blob: 9616f89c467e0b4627baeacec7f53af4337c9a2e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package kafka.utils
import java.nio._
import java.nio.channels._
import java.nio.charset.{Charset, StandardCharsets}
import java.nio.file.{Files, StandardOpenOption}
import java.time.Duration
import java.util
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicBoolean, AtomicInteger}
import java.util.concurrent.{Callable, CompletableFuture, ExecutionException, Executors, TimeUnit}
import java.util.{Arrays, Collections, Optional, Properties}
import com.yammer.metrics.core.{Gauge, Histogram, Meter}
import kafka.api._
import kafka.cluster.{AlterPartitionListener, Broker, EndPoint}
import kafka.controller.{ControllerEventManager, LeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch}
import kafka.log._
import kafka.server._
import kafka.server.checkpoints.OffsetCheckpointFile
import kafka.server.metadata.{ConfigRepository, MockConfigRepository}
import kafka.utils.Implicits._
import kafka.zk._
import org.apache.kafka.clients.{ClientResponse, CommonClientConfigs}
import org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.AlterConfigOp.OpType
import org.apache.kafka.clients.admin._
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer._
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.{KafkaProducer, ProducerConfig, ProducerRecord}
import org.apache.kafka.common.{KafkaFuture, Node, TopicIdPartition, TopicPartition, Uuid}
import org.apache.kafka.common.acl.{AccessControlEntry, AccessControlEntryFilter, AclBinding, AclBindingFilter}
import org.apache.kafka.common.config.{ConfigException, ConfigResource}
import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigResource.Type.TOPIC
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.{KafkaStorageException, OperationNotAttemptedException, TopicExistsException, UnknownTopicOrPartitionException}
import org.apache.kafka.common.header.Header
import org.apache.kafka.common.internals.Topic
import org.apache.kafka.common.memory.MemoryPool
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.UpdateMetadataRequestData.UpdateMetadataPartitionState
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.Metrics
import{ClientInformation, ListenerName, Mode}
import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.{ApiKeys, Errors}
import org.apache.kafka.common.quota.{ClientQuotaAlteration, ClientQuotaEntity}
import org.apache.kafka.common.record._
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.{AbstractRequest, AbstractResponse, EnvelopeRequest, FetchRequest, RequestContext, RequestHeader}
import org.apache.kafka.common.resource.ResourcePattern
import{KafkaPrincipal, KafkaPrincipalSerde, SecurityProtocol}
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.{ByteArrayDeserializer, ByteArraySerializer, Deserializer, IntegerSerializer, Serializer}
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils._
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.{Time, Utils}
import org.apache.kafka.controller.QuorumController
import org.apache.kafka.server.authorizer.{AuthorizableRequestContext, Authorizer => JAuthorizer}
import org.apache.kafka.server.common.MetadataVersion
import org.apache.kafka.server.metrics.KafkaYammerMetrics
import org.apache.kafka.server.util.MockTime
import{CleanerConfig, LogConfig, LogDirFailureChannel, ProducerStateManagerConfig}
import org.apache.kafka.test.{TestSslUtils, TestUtils => JTestUtils}
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.SessionExpiredException
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooDefs._
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions._
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}
import scala.collection.{Map, Seq, mutable}
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
* Utility functions to help with testing
object TestUtils extends Logging {
val random = JTestUtils.RANDOM
/* 0 gives a random port; you can then retrieve the assigned port from the Socket object. */
val RandomPort = 0
/* Incorrect broker port which can used by kafka clients in tests. This port should not be used
by any other service and hence we use a reserved port. */
val IncorrectBrokerPort = 225
/** Port to use for unit tests that mock/don't require a real ZK server. */
val MockZkPort = 1
/** ZooKeeper connection string to use for unit tests that mock/don't require a real ZK server. */
val MockZkConnect = "" + MockZkPort
// CN in SSL certificates - this is used for endpoint validation when enabled
val SslCertificateCn = "localhost"
private val transactionStatusKey = "transactionStatus"
private val committedValue : Array[Byte] = "committed".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
private val abortedValue : Array[Byte] = "aborted".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
sealed trait LogDirFailureType
case object Roll extends LogDirFailureType
case object Checkpoint extends LogDirFailureType
* Create a temporary directory
def tempDir(): File = JTestUtils.tempDirectory()
def tempTopic(): String = "testTopic" + random.nextInt(1000000)
* Create a temporary relative directory
def tempRelativeDir(parent: String): File = {
val parentFile = new File(parent)
JTestUtils.tempDirectory(parentFile.toPath, null)
* Create a random log directory in the format <string>-<int> used for Kafka partition logs.
* It is the responsibility of the caller to set up a shutdown hook for deletion of the directory.
def randomPartitionLogDir(parentDir: File): File = {
val attempts = 1000
val f = Iterator.continually(new File(parentDir, "kafka-" + random.nextInt(1000000)))
.getOrElse(sys.error(s"Failed to create directory after $attempts attempts"))
* Create a temporary file
def tempFile(): File = JTestUtils.tempFile()
* Create a temporary file with particular suffix and prefix
def tempFile(prefix: String, suffix: String): File = JTestUtils.tempFile(prefix, suffix)
* Create a temporary file and return an open file channel for this file
def tempChannel(): FileChannel =, StandardOpenOption.READ, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)
* Create a kafka server instance with appropriate test settings
* @param config The configuration of the server
def createServer(config: KafkaConfig, time: Time = Time.SYSTEM): KafkaServer = {
createServer(config, time, None)
def createServer(config: KafkaConfig, threadNamePrefix: Option[String]): KafkaServer = {
createServer(config, Time.SYSTEM, threadNamePrefix)
def createServer(config: KafkaConfig, time: Time, threadNamePrefix: Option[String]): KafkaServer = {
createServer(config, time, threadNamePrefix, startup = true)
def createServer(config: KafkaConfig, time: Time, threadNamePrefix: Option[String], startup: Boolean): KafkaServer = {
createServer(config, time, threadNamePrefix, startup, enableZkApiForwarding = false)
def createServer(config: KafkaConfig, time: Time, threadNamePrefix: Option[String],
startup: Boolean, enableZkApiForwarding: Boolean) = {
val server = new KafkaServer(config, time, threadNamePrefix, enableForwarding = enableZkApiForwarding)
if (startup) server.startup()
def boundPort(broker: KafkaBroker, securityProtocol: SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocol.PLAINTEXT): Int =
def createBrokerAndEpoch(id: Int, host: String, port: Int, securityProtocol: SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocol.PLAINTEXT,
epoch: Long = 0): (Broker, Long) = {
(new Broker(id, host, port, ListenerName.forSecurityProtocol(securityProtocol), securityProtocol), epoch)
* Create a test config for the provided parameters.
* Note that if `interBrokerSecurityProtocol` is defined, the listener for the `SecurityProtocol` will be enabled.
def createBrokerConfigs(
numConfigs: Int,
zkConnect: String,
enableControlledShutdown: Boolean = true,
enableDeleteTopic: Boolean = true,
interBrokerSecurityProtocol: Option[SecurityProtocol] = None,
trustStoreFile: Option[File] = None,
saslProperties: Option[Properties] = None,
enablePlaintext: Boolean = true,
enableSsl: Boolean = false,
enableSaslPlaintext: Boolean = false,
enableSaslSsl: Boolean = false,
rackInfo: Map[Int, String] = Map(),
logDirCount: Int = 1,
enableToken: Boolean = false,
numPartitions: Int = 1,
defaultReplicationFactor: Short = 1,
startingIdNumber: Int = 0,
enableFetchFromFollower: Boolean = false): Seq[Properties] = {
val endingIdNumber = startingIdNumber + numConfigs - 1
(startingIdNumber to endingIdNumber).map { node =>
createBrokerConfig(node, zkConnect, enableControlledShutdown, enableDeleteTopic, RandomPort,
interBrokerSecurityProtocol, trustStoreFile, saslProperties, enablePlaintext = enablePlaintext, enableSsl = enableSsl,
enableSaslPlaintext = enableSaslPlaintext, enableSaslSsl = enableSaslSsl, rack = rackInfo.get(node), logDirCount = logDirCount, enableToken = enableToken,
numPartitions = numPartitions, defaultReplicationFactor = defaultReplicationFactor, enableFetchFromFollower = enableFetchFromFollower)
def plaintextBootstrapServers[B <: KafkaBroker](
brokers: Seq[B]
): String = {
bootstrapServers(brokers, ListenerName.forSecurityProtocol(SecurityProtocol.PLAINTEXT))
def bootstrapServers[B <: KafkaBroker](
brokers: Seq[B],
listenerName: ListenerName
): String = { { s =>
val listener = s.config.effectiveAdvertisedListeners.find(_.listenerName == listenerName).getOrElse(
sys.error(s"Could not find listener with name ${listenerName.value}"))
formatAddress(, s.boundPort(listenerName))
* Shutdown `servers` and delete their log directories.
def shutdownServers[B <: KafkaBroker](brokers: Seq[B], deleteLogDirs: Boolean = true): Unit = {
import ExecutionContext.Implicits._
val future = Future.traverse(brokers) { s =>
Future {
if (deleteLogDirs) CoreUtils.delete(s.config.logDirs)
Await.result(future, FiniteDuration(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES))
* Create a test config for the provided parameters.
