* @param receivedMemberEpoch The member epoch.
* @param ownedTopicPartitions The owned partitions.
* @throws FencedMemberEpochException if the provided epoch is ahead or behind the epoch known
* by this coordinator.
private void throwIfMemberEpochIsInvalid(
ConsumerGroupMember member,
int receivedMemberEpoch,
List<ConsumerGroupHeartbeatRequestData.TopicPartitions> ownedTopicPartitions
) {
if (receivedMemberEpoch > member.memberEpoch()) {
throw new FencedMemberEpochException("The consumer group member has a greater member "
+ "epoch (" + receivedMemberEpoch + ") than the one known by the group coordinator ("
+ member.memberEpoch() + "). The member must abandon all its partitions and rejoin.");
} else if (receivedMemberEpoch < member.memberEpoch()) {
// If the member comes with the previous epoch and has a subset of the current assignment partitions,
// we accept it because the response with the bumped epoch may have been lost.
if (receivedMemberEpoch != member.previousMemberEpoch() || !isSubset(ownedTopicPartitions, member.assignedPartitions())) {
throw new FencedMemberEpochException("The consumer group member has a smaller member "
+ "epoch (" + receivedMemberEpoch + ") than the one known by the group coordinator ("
+ member.memberEpoch() + "). The member must abandon all its partitions and rejoin.");
* Validates if the received instanceId has been released from the group
* @param member The consumer group member.
* @param groupId The consumer group id.
* @param receivedMemberId The member id received in the request.
* @param receivedInstanceId The instance id received in the request.
* @throws UnreleasedInstanceIdException if the instance id received in the request is still in use by an existing static member.
private void throwIfInstanceIdIsUnreleased(ConsumerGroupMember member, String groupId, String receivedMemberId, String receivedInstanceId) {
if (member.memberEpoch() != LEAVE_GROUP_STATIC_MEMBER_EPOCH) {
// The new member can't join."[GroupId {}] Static member {} with instance id {} cannot join the group because the instance id is" +
" is owned by member {}.", groupId, receivedMemberId, receivedInstanceId, member.memberId());
throw Errors.UNRELEASED_INSTANCE_ID.exception("Static member " + receivedMemberId + " with instance id "
+ receivedInstanceId + " cannot join the group because the instance id is owned by " + member.memberId() + " member.");
* Validates if the received instanceId has been released from the group
* @param member The consumer group member.
* @param groupId The consumer group id.
* @param receivedMemberId The member id received in the request.
* @param receivedInstanceId The instance id received in the request.
* @throws FencedInstanceIdException if the instance id provided is fenced because of another static member.
private void throwIfInstanceIdIsFenced(ConsumerGroupMember member, String groupId, String receivedMemberId, String receivedInstanceId) {
if (!member.memberId().equals(receivedMemberId)) {"[GroupId {}] Static member {} with instance id {} is fenced by existing member {}.",
groupId, receivedMemberId, receivedInstanceId, member.memberId());
throw Errors.FENCED_INSTANCE_ID.exception("Static member " + receivedMemberId + " with instance id "
+ receivedInstanceId + " was fenced by member " + member.memberId() + ".");
* Validates if the received instanceId has been released from the group
* @param staticMember The static member in the group.
* @param receivedInstanceId The instance id received in the request.
* @throws UnknownMemberIdException if no static member exists in the group against the provided instance id.
private void throwIfStaticMemberIsUnknown(ConsumerGroupMember staticMember, String receivedInstanceId) {
if (staticMember == null) {
throw Errors.UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID.exception("Instance id " + receivedInstanceId + " is unknown.");
* Validates if the received classic member protocols are supported by the group.
* @param group The ConsumerGroup.
* @param memberId The joining member id.
* @param protocolType The joining member protocol type.
* @param protocols The joining member protocol collection.
private void throwIfClassicProtocolIsNotSupported(
ConsumerGroup group,
String memberId,
String protocolType,
JoinGroupRequestProtocolCollection protocols
) {
if (!group.supportsClassicProtocols(protocolType, ClassicGroupMember.plainProtocolSet(protocols))) {
throw Errors.INCONSISTENT_GROUP_PROTOCOL.exception("Member " + memberId + "'s protocols are not supported.");
* Validates if the consumer group member uses the classic protocol.
* @param member The ConsumerGroupMember.
private void throwIfMemberDoesNotUseClassicProtocol(ConsumerGroupMember member) {
if (!member.useClassicProtocol()) {
throw new UnknownMemberIdException(
String.format("Member %s does not use the classic protocol.", member.memberId())
* Validates if the generation id from the request matches the member epoch.
* @param memberId The member id.
* @param memberEpoch The member epoch.
* @param requestGenerationId The generation id from the request.
private void throwIfGenerationIdUnmatched(
String memberId,
int memberEpoch,
int requestGenerationId
) {
if (memberEpoch != requestGenerationId) {
throw Errors.ILLEGAL_GENERATION.exception(
String.format("The request generation id %s is not equal to the member epoch %d of member %s.",
requestGenerationId, memberEpoch, memberId)
* Validates if the protocol type and the protocol name from the request matches those of the consumer group.
* @param member The ConsumerGroupMember.
* @param requestProtocolType The protocol type from the request.
* @param requestProtocolName The protocol name from the request.
private void throwIfClassicProtocolUnmatched(
ConsumerGroupMember member,
String requestProtocolType,
String requestProtocolName
) {
String protocolName = member.supportedClassicProtocols().get().iterator().next().name();
if (requestProtocolType != null && !ConsumerProtocol.PROTOCOL_TYPE.equals(requestProtocolType)) {
String.format("The protocol type %s from member %s request is not equal to the group protocol type %s.",
requestProtocolType, member.memberId(), ConsumerProtocol.PROTOCOL_TYPE)
} else if (requestProtocolName != null && !protocolName.equals(requestProtocolName)) {
String.format("The protocol name %s from member %s request is not equal to the protocol name %s returned in the join response.",
requestProtocolName, member.memberId(), protocolName)
* Validates if a new rebalance has been triggered and the member should rejoin to catch up.
* @param group The ConsumerGroup.
* @param member The ConsumerGroupMember.
private void throwIfRebalanceInProgress(
ConsumerGroup group,
ConsumerGroupMember member
) {
// If the group epoch is greater than the member epoch, there is a new rebalance triggered and the member
// needs to rejoin to catch up. However, if the member is in UNREVOKED_PARTITIONS state, it means the
// member has already rejoined, so it needs to first finish revoking the partitions and the reconciliation,
// and then the next rejoin will be triggered automatically if needed.
if (group.groupEpoch() > member.memberEpoch() && !member.state().equals(MemberState.UNREVOKED_PARTITIONS)) {
scheduleConsumerGroupJoinTimeoutIfAbsent(group.groupId(), member.memberId(), member.rebalanceTimeoutMs());
throw Errors.REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS.exception(
String.format("A new rebalance is triggered in group %s and member %s should rejoin to catch up.",
group.groupId(), member.memberId())
* Deserialize the subscription in JoinGroupRequestProtocolCollection.
* All the protocols have the same subscription, so the method picks a random one.
* @param protocols The JoinGroupRequestProtocolCollection.
* @return The Subscription.
private static ConsumerPartitionAssignor.Subscription deserializeSubscription(
JoinGroupRequestProtocolCollection protocols
) {
try {
return ConsumerProtocol.deserializeSubscription(
} catch (SchemaException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Malformed embedded consumer protocol in subscription deserialization.");
* @return The ConsumerGroupHeartbeatRequestData.TopicPartitions list converted from the TopicPartitions list.
private static List<ConsumerGroupHeartbeatRequestData.TopicPartitions> toTopicPartitions(
List<TopicPartition> partitions,
TopicsImage topicsImage
) {
Map<Uuid, ConsumerGroupHeartbeatRequestData.TopicPartitions> topicPartitionMap = new HashMap<>();
partitions.forEach(topicPartition -> {
TopicImage topicImage = topicsImage.getTopic(topicPartition.topic());
if (topicImage != null) {
.computeIfAbsent(, __ -> new ConsumerGroupHeartbeatRequestData.TopicPartitions().setTopicId(
return new ArrayList<>(topicPartitionMap.values());
* @return The TopicPartition list converted from the assignment map.
private static List<TopicPartition> toTopicPartitionList(
Map<Uuid, Set<Integer>> partitions,
TopicsImage topicsImage
) {
List<TopicPartition> topicPartitions = new ArrayList<>();
partitions.forEach((topicId, partitionSet) -> {
TopicImage topicImage = topicsImage.getTopic(topicId);
if (topicImage != null) {
partitionSet.forEach(partition ->
topicPartitions.add(new TopicPartition(, partition))
return topicPartitions;
private ConsumerGroupHeartbeatResponseData.Assignment createResponseAssignment(
ConsumerGroupMember member
) {
return new ConsumerGroupHeartbeatResponseData.Assignment()
private List<ConsumerGroupHeartbeatResponseData.TopicPartitions> fromAssignmentMap(
Map<Uuid, Set<Integer>> assignment
) {
return assignment.entrySet().stream()
.map(keyValue -> new ConsumerGroupHeartbeatResponseData.TopicPartitions()
.setPartitions(new ArrayList<>(keyValue.getValue())))
* Handles a regular heartbeat from a consumer group member. It mainly consists of
* three parts:
* 1) The member is created or updated. The group epoch is bumped if the member
* has been created or updated.
* 2) The target assignment for the consumer group is updated if the group epoch
* is larger than the current target assignment epoch.
* 3) The member's assignment is reconciled with the target assignment.
* @param groupId The group id from the request.
* @param memberId The member id from the request.
* @param memberEpoch The member epoch from the request.
* @param instanceId The instance id from the request or null.
* @param rackId The rack id from the request or null.
* @param rebalanceTimeoutMs The rebalance timeout from the request or -1.
* @param clientId The client id.
* @param clientHost The client host.
* @param subscribedTopicNames The list of subscribed topic names from the request
* of null.
* @param assignorName The assignor name from the request or null.
* @param ownedTopicPartitions The list of owned partitions from the request or null.
* @return A Result containing the ConsumerGroupHeartbeat response and
* a list of records to update the state machine.
private CoordinatorResult<ConsumerGroupHeartbeatResponseData, CoordinatorRecord> consumerGroupHeartbeat(
String groupId,
String memberId,
int memberEpoch,
String instanceId,
String rackId,
int rebalanceTimeoutMs,
String clientId,
String clientHost,
List<String> subscribedTopicNames,
String assignorName,
List<ConsumerGroupHeartbeatRequestData.TopicPartitions> ownedTopicPartitions
) throws ApiException {
final long currentTimeMs = time.milliseconds();
final List<CoordinatorRecord> records = new ArrayList<>();
// Get or create the consumer group.
boolean createIfNotExists = memberEpoch == 0;
final ConsumerGroup group = getOrMaybeCreateConsumerGroup(groupId, createIfNotExists, records);
throwIfConsumerGroupIsFull(group, memberId);
// Get or create the member.
if (memberId.isEmpty()) memberId = Uuid.randomUuid().toString();
ConsumerGroupMember member;
ConsumerGroupMember.Builder updatedMemberBuilder;
boolean staticMemberReplaced = false;
if (instanceId == null) {
member = group.getOrMaybeCreateMember(memberId, createIfNotExists);
throwIfMemberEpochIsInvalid(member, memberEpoch, ownedTopicPartitions);
if (createIfNotExists) {"[GroupId {}] Member {} joins the consumer group.", groupId, memberId);
updatedMemberBuilder = new ConsumerGroupMember.Builder(member);
} else {
member = group.staticMember(instanceId);
if (memberEpoch == 0) {
// A new static member joins or the existing static member rejoins.
if (member == null) {
// New static member.
member = group.getOrMaybeCreateMember(memberId, createIfNotExists);
updatedMemberBuilder = new ConsumerGroupMember.Builder(member);"[GroupId {}] Static member {} with instance id {} joins the consumer group.", groupId, memberId, instanceId);
} else {
// Static member rejoins with a different member id so it should replace
// the previous instance iff the previous member had sent a leave group.
throwIfInstanceIdIsUnreleased(member, groupId, memberId, instanceId);
// Replace the current member.
staticMemberReplaced = true;
updatedMemberBuilder = new ConsumerGroupMember.Builder(memberId)
// Remove the member without canceling its timers in case the change is reverted. If the
// change is not reverted, the group validation will fail and the timer will do nothing.
removeMember(records, groupId, member.memberId());"[GroupId {}] Static member with unknown member id and instance id {} re-joins the consumer group. " +
"Created a new member {} to replace the existing member {}.", groupId, instanceId, memberId, member.memberId());
} else {
throwIfStaticMemberIsUnknown(member, instanceId);
throwIfInstanceIdIsFenced(member, groupId, memberId, instanceId);
throwIfMemberEpochIsInvalid(member, memberEpoch, ownedTopicPartitions);
updatedMemberBuilder = new ConsumerGroupMember.Builder(member);
// 1. Create or update the member. If the member is new or has changed, a ConsumerGroupMemberMetadataValue
// record is written to the __consumer_offsets partition to persist the change. If the subscriptions have
// changed, the subscription metadata is updated and persisted by writing a ConsumerGroupPartitionMetadataValue
// record to the __consumer_offsets partition. Finally, the group epoch is bumped if the subscriptions have
// changed, and persisted by writing a ConsumerGroupMetadataValue record to the partition.
