blob: bdbae528f7591f23468fc9ddef8f6630f2b9132d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE
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package kafka.api
import kafka.utils.TestUtils.{isAclUnsecure, secureZkPaths}
import kafka.utils.{JaasTestUtils, TestUtils}
import org.apache.kafka.server.config.ZkConfigs
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals
import org.junit.jupiter.api._
import java.util.Locale
class SaslPlainPlaintextConsumerTest extends BaseConsumerTest with SaslSetup {
override protected def listenerName = new ListenerName("CLIENT")
private val kafkaClientSaslMechanism = "PLAIN"
private val kafkaServerSaslMechanisms = List(kafkaClientSaslMechanism)
private val kafkaServerJaasEntryName =
this.serverConfig.setProperty(ZkConfigs.ZK_ENABLE_SECURE_ACLS_CONFIG, "false")
// disable secure acls of zkClient in QuorumTestHarness
override protected def zkAclsEnabled = Some(false)
override protected def securityProtocol = SecurityProtocol.SASL_PLAINTEXT
override protected lazy val trustStoreFile = Some(TestUtils.tempFile("truststore", ".jks"))
override protected val serverSaslProperties = Some(kafkaServerSaslProperties(kafkaServerSaslMechanisms, kafkaClientSaslMechanism))
override protected val clientSaslProperties = Some(kafkaClientSaslProperties(kafkaClientSaslMechanism))
override def setUp(testInfo: TestInfo): Unit = {
startSasl(jaasSections(kafkaServerSaslMechanisms, Some(kafkaClientSaslMechanism), Both, kafkaServerJaasEntryName))
override def tearDown(): Unit = {
* Checks that everyone can access ZkData.SecureZkRootPaths and ZkData.SensitiveZkRootPaths
* when zookeeper.set.acl=false, even if ZooKeeper is SASL-enabled.
def testZkAclsDisabled(): Unit = {
secureZkPaths(zkClient).foreach(path => {
if (zkClient.pathExists(path)) {
val acls = zkClient.getAcl(path)
assertEquals(1, acls.size, s"Invalid ACLs for $path $acls")