* Note that if `interBrokerSecurityProtocol` is defined, the listener for the `SecurityProtocol` will be enabled.
def createBrokerConfig(nodeId: Int,
zkConnect: String,
enableControlledShutdown: Boolean = true,
enableDeleteTopic: Boolean = true,
port: Int = RandomPort,
interBrokerSecurityProtocol: Option[SecurityProtocol] = None,
trustStoreFile: Option[File] = None,
saslProperties: Option[Properties] = None,
enablePlaintext: Boolean = true,
enableSaslPlaintext: Boolean = false,
saslPlaintextPort: Int = RandomPort,
enableSsl: Boolean = false,
sslPort: Int = RandomPort,
enableSaslSsl: Boolean = false,
saslSslPort: Int = RandomPort,
rack: Option[String] = None,
logDirCount: Int = 1,
enableToken: Boolean = false,
numPartitions: Int = 1,
defaultReplicationFactor: Short = 1,
enableFetchFromFollower: Boolean = false): Properties = {
def shouldEnable(protocol: SecurityProtocol) = interBrokerSecurityProtocol.fold(false)(_ == protocol)
val protocolAndPorts = ArrayBuffer[(SecurityProtocol, Int)]()
if (enablePlaintext || shouldEnable(SecurityProtocol.PLAINTEXT))
protocolAndPorts += SecurityProtocol.PLAINTEXT -> port
if (enableSsl || shouldEnable(SecurityProtocol.SSL))
protocolAndPorts += SecurityProtocol.SSL -> sslPort
if (enableSaslPlaintext || shouldEnable(SecurityProtocol.SASL_PLAINTEXT))
protocolAndPorts += SecurityProtocol.SASL_PLAINTEXT -> saslPlaintextPort
if (enableSaslSsl || shouldEnable(SecurityProtocol.SASL_SSL))
protocolAndPorts += SecurityProtocol.SASL_SSL -> saslSslPort
val listeners = { case (protocol, port) =>
val props = new Properties
if (zkConnect == null) {
props.setProperty(KafkaConfig.ServerMaxStartupTimeMsProp, TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(10).toString)
props.put(KafkaConfig.NodeIdProp, nodeId.toString)
props.put(KafkaConfig.BrokerIdProp, nodeId.toString)
props.put(KafkaConfig.AdvertisedListenersProp, listeners)
props.put(KafkaConfig.ListenersProp, listeners)
props.put(KafkaConfig.ControllerListenerNamesProp, "CONTROLLER")
props.put(KafkaConfig.ListenerSecurityProtocolMapProp, protocolAndPorts.
map(p => "%s:%s".format(p._1, p._1)).mkString(",") + ",CONTROLLER:PLAINTEXT")
} else {
if (nodeId >= 0) props.put(KafkaConfig.BrokerIdProp, nodeId.toString)
props.put(KafkaConfig.ListenersProp, listeners)
if (logDirCount > 1) {
val logDirs = (1 to logDirCount) =>
// We would like to allow user to specify both relative path and absolute path as log directory for backward-compatibility reason
// We can verify this by using a mixture of relative path and absolute path as log directories in the test
if (i % 2 == 0) tempDir().getAbsolutePath else tempRelativeDir("data")
props.put(KafkaConfig.LogDirsProp, logDirs)
} else {
props.put(KafkaConfig.LogDirProp, tempDir().getAbsolutePath)
if (zkConnect == null) {
props.put(KafkaConfig.ProcessRolesProp, "broker")
// Note: this is just a placeholder value for controller.quorum.voters. JUnit
// tests use random port assignment, so the controller ports are not known ahead of
// time. Therefore, we ignore controller.quorum.voters and use
// controllerQuorumVotersFuture instead.
props.put(KafkaConfig.QuorumVotersProp, "1000@localhost:0")
} else {
props.put(KafkaConfig.ZkConnectProp, zkConnect)
props.put(KafkaConfig.ZkConnectionTimeoutMsProp, "10000")
props.put(KafkaConfig.ReplicaSocketTimeoutMsProp, "1500")
props.put(KafkaConfig.ControllerSocketTimeoutMsProp, "1500")
props.put(KafkaConfig.ControlledShutdownEnableProp, enableControlledShutdown.toString)
props.put(KafkaConfig.DeleteTopicEnableProp, enableDeleteTopic.toString)
props.put(KafkaConfig.LogDeleteDelayMsProp, "1000")
props.put(KafkaConfig.ControlledShutdownRetryBackoffMsProp, "100")
props.put(KafkaConfig.LogCleanerDedupeBufferSizeProp, "2097152")
props.put(KafkaConfig.LogMessageTimestampDifferenceMaxMsProp, Long.MaxValue.toString)
props.put(KafkaConfig.OffsetsTopicReplicationFactorProp, "1")
if (!props.containsKey(KafkaConfig.OffsetsTopicPartitionsProp))
props.put(KafkaConfig.OffsetsTopicPartitionsProp, "5")
if (!props.containsKey(KafkaConfig.GroupInitialRebalanceDelayMsProp))
props.put(KafkaConfig.GroupInitialRebalanceDelayMsProp, "0")
rack.foreach(props.put(KafkaConfig.RackProp, _))
// Reduce number of threads per broker
props.put(KafkaConfig.NumNetworkThreadsProp, "2")
props.put(KafkaConfig.BackgroundThreadsProp, "2")
if (protocolAndPorts.exists { case (protocol, _) => usesSslTransportLayer(protocol) })
props ++= sslConfigs(Mode.SERVER, false, trustStoreFile, s"server$nodeId")
if (protocolAndPorts.exists { case (protocol, _) => usesSaslAuthentication(protocol) })
props ++= JaasTestUtils.saslConfigs(saslProperties)
interBrokerSecurityProtocol.foreach { protocol =>
if (enableToken)
props.put(KafkaConfig.DelegationTokenSecretKeyProp, "secretkey")
props.put(KafkaConfig.NumPartitionsProp, numPartitions.toString)
props.put(KafkaConfig.DefaultReplicationFactorProp, defaultReplicationFactor.toString)
if (enableFetchFromFollower) {
props.put(KafkaConfig.RackProp, nodeId.toString)
props.put(KafkaConfig.ReplicaSelectorClassProp, "org.apache.kafka.common.replica.RackAwareReplicaSelector")
def setIbpAndMessageFormatVersions(config: Properties, version: MetadataVersion): Unit = {
config.setProperty(KafkaConfig.InterBrokerProtocolVersionProp, version.version)
// for clarity, only set the log message format version if it's not ignored
if (!LogConfig.shouldIgnoreMessageFormatVersion(version))
config.setProperty(KafkaConfig.LogMessageFormatVersionProp, version.version)
def createAdminClient[B <: KafkaBroker](
brokers: Seq[B],
listenerName: ListenerName,
adminConfig: Properties = new Properties
): Admin = {
val adminClientProperties = new Properties()
if (!adminClientProperties.containsKey(AdminClientConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG)) {
adminClientProperties.put(AdminClientConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, bootstrapServers(brokers, listenerName))
def createTopicWithAdminRaw[B <: KafkaBroker](
admin: Admin,
topic: String,
numPartitions: Int = 1,
replicationFactor: Int = 1,
replicaAssignment: collection.Map[Int, Seq[Int]] = Map.empty,
topicConfig: Properties = new Properties,
): Uuid = {
val configsMap = new util.HashMap[String, String]()
topicConfig.forEach((k, v) => configsMap.put(k.toString, v.toString))
val result = if (replicaAssignment.isEmpty) {
admin.createTopics(Collections.singletonList(new NewTopic(
topic, numPartitions, replicationFactor.toShort).configs(configsMap)))
} else {
val assignment = new util.HashMap[Integer, util.List[Integer]]()
replicaAssignment.forKeyValue { case (k, v) =>
val replicas = new util.ArrayList[Integer]
v.foreach(r => replicas.add(r.asInstanceOf[Integer]))
assignment.put(k.asInstanceOf[Integer], replicas)
admin.createTopics(Collections.singletonList(new NewTopic(
topic, assignment).configs(configsMap)))
def createTopicWithAdmin[B <: KafkaBroker](
admin: Admin,
topic: String,
brokers: Seq[B],
numPartitions: Int = 1,
replicationFactor: Int = 1,
replicaAssignment: collection.Map[Int, Seq[Int]] = Map.empty,
topicConfig: Properties = new Properties,
): scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int, Int] = {
val effectiveNumPartitions = if (replicaAssignment.isEmpty) {
} else {
def isTopicExistsAndHasSameNumPartitionsAndReplicationFactor(cause: Throwable): Boolean = {
cause != null &&
cause.isInstanceOf[TopicExistsException] &&
// wait until all partitions metadata are propagated before verifying partitions number and replication factor
!waitForAllPartitionsMetadata(brokers, topic, effectiveNumPartitions).isEmpty &&
topicHasSameNumPartitionsAndReplicationFactor(admin, topic, effectiveNumPartitions, replicationFactor)
try {
} catch {
case e: ExecutionException =>
if (!isTopicExistsAndHasSameNumPartitionsAndReplicationFactor(e.getCause)) {
throw e
// wait until we've propagated all partitions metadata to all brokers
val allPartitionsMetadata = waitForAllPartitionsMetadata(brokers, topic, effectiveNumPartitions)
(0 until effectiveNumPartitions).map { i =>
i -> allPartitionsMetadata.get(new TopicPartition(topic, i)).map(_.leader()).getOrElse(
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Cannot get the partition leader for topic: $topic, partition: $i in server metadata cache"))
def describeTopic(
admin: Admin,
topic: String
): TopicDescription = {
val describedTopics = admin.describeTopics(
def topicHasSameNumPartitionsAndReplicationFactor(adminClient: Admin,
topic: String,
numPartitions: Int,
replicationFactor: Int): Boolean = {
val description = describeTopic(adminClient, topic)
description != null &&
description.partitions().size() == numPartitions &&
description.partitions().iterator().next().replicas().size() == replicationFactor
def createOffsetsTopicWithAdmin[B <: KafkaBroker](
admin: Admin,
brokers: Seq[B]
): Map[Int, Int] = {
val broker = brokers.head
admin = admin,
numPartitions = broker.config.getInt(KafkaConfig.OffsetsTopicPartitionsProp),
replicationFactor = broker.config.getShort(KafkaConfig.OffsetsTopicReplicationFactorProp).toInt,
brokers = brokers,
topicConfig = broker.groupCoordinator.groupMetadataTopicConfigs,
def deleteTopicWithAdmin[B <: KafkaBroker](
admin: Admin,
topic: String,
brokers: Seq[B],
): Unit = {
try {
} catch {
case e: ExecutionException if e.getCause != null &&
e.getCause.isInstanceOf[UnknownTopicOrPartitionException] =>
// ignore
waitForAllPartitionsMetadata(brokers, topic, 0)
* Create a topic in ZooKeeper.
* Wait until the leader is elected and the metadata is propagated to all brokers.
* Return the leader for each partition.
def createTopic(zkClient: KafkaZkClient,
topic: String,
numPartitions: Int = 1,
replicationFactor: Int = 1,
servers: Seq[KafkaBroker],
topicConfig: Properties = new Properties): scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int, Int] = {
val adminZkClient = new AdminZkClient(zkClient)
// create topic
waitUntilTrue( () => {
var hasSessionExpirationException = false
try {
adminZkClient.createTopic(topic, numPartitions, replicationFactor, topicConfig)
} catch {
case _: SessionExpiredException => hasSessionExpirationException = true
case e: Throwable => throw e // let other exceptions propagate
s"Can't create topic $topic")
// wait until we've propagated all partitions metadata to all servers
val allPartitionsMetadata = waitForAllPartitionsMetadata(servers, topic, numPartitions)
(0 until numPartitions).map { i =>
i -> allPartitionsMetadata.get(new TopicPartition(topic, i)).map(_.leader()).getOrElse(
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Cannot get the partition leader for topic: $topic, partition: $i in server metadata cache"))
* Create a topic in ZooKeeper using a customized replica assignment.