ConsumerGroupMember updatedMember = updatedMemberBuilder
boolean bumpGroupEpoch = hasMemberSubscriptionChanged(
int groupEpoch = group.groupEpoch();
Map<String, TopicMetadata> subscriptionMetadata = group.subscriptionMetadata();
Map<String, Integer> subscribedTopicNamesMap = group.subscribedTopicNames();
SubscriptionType subscriptionType = group.subscriptionType();
if (bumpGroupEpoch || group.hasMetadataExpired(currentTimeMs)) {
// The subscription metadata is updated in two cases:
// 1) The member has updated its subscriptions;
// 2) The refresh deadline has been reached.
subscribedTopicNamesMap = group.computeSubscribedTopicNames(member, updatedMember);
subscriptionMetadata = group.computeSubscriptionMetadata(
int numMembers = group.numMembers();
if (!group.hasMember(updatedMember.memberId()) && !staticMemberReplaced) {
subscriptionType = ConsumerGroup.subscriptionType(
if (!subscriptionMetadata.equals(group.subscriptionMetadata())) {"[GroupId {}] Computed new subscription metadata: {}.",
groupId, subscriptionMetadata);
bumpGroupEpoch = true;
records.add(newGroupSubscriptionMetadataRecord(groupId, subscriptionMetadata));
if (bumpGroupEpoch) {
groupEpoch += 1;
records.add(newGroupEpochRecord(groupId, groupEpoch));"[GroupId {}] Bumped group epoch to {}.", groupId, groupEpoch);
group.setMetadataRefreshDeadline(currentTimeMs + consumerGroupMetadataRefreshIntervalMs, groupEpoch);
// 2. Update the target assignment if the group epoch is larger than the target assignment epoch or a static member
// replaces an existing static member. The delta between the existing and the new target assignment is persisted to the partition.
int targetAssignmentEpoch = group.assignmentEpoch();
Assignment targetAssignment = group.targetAssignment(memberId);
if (groupEpoch > targetAssignmentEpoch || staticMemberReplaced) {
targetAssignment = updateTargetAssignment(
targetAssignmentEpoch = groupEpoch;
// 3. Reconcile the member's assignment with the target assignment if the member is not
// fully reconciled yet.
updatedMember = maybeReconcile(
scheduleConsumerGroupSessionTimeout(groupId, memberId);
// Prepare the response.
ConsumerGroupHeartbeatResponseData response = new ConsumerGroupHeartbeatResponseData()
// The assignment is only provided in the following cases:
// 1. The member sent a full request. It does so when joining or rejoining the group with zero
// as the member epoch; or on any errors (e.g. timeout). We use all the non-optional fields
// (rebalanceTimeoutMs, subscribedTopicNames and ownedTopicPartitions) to detect a full request
// as those must be set in a full request.
// 2. The member's assignment has been updated.
boolean isFullRequest = memberEpoch == 0 || (rebalanceTimeoutMs != -1 && subscribedTopicNames != null && ownedTopicPartitions != null);
if (isFullRequest || hasAssignedPartitionsChanged(member, updatedMember)) {
return new CoordinatorResult<>(records, response);
* Handle a JoinGroupRequest to a ConsumerGroup.
* @param group The group to join.
* @param context The request context.
* @param request The actual JoinGroup request.
* @param responseFuture The join group response future.
* @return The result that contains records to append if the join group phase completes.
private CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> classicGroupJoinToConsumerGroup(
ConsumerGroup group,
RequestContext context,
JoinGroupRequestData request,
CompletableFuture<JoinGroupResponseData> responseFuture
) throws ApiException {
final long currentTimeMs = time.milliseconds();
final List<CoordinatorRecord> records = new ArrayList<>();
final String groupId = request.groupId();
final String instanceId = request.groupInstanceId();
final int sessionTimeoutMs = request.sessionTimeoutMs();
final JoinGroupRequestProtocolCollection protocols = request.protocols();
String memberId = request.memberId();
final boolean isUnknownMember = memberId.equals(UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID);
if (isUnknownMember) memberId = Uuid.randomUuid().toString();
throwIfConsumerGroupIsFull(group, memberId);
throwIfClassicProtocolIsNotSupported(group, memberId, request.protocolType(), protocols);
// Get or create the member.
ConsumerGroupMember member;
ConsumerGroupMember.Builder updatedMemberBuilder;
boolean staticMemberReplaced = false;
if (instanceId == null) {
// A dynamic member (re-)joins.
if (isUnknownMember && JoinGroupRequest.requiresKnownMemberId(context.apiVersion())) {
// If member id required, send back a response to call for another join group request with allocated member id.
responseFuture.complete(new JoinGroupResponseData()
);"[GroupId {}] Dynamic member with unknown member id joins the consumer group. " +
"Created a new member id {} and requesting the member to rejoin with this id.", groupId, memberId);
} else {
member = group.getOrMaybeCreateMember(memberId, true);"[GroupId {}] Member {} joins the consumer group.", groupId, memberId);
updatedMemberBuilder = new ConsumerGroupMember.Builder(member);
} else {
member = group.staticMember(instanceId);
// A new static member joins or the existing static member rejoins.
if (isUnknownMember) {
if (member == null) {
// New static member.
member = group.getOrMaybeCreateMember(memberId, true);
updatedMemberBuilder = new ConsumerGroupMember.Builder(member);"[GroupId {}] Static member {} with instance id {} joins the consumer group.", groupId, memberId, instanceId);
} else {
// Replace the current static member.
staticMemberReplaced = true;
updatedMemberBuilder = new ConsumerGroupMember.Builder(memberId)
// Remove the member without canceling its timers in case the change is reverted. If the
// change is not reverted, the group validation will fail and the timer will do nothing.
removeMember(records, groupId, member.memberId());"[GroupId {}] Static member with unknown member id and instance id {} re-joins the consumer group. " +
"Created a new member {} to replace the existing member {}.", groupId, instanceId, memberId, member.memberId());
} else {
// Rejoining static member. Fence the static group with unmatched member id.
throwIfStaticMemberIsUnknown(member, instanceId);
throwIfInstanceIdIsFenced(member, groupId, memberId, instanceId);
updatedMemberBuilder = new ConsumerGroupMember.Builder(member);"[GroupId {}] Static member {} with instance id {} re-joins the consumer group.", groupId, memberId, instanceId);
int groupEpoch = group.groupEpoch();
Map<String, TopicMetadata> subscriptionMetadata = group.subscriptionMetadata();
Map<String, Integer> subscribedTopicNamesMap = group.subscribedTopicNames();
SubscriptionType subscriptionType = group.subscriptionType();
final ConsumerPartitionAssignor.Subscription subscription = deserializeSubscription(protocols);
final List<ConsumerGroupHeartbeatRequestData.TopicPartitions> ownedTopicPartitions =
toTopicPartitions(subscription.ownedPartitions(), metadataImage.topics());
// 1. Create or update the member. If the member is new or has changed, a ConsumerGroupMemberMetadataValue
// record is written to the __consumer_offsets partition to persist the change. If the subscriptions have
// changed, the subscription metadata is updated and persisted by writing a ConsumerGroupPartitionMetadataValue
// record to the __consumer_offsets partition. Finally, the group epoch is bumped if the subscriptions have
// changed, and persisted by writing a ConsumerGroupMetadataValue record to the partition.
ConsumerGroupMember updatedMember = updatedMemberBuilder
new ConsumerGroupMemberMetadataValue.ClassicMemberMetadata()
boolean bumpGroupEpoch = hasMemberSubscriptionChanged(
if (bumpGroupEpoch || group.hasMetadataExpired(currentTimeMs)) {
// The subscription metadata is updated in two cases:
// 1) The member has updated its subscriptions;
// 2) The refresh deadline has been reached.
subscribedTopicNamesMap = group.computeSubscribedTopicNames(member, updatedMember);
subscriptionMetadata = group.computeSubscriptionMetadata(
int numMembers = group.numMembers();
if (!group.hasMember(updatedMember.memberId()) && !staticMemberReplaced) {
subscriptionType = ConsumerGroup.subscriptionType(
if (!subscriptionMetadata.equals(group.subscriptionMetadata())) {"[GroupId {}] Computed new subscription metadata: {}.",
groupId, subscriptionMetadata);
bumpGroupEpoch = true;
records.add(newGroupSubscriptionMetadataRecord(groupId, subscriptionMetadata));
if (bumpGroupEpoch) {
groupEpoch += 1;
records.add(newGroupEpochRecord(groupId, groupEpoch));"[GroupId {}] Bumped group epoch to {}.", groupId, groupEpoch);
group.setMetadataRefreshDeadline(currentTimeMs + consumerGroupMetadataRefreshIntervalMs, groupEpoch);
// 2. Update the target assignment if the group epoch is larger than the target assignment epoch or a static member
// replaces an existing static member. The delta between the existing and the new target assignment is persisted to the partition.
int targetAssignmentEpoch = group.assignmentEpoch();
Assignment targetAssignment = group.targetAssignment(memberId);
if (groupEpoch > targetAssignmentEpoch || staticMemberReplaced) {
targetAssignment = updateTargetAssignment(
targetAssignmentEpoch = groupEpoch;
// 3. Reconcile the member's assignment with the target assignment if the member is not
// fully reconciled yet.
updatedMember = maybeReconcile(
final JoinGroupResponseData response = new JoinGroupResponseData()
CompletableFuture<Void> appendFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
appendFuture.whenComplete((__, t) -> {
if (t == null) {
cancelConsumerGroupJoinTimeout(groupId, response.memberId());
scheduleConsumerGroupSessionTimeout(groupId, response.memberId(), sessionTimeoutMs);
// The sync timeout ensures that the member send sync request within the rebalance timeout.
scheduleConsumerGroupSyncTimeout(groupId, response.memberId(), request.rebalanceTimeoutMs());
return new CoordinatorResult<>(records, null, appendFuture, true);
* Creates the member subscription record if the updatedMember is different from
* the old member. Returns true if the subscribedTopicNames/subscribedTopicRegex
* has changed.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param member The old member.
* @param updatedMember The updated member.
* @param records The list to accumulate any new records.
* @return A boolean indicating whether the updatedMember has a different
* subscribedTopicNames/subscribedTopicRegex from the old member.
private boolean hasMemberSubscriptionChanged(
String groupId,
ConsumerGroupMember member,
ConsumerGroupMember updatedMember,
List<CoordinatorRecord> records
) {
String memberId = updatedMember.memberId();
if (!updatedMember.equals(member)) {
records.add(newMemberSubscriptionRecord(groupId, updatedMember));
if (!updatedMember.subscribedTopicNames().equals(member.subscribedTopicNames())) {"[GroupId {}] Member {} updated its subscribed topics to: {}.",
groupId, memberId, updatedMember.subscribedTopicNames());
return true;
if (!updatedMember.subscribedTopicRegex().equals(member.subscribedTopicRegex())) {"[GroupId {}] Member {} updated its subscribed regex to: {}.",
groupId, memberId, updatedMember.subscribedTopicRegex());
return true;
return false;
* Reconciles the current assignment of the member towards the target assignment if needed.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param member The member to reconcile.
* @param currentPartitionEpoch The function returning the current epoch of
* a given partition.
* @param targetAssignmentEpoch The target assignment epoch.
* @param targetAssignment The target assignment.
* @param ownedTopicPartitions The list of partitions owned by the member. This
* is reported in the ConsumerGroupHeartbeat API and
* it could be null if not provided.
* @param records The list to accumulate any new records.
* @return The received member if no changes have been made; or a new
* member containing the new assignment.
private ConsumerGroupMember maybeReconcile(
String groupId,
ConsumerGroupMember member,
BiFunction<Uuid, Integer, Integer> currentPartitionEpoch,
int targetAssignmentEpoch,
Assignment targetAssignment,
List<ConsumerGroupHeartbeatRequestData.TopicPartitions> ownedTopicPartitions,
List<CoordinatorRecord> records
) {
if (member.isReconciledTo(targetAssignmentEpoch)) {
return member;
ConsumerGroupMember updatedMember = new CurrentAssignmentBuilder(member)
.withTargetAssignment(targetAssignmentEpoch, targetAssignment)
if (!updatedMember.equals(member)) {
records.add(newCurrentAssignmentRecord(groupId, updatedMember));"[GroupId {}] Member {} new assignment state: epoch={}, previousEpoch={}, state={}, "
+ "assignedPartitions={} and revokedPartitions={}.",
groupId, updatedMember.memberId(), updatedMember.memberEpoch(), updatedMember.previousMemberEpoch(), updatedMember.state(),
assignmentToString(updatedMember.assignedPartitions()), assignmentToString(updatedMember.partitionsPendingRevocation()));
// Schedule/cancel the rebalance timeout if the member uses the consumer protocol.