* Wait until the leader is elected and the metadata is propagated to all brokers.
* Return the leader for each partition.
def createTopic(zkClient: KafkaZkClient,
topic: String,
partitionReplicaAssignment: collection.Map[Int, Seq[Int]],
servers: Seq[KafkaBroker]): scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int, Int] = {
createTopic(zkClient, topic, partitionReplicaAssignment, servers, new Properties())
* Create a topic in ZooKeeper using a customized replica assignment.
* Wait until the leader is elected and the metadata is propagated to all brokers.
* Return the leader for each partition.
def createTopic(zkClient: KafkaZkClient,
topic: String,
partitionReplicaAssignment: collection.Map[Int, Seq[Int]],
servers: Seq[KafkaBroker],
topicConfig: Properties): scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int, Int] = {
val adminZkClient = new AdminZkClient(zkClient)
// create topic
waitUntilTrue( () => {
var hasSessionExpirationException = false
try {
adminZkClient.createTopicWithAssignment(topic, topicConfig, partitionReplicaAssignment)
} catch {
case _: SessionExpiredException => hasSessionExpirationException = true
case e: Throwable => throw e // let other exceptions propagate
s"Can't create topic $topic")
// wait until we've propagated all partitions metadata to all servers
val allPartitionsMetadata = waitForAllPartitionsMetadata(servers, topic, partitionReplicaAssignment.size) { i =>
i -> allPartitionsMetadata.get(new TopicPartition(topic, i)).map(_.leader()).getOrElse(
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Cannot get the partition leader for topic: $topic, partition: $i in server metadata cache"))
* Create the consumer offsets/group metadata topic and wait until the leader is elected and metadata is propagated
* to all brokers.
def createOffsetsTopic(zkClient: KafkaZkClient, servers: Seq[KafkaBroker]): Unit = {
val server = servers.head
createTopic(zkClient, Topic.GROUP_METADATA_TOPIC_NAME,
* Wrap a single record log buffer.
def singletonRecords(value: Array[Byte],
key: Array[Byte] = null,
codec: CompressionType = CompressionType.NONE,
timestamp: Long = RecordBatch.NO_TIMESTAMP,
magicValue: Byte = RecordBatch.CURRENT_MAGIC_VALUE): MemoryRecords = {
records(Seq(new SimpleRecord(timestamp, key, value)), magicValue = magicValue, codec = codec)
def recordsWithValues(magicValue: Byte,
codec: CompressionType,
values: Array[Byte]*): MemoryRecords = {
records( => new SimpleRecord(value)), magicValue, codec)
def records(records: Iterable[SimpleRecord],
magicValue: Byte = RecordBatch.CURRENT_MAGIC_VALUE,
codec: CompressionType = CompressionType.NONE,
producerId: Long = RecordBatch.NO_PRODUCER_ID,
producerEpoch: Short = RecordBatch.NO_PRODUCER_EPOCH,
sequence: Int = RecordBatch.NO_SEQUENCE,
baseOffset: Long = 0L,
partitionLeaderEpoch: Int = RecordBatch.NO_PARTITION_LEADER_EPOCH): MemoryRecords = {
val buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(DefaultRecordBatch.sizeInBytes(records.asJava))
val builder = MemoryRecords.builder(buf, magicValue, codec, TimestampType.CREATE_TIME, baseOffset,
System.currentTimeMillis, producerId, producerEpoch, sequence, false, partitionLeaderEpoch)
* Generate an array of random bytes
* @param numBytes The size of the array
def randomBytes(numBytes: Int): Array[Byte] = JTestUtils.randomBytes(numBytes)
* Generate a random string of letters and digits of the given length
* @param len The length of the string
* @return The random string
def randomString(len: Int): String = JTestUtils.randomString(len)
* Check that the buffer content from buffer.position() to buffer.limit() is equal
def checkEquals(b1: ByteBuffer, b2: ByteBuffer): Unit = {
assertEquals(b1.limit() - b1.position(), b2.limit() - b2.position(), "Buffers should have equal length")
for(i <- 0 until b1.limit() - b1.position())
assertEquals(b1.get(b1.position() + i), b2.get(b1.position() + i), "byte " + i + " byte not equal.")
* Throw an exception if an iterable has different length than expected
def checkLength[T](s1: Iterator[T], expectedLength:Int): Unit = {
var n = 0
while (s1.hasNext) {
n += 1
assertEquals(expectedLength, n)
* Throw an exception if the two iterators are of differing lengths or contain
* different messages on their Nth element
def checkEquals[T](s1: java.util.Iterator[T], s2: java.util.Iterator[T]): Unit = {
while(s1.hasNext && s2.hasNext)
assertFalse(s1.hasNext, "Iterators have uneven length--first has more")
assertFalse(s2.hasNext, "Iterators have uneven length--second has more")
def stackedIterator[T](s: Iterator[T]*): Iterator[T] = {
new Iterator[T] {
var cur: Iterator[T] = _
val topIterator = s.iterator
def hasNext: Boolean = {
while (true) {
if (cur == null) {
if (topIterator.hasNext)
cur =
return false
if (cur.hasNext)
return true
cur = null
// should never reach here
throw new RuntimeException("should not reach here")
def next() : T =
* Create a hexadecimal string for the given bytes
def hexString(bytes: Array[Byte]): String = hexString(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes))
* Create a hexadecimal string for the given bytes
def hexString(buffer: ByteBuffer): String = {
val builder = new StringBuilder("0x")
for(i <- 0 until buffer.limit())
builder.append(String.format("%x", Integer.valueOf(buffer.get(buffer.position() + i))))
* Returns security configuration options for broker or clients
* @param mode Client or server mode
* @param securityProtocol Security protocol which indicates if SASL or SSL or both configs are included
* @param trustStoreFile Trust store file must be provided for SSL and SASL_SSL
* @param certAlias Alias of certificate in SSL key store
* @param certCn CN for certificate
* @param saslProperties SASL configs if security protocol is SASL_SSL or SASL_PLAINTEXT
* @param tlsProtocol TLS version
* @param needsClientCert If not empty, a flag which indicates if client certificates are required. By default
* client certificates are generated only if securityProtocol is SSL (not for SASL_SSL).
def securityConfigs(mode: Mode,
securityProtocol: SecurityProtocol,
trustStoreFile: Option[File],
certAlias: String,
certCn: String,
saslProperties: Option[Properties],
tlsProtocol: String = TestSslUtils.DEFAULT_TLS_PROTOCOL_FOR_TESTS,
needsClientCert: Option[Boolean] = None): Properties = {
val props = new Properties
if (usesSslTransportLayer(securityProtocol)) {
val addClientCert = needsClientCert.getOrElse(securityProtocol == SecurityProtocol.SSL)
props ++= sslConfigs(mode, addClientCert, trustStoreFile, certAlias, certCn, tlsProtocol)
if (usesSaslAuthentication(securityProtocol))
props ++= JaasTestUtils.saslConfigs(saslProperties)
def producerSecurityConfigs(securityProtocol: SecurityProtocol,
trustStoreFile: Option[File],
saslProperties: Option[Properties]): Properties =
securityConfigs(Mode.CLIENT, securityProtocol, trustStoreFile, "producer", SslCertificateCn, saslProperties)
* Create a (new) producer with a few pre-configured properties.
def createProducer[K, V](brokerList: String,
acks: Int = -1,
maxBlockMs: Long = 60 * 1000L,
bufferSize: Long = 1024L * 1024L,
retries: Int = Int.MaxValue,
deliveryTimeoutMs: Int = 30 * 1000,
lingerMs: Int = 0,
batchSize: Int = 16384,
compressionType: String = "none",
requestTimeoutMs: Int = 20 * 1000,
securityProtocol: SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocol.PLAINTEXT,
trustStoreFile: Option[File] = None,
saslProperties: Option[Properties] = None,
keySerializer: Serializer[K] = new ByteArraySerializer,
valueSerializer: Serializer[V] = new ByteArraySerializer,
enableIdempotence: Boolean = false): KafkaProducer[K, V] = {
val producerProps = new Properties
producerProps.put(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, brokerList)
producerProps.put(ProducerConfig.ACKS_CONFIG, acks.toString)
producerProps.put(ProducerConfig.MAX_BLOCK_MS_CONFIG, maxBlockMs.toString)
producerProps.put(ProducerConfig.BUFFER_MEMORY_CONFIG, bufferSize.toString)
producerProps.put(ProducerConfig.RETRIES_CONFIG, retries.toString)
producerProps.put(ProducerConfig.DELIVERY_TIMEOUT_MS_CONFIG, deliveryTimeoutMs.toString)
producerProps.put(ProducerConfig.REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS_CONFIG, requestTimeoutMs.toString)
producerProps.put(ProducerConfig.LINGER_MS_CONFIG, lingerMs.toString)
producerProps.put(ProducerConfig.BATCH_SIZE_CONFIG, batchSize.toString)
producerProps.put(ProducerConfig.COMPRESSION_TYPE_CONFIG, compressionType)
producerProps.put(ProducerConfig.ENABLE_IDEMPOTENCE_CONFIG, enableIdempotence.toString)
producerProps ++= producerSecurityConfigs(securityProtocol, trustStoreFile, saslProperties)
new KafkaProducer[K, V](producerProps, keySerializer, valueSerializer)
def usesSslTransportLayer(securityProtocol: SecurityProtocol): Boolean = securityProtocol match {
case SecurityProtocol.SSL | SecurityProtocol.SASL_SSL => true
case _ => false
def usesSaslAuthentication(securityProtocol: SecurityProtocol): Boolean = securityProtocol match {
case SecurityProtocol.SASL_PLAINTEXT | SecurityProtocol.SASL_SSL => true
case _ => false
def consumerSecurityConfigs(securityProtocol: SecurityProtocol, trustStoreFile: Option[File], saslProperties: Option[Properties]): Properties =
securityConfigs(Mode.CLIENT, securityProtocol, trustStoreFile, "consumer", SslCertificateCn, saslProperties)
def adminClientSecurityConfigs(securityProtocol: SecurityProtocol, trustStoreFile: Option[File], saslProperties: Option[Properties]): Properties =
securityConfigs(Mode.CLIENT, securityProtocol, trustStoreFile, "admin-client", SslCertificateCn, saslProperties)
* Create a consumer with a few pre-configured properties.
def createConsumer[K, V](brokerList: String,
groupId: String = "group",
autoOffsetReset: String = "earliest",
enableAutoCommit: Boolean = true,
readCommitted: Boolean = false,
maxPollRecords: Int = 500,
securityProtocol: SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocol.PLAINTEXT,
trustStoreFile: Option[File] = None,
saslProperties: Option[Properties] = None,
keyDeserializer: Deserializer[K] = new ByteArrayDeserializer,
valueDeserializer: Deserializer[V] = new ByteArrayDeserializer): KafkaConsumer[K, V] = {
val consumerProps = new Properties
consumerProps.put(ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, brokerList)
consumerProps.put(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, autoOffsetReset)
consumerProps.put(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, groupId)
consumerProps.put(ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG, enableAutoCommit.toString)
consumerProps.put(ConsumerConfig.MAX_POLL_RECORDS_CONFIG, maxPollRecords.toString)
consumerProps.put(ConsumerConfig.ISOLATION_LEVEL_CONFIG, if (readCommitted) "read_committed" else "read_uncommitted")
consumerProps ++= consumerSecurityConfigs(securityProtocol, trustStoreFile, saslProperties)
new KafkaConsumer[K, V](consumerProps, keyDeserializer, valueDeserializer)
def createBrokersInZk(zkClient: KafkaZkClient, ids: Seq[Int]): Seq[Broker] =
createBrokersInZk(, None)), zkClient)
def createBrokersInZk(brokerMetadatas: Seq[kafka.admin.BrokerMetadata], zkClient: KafkaZkClient): Seq[Broker] = {
val brokers = { b =>
val protocol = SecurityProtocol.PLAINTEXT
val listenerName = ListenerName.forSecurityProtocol(protocol)
Broker(, Seq(EndPoint("localhost", 6667, listenerName, protocol)), b.rack)
brokers.foreach(b => zkClient.registerBroker(BrokerInfo(Broker(, b.endPoints, rack = b.rack),
MetadataVersion.latest, jmxPort = -1)))
def getMsgStrings(n: Int): Seq[String] = {
val buffer = new ListBuffer[String]
for (i <- 0 until n)
buffer += ("msg" + i)
def makeLeaderForPartition(zkClient: KafkaZkClient,
topic: String,
leaderPerPartitionMap: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int, Int],
controllerEpoch: Int): Unit = {
val newLeaderIsrAndControllerEpochs = { case (partition, leader) =>
val topicPartition = new TopicPartition(topic, partition)
val newLeaderAndIsr = zkClient.getTopicPartitionState(topicPartition)
.getOrElse(LeaderAndIsr(leader, List(leader)))
topicPartition -> LeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch(newLeaderAndIsr, controllerEpoch)
zkClient.setTopicPartitionStatesRaw(newLeaderIsrAndControllerEpochs, ZkVersion.MatchAnyVersion)
* If neither oldLeaderOpt nor newLeaderOpt is defined, wait until the leader of a partition is elected.
* If oldLeaderOpt is defined, it waits until the new leader is different from the old leader.
* If newLeaderOpt is defined, it waits until the new leader becomes the expected new leader.
* @return The new leader (note that negative values are used to indicate conditions like NoLeader and
* LeaderDuringDelete).
* @throws AssertionError if the expected condition is not true within the timeout.
def waitUntilLeaderIsElectedOrChanged(
zkClient: KafkaZkClient,
topic: String,
partition: Int,
timeoutMs: Long = 30000L,
oldLeaderOpt: Option[Int] = None,
newLeaderOpt: Option[Int] = None,
ignoreNoLeader: Boolean = false
): Int = {
def getPartitionLeader(topic: String, partition: Int): Option[Int] = {
zkClient.getLeaderForPartition(new TopicPartition(topic, partition))
.filter(p => !ignoreNoLeader || p != LeaderAndIsr.NoLeader)
doWaitUntilLeaderIsElectedOrChanged(getPartitionLeader, topic, partition, timeoutMs, oldLeaderOpt, newLeaderOpt)
* If neither oldLeaderOpt nor newLeaderOpt is defined, wait until the leader of a partition is elected.
* If oldLeaderOpt is defined, it waits until the new leader is different from the old leader.
* If newLeaderOpt is defined, it waits until the new leader becomes the expected new leader.
* @return The new leader (note that negative values are used to indicate conditions like NoLeader and
* LeaderDuringDelete).
* @throws AssertionError if the expected condition is not true within the timeout.
def waitUntilLeaderIsElectedOrChangedWithAdmin(
admin: Admin,
topic: String,
partition: Int,
timeoutMs: Long = 30000L,
oldLeaderOpt: Option[Int] = None,
newLeaderOpt: Option[Int] = None
): Int = {
def getPartitionLeader(topic: String, partition: Int): Option[Int] = {
find(_.partition() == partition).
flatMap { p =>
if (p.leader().id() == Node.noNode().id()) {
} else {
doWaitUntilLeaderIsElectedOrChanged(getPartitionLeader, topic, partition, timeoutMs, oldLeaderOpt, newLeaderOpt)
private def doWaitUntilLeaderIsElectedOrChanged(
getPartitionLeader: (String, Int) => Option[Int],
topic: String,
partition: Int,
timeoutMs: Long,
oldLeaderOpt: Option[Int],
newLeaderOpt: Option[Int]
): Int = {
require(!(oldLeaderOpt.isDefined && newLeaderOpt.isDefined), "Can't define both the old and the new leader")
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
val topicPartition = new TopicPartition(topic, partition)
trace(s"Waiting for leader to be elected or changed for partition $topicPartition, old leader is $oldLeaderOpt, " +
s"new leader is $newLeaderOpt")
var leader: Option[Int] = None
var electedOrChangedLeader: Option[Int] = None
while (electedOrChangedLeader.isEmpty && System.currentTimeMillis() < startTime + timeoutMs) {
// check if leader is elected
leader = getPartitionLeader(topic, partition)
leader match {
case Some(l) => (newLeaderOpt, oldLeaderOpt) match {
case (Some(newLeader), _) if newLeader == l =>
trace(s"Expected new leader $l is elected for partition $topicPartition")
electedOrChangedLeader = leader
case (_, Some(oldLeader)) if oldLeader != l =>
trace(s"Leader for partition $topicPartition is changed from $oldLeader to $l")
electedOrChangedLeader = leader
case (None, None) =>
trace(s"Leader $l is elected for partition $topicPartition")
electedOrChangedLeader = leader
case _ =>
trace(s"Current leader for partition $topicPartition is $l")
case None =>
trace(s"Leader for partition $topicPartition is not elected yet")
Thread.sleep(math.min(timeoutMs, 100L))
electedOrChangedLeader.getOrElse {
val errorMessage = (newLeaderOpt, oldLeaderOpt) match {
case (Some(newLeader), _) =>
s"Timing out after $timeoutMs ms since expected new leader $newLeader was not elected for partition $topicPartition, leader is $leader"
case (_, Some(oldLeader)) =>
s"Timing out after $timeoutMs ms since a new leader that is different from $oldLeader was not elected for partition $topicPartition, " +
s"leader is $leader"
case _ =>
s"Timing out after $timeoutMs ms since a leader was not elected for partition $topicPartition"
throw new AssertionError(errorMessage)
* Execute the given block. If it throws an assert error, retry. Repeat
* until no error is thrown or the time limit elapses
def retry(maxWaitMs: Long)(block: => Unit): Unit = {
var wait = 1L
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
while(true) {
try {
} catch {
case e: AssertionError =>
val elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis - startTime
if (elapsed > maxWaitMs) {
throw e
} else {
info("Attempt failed, sleeping for " + wait + ", and then retrying.")
wait += math.min(wait, 1000)
def pollUntilTrue(consumer: Consumer[_, _],
action: () => Boolean,
msg: => String,
waitTimeMs: Long = JTestUtils.DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_MS): Unit = {
waitUntilTrue(() => {
}, msg = msg, pause = 0L, waitTimeMs = waitTimeMs)
def pollRecordsUntilTrue[K, V](consumer: Consumer[K, V],
action: ConsumerRecords[K, V] => Boolean,
msg: => String,
waitTimeMs: Long = JTestUtils.DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_MS): Unit = {
waitUntilTrue(() => {
val records = consumer.poll(Duration.ofMillis(100))
}, msg = msg, pause = 0L, waitTimeMs = waitTimeMs)
def subscribeAndWaitForRecords(topic: String,
consumer: KafkaConsumer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]],
waitTimeMs: Long = JTestUtils.DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_MS): Unit = {
(records: ConsumerRecords[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]) => !records.isEmpty,
"Expected records",
* Wait for the presence of an optional value.
* @param func The function defining the optional value
* @param msg Error message in the case that the value never appears
* @param waitTimeMs Maximum time to wait
* @return The unwrapped value returned by the function
def awaitValue[T](func: () => Option[T], msg: => String, waitTimeMs: Long = JTestUtils.DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_MS): T = {
var value: Option[T] = None
waitUntilTrue(() => {
value = func()
}, msg, waitTimeMs)
* Wait until the given condition is true or throw an exception if the given wait time elapses.
* @param condition condition to check
* @param msg error message
* @param waitTimeMs maximum time to wait and retest the condition before failing the test
* @param pause delay between condition checks
def waitUntilTrue(condition: () => Boolean, msg: => String,
waitTimeMs: Long = JTestUtils.DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_MS, pause: Long = 100L): Unit = {
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
while (true) {
if (condition())
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > startTime + waitTimeMs)
// should never hit here
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected error")
* Invoke `compute` until `predicate` is true or `waitTime` elapses.
* Return the last `compute` result and a boolean indicating whether `predicate` succeeded for that value.
* This method is useful in cases where `waitUntilTrue` makes it awkward to provide good error messages.
def computeUntilTrue[T](compute: => T, waitTime: Long = JTestUtils.DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_MS, pause: Long = 100L)(
predicate: T => Boolean): (T, Boolean) = {
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
while (true) {
val result = compute
if (predicate(result))
return result -> true
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > startTime + waitTime)
return result -> false
// should never hit here
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected error")
* Invoke `assertions` until no AssertionErrors are thrown or `waitTime` elapses.