// The members using classic protocol only have join timer and sync timer.
if (!updatedMember.useClassicProtocol()) {
if (updatedMember.state() == MemberState.UNREVOKED_PARTITIONS) {
} else {
cancelConsumerGroupRebalanceTimeout(groupId, updatedMember.memberId());
return updatedMember;
* Updates the target assignment according to the updated member and subscription metadata.
* @param group The ConsumerGroup.
* @param groupEpoch The group epoch.
* @param member The existing member.
* @param updatedMember The updated member.
* @param subscriptionMetadata The subscription metadata.
* @param subscriptionType The group subscription type.
* @param staticMemberReplaced The boolean indicating whether the updated member
* is a static member that replaces the existing member.
* @param records The list to accumulate any new records.
* @return The new target assignment.
private Assignment updateTargetAssignment(
ConsumerGroup group,
int groupEpoch,
ConsumerGroupMember member,
ConsumerGroupMember updatedMember,
Map<String, TopicMetadata> subscriptionMetadata,
SubscriptionType subscriptionType,
boolean staticMemberReplaced,
List<CoordinatorRecord> records
) {
String preferredServerAssignor = group.computePreferredServerAssignor(
try {
TargetAssignmentBuilder assignmentResultBuilder =
new TargetAssignmentBuilder(group.groupId(), groupEpoch, assignors.get(preferredServerAssignor))
.addOrUpdateMember(updatedMember.memberId(), updatedMember);
TargetAssignmentBuilder.TargetAssignmentResult assignmentResult;
// A new static member is replacing an older one with the same subscriptions.
// We just need to remove the older member and add the newer one. The new member should
// reuse the target assignment of the older member.
if (staticMemberReplaced) {
assignmentResult = assignmentResultBuilder
} else {
assignmentResult = assignmentResultBuilder
}"[GroupId {}] Computed a new target assignment for epoch {} with '{}' assignor: {}.",
group.groupId(), groupEpoch, preferredServerAssignor, assignmentResult.targetAssignment());
return assignmentResult.targetAssignment().get(updatedMember.memberId());
} catch (PartitionAssignorException ex) {
String msg = String.format("Failed to compute a new target assignment for epoch %d: %s",
groupEpoch, ex.getMessage());
log.error("[GroupId {}] {}.", group.groupId(), msg);
throw new UnknownServerException(msg, ex);
* Handles leave request from a consumer group member.
* @param groupId The group id from the request.
* @param memberId The member id from the request.
* @param memberEpoch The member epoch from the request.
* @return A Result containing the ConsumerGroupHeartbeat response and
* a list of records to update the state machine.
private CoordinatorResult<ConsumerGroupHeartbeatResponseData, CoordinatorRecord> consumerGroupLeave(
String groupId,
String instanceId,
String memberId,
int memberEpoch
) throws ApiException {
ConsumerGroup group = consumerGroup(groupId);
ConsumerGroupHeartbeatResponseData response = new ConsumerGroupHeartbeatResponseData()
if (instanceId == null) {
ConsumerGroupMember member = group.getOrMaybeCreateMember(memberId, false);"[GroupId {}] Member {} left the consumer group.", groupId, memberId);
return consumerGroupFenceMember(group, member, response);
} else {
ConsumerGroupMember member = group.staticMember(instanceId);
throwIfStaticMemberIsUnknown(member, instanceId);
throwIfInstanceIdIsFenced(member, groupId, memberId, instanceId);
if (memberEpoch == LEAVE_GROUP_STATIC_MEMBER_EPOCH) {"[GroupId {}] Static Member {} with instance id {} temporarily left the consumer group.",
group.groupId(), memberId, instanceId);
return consumerGroupStaticMemberGroupLeave(group, member);
} else {"[GroupId {}] Static Member {} with instance id {} left the consumer group.",
group.groupId(), memberId, instanceId);
return consumerGroupFenceMember(group, member, response);
* Handles the case when a static member decides to leave the group.
* The member is not actually fenced from the group, and instead it's
* member epoch is updated to -2 to reflect that a member using the given
* instance id decided to leave the group and would be back within session
* timeout.
* @param group The group.
* @param member The static member in the group for the instance id.
* @return A CoordinatorResult with a single record signifying that the static member is leaving.
private CoordinatorResult<ConsumerGroupHeartbeatResponseData, CoordinatorRecord> consumerGroupStaticMemberGroupLeave(
ConsumerGroup group,
ConsumerGroupMember member
) {
// We will write a member epoch of -2 for this departing static member.
ConsumerGroupMember leavingStaticMember = new ConsumerGroupMember.Builder(member)
return new CoordinatorResult<>(
Collections.singletonList(newCurrentAssignmentRecord(group.groupId(), leavingStaticMember)),
new ConsumerGroupHeartbeatResponseData()
* Fences a member from a consumer group and maybe downgrade the consumer group to a classic group.
* @param group The group.
* @param member The member.
* @param response The response of the CoordinatorResult.
* @return The CoordinatorResult to be applied.
private <T> CoordinatorResult<T, CoordinatorRecord> consumerGroupFenceMember(
ConsumerGroup group,
ConsumerGroupMember member,
T response
) {
if (validateOnlineDowngrade(group, member.memberId())) {
return convertToClassicGroup(group, member.memberId(), response);
} else {
List<CoordinatorRecord> records = new ArrayList<>();
removeMember(records, group.groupId(), member.memberId());
// We update the subscription metadata without the leaving member.
Map<String, TopicMetadata> subscriptionMetadata = group.computeSubscriptionMetadata(
group.computeSubscribedTopicNames(member, null),
if (!subscriptionMetadata.equals(group.subscriptionMetadata())) {"[GroupId {}] Computed new subscription metadata: {}.",
group.groupId(), subscriptionMetadata);
records.add(newGroupSubscriptionMetadataRecord(group.groupId(), subscriptionMetadata));
// We bump the group epoch.
int groupEpoch = group.groupEpoch() + 1;
records.add(newGroupEpochRecord(group.groupId(), groupEpoch));
cancelTimers(group.groupId(), member.memberId());
return new CoordinatorResult<>(records, response);
* Write tombstones for the member. The order matters here.
* @param records The list of records to append the member assignment tombstone records.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param memberId The member id.
private void removeMember(List<CoordinatorRecord> records, String groupId, String memberId) {
records.add(newCurrentAssignmentTombstoneRecord(groupId, memberId));
records.add(newTargetAssignmentTombstoneRecord(groupId, memberId));
records.add(newMemberSubscriptionTombstoneRecord(groupId, memberId));
* Cancel all the timers of the member.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param memberId The member id.
private void cancelTimers(String groupId, String memberId) {
cancelConsumerGroupSessionTimeout(groupId, memberId);
cancelConsumerGroupRebalanceTimeout(groupId, memberId);
cancelConsumerGroupSyncTimeout(groupId, memberId);
* Schedules (or reschedules) the session timeout for the member.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param memberId The member id.
private void scheduleConsumerGroupSessionTimeout(
String groupId,
String memberId
) {
scheduleConsumerGroupSessionTimeout(groupId, memberId, consumerGroupSessionTimeoutMs);
* Fences a member from a consumer group. Returns an empty CoordinatorResult
* if the group or the member doesn't exist.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param memberId The member id.
* @param reason The reason for fencing the member.
* @return The CoordinatorResult to be applied.
private <T> CoordinatorResult<T, CoordinatorRecord> consumerGroupFenceMemberOperation(
String groupId,
String memberId,
String reason
) {
try {
ConsumerGroup group = consumerGroup(groupId);
ConsumerGroupMember member = group.getOrMaybeCreateMember(memberId, false);"[GroupId {}] Member {} fenced from the group because {}.",
groupId, memberId, reason);
return consumerGroupFenceMember(group, member, null);
} catch (GroupIdNotFoundException ex) {
log.debug("[GroupId {}] Could not fence {} because the group does not exist.",
groupId, memberId);
} catch (UnknownMemberIdException ex) {
log.debug("[GroupId {}] Could not fence {} because the member does not exist.",
groupId, memberId);
return new CoordinatorResult<>(Collections.emptyList());
* Schedules (or reschedules) the session timeout for the member.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param memberId The member id.
* @param sessionTimeoutMs The session timeout.
private void scheduleConsumerGroupSessionTimeout(
String groupId,
String memberId,
int sessionTimeoutMs
) {
consumerGroupSessionTimeoutKey(groupId, memberId),
() -> consumerGroupFenceMemberOperation(groupId, memberId, "the member session expired.")
* Cancels the session timeout of the member.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param memberId The member id.
private void cancelConsumerGroupSessionTimeout(
String groupId,
String memberId
) {
timer.cancel(consumerGroupSessionTimeoutKey(groupId, memberId));
* Schedules a rebalance timeout for the member.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param memberId The member id.
* @param memberEpoch The member epoch.
* @param rebalanceTimeoutMs The rebalance timeout.
private void scheduleConsumerGroupRebalanceTimeout(
String groupId,
String memberId,
int memberEpoch,
int rebalanceTimeoutMs
) {
String key = consumerGroupRebalanceTimeoutKey(groupId, memberId);
timer.schedule(key, rebalanceTimeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, true, () -> {
try {
ConsumerGroup group = consumerGroup(groupId);
ConsumerGroupMember member = group.getOrMaybeCreateMember(memberId, false);
if (member.memberEpoch() == memberEpoch) {"[GroupId {}] Member {} fenced from the group because " +
"it failed to transition from epoch {} within {}ms.",
groupId, memberId, memberEpoch, rebalanceTimeoutMs);
return consumerGroupFenceMember(group, member, null);
} else {
log.debug("[GroupId {}] Ignoring rebalance timeout for {} because the member " +
"left the epoch {}.", groupId, memberId, memberEpoch);
return new CoordinatorResult<>(Collections.emptyList());
} catch (GroupIdNotFoundException ex) {
log.debug("[GroupId {}] Could not fence {}} because the group does not exist.",
groupId, memberId);
} catch (UnknownMemberIdException ex) {
log.debug("[GroupId {}] Could not fence {} because the member does not exist.",
groupId, memberId);
return new CoordinatorResult<>(Collections.emptyList());
* Cancels the rebalance timeout of the member.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param memberId The member id.
private void cancelConsumerGroupRebalanceTimeout(
String groupId,
String memberId
) {
timer.cancel(consumerGroupRebalanceTimeoutKey(groupId, memberId));
* Schedules a join timeout for the member if there's not a join timeout.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param memberId The member id.
* @param rebalanceTimeoutMs The rebalance timeout.
private void scheduleConsumerGroupJoinTimeoutIfAbsent(
String groupId,
String memberId,
int rebalanceTimeoutMs
) {
consumerGroupJoinKey(groupId, memberId),
() -> consumerGroupFenceMemberOperation(groupId, memberId, "the classic member failed to join within the rebalance timeout.")
* Cancels the join timeout of the member.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param memberId The member id.
private void cancelConsumerGroupJoinTimeout(
String groupId,
String memberId
) {
timer.cancel(consumerGroupJoinKey(groupId, memberId));
* Schedules a sync timeout for the member.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param memberId The member id.
* @param rebalanceTimeoutMs The rebalance timeout.
private void scheduleConsumerGroupSyncTimeout(
String groupId,
String memberId,
int rebalanceTimeoutMs
) {
consumerGroupSyncKey(groupId, memberId),
() -> consumerGroupFenceMemberOperation(groupId, memberId, "the member failed to sync within timeout.")
* Cancels the sync timeout of the member.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param memberId The member id.
private void cancelConsumerGroupSyncTimeout(
String groupId,
String memberId
) {
timer.cancel(consumerGroupSyncKey(groupId, memberId));
* Handles a ConsumerGroupHeartbeat request.
* @param context The request context.
* @param request The actual ConsumerGroupHeartbeat request.
* @return A Result containing the ConsumerGroupHeartbeat response and
* a list of records to update the state machine.
public CoordinatorResult<ConsumerGroupHeartbeatResponseData, CoordinatorRecord> consumerGroupHeartbeat(
RequestContext context,
ConsumerGroupHeartbeatRequestData request
) throws ApiException {
if (request.memberEpoch() == LEAVE_GROUP_MEMBER_EPOCH || request.memberEpoch() == LEAVE_GROUP_STATIC_MEMBER_EPOCH) {
// -1 means that the member wants to leave the group.
// -2 means that a static member wants to leave the group.
return consumerGroupLeave(
} else {
// Otherwise, it is a regular heartbeat.
return consumerGroupHeartbeat(
* Replays ConsumerGroupMemberMetadataKey/Value to update the hard state of
* the consumer group. It updates the subscription part of the member or
* delete the member.