* This method is useful in cases where there may be some expected delay in a particular test condition that is
* otherwise difficult to poll for. `computeUntilTrue` and `waitUntilTrue` should be preferred in cases where we can
* easily wait on a condition before evaluating the assertions.
def tryUntilNoAssertionError[T](waitTime: Long = JTestUtils.DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_MS, pause: Long = 100L)(assertions: => T): T = {
val (either, success) = TestUtils.computeUntilTrue({
try {
val res = assertions
} catch {
case ae: AssertionError => Right(ae)
}, waitTime = waitTime, pause = pause)(_.isLeft)
either match {
case Left(res) => res
case Right(err) => throw err
def isLeaderLocalOnBroker(topic: String, partitionId: Int, broker: KafkaBroker): Boolean = {
broker.replicaManager.onlinePartition(new TopicPartition(topic, partitionId)).exists(_.leaderLogIfLocal.isDefined)
def findLeaderEpoch(brokerId: Int,
topicPartition: TopicPartition,
brokers: Iterable[KafkaBroker]): Int = {
val leaderBroker = brokers.find(_.config.brokerId == brokerId)
val leaderPartition = leaderBroker.flatMap(_.replicaManager.onlinePartition(topicPartition))
.getOrElse(throw new AssertionError(s"Failed to find expected replica on broker $brokerId"))
def findFollowerId(topicPartition: TopicPartition,
brokers: Iterable[KafkaBroker]): Int = {
val followerOpt = brokers.find { server =>
server.replicaManager.onlinePartition(topicPartition) match {
case Some(partition) => !partition.leaderReplicaIdOpt.contains(server.config.brokerId)
case None => false
.getOrElse(throw new AssertionError(s"Unable to locate follower for $topicPartition"))
* Wait until all brokers know about each other.
* @param brokers The Kafka brokers.
* @param timeout The amount of time waiting on this condition before assert to fail
def waitUntilBrokerMetadataIsPropagated[B <: KafkaBroker](
brokers: Seq[B],
timeout: Long = JTestUtils.DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_MS): Unit = {
val expectedBrokerIds =
waitUntilTrue(() => brokers.forall(server =>
expectedBrokerIds == server.dataPlaneRequestProcessor.metadataCache.getAliveBrokers().map(
), "Timed out waiting for broker metadata to propagate to all servers", timeout)
* Wait until the expected number of partitions is in the metadata cache in each broker.
* @param brokers The list of brokers that the metadata should reach to
* @param topic The topic name
* @param expectedNumPartitions The expected number of partitions
* @return all partitions metadata
def waitForAllPartitionsMetadata[B <: KafkaBroker](
brokers: Seq[B],
topic: String,
expectedNumPartitions: Int): Map[TopicPartition, UpdateMetadataPartitionState] = {
() => brokers.forall { broker =>
if (expectedNumPartitions == 0) {
broker.metadataCache.numPartitions(topic) == None
} else {
broker.metadataCache.numPartitions(topic) == Some(expectedNumPartitions)
s"Topic [$topic] metadata not propagated after 60000 ms", waitTimeMs = 60000L)
// since the metadata is propagated, we should get the same metadata from each server
(0 until expectedNumPartitions).map { i =>
new TopicPartition(topic, i) -> brokers.head.metadataCache.getPartitionInfo(topic, i).getOrElse(
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Cannot get topic: $topic, partition: $i in server metadata cache"))
* Wait until a valid leader is propagated to the metadata cache in each broker.
* It assumes that the leader propagated to each broker is the same.
* @param brokers The list of brokers that the metadata should reach to
* @param topic The topic name
* @param partition The partition Id
* @param timeout The amount of time waiting on this condition before assert to fail
* @return The metadata of the partition.
def waitForPartitionMetadata[B <: KafkaBroker](
brokers: Seq[B], topic: String, partition: Int,
timeout: Long = JTestUtils.DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_MS): UpdateMetadataPartitionState = {
() => brokers.forall { broker =>
broker.metadataCache.getPartitionInfo(topic, partition) match {
case Some(partitionState) => FetchRequest.isValidBrokerId(partitionState.leader)
case _ => false
"Partition [%s,%d] metadata not propagated after %d ms".format(topic, partition, timeout),
waitTimeMs = timeout)
brokers.head.metadataCache.getPartitionInfo(topic, partition).getOrElse(
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Cannot get topic: $topic, partition: $partition in server metadata cache"))
* Wait until the kraft broker metadata have caught up to the controller, before calling this, we should make sure
* the related metadata message has already been committed to the controller metadata log.
def ensureConsistentKRaftMetadata(
brokers: Seq[KafkaBroker],
controllerServer: ControllerServer,
msg: String = "Timeout waiting for controller metadata propagating to brokers"
): Unit = {
val controllerOffset = controllerServer.raftManager.replicatedLog.endOffset().offset - 1
() => {
brokers.forall { broker =>
val metadataOffset = broker.asInstanceOf[BrokerServer].sharedServer.loader.lastAppliedOffset()
metadataOffset >= controllerOffset
}, msg)
def waitUntilControllerElected(zkClient: KafkaZkClient, timeout: Long = JTestUtils.DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_MS): Int = {
val (controllerId, _) = computeUntilTrue(zkClient.getControllerId, waitTime = timeout)(_.isDefined)
controllerId.getOrElse(throw new AssertionError(s"Controller not elected after $timeout ms"))
def awaitLeaderChange[B <: KafkaBroker](
brokers: Seq[B],
tp: TopicPartition,
oldLeader: Int,
timeout: Long = JTestUtils.DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_MS): Int = {
def newLeaderExists: Option[Int] = {
brokers.find { broker =>
broker.config.brokerId != oldLeader &&
waitUntilTrue(() => newLeaderExists.isDefined,
s"Did not observe leader change for partition $tp after $timeout ms", waitTimeMs = timeout)
def waitUntilLeaderIsKnown[B <: KafkaBroker](
brokers: Seq[B],
tp: TopicPartition,
timeout: Long = JTestUtils.DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_MS): Int = {
def leaderIfExists: Option[Int] = {
brokers.find { broker =>
waitUntilTrue(() => leaderIfExists.isDefined,
s"Partition $tp leaders not made yet after $timeout ms", waitTimeMs = timeout)
def writeNonsenseToFile(fileName: File, position: Long, size: Int): Unit = {
val file = new RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw")
for (_ <- 0 until size)
def appendNonsenseToFile(file: File, size: Int): Unit = {
val outputStream = Files.newOutputStream(file.toPath(), StandardOpenOption.APPEND)
try {
for (_ <- 0 until size)
} finally outputStream.close()
def checkForPhantomInSyncReplicas(zkClient: KafkaZkClient, topic: String, partitionToBeReassigned: Int, assignedReplicas: Seq[Int]): Unit = {
val inSyncReplicas = zkClient.getInSyncReplicasForPartition(new TopicPartition(topic, partitionToBeReassigned))
// in sync replicas should not have any replica that is not in the new assigned replicas
val phantomInSyncReplicas = inSyncReplicas.get.toSet -- assignedReplicas.toSet
"All in sync replicas %s must be in the assigned replica list %s".format(inSyncReplicas, assignedReplicas))
def ensureNoUnderReplicatedPartitions(zkClient: KafkaZkClient, topic: String, partitionToBeReassigned: Int, assignedReplicas: Seq[Int],
servers: Seq[KafkaServer]): Unit = {
val topicPartition = new TopicPartition(topic, partitionToBeReassigned)
waitUntilTrue(() => {
val inSyncReplicas = zkClient.getInSyncReplicasForPartition(topicPartition)
inSyncReplicas.get.size == assignedReplicas.size
"Reassigned partition [%s,%d] is under replicated".format(topic, partitionToBeReassigned))
var leader: Option[Int] = None
waitUntilTrue(() => {
leader = zkClient.getLeaderForPartition(topicPartition)
"Reassigned partition [%s,%d] is unavailable".format(topic, partitionToBeReassigned))
waitUntilTrue(() => {
val leaderBroker = servers.filter(s => s.config.brokerId == leader.get).head
leaderBroker.replicaManager.underReplicatedPartitionCount == 0
"Reassigned partition [%s,%d] is under-replicated as reported by the leader %d".format(topic, partitionToBeReassigned, leader.get))
// Note: Call this method in the test itself, rather than the @AfterEach method.
// Because of the assert, if assertNoNonDaemonThreads fails, nothing after would be executed.