* @param key A ConsumerGroupMemberMetadataKey key.
* @param value A ConsumerGroupMemberMetadataValue record.
public void replay(
ConsumerGroupMemberMetadataKey key,
ConsumerGroupMemberMetadataValue value
) {
String groupId = key.groupId();
String memberId = key.memberId();
ConsumerGroup consumerGroup = getOrMaybeCreatePersistedConsumerGroup(groupId, value != null);
Set<String> oldSubscribedTopicNames = new HashSet<>(consumerGroup.subscribedTopicNames().keySet());
if (value != null) {
ConsumerGroupMember oldMember = consumerGroup.getOrMaybeCreateMember(memberId, true);
consumerGroup.updateMember(new ConsumerGroupMember.Builder(oldMember)
} else {
ConsumerGroupMember oldMember = consumerGroup.getOrMaybeCreateMember(memberId, false);
if (oldMember.memberEpoch() != LEAVE_GROUP_MEMBER_EPOCH) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Received a tombstone record to delete member " + memberId
+ " but did not receive ConsumerGroupCurrentMemberAssignmentValue tombstone.");
if (consumerGroup.targetAssignment().containsKey(memberId)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Received a tombstone record to delete member " + memberId
+ " but did not receive ConsumerGroupTargetAssignmentMetadataValue tombstone.");
updateGroupsByTopics(groupId, oldSubscribedTopicNames, consumerGroup.subscribedTopicNames().keySet());
* @return The set of groups subscribed to the topic.
public Set<String> groupsSubscribedToTopic(String topicName) {
Set<String> groups = groupsByTopics.get(topicName);
return groups != null ? groups : Collections.emptySet();
* Subscribes a group to a topic.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param topicName The topic name.
private void subscribeGroupToTopic(
String groupId,
String topicName
) {
.computeIfAbsent(topicName, __ -> new TimelineHashSet<>(snapshotRegistry, 1))
* Unsubscribes a group from a topic.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param topicName The topic name.
private void unsubscribeGroupFromTopic(
String groupId,
String topicName
) {
groupsByTopics.computeIfPresent(topicName, (__, groupIds) -> {
return groupIds.isEmpty() ? null : groupIds;
* Updates the group by topics mapping.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param oldSubscribedTopics The old group subscriptions.
* @param newSubscribedTopics The new group subscriptions.
private void updateGroupsByTopics(
String groupId,
Set<String> oldSubscribedTopics,
Set<String> newSubscribedTopics
) {
if (oldSubscribedTopics.isEmpty()) {
newSubscribedTopics.forEach(topicName ->
subscribeGroupToTopic(groupId, topicName)
} else if (newSubscribedTopics.isEmpty()) {
oldSubscribedTopics.forEach(topicName ->
unsubscribeGroupFromTopic(groupId, topicName)
} else {
oldSubscribedTopics.forEach(topicName -> {
if (!newSubscribedTopics.contains(topicName)) {
unsubscribeGroupFromTopic(groupId, topicName);
newSubscribedTopics.forEach(topicName -> {
if (!oldSubscribedTopics.contains(topicName)) {
subscribeGroupToTopic(groupId, topicName);
* Replays ConsumerGroupMetadataKey/Value to update the hard state of
* the consumer group. It updates the group epoch of the consumer
* group or deletes the consumer group.
* @param key A ConsumerGroupMetadataKey key.
* @param value A ConsumerGroupMetadataValue record.
public void replay(
ConsumerGroupMetadataKey key,
ConsumerGroupMetadataValue value
) {
String groupId = key.groupId();
if (value != null) {
ConsumerGroup consumerGroup = getOrMaybeCreatePersistedConsumerGroup(groupId, true);
} else {
ConsumerGroup consumerGroup = getOrMaybeCreatePersistedConsumerGroup(groupId, false);
if (!consumerGroup.members().isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Received a tombstone record to delete group " + groupId
+ " but the group still has " + consumerGroup.members().size() + " members.");
if (!consumerGroup.targetAssignment().isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Received a tombstone record to delete group " + groupId
+ " but the target assignment still has " + consumerGroup.targetAssignment().size()
+ " members.");
if (consumerGroup.assignmentEpoch() != -1) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Received a tombstone record to delete group " + groupId
+ " but did not receive ConsumerGroupTargetAssignmentMetadataValue tombstone.");
* Replays ConsumerGroupPartitionMetadataKey/Value to update the hard state of
* the consumer group. It updates the subscription metadata of the consumer
* group.
* @param key A ConsumerGroupPartitionMetadataKey key.
* @param value A ConsumerGroupPartitionMetadataValue record.
public void replay(
ConsumerGroupPartitionMetadataKey key,
ConsumerGroupPartitionMetadataValue value
) {
String groupId = key.groupId();
ConsumerGroup consumerGroup = getOrMaybeCreatePersistedConsumerGroup(groupId, false);
if (value != null) {
Map<String, TopicMetadata> subscriptionMetadata = new HashMap<>();
value.topics().forEach(topicMetadata -> {
subscriptionMetadata.put(topicMetadata.topicName(), TopicMetadata.fromRecord(topicMetadata));
} else {
* Replays ConsumerGroupTargetAssignmentMemberKey/Value to update the hard state of
* the consumer group. It updates the target assignment of the member or deletes it.
* @param key A ConsumerGroupTargetAssignmentMemberKey key.
* @param value A ConsumerGroupTargetAssignmentMemberValue record.
public void replay(
ConsumerGroupTargetAssignmentMemberKey key,
ConsumerGroupTargetAssignmentMemberValue value
) {
String groupId = key.groupId();
String memberId = key.memberId();
ConsumerGroup consumerGroup = getOrMaybeCreatePersistedConsumerGroup(groupId, false);
if (value != null) {
consumerGroup.updateTargetAssignment(memberId, Assignment.fromRecord(value));
} else {
* Replays ConsumerGroupTargetAssignmentMetadataKey/Value to update the hard state of
* the consumer group. It updates the target assignment epoch or set it to -1 to signal
* that it has been deleted.
* @param key A ConsumerGroupTargetAssignmentMetadataKey key.
* @param value A ConsumerGroupTargetAssignmentMetadataValue record.
public void replay(
ConsumerGroupTargetAssignmentMetadataKey key,
ConsumerGroupTargetAssignmentMetadataValue value
) {
String groupId = key.groupId();
ConsumerGroup consumerGroup = getOrMaybeCreatePersistedConsumerGroup(groupId, false);
if (value != null) {
} else {
if (!consumerGroup.targetAssignment().isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Received a tombstone record to delete target assignment of " + groupId
+ " but the assignment still has " + consumerGroup.targetAssignment().size() + " members.");
* Replays ConsumerGroupCurrentMemberAssignmentKey/Value to update the hard state of
* the consumer group. It updates the assignment of a member or deletes it.
* @param key A ConsumerGroupCurrentMemberAssignmentKey key.
* @param value A ConsumerGroupCurrentMemberAssignmentValue record.
public void replay(
ConsumerGroupCurrentMemberAssignmentKey key,
ConsumerGroupCurrentMemberAssignmentValue value
) {
String groupId = key.groupId();
String memberId = key.memberId();
ConsumerGroup consumerGroup = getOrMaybeCreatePersistedConsumerGroup(groupId, false);
ConsumerGroupMember oldMember = consumerGroup.getOrMaybeCreateMember(memberId, false);
if (value != null) {
ConsumerGroupMember newMember = new ConsumerGroupMember.Builder(oldMember)
} else {
ConsumerGroupMember newMember = new ConsumerGroupMember.Builder(oldMember)
* A new metadata image is available.
* @param newImage The new metadata image.
* @param delta The delta image.
public void onNewMetadataImage(MetadataImage newImage, MetadataDelta delta) {
metadataImage = newImage;
// Notify all the groups subscribed to the created, updated or
// deleted topics.
Optional.ofNullable(delta.topicsDelta()).ifPresent(topicsDelta -> {
Set<String> allGroupIds = new HashSet<>();
topicsDelta.changedTopics().forEach((topicId, topicDelta) -> {
String topicName =;
topicsDelta.deletedTopicIds().forEach(topicId -> {
TopicImage topicImage = delta.image().topics().getTopic(topicId);
allGroupIds.forEach(groupId -> {
Group group = groups.get(groupId);
if (group != null && group.type() == Group.GroupType.CONSUMER) {
((ConsumerGroup) group).requestMetadataRefresh();
* The coordinator has been loaded. Session timeouts are registered
* for all members.
public void onLoaded() {
groups.forEach((groupId, group) -> {
switch (group.type()) {
ConsumerGroup consumerGroup = (ConsumerGroup) group;"Loaded consumer group {} with {} members.", groupId, consumerGroup.members().size());
consumerGroup.members().forEach((memberId, member) -> {
log.debug("Loaded member {} in consumer group {}.", memberId, groupId);
scheduleConsumerGroupSessionTimeout(groupId, memberId);
if (member.state() == MemberState.UNREVOKED_PARTITIONS) {
ClassicGroup classicGroup = (ClassicGroup) group;"Loaded classic group {} with {} members.", groupId, classicGroup.allMembers().size());
classicGroup.allMembers().forEach(member -> {
log.debug("Loaded member {} in classic group {}.", member.memberId(), groupId);
rescheduleClassicGroupMemberHeartbeat(classicGroup, member);
if (classicGroup.size() > classicGroupMaxSize) {
// In case the max size config has changed.
prepareRebalance(classicGroup, "Freshly-loaded group " + groupId +
" (size " + classicGroup.size() + ") is over capacity " + classicGroupMaxSize +
". Rebalancing in order to give a chance for consumers to commit offsets");
log.warn("Loaded group {} with an unknown group type {}.", groupId, group.type());
* Called when the partition is unloaded.
* ClassicGroup: Complete all awaiting join and sync futures. Transition group to Dead.
public void onUnloaded() {
groups.values().forEach(group -> {
switch (group.type()) {
ConsumerGroup consumerGroup = (ConsumerGroup) group;"[GroupId={}] Unloaded group metadata for group epoch {}.",
consumerGroup.groupId(), consumerGroup.groupEpoch());
ClassicGroup classicGroup = (ClassicGroup) group;"[GroupId={}] Unloading group metadata for generation {}.",
classicGroup.groupId(), classicGroup.generationId());
switch (classicGroup.previousState()) {
case EMPTY:
case DEAD:
classicGroup.allMembers().forEach(member -> {
classicGroup.completeJoinFuture(member, new JoinGroupResponseData()
case STABLE:
classicGroup.allMembers().forEach(member -> {
classicGroup.completeSyncFuture(member, new SyncGroupResponseData()
public static String consumerGroupSessionTimeoutKey(String groupId, String memberId) {
return "session-timeout-" + groupId + "-" + memberId;
public static String consumerGroupRebalanceTimeoutKey(String groupId, String memberId) {
return "rebalance-timeout-" + groupId + "-" + memberId;
* Replays GroupMetadataKey/Value to update the soft state of
* the classic group.
* @param key A GroupMetadataKey key.
* @param value A GroupMetadataValue record.
public void replay(
GroupMetadataKey key,
GroupMetadataValue value
) {
String groupId =;
if (value == null) {
// Tombstone. Group should be removed.
} else {
List<ClassicGroupMember> loadedMembers = new ArrayList<>();
for (GroupMetadataValue.MemberMetadata member : value.members()) {
int rebalanceTimeout = member.rebalanceTimeout() == -1 ?
member.sessionTimeout() : member.rebalanceTimeout();
JoinGroupRequestProtocolCollection supportedProtocols = new JoinGroupRequestProtocolCollection();
supportedProtocols.add(new JoinGroupRequestProtocol()
ClassicGroupMember loadedMember = new ClassicGroupMember(
String protocolType = value.protocolType();
ClassicGroup classicGroup = new ClassicGroup(
loadedMembers.isEmpty() ? EMPTY : STABLE,
protocolType == null || protocolType.isEmpty() ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(protocolType),
value.currentStateTimestamp() == -1 ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(value.currentStateTimestamp())
loadedMembers.forEach(member -> classicGroup.add(member, null));
Group prevGroup = groups.put(groupId, classicGroup);
if (prevGroup == null) {
metrics.onClassicGroupStateTransition(null, classicGroup.currentState());
* Handle a JoinGroupRequest.
* @param context The request context.
* @param request The actual JoinGroup request.
* @param responseFuture The join group response future.
* @return The result that contains records to append if the join group phase completes.
public CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> classicGroupJoin(
RequestContext context,
JoinGroupRequestData request,
CompletableFuture<JoinGroupResponseData> responseFuture
) {
Group group = groups.get(request.groupId(), Long.MAX_VALUE);
if (group != null && group.type() == CONSUMER && !group.isEmpty()) {
// classicGroupJoinToConsumerGroup takes the join requests to non-empty consumer groups.