def assertNoNonDaemonThreads(threadNamePrefix: String): Unit = {
val threadCount = Thread.getAllStackTraces.keySet.asScala.count { t =>
!t.isDaemon && t.isAlive && t.getName.startsWith(threadNamePrefix)
assertEquals(0, threadCount)
def allThreadStackTraces(): String = { { case (thread, stackTrace) =>
thread.getName + "\n\t" +"\n\t")
* Create new LogManager instance with default configuration for testing
def createLogManager(logDirs: Seq[File] = Seq.empty[File],
defaultConfig: LogConfig = new LogConfig(new Properties),
configRepository: ConfigRepository = new MockConfigRepository,
cleanerConfig: CleanerConfig = new CleanerConfig(false),
time: MockTime = new MockTime(),
interBrokerProtocolVersion: MetadataVersion = MetadataVersion.latest,
recoveryThreadsPerDataDir: Int = 4): LogManager = {
new LogManager(logDirs =,
initialOfflineDirs = Array.empty[File],
configRepository = configRepository,
initialDefaultConfig = defaultConfig,
cleanerConfig = cleanerConfig,
recoveryThreadsPerDataDir = recoveryThreadsPerDataDir,
flushCheckMs = 1000L,
flushRecoveryOffsetCheckpointMs = 10000L,
flushStartOffsetCheckpointMs = 10000L,
retentionCheckMs = 1000L,
maxTransactionTimeoutMs = 5 * 60 * 1000,
producerStateManagerConfig = new ProducerStateManagerConfig(kafka.server.Defaults.ProducerIdExpirationMs, false),
producerIdExpirationCheckIntervalMs = kafka.server.Defaults.ProducerIdExpirationCheckIntervalMs,
scheduler = time.scheduler,
time = time,
brokerTopicStats = new BrokerTopicStats,
logDirFailureChannel = new LogDirFailureChannel(logDirs.size),
keepPartitionMetadataFile = true,
interBrokerProtocolVersion = interBrokerProtocolVersion,
remoteStorageSystemEnable = false)
class MockAlterPartitionManager extends AlterPartitionManager {
val isrUpdates: mutable.Queue[AlterPartitionItem] = new mutable.Queue[AlterPartitionItem]()
val inFlight: AtomicBoolean = new AtomicBoolean(false)
override def submit(
topicPartition: TopicIdPartition,
leaderAndIsr: LeaderAndIsr,
controllerEpoch: Int
): CompletableFuture[LeaderAndIsr]= {
val future = new CompletableFuture[LeaderAndIsr]()
if (inFlight.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
isrUpdates += AlterPartitionItem(
} else {
future.completeExceptionally(new OperationNotAttemptedException(
s"Failed to enqueue AlterIsr request for $topicPartition since there is already an inflight request"))
def completeIsrUpdate(newPartitionEpoch: Int): Unit = {
if (inFlight.compareAndSet(true, false)) {
val item = isrUpdates.dequeue()
} else {
fail("Expected an in-flight ISR update, but there was none")
def failIsrUpdate(error: Errors): Unit = {
if (inFlight.compareAndSet(true, false)) {
val item = isrUpdates.dequeue()
} else {
fail("Expected an in-flight ISR update, but there was none")
def createAlterIsrManager(): MockAlterPartitionManager = {
new MockAlterPartitionManager()
class MockAlterPartitionListener extends AlterPartitionListener {
val expands: AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(0)
val shrinks: AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(0)
val failures: AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(0)
override def markIsrExpand(): Unit = expands.incrementAndGet()
override def markIsrShrink(): Unit = shrinks.incrementAndGet()
override def markFailed(): Unit = failures.incrementAndGet()
def reset(): Unit = {
def createIsrChangeListener(): MockAlterPartitionListener = {
new MockAlterPartitionListener()
def produceMessages[B <: KafkaBroker](
brokers: Seq[B],
records: Seq[ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]],
acks: Int = -1): Unit = {
val producer = createProducer(plaintextBootstrapServers(brokers), acks = acks)
try {
val futures =
} finally {
val topics =
debug(s"Sent ${records.size} messages for topics ${topics.mkString(",")}")
def generateAndProduceMessages[B <: KafkaBroker](
brokers: Seq[B],
topic: String,
numMessages: Int,
acks: Int = -1): Seq[String] = {
val values = (0 until numMessages).map(x => s"test-$x")
val intSerializer = new IntegerSerializer()
val records = { case (v, i) =>
new ProducerRecord(topic, intSerializer.serialize(topic, i), v.getBytes)
produceMessages(brokers, records, acks)
def produceMessage[B <: KafkaBroker](
brokers: Seq[B],
topic: String,
message: String,
timestamp: java.lang.Long = null,
deliveryTimeoutMs: Int = 30 * 1000,
requestTimeoutMs: Int = 20 * 1000): Unit = {
val producer = createProducer(plaintextBootstrapServers(brokers),
deliveryTimeoutMs = deliveryTimeoutMs, requestTimeoutMs = requestTimeoutMs)
try {
producer.send(new ProducerRecord(topic, null, timestamp, topic.getBytes, message.getBytes)).get
} finally {
def verifyTopicDeletion[B <: KafkaBroker](
zkClient: KafkaZkClient,
topic: String,
numPartitions: Int,
brokers: Seq[B]): Unit = {
val topicPartitions = (0 until numPartitions).map(new TopicPartition(topic, _))
if (zkClient != null) {
// wait until admin path for delete topic is deleted, signaling completion of topic deletion
waitUntilTrue(() => !zkClient.isTopicMarkedForDeletion(topic),
"Admin path /admin/delete_topics/%s path not deleted even after a replica is restarted".format(topic))
waitUntilTrue(() => !zkClient.topicExists(topic),
"Topic path /brokers/topics/%s not deleted after /admin/delete_topics/%s path is deleted".format(topic, topic))
// ensure that the topic-partition has been deleted from all brokers' replica managers
waitUntilTrue(() =>
brokers.forall(broker => topicPartitions.forall(tp => broker.replicaManager.onlinePartition(tp).isEmpty)),
"Replica manager's should have deleted all of this topic's partitions")
// ensure that logs from all replicas are deleted
waitUntilTrue(() => brokers.forall(broker => topicPartitions.forall(tp => broker.logManager.getLog(tp).isEmpty)),
"Replica logs not deleted after delete topic is complete")
// ensure that topic is removed from all cleaner offsets
waitUntilTrue(() => brokers.forall(broker => topicPartitions.forall { tp =>
val checkpoints = { logDir =>
new OffsetCheckpointFile(new File(logDir, "cleaner-offset-checkpoint")).read()
checkpoints.forall(checkpointsPerLogDir => !checkpointsPerLogDir.contains(tp))
}), "Cleaner offset for deleted partition should have been removed")
waitUntilTrue(() => brokers.forall(broker =>
broker.config.logDirs.forall { logDir =>
topicPartitions.forall { tp =>
!new File(logDir, tp.topic + "-" + tp.partition).exists()
), "Failed to soft-delete the data to a delete directory")
waitUntilTrue(() => brokers.forall(broker =>
broker.config.logDirs.forall { logDir =>
topicPartitions.forall { tp =>
!Arrays.asList(new File(logDir).list()).asScala.exists { partitionDirectoryName =>
partitionDirectoryName.startsWith(tp.topic + "-" + tp.partition) &&
), "Failed to hard-delete the delete directory")
def causeLogDirFailure(failureType: LogDirFailureType, leaderBroker: KafkaBroker, partition: TopicPartition): Unit = {
// Make log directory of the partition on the leader broker inaccessible by replacing it with a file
val localLog = leaderBroker.replicaManager.localLogOrException(partition)
val logDir = localLog.dir.getParentFile
CoreUtils.swallow(Utils.delete(logDir), this)
if (failureType == Roll) {
assertThrows(classOf[KafkaStorageException], () => leaderBroker.replicaManager.getLog(partition).get.roll())
} else if (failureType == Checkpoint) {
// Wait for ReplicaHighWatermarkCheckpoint to happen so that the log directory of the topic will be offline
waitUntilTrue(() => !leaderBroker.logManager.isLogDirOnline(logDir.getAbsolutePath), "Expected log directory offline", 3000L)
* Translate the given buffer into a string
* @param buffer The buffer to translate
* @param encoding The encoding to use in translating bytes to characters
def readString(buffer: ByteBuffer, encoding: String = Charset.defaultCharset.toString): String = {
val bytes = new Array[Byte](buffer.remaining)
new String(bytes, encoding)
def copyOf(props: Properties): Properties = {
val copy = new Properties()
copy ++= props
def sslConfigs(mode: Mode, clientCert: Boolean, trustStoreFile: Option[File], certAlias: String,
certCn: String = SslCertificateCn,
tlsProtocol: String = TestSslUtils.DEFAULT_TLS_PROTOCOL_FOR_TESTS): Properties = {
val trustStore = trustStoreFile.getOrElse {
throw new Exception("SSL enabled but no trustStoreFile provided")
val sslConfigs = new TestSslUtils.SslConfigsBuilder(mode)
val sslProps = new Properties()
sslConfigs.forEach { (k, v) => sslProps.put(k, v) }
// a X509TrustManager to trust self-signed certs for unit tests.
def trustAllCerts: X509TrustManager = {
val trustManager = new X509TrustManager() {
override def getAcceptedIssuers: Array[X509Certificate] = {
override def checkClientTrusted(certs: Array[X509Certificate], authType: String): Unit = {
override def checkServerTrusted(certs: Array[X509Certificate], authType: String): Unit = {
def waitAndVerifyAcls(expected: Set[AccessControlEntry],
authorizer: JAuthorizer,
resource: ResourcePattern,
accessControlEntryFilter: AccessControlEntryFilter = AccessControlEntryFilter.ANY): Unit = {
val newLine = scala.util.Properties.lineSeparator
val filter = new AclBindingFilter(resource.toFilter, accessControlEntryFilter)
waitUntilTrue(() => authorizer.acls(filter) == expected,
s"expected acls:${expected.mkString(newLine + "\t", newLine + "\t", newLine)}" +
s"but got:${authorizer.acls(filter) + "\t", newLine + "\t", newLine)}",
* Verifies that this ACL is the secure one.
def isAclSecure(acl: ACL, sensitive: Boolean): Boolean = {
debug(s"ACL $acl")
acl.getPerms match {
case Perms.READ => !sensitive && acl.getId.getScheme == "world"
case Perms.ALL => acl.getId.getScheme == "sasl"
case _ => false
* Verifies that the ACL corresponds to the unsecure one that
* provides ALL access to everyone (world).
def isAclUnsecure(acl: ACL): Boolean = {
debug(s"ACL $acl")
acl.getPerms match {
case Perms.ALL => acl.getId.getScheme == "world"
case _ => false
private def secureZkPaths(zkClient: KafkaZkClient): Seq[String] = {
def subPaths(path: String): Seq[String] = {
if (zkClient.pathExists(path))
path +: zkClient.getChildren(path).map(c => path + "/" + c).flatMap(subPaths)
val topLevelPaths = ZkData.SecureRootPaths ++ ZkData.SensitiveRootPaths
* Verifies that all secure paths in ZK are created with the expected ACL.
def verifySecureZkAcls(zkClient: KafkaZkClient, usersWithAccess: Int): Unit = {
secureZkPaths(zkClient).foreach(path => {
if (zkClient.pathExists(path)) {
val sensitive = ZkData.sensitivePath(path)
// usersWithAccess have ALL access to path. For paths that are
// not sensitive, world has READ access.
val aclCount = if (sensitive) usersWithAccess else usersWithAccess + 1
val acls = zkClient.getAcl(path)
assertEquals(aclCount, acls.size, s"Invalid ACLs for $path $acls")
acls.foreach(acl => isAclSecure(acl, sensitive))
* Verifies that secure paths in ZK have no access control. This is
* the case when zookeeper.set.acl=false and no ACLs have been configured.
def verifyUnsecureZkAcls(zkClient: KafkaZkClient): Unit = {
secureZkPaths(zkClient).foreach(path => {
if (zkClient.pathExists(path)) {
val acls = zkClient.getAcl(path)
assertEquals(1, acls.size, s"Invalid ACLs for $path $acls")
* To use this you pass in a sequence of functions that are your arrange/act/assert test on the SUT.
* They all run at the same time in the assertConcurrent method; the chances of triggering a multithreading code error,
* and thereby failing some assertion are greatly increased.
def assertConcurrent(message: String, functions: Seq[() => Any], timeoutMs: Int): Unit = {
def failWithTimeout(): Unit = {
fail(s"$message. Timed out, the concurrent functions took more than $timeoutMs milliseconds")
val numThreads = functions.size
val threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numThreads)
val exceptions = ArrayBuffer[Throwable]()
try {
val runnables = { function =>
new Callable[Unit] {
override def call(): Unit = function()
val futures = threadPool.invokeAll(runnables, timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).asScala
futures.foreach { future =>
if (future.isCancelled)
try future.get()
catch { case e: Exception =>
exceptions += e
} catch {
case _: InterruptedException => failWithTimeout()
case e: Throwable => exceptions += e
} finally {
assertTrue(exceptions.isEmpty, s"$message failed with exception(s) $exceptions")
def consumeTopicRecords[K, V, B <: KafkaBroker](
brokers: Seq[B],
topic: String,
numMessages: Int,
groupId: String = "group",
securityProtocol: SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocol.PLAINTEXT,
trustStoreFile: Option[File] = None,
waitTime: Long = JTestUtils.DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_MS): Seq[ConsumerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]] = {
val consumer = createConsumer(bootstrapServers(brokers, ListenerName.forSecurityProtocol(securityProtocol)),
groupId = groupId,
securityProtocol = securityProtocol,
trustStoreFile = trustStoreFile)
try {
consumeRecords(consumer, numMessages, waitTime)
} finally consumer.close()
def pollUntilAtLeastNumRecords[K, V](consumer: Consumer[K, V],
numRecords: Int,
waitTimeMs: Long = JTestUtils.DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_MS): Seq[ConsumerRecord[K, V]] = {
val records = new ArrayBuffer[ConsumerRecord[K, V]]()
def pollAction(polledRecords: ConsumerRecords[K, V]): Boolean = {
records ++= polledRecords.asScala
records.size >= numRecords
pollRecordsUntilTrue(consumer, pollAction,
waitTimeMs = waitTimeMs,
msg = s"Consumed ${records.size} records before timeout instead of the expected $numRecords records")
def consumeRecords[K, V](consumer: Consumer[K, V],
numRecords: Int,
waitTimeMs: Long = JTestUtils.DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_MS): Seq[ConsumerRecord[K, V]] = {
val records = pollUntilAtLeastNumRecords(consumer, numRecords, waitTimeMs)
assertEquals(numRecords, records.size, "Consumed more records than expected")
* Will consume all the records for the given consumer for the specified duration. If you want to drain all the
* remaining messages in the partitions the consumer is subscribed to, the duration should be set high enough so
* that the consumer has enough time to poll everything. This would be based on the number of expected messages left
* in the topic, and should not be too large (ie. more than a second) in our tests.
* @return All the records consumed by the consumer within the specified duration.
def consumeRecordsFor[K, V](consumer: KafkaConsumer[K, V], duration: Long = JTestUtils.DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_MS): Seq[ConsumerRecord[K, V]] = {
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
val records = new ArrayBuffer[ConsumerRecord[K, V]]()
waitUntilTrue(() => {
records ++= consumer.poll(Duration.ofMillis(50)).asScala
System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime > duration
}, s"The timeout $duration was greater than the maximum wait time.")
def createTransactionalProducer[B <: KafkaBroker](
transactionalId: String,
brokers: Seq[B],
batchSize: Int = 16384,
transactionTimeoutMs: Long = 60000,
maxBlockMs: Long = 60000,
deliveryTimeoutMs: Int = 120000,
requestTimeoutMs: Int = 30000,
maxInFlight: Int = 5): KafkaProducer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] = {
val props = new Properties()
props.put(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, plaintextBootstrapServers(brokers))
props.put(ProducerConfig.ACKS_CONFIG, "all")
props.put(ProducerConfig.BATCH_SIZE_CONFIG, batchSize.toString)
props.put(ProducerConfig.TRANSACTIONAL_ID_CONFIG, transactionalId)
props.put(ProducerConfig.ENABLE_IDEMPOTENCE_CONFIG, "true")
props.put(ProducerConfig.TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT_CONFIG, transactionTimeoutMs.toString)
props.put(ProducerConfig.MAX_BLOCK_MS_CONFIG, maxBlockMs.toString)
props.put(ProducerConfig.DELIVERY_TIMEOUT_MS_CONFIG, deliveryTimeoutMs.toString)
props.put(ProducerConfig.REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS_CONFIG, requestTimeoutMs.toString)
props.put(ProducerConfig.MAX_IN_FLIGHT_REQUESTS_PER_CONNECTION, maxInFlight.toString)
new KafkaProducer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]](props, new ByteArraySerializer, new ByteArraySerializer)
// Seeds the given topic with records with keys and values in the range [0..numRecords)
def seedTopicWithNumberedRecords[B <: KafkaBroker](
topic: String,
numRecords: Int,
brokers: Seq[B]): Unit = {
val props = new Properties()
props.put(ProducerConfig.ENABLE_IDEMPOTENCE_CONFIG, "true")
props.put(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, plaintextBootstrapServers(brokers))
val producer = new KafkaProducer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]](props, new ByteArraySerializer, new ByteArraySerializer)
try {
for (i <- 0 until numRecords) {
producer.send(new ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]](topic, asBytes(i.toString), asBytes(i.toString)))
} finally {
private def asString(bytes: Array[Byte]) = new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
private def asBytes(string: String) = string.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
// Verifies that the record was intended to be committed by checking the headers for an expected transaction status
// If true, this will return the value as a string. It is expected that the record in question should have been created
// by the `producerRecordWithExpectedTransactionStatus` method.
def assertCommittedAndGetValue(record: ConsumerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]) : String = {
record.headers.headers(transactionStatusKey).asScala.headOption match {
case Some(header) =>
assertEquals(asString(committedValue), asString(header.value), s"Got ${asString(header.value)} but expected the value to indicate " +
s"committed status.")
case None =>
fail("expected the record header to include an expected transaction status, but received nothing.")
def recordValueAsString(record: ConsumerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]) : String = {
def producerRecordWithExpectedTransactionStatus(topic: String, partition: Integer, key: Array[Byte], value: Array[Byte], willBeCommitted: Boolean): ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] = {
val header = new Header {override def key() = transactionStatusKey
override def value() = if (willBeCommitted)
new ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]](topic, partition, key, value, Collections.singleton(header))
def producerRecordWithExpectedTransactionStatus(topic: String, partition: Integer, key: String, value: String, willBeCommitted: Boolean): ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] = {
producerRecordWithExpectedTransactionStatus(topic, partition, asBytes(key), asBytes(value), willBeCommitted)
// Collect the current positions for all partition in the consumers current assignment.
def consumerPositions(consumer: KafkaConsumer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]) : Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata] = {
val offsetsToCommit = new mutable.HashMap[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]()
consumer.assignment.forEach { topicPartition =>
offsetsToCommit.put(topicPartition, new OffsetAndMetadata(consumer.position(topicPartition)))
def resetToCommittedPositions(consumer: KafkaConsumer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]): Unit = {
val committed = consumer.committed(consumer.assignment).asScala.filter(_._2 != null).map { case (k, v) => k -> v.offset }
consumer.assignment.forEach { topicPartition =>
if (committed.contains(topicPartition)), committed(topicPartition))
def incrementalAlterConfigs[B <: KafkaBroker](
servers: Seq[B],
adminClient: Admin,
props: Properties,
perBrokerConfig: Boolean,
opType: OpType = OpType.SET): AlterConfigsResult = {
val configEntries = { case (k, v) => new AlterConfigOp(new ConfigEntry(k, v), opType) }.toList.asJavaCollection
val configs = if (perBrokerConfig) { { server =>
val resource = new ConfigResource(ConfigResource.Type.BROKER, server.config.brokerId.toString)
(resource, configEntries)
} else {
Map(new ConfigResource(ConfigResource.Type.BROKER, "") -> configEntries).asJava
def alterClientQuotas(adminClient: Admin, request: Map[ClientQuotaEntity, Map[String, Option[Double]]]): AlterClientQuotasResult = {
val entries = { case (entity, alter) =>
val ops = { case (key, value) =>
new ClientQuotaAlteration.Op(key,
new ClientQuotaAlteration(entity, ops)
def assertLeader(client: Admin, topicPartition: TopicPartition, expectedLeader: Int): Unit = {
waitForLeaderToBecome(client, topicPartition, Some(expectedLeader))
def assertNoLeader(client: Admin, topicPartition: TopicPartition): Unit = {
waitForLeaderToBecome(client, topicPartition, None)
def waitForOnlineBroker(client: Admin, brokerId: Int): Unit = {
waitUntilTrue(() => {
val nodes = client.describeCluster().nodes().get()
nodes.asScala.exists( == brokerId)
}, s"Timed out waiting for brokerId $brokerId to come online")
def waitForLeaderToBecome(
client: Admin,
topicPartition: TopicPartition,
expectedLeaderOpt: Option[Int]
): Unit = {
val topic = topicPartition.topic
val partitionId = topicPartition.partition
def currentLeader: Try[Option[Int]] = Try {
val topicDescription = client.describeTopics(List(topic).asJava).allTopicNames.get.get(topic)
.find(_.partition == partitionId)
.flatMap(partitionState => Option(partitionState.leader))
val (lastLeaderCheck, isLeaderElected) = computeUntilTrue(currentLeader) {
case Success(leaderOpt) => leaderOpt == expectedLeaderOpt
case Failure(e: ExecutionException) if e.getCause.isInstanceOf[UnknownTopicOrPartitionException] => false
case Failure(e) => throw e
assertTrue(isLeaderElected, s"Timed out waiting for leader to become $expectedLeaderOpt. " +
s"Last metadata lookup returned leader = ${lastLeaderCheck.getOrElse("unknown")}")
def waitForBrokersOutOfIsr(client: Admin, partition: Set[TopicPartition], brokerIds: Set[Int]): Unit = {
() => {
val description = client.describeTopics(
val isr = description
s"Expected brokers $brokerIds to no longer be in the ISR for $partition"
def currentIsr(admin: Admin, partition: TopicPartition): Set[Int] = {
val description = admin.describeTopics(Set(partition.topic).asJava)
def waitForBrokersInIsr(client: Admin, partition: TopicPartition, brokerIds: Set[Int]): Unit = {
() => {
val isr = currentIsr(client, partition)
s"Expected brokers $brokerIds to be in the ISR for $partition"
def waitForReplicasAssigned(client: Admin, partition: TopicPartition, brokerIds: Seq[Int]): Unit = {
() => {
val description = client.describeTopics(Set(partition.topic).asJava).allTopicNames.get.asScala
val replicas = description
brokerIds == replicas
s"Expected brokers $brokerIds to be the replicas for $partition"
* Capture the console output during the execution of the provided function.
def grabConsoleOutput(f: => Unit) : String = {
val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream
try scala.Console.withOut(out)(f)
finally scala.Console.out.flush()
* Capture the console error during the execution of the provided function.
def grabConsoleError(f: => Unit) : String = {
val err = new ByteArrayOutputStream
try scala.Console.withErr(err)(f)
finally scala.Console.err.flush()
* Capture both the console output and console error during the execution of the provided function.