// The empty consumer groups should be converted to classic groups in classicGroupJoinToClassicGroup.
return classicGroupJoinToConsumerGroup((ConsumerGroup) group, context, request, responseFuture);
} else {
return classicGroupJoinToClassicGroup(context, request, responseFuture);
* Handle a JoinGroupRequest to a ClassicGroup or a group to be created.
* @param context The request context.
* @param request The actual JoinGroup request.
* @param responseFuture The join group response future.
* @return The result that contains records to append if the join group phase completes.
CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> classicGroupJoinToClassicGroup(
RequestContext context,
JoinGroupRequestData request,
CompletableFuture<JoinGroupResponseData> responseFuture
) {
CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> result = EMPTY_RESULT;
List<CoordinatorRecord> records = new ArrayList<>();
String groupId = request.groupId();
String memberId = request.memberId();
boolean isUnknownMember = memberId.equals(UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID);
// Group is created if it does not exist and the member id is UNKNOWN. if member
// is specified but group does not exist, request is rejected with GROUP_ID_NOT_FOUND
ClassicGroup group;
maybeDeleteEmptyConsumerGroup(groupId, records);
boolean isNewGroup = !groups.containsKey(groupId);
try {
group = getOrMaybeCreateClassicGroup(groupId, isUnknownMember);
} catch (Throwable t) {
responseFuture.complete(new JoinGroupResponseData()
if (!acceptJoiningMember(group, memberId)) {
responseFuture.complete(new JoinGroupResponseData()
} else if (isUnknownMember) {
result = classicGroupJoinNewMember(
} else {
result = classicGroupJoinExistingMember(
if (isNewGroup && result == EMPTY_RESULT) {
// If there are no records to append and if a group was newly created, we need to append
// records to the log to commit the group to the timeline data structure.
CompletableFuture<Void> appendFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
appendFuture.whenComplete((__, t) -> {
if (t != null) {
// We failed to write the empty group metadata. This will revert the snapshot, removing
// the newly created group.
log.warn("Failed to write empty metadata for group {}: {}", group.groupId(), t.getMessage());
responseFuture.complete(new JoinGroupResponseData()
CoordinatorRecordHelpers.newEmptyGroupMetadataRecord(group, metadataImage.features().metadataVersion())
return new CoordinatorResult<>(records, appendFuture, false);
return result;
* Attempt to complete join group phase. We do not complete
* the join group phase if this is the initial rebalance.
* @param group The group.
* @return The coordinator result that will be appended to the log.
private CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> maybeCompleteJoinPhase(ClassicGroup group) {
if (group.isInState(PREPARING_REBALANCE) &&
group.hasAllMembersJoined() &&
group.previousState() != EMPTY
) {
return completeClassicGroupJoin(group);
* Handle a new member classic group join.
* @param context The request context.
* @param request The join group request.
* @param group The group to add the member.
* @param responseFuture The response future to complete.
* @return The coordinator result that will be appended to the log.
private CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> classicGroupJoinNewMember(
RequestContext context,
JoinGroupRequestData request,
ClassicGroup group,
CompletableFuture<JoinGroupResponseData> responseFuture
) {
if (group.isInState(DEAD)) {
// If the group is marked as dead, it means some other thread has just removed the group
// from the coordinator metadata; it is likely that the group has migrated to some other
// coordinator OR the group is in a transient unstable phase. Let the member retry
// finding the correct coordinator and rejoin.
responseFuture.complete(new JoinGroupResponseData()
} else if (!group.supportsProtocols(request.protocolType(), request.protocols())) {
responseFuture.complete(new JoinGroupResponseData()
} else {
Optional<String> groupInstanceId = Optional.ofNullable(request.groupInstanceId());
String newMemberId = group.generateMemberId(context.clientId(), groupInstanceId);
if (groupInstanceId.isPresent()) {
return classicGroupJoinNewStaticMember(
} else {
return classicGroupJoinNewDynamicMember(
* Handle new static member join. If there was an existing member id for the group instance id,
* replace that member. Otherwise, add the member and rebalance.
* @param context The request context.
* @param request The join group request.
* @param group The group to add the member.
* @param newMemberId The newly generated member id.
* @param responseFuture The response future to complete.
* @return The coordinator result that will be appended to the log.
private CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> classicGroupJoinNewStaticMember(
RequestContext context,
JoinGroupRequestData request,
ClassicGroup group,
String newMemberId,
CompletableFuture<JoinGroupResponseData> responseFuture
) {
String groupInstanceId = request.groupInstanceId();
String existingMemberId = group.staticMemberId(groupInstanceId);
if (existingMemberId != null) {"Static member with groupInstanceId={} and unknown member id joins " +
"group {} in {} state. Replacing previously mapped member {} with this groupInstanceId.",
groupInstanceId, group.groupId(), group.currentState(), existingMemberId);
return updateStaticMemberThenRebalanceOrCompleteJoin(
} else {"Static member with groupInstanceId={} and unknown member id joins " +
"group {} in {} state. Created a new member id {} for this member and added to the group.",
groupInstanceId, group.groupId(), group.currentState(), newMemberId);
return addMemberThenRebalanceOrCompleteJoin(context, request, group, newMemberId, responseFuture);
* Handle a new dynamic member join. If the member id field is required, the group metadata manager
* will add the new member id to the pending members and respond with MEMBER_ID_REQUIRED along with
* the new member id for the client to join with.
* Otherwise, add the new member to the group and rebalance.
* @param context The request context.
* @param request The join group request.
* @param group The group to add the member.
* @param newMemberId The newly generated member id.
* @param responseFuture The response future to complete.
* @return The coordinator result that will be appended to the log.
private CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> classicGroupJoinNewDynamicMember(
RequestContext context,
JoinGroupRequestData request,
ClassicGroup group,
String newMemberId,
CompletableFuture<JoinGroupResponseData> responseFuture
) {
if (JoinGroupRequest.requiresKnownMemberId(context.apiVersion())) {
// If member id required, register the member in the pending member list and send
// back a response to call for another join group request with allocated member id."Dynamic member with unknown member id joins group {} in {} state. " +
"Created a new member id {} and requesting the member to rejoin with this id.",
group.groupId(), group.currentState(), newMemberId);
String classicGroupHeartbeatKey = classicGroupHeartbeatKey(group.groupId(), newMemberId);
() -> expireClassicGroupMemberHeartbeat(group.groupId(), newMemberId)
responseFuture.complete(new JoinGroupResponseData()
} else {"Dynamic member with unknown member id joins group {} in state {}. " +
"Created a new member id {} and added the member to the group.",
group.groupId(), group.currentState(), newMemberId);
return addMemberThenRebalanceOrCompleteJoin(context, request, group, newMemberId, responseFuture);
* Handle a join group request for an existing member.
* @param context The request context.
* @param request The join group request.
* @param group The group to add the member.
* @param responseFuture The response future to complete.
* @return The coordinator result that will be appended to the log.
private CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> classicGroupJoinExistingMember(
RequestContext context,
JoinGroupRequestData request,
ClassicGroup group,
CompletableFuture<JoinGroupResponseData> responseFuture
) {
String memberId = request.memberId();
String groupInstanceId = request.groupInstanceId();
if (group.isInState(DEAD)) {
// If the group is marked as dead, it means the group was recently removed the group
// from the coordinator metadata; it is likely that the group has migrated to some other
// coordinator OR the group is in a transient unstable phase. Let the member retry
// finding the correct coordinator and rejoin.
responseFuture.complete(new JoinGroupResponseData()
} else if (!group.supportsProtocols(request.protocolType(), request.protocols())) {
responseFuture.complete(new JoinGroupResponseData()
} else if (group.isPendingMember(memberId)) {
// A rejoining pending member will be accepted. Note that pending member cannot be a static member.
if (groupInstanceId != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Received unexpected JoinGroup with groupInstanceId=" +
groupInstanceId + " for pending member with memberId=" + memberId);
log.debug("Pending dynamic member with id {} joins group {} in {} state. Adding to the group now.",
memberId, group.groupId(), group.currentState());
return addMemberThenRebalanceOrCompleteJoin(
} else {
try {
} catch (KafkaException ex) {
responseFuture.complete(new JoinGroupResponseData()
ClassicGroupMember member = group.member(memberId);
if (group.isInState(PREPARING_REBALANCE)) {
return updateMemberThenRebalanceOrCompleteJoin(
"Member " + member.memberId() + " is joining group during " + group.stateAsString() +
"; client reason: " + JoinGroupRequest.joinReason(request),
} else if (group.isInState(COMPLETING_REBALANCE)) {
if (member.matches(request.protocols())) {
// Member is joining with the same metadata (which could be because it failed to
// receive the initial JoinGroup response), so just return current group information
// for the current generation.
responseFuture.complete(new JoinGroupResponseData()
.setMembers(group.isLeader(memberId) ?
group.currentClassicGroupMembers() : Collections.emptyList())
} else {
// Member has changed metadata, so force a rebalance
return updateMemberThenRebalanceOrCompleteJoin(
"Updating metadata for member " + memberId + " during " + group.stateAsString() +
"; client reason: " + JoinGroupRequest.joinReason(request),
} else if (group.isInState(STABLE)) {
if (group.isLeader(memberId)) {
// Force a rebalance if the leader sends JoinGroup;
// This allows the leader to trigger rebalances for changes affecting assignment
// which do not affect the member metadata (such as topic metadata changes for the consumer)
return updateMemberThenRebalanceOrCompleteJoin(
"Leader " + memberId + " re-joining group during " + group.stateAsString() +
"; client reason: " + JoinGroupRequest.joinReason(request),
} else if (!member.matches(request.protocols())) {
return updateMemberThenRebalanceOrCompleteJoin(
"Updating metadata for member " + memberId + " during " + group.stateAsString() +
"; client reason: " + JoinGroupRequest.joinReason(request),
} else {
// For followers with no actual change to their metadata, just return group information
// for the current generation which will allow them to issue SyncGroup.
responseFuture.complete(new JoinGroupResponseData()
} else {
// Group reached unexpected (Empty) state. Let the joining member reset their generation and rejoin.
log.warn("Attempt to add rejoining member {} of group {} in unexpected group state {}",
memberId, group.groupId(), group.stateAsString());
responseFuture.complete(new JoinGroupResponseData()
* An overload of {@link GroupMetadataManager#completeClassicGroupJoin(ClassicGroup)} used as
* timeout operation. It additionally looks up the group by the id and checks the group type.
* completeClassicGroupJoin will only be called if the group is CLASSIC.
private CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> completeClassicGroupJoin(String groupId) {
ClassicGroup group;
try {
group = getOrMaybeCreateClassicGroup(groupId, false);
} catch (UnknownMemberIdException | GroupIdNotFoundException exception) {
log.debug("Cannot find the group, skipping rebalance stage.", exception);
return completeClassicGroupJoin(group);
* Complete the join group phase. Remove all dynamic members that have not rejoined
* during this stage and proceed with the next generation for this group. The generation id
* is incremented and the group transitions to CompletingRebalance state if there is at least
* one member.
* If the group is in Empty state, append a new group metadata record to the log. Otherwise,
* complete all members' join group response futures and wait for sync requests from members.
* @param group The group that is completing the join group phase.
* @return The coordinator result that will be appended to the log.
private CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> completeClassicGroupJoin(
ClassicGroup group
) {
String groupId = group.groupId();
Map<String, ClassicGroupMember> notYetRejoinedDynamicMembers =
.filter(entry -> !entry.getValue().isStaticMember())
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));
if (!notYetRejoinedDynamicMembers.isEmpty()) {
notYetRejoinedDynamicMembers.values().forEach(failedMember -> {
timer.cancel(classicGroupHeartbeatKey(group.groupId(), failedMember.memberId()));
});"Group {} removed dynamic members who haven't joined: {}",
groupId, notYetRejoinedDynamicMembers.keySet());
if (group.isInState(DEAD)) {"Group {} is dead, skipping rebalance stage.", groupId);
} else if (!group.maybeElectNewJoinedLeader() && !group.allMembers().isEmpty()) {
// If all members are not rejoining, we will postpone the completion
// of rebalance preparing stage, and send out another delayed operation
// until session timeout removes all the non-responsive members.
log.error("Group {} could not complete rebalance because no members rejoined.", groupId);
() -> completeClassicGroupJoin(group.groupId())
} else {
if (group.isInState(EMPTY)) {"Group {} with generation {} is now empty.", groupId, group.generationId());
CompletableFuture<Void> appendFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
appendFuture.whenComplete((__, t) -> {
if (t != null) {
// We failed to write the empty group metadata. If the broker fails before another rebalance,
// the previous generation written to the log will become active again (and most likely timeout).
// This should be safe since there are no active members in an empty generation, so we just warn.
Errors error = appendGroupMetadataErrorToResponseError(Errors.forException(t));
log.warn("Failed to write empty metadata for group {}: {}", group.groupId(), error.message());
List<CoordinatorRecord> records = Collections.singletonList(CoordinatorRecordHelpers.newGroupMetadataRecord(
group, Collections.emptyMap(), metadataImage.features().metadataVersion()));
return new CoordinatorResult<>(records, appendFuture, false);
} else {"Stabilized group {} generation {} with {} members.",
groupId, group.generationId(), group.size());
// Complete the awaiting join group response future for all the members after rebalancing
group.allMembers().forEach(member -> {
List<JoinGroupResponseData.JoinGroupResponseMember> members = Collections.emptyList();
if (group.isLeader(member.memberId())) {
members = group.currentClassicGroupMembers();
JoinGroupResponseData response = new JoinGroupResponseData()
group.completeJoinFuture(member, response);
rescheduleClassicGroupMemberHeartbeat(group, member);
* Wait for sync requests for the group.
* @param group The group.
private void schedulePendingSync(ClassicGroup group) {
() -> expirePendingSync(group.groupId(), group.generationId()));
* Invoked when the heartbeat operation is expired from the timer. Possibly remove the member and
* try complete the join phase.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param memberId The member id.
* @return The coordinator result that will be appended to the log.
private CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> expireClassicGroupMemberHeartbeat(
String groupId,
String memberId
) {
ClassicGroup group;
try {
group = getOrMaybeCreateClassicGroup(groupId, false);
} catch (UnknownMemberIdException | GroupIdNotFoundException exception) {
log.debug("Received notification of heartbeat expiration for member {} after group {} " +
"had already been deleted or upgraded.", memberId, groupId);
if (group.isInState(DEAD)) {"Received notification of heartbeat expiration for member {} after group {} " +
"had already been unloaded or deleted.",
memberId, group.groupId());
} else if (group.isPendingMember(memberId)) {"Pending member {} in group {} has been removed after session timeout expiration.",
memberId, group.groupId());
return removePendingMemberAndUpdateClassicGroup(group, memberId);
} else if (!group.hasMemberId(memberId)) {
log.debug("Member {} has already been removed from the group.", memberId);
} else {
ClassicGroupMember member = group.member(memberId);
if (!member.hasSatisfiedHeartbeat()) {"Member {} in group {} has failed, removing it from the group.",
member.memberId(), group.groupId());
return removeMemberAndUpdateClassicGroup(
"removing member " + member.memberId() + " on heartbeat expiration."
* Invoked when the heartbeat key is expired from the timer. Possibly remove the member
* from the group and try to complete the join phase.
* @param group The group.
* @param member The member.
* @param reason The reason for removing the member.
* @return The coordinator result that will be appended to the log.
private CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> removeMemberAndUpdateClassicGroup(
ClassicGroup group,
ClassicGroupMember member,
String reason
) {
// New members may timeout with a pending JoinGroup while the group is still rebalancing, so we have
// to invoke the response future before removing the member. We return UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID so
// that the consumer will retry the JoinGroup request if it is still active.
group.completeJoinFuture(member, new JoinGroupResponseData()
if (group.isInState(STABLE) || group.isInState(COMPLETING_REBALANCE)) {
return maybePrepareRebalanceOrCompleteJoin(group, reason);
} else if (group.isInState(PREPARING_REBALANCE) && group.hasAllMembersJoined()) {
return completeClassicGroupJoin(group);
* Remove a pending member from the group and possibly complete the join phase.
* @param group The group.
* @param memberId The member id.
* @return The coordinator result that will be appended to the log.
private CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> removePendingMemberAndUpdateClassicGroup(
ClassicGroup group,
String memberId
) {
if (group.isInState(PREPARING_REBALANCE) && group.hasAllMembersJoined()) {
return completeClassicGroupJoin(group);
* Update an existing member. Then begin a rebalance or complete the join phase.
* @param request The join group request.
* @param group The group to add the member.
* @param member The member.
* @param joinReason The client reason for the join request.
* @param responseFuture The response future to complete.
* @return The coordinator result that will be appended to the log.
private CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> updateMemberThenRebalanceOrCompleteJoin(
JoinGroupRequestData request,
ClassicGroup group,
ClassicGroupMember member,
String joinReason,
CompletableFuture<JoinGroupResponseData> responseFuture
) {
return maybePrepareRebalanceOrCompleteJoin(group, joinReason);
* Add a member then rebalance or complete join.
* @param context The request context.
* @param request The join group request.
* @param group The group to add the member.
* @param memberId The member id.
* @param responseFuture The response future to complete.
* @return The coordinator result that will be appended to the log.
private CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> addMemberThenRebalanceOrCompleteJoin(
RequestContext context,
JoinGroupRequestData request,
ClassicGroup group,
String memberId,
CompletableFuture<JoinGroupResponseData> responseFuture
) {
Optional<String> groupInstanceId = Optional.ofNullable(request.groupInstanceId());
ClassicGroupMember member = new ClassicGroupMember(
// Update the newMemberAdded flag to indicate that the initial rebalance can be further delayed
if (group.isInState(PREPARING_REBALANCE) && group.previousState() == EMPTY) {
group.add(member, responseFuture);
// The session timeout does not affect new members since they do not have their memberId and
// cannot send heartbeats. Furthermore, we cannot detect disconnects because sockets are muted
// while the JoinGroup request is parked. If the client does disconnect (e.g. because of a request
// timeout during a long rebalance), they may simply retry which will lead to a lot of defunct
// members in the rebalance. To prevent this going on indefinitely, we time out JoinGroup requests
// for new members. If the new member is still there, we expect it to retry.
rescheduleClassicGroupMemberHeartbeat(group, member, classicGroupNewMemberJoinTimeoutMs);
return maybePrepareRebalanceOrCompleteJoin(group, "Adding new member " + memberId + " with group instance id " +
request.groupInstanceId() + "; client reason: " + JoinGroupRequest.joinReason(request));
* Prepare a rebalance if the group is in a valid state. Otherwise, try
* to complete the join phase.
* @param group The group to rebalance.
* @param reason The reason for the rebalance.
* @return The coordinator result that will be appended to the log.
private CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> maybePrepareRebalanceOrCompleteJoin(
ClassicGroup group,
String reason
) {
if (group.canRebalance()) {
return prepareRebalance(group, reason);
} else {
return maybeCompleteJoinPhase(group);
* Prepare a rebalance.
* @param group The group to rebalance.
* @param reason The reason for the rebalance.
* @return The coordinator result that will be appended to the log.
* Package private for testing.
CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> prepareRebalance(
ClassicGroup group,
String reason
) {
// If any members are awaiting sync, cancel their request and have them rejoin.
if (group.isInState(COMPLETING_REBALANCE)) {
resetAndPropagateAssignmentWithError(group, Errors.REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS);
// If a sync expiration is pending, cancel it.
boolean isInitialRebalance = group.isInState(EMPTY);
if (isInitialRebalance) {
// The group is new. Provide more time for the members to join.
int delayMs = classicGroupInitialRebalanceDelayMs;
int remainingMs = Math.max(group.rebalanceTimeoutMs() - classicGroupInitialRebalanceDelayMs, 0);
() -> tryCompleteInitialRebalanceElseSchedule(group.groupId(), delayMs, remainingMs)
group.transitionTo(PREPARING_REBALANCE);"Preparing to rebalance group {} in state {} with old generation {} (reason: {}).",
group.groupId(), group.currentState(), group.generationId(), reason);
return isInitialRebalance ? EMPTY_RESULT : maybeCompleteJoinElseSchedule(group);
* Try to complete the join phase. Otherwise, schedule a new join operation.
* @param group The group.
* @return The coordinator result that will be appended to the log.
private CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> maybeCompleteJoinElseSchedule(
ClassicGroup group
) {
String classicGroupJoinKey = classicGroupJoinKey(group.groupId());
if (group.hasAllMembersJoined()) {
// All members have joined. Proceed to sync phase.
return completeClassicGroupJoin(group);
} else {
() -> completeClassicGroupJoin(group.groupId())
* Try to complete the join phase of the initial rebalance.
* Otherwise, extend the rebalance.
* @param groupId The group under initial rebalance.
* @return The coordinator result that will be appended to the log.
private CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> tryCompleteInitialRebalanceElseSchedule(
String groupId,
int delayMs,
int remainingMs
) {
ClassicGroup group;
try {
group = getOrMaybeCreateClassicGroup(groupId, false);
} catch (UnknownMemberIdException | GroupIdNotFoundException exception) {
log.debug("Cannot find the group, skipping the initial rebalance stage.", exception);
if (group.newMemberAdded() && remainingMs != 0) {
// A new member was added. Extend the delay.
int newDelayMs = Math.min(classicGroupInitialRebalanceDelayMs, remainingMs);
int newRemainingMs = Math.max(remainingMs - delayMs, 0);
() -> tryCompleteInitialRebalanceElseSchedule(group.groupId(), newDelayMs, newRemainingMs)
} else {
// No more time remaining. Complete the join phase.
return completeClassicGroupJoin(group);
* Reset assignment for all members and propagate the error to all members in the group.
* @param group The group.
* @param error The error to propagate.
private void resetAndPropagateAssignmentWithError(ClassicGroup group, Errors error) {
if (!group.isInState(COMPLETING_REBALANCE)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Group " + group.groupId() + " must be in " + +
" state but is in " + group.currentState() + ".");
group.allMembers().forEach(member -> member.setAssignment(EMPTY_ASSIGNMENT));
propagateAssignment(group, error);
* Sets assignment for group and propagate assignment and error to all members.
* @param group The group.
* @param assignment The assignment for all members.
private void setAndPropagateAssignment(ClassicGroup group, Map<String, byte[]> assignment) {
if (!group.isInState(COMPLETING_REBALANCE)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The group must be in CompletingRebalance state " +
"to set and propagate assignment.");
group.allMembers().forEach(member ->
member.setAssignment(assignment.getOrDefault(member.memberId(), EMPTY_ASSIGNMENT)));
propagateAssignment(group, Errors.NONE);
* Propagate assignment and error to all members.
* @param group The group.
* @param error The error to propagate.
private void propagateAssignment(ClassicGroup group, Errors error) {
Optional<String> protocolName = Optional.empty();
Optional<String> protocolType = Optional.empty();
if (error == Errors.NONE) {
protocolName = group.protocolName();
protocolType = group.protocolType();
for (ClassicGroupMember member : group.allMembers()) {
if (!member.hasAssignment() && error == Errors.NONE) {
log.warn("Sending empty assignment to member {} of {} for " + "generation {} with no errors",
member.memberId(), group.groupId(), group.generationId());
if (group.completeSyncFuture(member,
new SyncGroupResponseData()
.setErrorCode(error.code()))) {
// Reset the session timeout for members after propagating the member's assignment.
// This is because if any member's session expired while we were still awaiting either
// the leader sync group or the append future, its expiration will be ignored and no
// future heartbeat expectations will not be scheduled.
rescheduleClassicGroupMemberHeartbeat(group, member);
* Complete and schedule next heartbeat.
* @param group The group.
* @param member The member.
public void rescheduleClassicGroupMemberHeartbeat(
ClassicGroup group,
ClassicGroupMember member
) {
rescheduleClassicGroupMemberHeartbeat(group, member, member.sessionTimeoutMs());
* Reschedule the heartbeat.
* @param group The group.
* @param member The member.
* @param timeoutMs The timeout for the new heartbeat.
private void rescheduleClassicGroupMemberHeartbeat(
ClassicGroup group,
ClassicGroupMember member,
long timeoutMs
) {
String classicGroupHeartbeatKey = classicGroupHeartbeatKey(group.groupId(), member.memberId());
// Reschedule the next heartbeat expiration deadline
() -> expireClassicGroupMemberHeartbeat(group.groupId(), member.memberId()));
* Remove the sync key from the timer and clear all pending sync members from the group.
* Invoked when a new rebalance is triggered.
* @param group The group.
private void removeSyncExpiration(ClassicGroup group) {
* Expire pending sync.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param generationId The generation when the pending sync was originally scheduled.
* @return The coordinator result that will be appended to the log.
* */
private CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> expirePendingSync(
String groupId,
int generationId
) {
ClassicGroup group;
try {
group = getOrMaybeCreateClassicGroup(groupId, false);
} catch (UnknownMemberIdException | GroupIdNotFoundException exception) {
log.debug("Received notification of sync expiration for an unknown classic group {}.", groupId);
if (generationId != group.generationId()) {
log.error("Received unexpected notification of sync expiration for {} with an old " +
"generation {} while the group has {}.", group.groupId(), generationId, group.generationId());
} else {
if (group.isInState(DEAD) || group.isInState(EMPTY) || group.isInState(PREPARING_REBALANCE)) {
log.error("Received unexpected notification of sync expiration after group {} already " +
"transitioned to {} state.", group.groupId(), group.stateAsString());
} else if (group.isInState(COMPLETING_REBALANCE) || group.isInState(STABLE)) {
if (!group.hasReceivedSyncFromAllMembers()) {
Set<String> pendingSyncMembers = new HashSet<>(group.allPendingSyncMembers());
pendingSyncMembers.forEach(memberId -> {
timer.cancel(classicGroupHeartbeatKey(group.groupId(), memberId));
log.debug("Group {} removed members who haven't sent their sync requests: {}",
group.groupId(), pendingSyncMembers);
return prepareRebalance(group, "Removing " + pendingSyncMembers + " on pending sync request expiration");
* Checks whether the group can accept a joining member.