def grabConsoleOutputAndError(f: => Unit) : (String, String) = {
val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream
val err = new ByteArrayOutputStream
try scala.Console.withOut(out)(scala.Console.withErr(err)(f))
finally {
(out.toString, err.toString)
def assertFutureExceptionTypeEquals(future: KafkaFuture[_], clazz: Class[_ <: Throwable],
expectedErrorMessage: Option[String] = None): Unit = {
val cause = assertThrows(classOf[ExecutionException], () => future.get()).getCause
assertTrue(clazz.isInstance(cause), "Expected an exception of type " + clazz.getName + "; got type " +
expectedErrorMessage.foreach(message => assertTrue(cause.getMessage.contains(message), s"Received error message : ${cause.getMessage}" +
s" does not contain expected error message : $message"))
def assertBadConfigContainingMessage(props: Properties, expectedExceptionContainsText: String): Unit = {
try {
fail("Expected illegal configuration but instead it was legal")
} catch {
case caught @ (_: ConfigException | _: IllegalArgumentException) =>
s""""${caught.getMessage}" doesn't contain "$expectedExceptionContainsText""""
def totalMetricValue(broker: KafkaBroker, metricName: String): Long = {
totalMetricValue(broker.metrics, metricName)
def totalMetricValue(metrics: Metrics, metricName: String): Long = {
val allMetrics = metrics.metrics
val total = allMetrics.values().asScala.filter(_.metricName().name() == metricName)
.foldLeft(0.0)((total, metric) => total + metric.metricValue.asInstanceOf[Double])
def yammerGaugeValue[T](metricName: String): Option[T] = {
.filter { case (k, _) => k.getMBeanName.endsWith(metricName) }
def meterCount(metricName: String): Long = {
.filter { case (k, _) => k.getMBeanName.endsWith(metricName) }
.getOrElse(fail(s"Unable to find metric $metricName"))
def metersCount(metricName: String): Long = {
.filter { case (k, _) => k.getMBeanName.endsWith(metricName) } {
case histogram: Histogram => histogram.count()
case meter: Meter => meter.count()
case _ => 0
def clearYammerMetrics(): Unit = {
for (metricName <- KafkaYammerMetrics.defaultRegistry.allMetrics.keySet.asScala)
def stringifyTopicPartitions(partitions: Set[TopicPartition]): String = {
Json.encodeAsString(Map("partitions" -> => Map("topic" -> tp.topic, "partition" -> tp.partition).asJava).asJava).asJava)
def resource[R <: AutoCloseable, A](resource: R)(func: R => A): A = {
try {
} finally {
* Set broker replication quotas and enable throttling for a set of partitions. This
* will override any previous replication quotas, but will leave the throttling status
* of other partitions unaffected.
def setReplicationThrottleForPartitions(admin: Admin,
brokerIds: Seq[Int],
partitions: Set[TopicPartition],
throttleBytes: Int): Unit = {
throttleAllBrokersReplication(admin, brokerIds, throttleBytes)
assignThrottledPartitionReplicas(admin, -> brokerIds).toMap)
* Remove a set of throttled partitions and reset the overall replication quota.
def removeReplicationThrottleForPartitions(admin: Admin,
brokerIds: Seq[Int],
partitions: Set[TopicPartition]): Unit = {
removePartitionReplicaThrottles(admin, partitions)
resetBrokersThrottle(admin, brokerIds)
* Throttles all replication across the cluster.
* @param adminClient is the adminClient to use for making connection with the cluster
* @param brokerIds all broker ids in the cluster
* @param throttleBytes is the target throttle
def throttleAllBrokersReplication(adminClient: Admin, brokerIds: Seq[Int], throttleBytes: Int): Unit = {
val throttleConfigs = Seq(
new AlterConfigOp(new ConfigEntry(DynamicConfig.Broker.LeaderReplicationThrottledRateProp, throttleBytes.toString), AlterConfigOp.OpType.SET),
new AlterConfigOp(new ConfigEntry(DynamicConfig.Broker.FollowerReplicationThrottledRateProp, throttleBytes.toString), AlterConfigOp.OpType.SET)
adminClient.incrementalAlterConfigs( { brokerId =>
new ConfigResource(ConfigResource.Type.BROKER, brokerId.toString) -> throttleConfigs
def resetBrokersThrottle(adminClient: Admin, brokerIds: Seq[Int]): Unit =
throttleAllBrokersReplication(adminClient, brokerIds, Int.MaxValue)
def assignThrottledPartitionReplicas(adminClient: Admin, allReplicasByPartition: Map[TopicPartition, Seq[Int]]): Unit = {
val throttles = allReplicasByPartition.groupBy(_._1.topic()).map {
case (topic, replicasByPartition) =>
new ConfigResource(TOPIC, topic) -> Seq(
new AlterConfigOp(new ConfigEntry(LogConfig.LEADER_REPLICATION_THROTTLED_REPLICAS_CONFIG, formatReplicaThrottles(replicasByPartition)), AlterConfigOp.OpType.SET),
new AlterConfigOp(new ConfigEntry(LogConfig.FOLLOWER_REPLICATION_THROTTLED_REPLICAS_CONFIG, formatReplicaThrottles(replicasByPartition)), AlterConfigOp.OpType.SET)
def removePartitionReplicaThrottles(adminClient: Admin, partitions: Set[TopicPartition]): Unit = {
val throttles = {
tp =>
new ConfigResource(TOPIC, tp.topic()) -> Seq(
new AlterConfigOp(new ConfigEntry(LogConfig.LEADER_REPLICATION_THROTTLED_REPLICAS_CONFIG, ""), AlterConfigOp.OpType.DELETE),
new AlterConfigOp(new ConfigEntry(LogConfig.FOLLOWER_REPLICATION_THROTTLED_REPLICAS_CONFIG, ""), AlterConfigOp.OpType.DELETE)
def formatReplicaThrottles(moves: Map[TopicPartition, Seq[Int]]): String =
moves.flatMap { case (tp, assignment) => => s"${tp.partition}:$replicaId")
def waitForAllReassignmentsToComplete(adminClient: Admin, pause: Long = 100L): Unit = {
waitUntilTrue(() => adminClient.listPartitionReassignments().reassignments().get().isEmpty,
s"There still are ongoing reassignments", pause = pause)
* Find an Authorizer that we can call createAcls or deleteAcls on.
def pickAuthorizerForWrite[B <: KafkaBroker](
brokers: Seq[B],
controllers: Seq[ControllerServer],
): JAuthorizer = {
if (controllers.isEmpty) {
} else {
var result: JAuthorizer = null
TestUtils.retry(120000) {
val active = controllers.filter(_.controller.isActive).head
result = active.authorizer.get
val anonymousAuthorizableContext = new AuthorizableRequestContext() {
override def listenerName(): String = ""
override def securityProtocol(): SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocol.PLAINTEXT
override def principal(): KafkaPrincipal = KafkaPrincipal.ANONYMOUS
override def clientAddress(): InetAddress = null
override def requestType(): Int = 0
override def requestVersion(): Int = 0
override def clientId(): String = ""
override def correlationId(): Int = 0
def addAndVerifyAcls[B <: KafkaBroker](
brokers: Seq[B],
acls: Set[AccessControlEntry],
resource: ResourcePattern,
controllers: Seq[ControllerServer] = Seq(),
): Unit = {
val authorizerForWrite = pickAuthorizerForWrite(brokers, controllers)
val aclBindings = { acl => new AclBinding(resource, acl) }
authorizerForWrite.createAcls(anonymousAuthorizableContext, aclBindings.toList.asJava).asScala
.foreach { result =>
result.exception.ifPresent { e => throw e }
val aclFilter = new AclBindingFilter(resource.toFilter, AccessControlEntryFilter.ANY)
( ++ {
authorizer => waitAndVerifyAcls(
authorizer.acls(aclFilter) ++ acls,
authorizer, resource)
def removeAndVerifyAcls[B <: KafkaBroker](
brokers: Seq[B],
acls: Set[AccessControlEntry],
resource: ResourcePattern,
controllers: Seq[ControllerServer] = Seq(),
): Unit = {
val authorizerForWrite = pickAuthorizerForWrite(brokers, controllers)
val aclBindingFilters = { acl => new AclBindingFilter(resource.toFilter, acl.toFilter) }
authorizerForWrite.deleteAcls(anonymousAuthorizableContext, aclBindingFilters.toList.asJava).asScala
.foreach { result =>
result.exception.ifPresent { e => throw e }
val aclFilter = new AclBindingFilter(resource.toFilter, AccessControlEntryFilter.ANY)
( ++ {
authorizer => waitAndVerifyAcls(
authorizer.acls(aclFilter) -- acls,
authorizer, resource)
def buildEnvelopeRequest(
request: AbstractRequest,
principalSerde: KafkaPrincipalSerde,
requestChannelMetrics: RequestChannel.Metrics,
startTimeNanos: Long,
dequeueTimeNanos: Long = -1,
fromPrivilegedListener: Boolean = true
): RequestChannel.Request = {
val clientId = "id"
val listenerName = ListenerName.forSecurityProtocol(SecurityProtocol.PLAINTEXT)
val requestHeader = new RequestHeader(request.apiKey, request.version, clientId, 0)
val requestBuffer = request.serializeWithHeader(requestHeader)
val envelopeHeader = new RequestHeader(ApiKeys.ENVELOPE, ApiKeys.ENVELOPE.latestVersion(), clientId, 0)
val envelopeBuffer = new EnvelopeRequest.Builder(
val envelopeContext = new RequestContext(envelopeHeader, "1", InetAddress.getLocalHost,
KafkaPrincipal.ANONYMOUS, listenerName, SecurityProtocol.PLAINTEXT, ClientInformation.EMPTY,
fromPrivilegedListener, Optional.of(principalSerde))
val envelopRequest = new RequestChannel.Request(
processor = 1,
context = envelopeContext,
startTimeNanos = startTimeNanos,
memoryPool = MemoryPool.NONE,
buffer = envelopeBuffer,
metrics = requestChannelMetrics,
envelope = None
envelopRequest.requestDequeueTimeNanos = dequeueTimeNanos
def verifyNoUnexpectedThreads(context: String): Unit = {
// Threads which may cause transient failures in subsequent tests if not shutdown.
// These include threads which make connections to brokers and may cause issues
// when broker ports are reused (e.g. auto-create topics) as well as threads
// which reset static JAAS configuration.
val unexpectedThreadNames = Set(
def unexpectedThreads: Set[String] = {
val allThreads = => thread.getName)
allThreads.filter(t => unexpectedThreadNames.exists(s => t.contains(s))).toSet
val (unexpected, _) = TestUtils.computeUntilTrue(unexpectedThreads)(_.isEmpty)
s"Found ${unexpected.size} unexpected threads during $context: " +
s"${unexpected.mkString("`", ",", "`")}")
class TestControllerRequestCompletionHandler(expectedResponse: Option[AbstractResponse] = None)
extends ControllerRequestCompletionHandler {
var actualResponse: Option[ClientResponse] = Option.empty
val completed: AtomicBoolean = new AtomicBoolean(false)
val timedOut: AtomicBoolean = new AtomicBoolean(false)
override def onComplete(response: ClientResponse): Unit = {
actualResponse = Some(response)
expectedResponse.foreach { expected =>
assertEquals(expected, response.responseBody())
override def onTimeout(): Unit = {