* @param group The group.
* @param memberId The member.
* @return whether the group can accept a joining member.
private boolean acceptJoiningMember(ClassicGroup group, String memberId) {
switch (group.currentState()) {
case EMPTY:
case DEAD:
// Always accept the request when the group is empty or dead
return true;
// An existing member is accepted if it is already awaiting. New members are accepted
// up to the max group size. Note that the number of awaiting members is used here
// for two reasons:
// 1) the group size is not reliable as it could already be above the max group size
// if the max group size was reduced.
// 2) using the number of awaiting members allows to kick out the last rejoining
// members of the group.
return (group.hasMemberId(memberId) && group.member(memberId).isAwaitingJoin()) ||
group.numAwaitingJoinResponse() < classicGroupMaxSize;
case STABLE:
// An existing member is accepted. New members are accepted up to the max group size.
// Note that the group size is used here. When the group transitions to CompletingRebalance,
// members who haven't rejoined are removed.
return group.hasMemberId(memberId) || group.size() < classicGroupMaxSize;
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown group state: " + group.stateAsString());
* Update a static member then rebalance or complete join.
* @param context The request context.
* @param request The join group request.
* @param group The group of the static member.
* @param oldMemberId The existing static member id.
* @param newMemberId The new joining static member id.
* @param responseFuture The response future to complete.
* @return The coordinator result that will be appended to the log.
private CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> updateStaticMemberThenRebalanceOrCompleteJoin(
RequestContext context,
JoinGroupRequestData request,
ClassicGroup group,
String oldMemberId,
String newMemberId,
CompletableFuture<JoinGroupResponseData> responseFuture
) {
String currentLeader = group.leaderOrNull();
ClassicGroupMember newMember = group.replaceStaticMember(request.groupInstanceId(), oldMemberId, newMemberId);
// Heartbeat of old member id will expire without effect since the group no longer contains that member id.
// New heartbeat shall be scheduled with new member id.
rescheduleClassicGroupMemberHeartbeat(group, newMember);
int oldRebalanceTimeoutMs = newMember.rebalanceTimeoutMs();
int oldSessionTimeoutMs = newMember.sessionTimeoutMs();
JoinGroupRequestProtocolCollection oldProtocols = newMember.supportedProtocols();
if (group.isInState(STABLE)) {
// Check if group's selected protocol of next generation will change, if not, simply store group to persist
// the updated static member, if yes, rebalance should be triggered to keep the group's assignment
// and selected protocol consistent
String groupInstanceId = request.groupInstanceId();
String selectedProtocolForNextGeneration = group.selectProtocol();
if (group.protocolName().orElse("").equals(selectedProtocolForNextGeneration)) {"Static member which joins during Stable stage and doesn't affect " +
"the selected protocol will not trigger a rebalance.");
Map<String, byte[]> groupAssignment = group.groupAssignment();
CompletableFuture<Void> appendFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
appendFuture.whenComplete((__, t) -> {
if (t != null) {
log.warn("Failed to persist metadata for group {} static member {} with " +
"group instance id {} due to {}. Reverting to old member id {}.",
group.groupId(), newMemberId, groupInstanceId, t.getMessage(), oldMemberId);
// Failed to persist the member id of the given static member, revert the update of the static member in the group.
group.updateMember(newMember, oldProtocols, oldRebalanceTimeoutMs, oldSessionTimeoutMs, null);
ClassicGroupMember oldMember = group.replaceStaticMember(groupInstanceId, newMemberId, oldMemberId);
rescheduleClassicGroupMemberHeartbeat(group, oldMember);
new JoinGroupResponseData()
} else if (JoinGroupRequest.supportsSkippingAssignment(context.apiVersion())) {
boolean isLeader = group.isLeader(newMemberId);
group.completeJoinFuture(newMember, new JoinGroupResponseData()
.setMembers(isLeader ? group.currentClassicGroupMembers() : Collections.emptyList())
} else {
group.completeJoinFuture(newMember, new JoinGroupResponseData()
List<CoordinatorRecord> records = Collections.singletonList(
CoordinatorRecordHelpers.newGroupMetadataRecord(group, groupAssignment, metadataImage.features().metadataVersion())
return new CoordinatorResult<>(records, appendFuture, false);
} else {
return maybePrepareRebalanceOrCompleteJoin(
"Group's selectedProtocol will change because static member " +
newMember.memberId() + " with instance id " + groupInstanceId +
" joined with change of protocol; client reason: " + JoinGroupRequest.joinReason(request)
} else if (group.isInState(COMPLETING_REBALANCE)) {
// if the group is in after-sync stage, upon getting a new join-group of a known static member
// we should still trigger a new rebalance, since the old member may already be sent to the leader
// for assignment, and hence when the assignment gets back there would be a mismatch of the old member id
// with the new replaced member id. As a result the new member id would not get any assignment.
return prepareRebalance(
"Updating metadata for static member " + newMember.memberId() + " with instance id " +
request.groupInstanceId() + "; client reason: " + JoinGroupRequest.joinReason(request)
} else if (group.isInState(EMPTY) || group.isInState(DEAD)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Group " + group.groupId() + " was not supposed to be in the state " +
group.stateAsString() + " when the unknown static member " + request.groupInstanceId() + " rejoins.");
return maybeCompleteJoinPhase(group);
* Handle a SyncGroupRequest.
* @param context The request context.
* @param request The actual SyncGroup request.
* @param responseFuture The sync group response future.
* @return The result that contains records to append.
public CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> classicGroupSync(
RequestContext context,
SyncGroupRequestData request,
CompletableFuture<SyncGroupResponseData> responseFuture
) throws UnknownMemberIdException, GroupIdNotFoundException {
Group group = groups.get(request.groupId(), Long.MAX_VALUE);
if (group == null || group.isEmpty()) {
responseFuture.complete(new SyncGroupResponseData()
if (group.type() == CLASSIC) {
return classicGroupSyncToClassicGroup((ClassicGroup) group, context, request, responseFuture);
} else {
return classicGroupSyncToConsumerGroup((ConsumerGroup) group, context, request, responseFuture);
* Handle a SyncGroupRequest to a ClassicGroup.
* @param group The ClassicGroup.
* @param context The request context.
* @param request The actual SyncGroup request.
* @param responseFuture The sync group response future.
* @return The result that contains records to append if the group metadata manager received assignments.
private CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> classicGroupSyncToClassicGroup(
ClassicGroup group,
RequestContext context,
SyncGroupRequestData request,
CompletableFuture<SyncGroupResponseData> responseFuture
) throws IllegalStateException {
String groupId = request.groupId();
String memberId = request.memberId();
Optional<Errors> errorOpt = validateSyncGroup(group, request);
if (errorOpt.isPresent()) {
responseFuture.complete(new SyncGroupResponseData()
} else if (group.isInState(PREPARING_REBALANCE)) {
responseFuture.complete(new SyncGroupResponseData()
} else if (group.isInState(COMPLETING_REBALANCE)) {
removePendingSyncMember(group, request.memberId());
// If this is the leader, then we can attempt to persist state and transition to stable
if (group.isLeader(memberId)) {"Assignment received from leader {} for group {} for generation {}. " +
"The group has {} members, {} of which are static.",
memberId, groupId, group.generationId(), group.size(), group.allStaticMemberIds().size());
// Fill all members with corresponding member assignment. If the member assignment
// does not exist, fill with an empty assignment.
Map<String, byte[]> assignment = new HashMap<>();
request.assignments().forEach(memberAssignment ->
assignment.put(memberAssignment.memberId(), memberAssignment.assignment())
Map<String, byte[]> membersWithMissingAssignment = new HashMap<>();
group.allMembers().forEach(member -> {
if (!assignment.containsKey(member.memberId())) {
membersWithMissingAssignment.put(member.memberId(), EMPTY_ASSIGNMENT);
if (!membersWithMissingAssignment.isEmpty()) {
log.warn("Setting empty assignments for members {} of {} for generation {}.",
membersWithMissingAssignment, groupId, group.generationId());
CompletableFuture<Void> appendFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
appendFuture.whenComplete((__, t) -> {
// Another member may have joined the group while we were awaiting this callback,
// so we must ensure we are still in the CompletingRebalance state and the same generation
// when it gets invoked. if we have transitioned to another state, then do nothing
if (group.isInState(COMPLETING_REBALANCE) && request.generationId() == group.generationId()) {
if (t != null) {
Errors error = appendGroupMetadataErrorToResponseError(Errors.forException(t));
resetAndPropagateAssignmentWithError(group, error);
maybePrepareRebalanceOrCompleteJoin(group, "Error " + error + " when storing group assignment" +
"during SyncGroup (member: " + memberId + ").");
} else {
// Update group's assignment and propagate to all members.
setAndPropagateAssignment(group, assignment);
List<CoordinatorRecord> records = Collections.singletonList(
CoordinatorRecordHelpers.newGroupMetadataRecord(group, assignment, metadataImage.features().metadataVersion())
return new CoordinatorResult<>(records, appendFuture, false);
} else if (group.isInState(STABLE)) {
removePendingSyncMember(group, memberId);
// If the group is stable, we just return the current assignment
ClassicGroupMember member = group.member(memberId);
responseFuture.complete(new SyncGroupResponseData()
} else if (group.isInState(DEAD)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Reached unexpected condition for Dead group " + groupId);
* Handle a SyncGroupRequest to a ConsumerGroup.
* @param group The ConsumerGroup.
* @param context The request context.
* @param request The actual SyncGroup request.
* @param responseFuture The sync group response future.
* @return The result that contains the appendFuture to return the response.
private CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> classicGroupSyncToConsumerGroup(
ConsumerGroup group,
RequestContext context,
SyncGroupRequestData request,
CompletableFuture<SyncGroupResponseData> responseFuture
) throws UnknownMemberIdException, FencedInstanceIdException, IllegalGenerationException,
InconsistentGroupProtocolException, RebalanceInProgressException, IllegalStateException {
String groupId = request.groupId();
String memberId = request.memberId();
String instanceId = request.groupInstanceId();
ConsumerGroupMember member = validateConsumerGroupMember(group, memberId, instanceId);
throwIfGenerationIdUnmatched(member.memberId(), member.memberEpoch(), request.generationId());
throwIfClassicProtocolUnmatched(member, request.protocolType(), request.protocolName());
throwIfRebalanceInProgress(group, member);
CompletableFuture<Void> appendFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
appendFuture.whenComplete((__, t) -> {
if (t == null) {
cancelConsumerGroupSyncTimeout(groupId, memberId);
scheduleConsumerGroupSessionTimeout(groupId, memberId, member.classicProtocolSessionTimeout().get());
responseFuture.complete(new SyncGroupResponseData()
return new CoordinatorResult<>(Collections.emptyList(), appendFuture, false);
* Serializes the member's assigned partitions with ConsumerProtocol.
* @param member The ConsumerGroupMember.
* @return The serialized assigned partitions.
private byte[] prepareAssignment(ConsumerGroupMember member) {
try {
return ConsumerProtocol.serializeAssignment(
new ConsumerPartitionAssignor.Assignment(toTopicPartitionList(member.assignedPartitions(), metadataImage.topics())),
} catch (SchemaException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Malformed embedded consumer protocol in version deserialization.");
// Visible for testing
static Errors appendGroupMetadataErrorToResponseError(Errors appendError) {
switch (appendError) {
return appendError;
private Optional<Errors> validateSyncGroup(
ClassicGroup group,
SyncGroupRequestData request
) {
if (group.isInState(DEAD)) {
// If the group is marked as dead, it means some other thread has just removed the group
// from the coordinator metadata; this is likely that the group has migrated to some other
// coordinator OR the group is in a transient unstable phase. Let the member retry
// finding the correct coordinator and rejoin.
} else {
try {
} catch (KafkaException ex) {
return Optional.of(Errors.forException(ex));
if (request.generationId() != group.generationId()) {
return Optional.of(Errors.ILLEGAL_GENERATION);
} else if (isProtocolInconsistent(request.protocolType(), group.protocolType().orElse(null)) ||
isProtocolInconsistent(request.protocolName(), group.protocolName().orElse(null))) {
return Optional.of(Errors.INCONSISTENT_GROUP_PROTOCOL);
} else {
return Optional.empty();
private void removePendingSyncMember(
ClassicGroup group,
String memberId
) {
String syncKey = classicGroupSyncKey(group.groupId());
switch (group.currentState()) {
case DEAD:
case EMPTY:
case STABLE:
if (group.hasReceivedSyncFromAllMembers()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown group state: " + group.stateAsString());
* Handle a classic group HeartbeatRequest.
* @param context The request context.
* @param request The actual Heartbeat request.
* @return The coordinator result that contains the heartbeat response.
public CoordinatorResult<HeartbeatResponseData, CoordinatorRecord> classicGroupHeartbeat(
RequestContext context,
HeartbeatRequestData request
) {
Group group = groups.get(request.groupId(), Long.MAX_VALUE);
if (group == null) {
throw new UnknownMemberIdException(
String.format("Group %s not found.", request.groupId())
if (group.type() == CLASSIC) {
return classicGroupHeartbeatToClassicGroup((ClassicGroup) group, context, request);
} else {
return classicGroupHeartbeatToConsumerGroup((ConsumerGroup) group, context, request);
* Handle a classic group HeartbeatRequest to a classic group.
* @param group The ClassicGroup.
* @param context The request context.
* @param request The actual Heartbeat request.
* @return The coordinator result that contains the heartbeat response.
private CoordinatorResult<HeartbeatResponseData, CoordinatorRecord> classicGroupHeartbeatToClassicGroup(
ClassicGroup group,
RequestContext context,
HeartbeatRequestData request
) {
validateClassicGroupHeartbeat(group, request.memberId(), request.groupInstanceId(), request.generationId());
switch (group.currentState()) {
case EMPTY:
return new CoordinatorResult<>(
new HeartbeatResponseData().setErrorCode(Errors.UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID.code())
rescheduleClassicGroupMemberHeartbeat(group, group.member(request.memberId()));
return new CoordinatorResult<>(
new HeartbeatResponseData().setErrorCode(Errors.REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS.code())
case STABLE:
// Consumers may start sending heartbeats after join-group response, while the group
// is in CompletingRebalance state. In this case, we should treat them as
// normal heartbeat requests and reset the timer
rescheduleClassicGroupMemberHeartbeat(group, group.member(request.memberId()));
return new CoordinatorResult<>(
new HeartbeatResponseData()
throw new IllegalStateException("Reached unexpected state " +
group.currentState() + " for group " + group.groupId());
* Validates a classic group heartbeat request.
* @param group The group.
* @param memberId The member id.
* @param groupInstanceId The group instance id.
* @param generationId The generation id.
* @throws CoordinatorNotAvailableException If group is Dead.
* @throws IllegalGenerationException If the generation id in the request and the generation id of the
* group does not match.
private void validateClassicGroupHeartbeat(
ClassicGroup group,
String memberId,
String groupInstanceId,
int generationId
) throws CoordinatorNotAvailableException, IllegalGenerationException {
if (group.isInState(DEAD)) {
} else {
if (generationId != group.generationId()) {
throw ILLEGAL_GENERATION.exception();
* Handle a classic group HeartbeatRequest to a consumer group. A response with
* REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS is returned if 1) the member epoch is smaller than the
* group epoch, 2) the member is in UNREVOKED_PARTITIONS, or 3) the member is in
* UNRELEASED_PARTITIONS and all its partitions pending assignment are free.
* @param group The ConsumerGroup.
* @param context The request context.
* @param request The actual Heartbeat request.
* @return The coordinator result that contains the heartbeat response.
private CoordinatorResult<HeartbeatResponseData, CoordinatorRecord> classicGroupHeartbeatToConsumerGroup(
ConsumerGroup group,
RequestContext context,
HeartbeatRequestData request
) throws UnknownMemberIdException, FencedInstanceIdException, IllegalGenerationException {
String groupId = request.groupId();
String memberId = request.memberId();
String instanceId = request.groupInstanceId();
ConsumerGroupMember member = validateConsumerGroupMember(group, memberId, instanceId);
throwIfGenerationIdUnmatched(memberId, member.memberEpoch(), request.generationId());
scheduleConsumerGroupSessionTimeout(groupId, memberId, member.classicProtocolSessionTimeout().get());
Errors error = Errors.NONE;
// The member should rejoin if any of the following conditions is met.
// 1) The group epoch is bumped so the member need to rejoin to catch up.
// 2) The member needs to revoke some partitions and rejoin to reconcile with the new epoch.
// 3) The member's partitions pending assignment are free, so it can rejoin to get the complete assignment.
if (member.memberEpoch() < group.groupEpoch() ||
member.state() == MemberState.UNREVOKED_PARTITIONS ||
(member.state() == MemberState.UNRELEASED_PARTITIONS && !group.waitingOnUnreleasedPartition(member))) {
scheduleConsumerGroupJoinTimeoutIfAbsent(groupId, memberId, member.rebalanceTimeoutMs());
return new CoordinatorResult<>(
new HeartbeatResponseData().setErrorCode(error.code())
* Validates that (1) the instance id exists and is mapped to the member id
* if the group instance id is provided; and (2) the member id exists in the group.
* @param group The consumer group.
* @param memberId The member id.
* @param instanceId The instance id.
* @return The ConsumerGroupMember.
private ConsumerGroupMember validateConsumerGroupMember(
ConsumerGroup group,
String memberId,
String instanceId
) throws UnknownMemberIdException, FencedInstanceIdException {
ConsumerGroupMember member;
if (instanceId == null) {
member = group.getOrMaybeCreateMember(memberId, false);
} else {
member = group.staticMember(instanceId);
if (member == null) {
throw new UnknownMemberIdException(
String.format("Member with instance id %s is not a member of group %s.", instanceId, group.groupId())
throwIfInstanceIdIsFenced(member, group.groupId(), memberId, instanceId);
return member;
* Handle a classic LeaveGroupRequest.
* @param context The request context.
* @param request The actual LeaveGroup request.
* @return The LeaveGroup response and the GroupMetadata record to append if the group
* no longer has any members.
public CoordinatorResult<LeaveGroupResponseData, CoordinatorRecord> classicGroupLeave(
RequestContext context,
LeaveGroupRequestData request
) throws UnknownMemberIdException, GroupIdNotFoundException {
ClassicGroup group = getOrMaybeCreateClassicGroup(request.groupId(), false);
if (group.isInState(DEAD)) {
return new CoordinatorResult<>(
new LeaveGroupResponseData()
List<MemberResponse> memberResponses = new ArrayList<>();
for (MemberIdentity member: request.members()) {
String reason = member.reason() != null ? member.reason() : "not provided";
// The LeaveGroup API allows administrative removal of members by GroupInstanceId
// in which case we expect the MemberId to be undefined.
if (UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID.equals(member.memberId())) {
if (member.groupInstanceId() != null && group.hasStaticMember(member.groupInstanceId())) {
new MemberResponse()
} else {
new MemberResponse()
} else if (group.isPendingMember(member.memberId())) {
timer.cancel(classicGroupHeartbeatKey(group.groupId(), member.memberId()));"[Group {}] Pending member {} has left group through explicit `LeaveGroup` request; client reason: {}",
group.groupId(), member.memberId(), reason);
new MemberResponse()
} else {
try {
group.validateMember(member.memberId(), member.groupInstanceId(), "leave-group");
new MemberResponse()
} catch (KafkaException e) {
new MemberResponse()
List<String> validLeaveGroupMembers =
.filter(response -> response.errorCode() == Errors.NONE.code())
String reason = "explicit `LeaveGroup` request for (" + String.join(", ", validLeaveGroupMembers) + ") members.";
CoordinatorResult<Void, CoordinatorRecord> coordinatorResult = EMPTY_RESULT;
if (!validLeaveGroupMembers.isEmpty()) {
switch (group.currentState()) {
case STABLE:
coordinatorResult = maybePrepareRebalanceOrCompleteJoin(group, reason);
coordinatorResult = maybeCompleteJoinPhase(group);
return new CoordinatorResult<>(
new LeaveGroupResponseData()
* Remove a member from the group. Cancel member's heartbeat, and prepare rebalance
* or complete the join phase if necessary.
* @param group The classic group.
* @param memberId The member id.
* @param reason The reason for the LeaveGroup request.
private void removeCurrentMemberFromClassicGroup(
ClassicGroup group,
String memberId,
String reason
) {
ClassicGroupMember member = group.member(memberId);
timer.cancel(classicGroupHeartbeatKey(group.groupId(), memberId));"[Group {}] Member {} has left group through explicit `LeaveGroup` request; client reason: {}",
group.groupId(), memberId, reason);
// New members may timeout with a pending JoinGroup while the group is still rebalancing, so we have
// to invoke the callback before removing the member. We return UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID so that the consumer
// will retry the JoinGroup request if is still active.
new JoinGroupResponseData()
* Handles a DeleteGroups request.
* Populates the record list passed in with record to update the state machine.
* Validations are done in {@link GroupCoordinatorShard#deleteGroups(RequestContext, List)} by
* calling {@link GroupMetadataManager#validateDeleteGroup(String)}.
* @param groupId The id of the group to be deleted. It has been checked in {@link GroupMetadataManager#validateDeleteGroup}.
* @param records The record list to populate.
public void createGroupTombstoneRecords(
String groupId,
List<CoordinatorRecord> records
) {
// At this point, we have already validated the group id, so we know that the group exists and that no exception will be thrown.
createGroupTombstoneRecords(group(groupId), records);
* Populates the record list passed in with record to update the state machine.
* @param group The group to be deleted.
* @param records The record list to populate.
public void createGroupTombstoneRecords(
Group group,
List<CoordinatorRecord> records
) {
* Validates the DeleteGroups request.
* @param groupId The id of the group to be deleted.
void validateDeleteGroup(String groupId) throws ApiException {
Group group = group(groupId);
* Delete the group if it exists and is in Empty state.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param records The list of records to append the group metadata tombstone records.
public void maybeDeleteGroup(String groupId, List<CoordinatorRecord> records) {
Group group = groups.get(groupId);
if (group != null && group.isEmpty()) {
createGroupTombstoneRecords(groupId, records);
* @return true if the group is an empty classic group.
private static boolean isEmptyClassicGroup(Group group) {
return group != null && group.type() == CLASSIC && group.isEmpty();
* @return true if the group is an empty consumer group.
private static boolean isEmptyConsumerGroup(Group group) {
return group != null && group.type() == CONSUMER && group.isEmpty();
* Write tombstones for the group if it's empty and is a classic group.
* @param group The group to be deleted.
* @param records The list of records to delete the group.
* @return true if the group is empty
private boolean maybeDeleteEmptyClassicGroup(Group group, List<CoordinatorRecord> records) {
if (isEmptyClassicGroup(group)) {
// Delete the classic group by adding tombstones.
// There's no need to remove the group as the replay of tombstones removes it.
if (group != null) createGroupTombstoneRecords(group, records);
return true;
return false;
* Delete and write tombstones for the group if it's empty and is a consumer group.
* @param groupId The group id to be deleted.
* @param records The list of records to delete the group.
private void maybeDeleteEmptyConsumerGroup(String groupId, List<CoordinatorRecord> records) {
Group group = groups.get(groupId, Long.MAX_VALUE);
if (isEmptyConsumerGroup(group)) {
// Add tombstones for the previous consumer group. The tombstones won't actually be
// replayed because its coordinator result has a non-null appendFuture.
createGroupTombstoneRecords(group, records);
* Checks whether the given protocol type or name in the request is inconsistent with the group's.
* @param protocolTypeOrName The request's protocol type or name.
* @param groupProtocolTypeOrName The group's protoocl type or name.
* @return True if protocol is inconsistent, false otherwise.
private boolean isProtocolInconsistent(
String protocolTypeOrName,
String groupProtocolTypeOrName
) {
return protocolTypeOrName != null
&& groupProtocolTypeOrName != null
&& !groupProtocolTypeOrName.equals(protocolTypeOrName);
* @return The set of all groups' ids.
public Set<String> groupIds() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.groups.keySet());
* Generate a classic group heartbeat key for the timer.
* Package private for testing.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param memberId The member id.
* @return the heartbeat key.
static String classicGroupHeartbeatKey(String groupId, String memberId) {
return "heartbeat-" + groupId + "-" + memberId;
* Generate a classic group join key for the timer.
* Package private for testing.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @return the join key.
static String classicGroupJoinKey(String groupId) {
return "join-" + groupId;
* Generate a classic group sync key for the timer.
* Package private for testing.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @return the sync key.
static String classicGroupSyncKey(String groupId) {
return "sync-" + groupId;
* Generate a consumer group join key for the timer.
* Package private for testing.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param memberId The member id.
* @return the sync key.
static String consumerGroupJoinKey(String groupId, String memberId) {
return "join-" + groupId + "-" + memberId;
* Generate a consumer group sync key for the timer.
* Package private for testing.
* @param groupId The group id.
* @param memberId The member id.
* @return the sync key.
static String consumerGroupSyncKey(String groupId, String memberId) {
return "sync-" + groupId + "-" + memberId;