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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package kafka.api
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerConfig
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition
import org.apache.kafka.common.config.TopicConfig
import org.apache.kafka.server.config.ReplicationConfigs
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.{assertEquals, assertNull, assertThrows}
import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.ValueSource
import java.util
import java.util.{Collections, Optional, Properties}
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
class ConsumerWithLegacyMessageFormatIntegrationTest extends AbstractConsumerTest {
override protected def brokerPropertyOverrides(properties: Properties): Unit = {
// legacy message formats are only supported with IBP < 3.0
// KRaft mode is not supported for = 2.8, The minimum version required is 3.0-IV1"
if (!isKRaftTest())
properties.put(ReplicationConfigs.INTER_BROKER_PROTOCOL_VERSION_CONFIG, "2.8")
@ValueSource(strings = Array("zk", "kraft"))
def testOffsetsForTimes(quorum: String): Unit = {
val numParts = 2
val topic1 = "part-test-topic-1"
val topic2 = "part-test-topic-2"
val topic3 = "part-test-topic-3"
val props = new Properties()
props.setProperty(TopicConfig.MESSAGE_FORMAT_VERSION_CONFIG, "0.9.0")
createTopic(topic1, numParts)
// Topic2 is in old message format.
createTopic(topic2, numParts, 1, props)
createTopic(topic3, numParts)
val consumer = createConsumer()
// Test negative target time
() => consumer.offsetsForTimes(Collections.singletonMap(new TopicPartition(topic1, 0), -1)))
val producer = createProducer()
val timestampsToSearch = new util.HashMap[TopicPartition, java.lang.Long]()
var i = 0
for (topic <- List(topic1, topic2, topic3)) {
for (part <- 0 until numParts) {
val tp = new TopicPartition(topic, part)
// In sendRecords(), each message will have key, value and timestamp equal to the sequence number.
sendRecords(producer, numRecords = 100, tp, startingTimestamp = 0)
timestampsToSearch.put(tp, (i * 20).toLong)
i += 1
// The timestampToSearch map should contain:
// (topic1Partition0 -> 0,
// topic1Partition1 -> 20,
// topic2Partition0 -> 40,
// topic2Partition1 -> 60,
// topic3Partition0 -> 80,
// topic3Partition1 -> 100)
val timestampOffsets = consumer.offsetsForTimes(timestampsToSearch)
val timestampTopic1P0 = timestampOffsets.get(new TopicPartition(topic1, 0))
assertEquals(0, timestampTopic1P0.offset)
assertEquals(0, timestampTopic1P0.timestamp)
assertEquals(Optional.of(0), timestampTopic1P0.leaderEpoch)
val timestampTopic1P1 = timestampOffsets.get(new TopicPartition(topic1, 1))
assertEquals(20, timestampTopic1P1.offset)
assertEquals(20, timestampTopic1P1.timestamp)
assertEquals(Optional.of(0), timestampTopic1P1.leaderEpoch)
if (!isKRaftTest()) {
assertNull(timestampOffsets.get(new TopicPartition(topic2, 0)), "null should be returned when message format is 0.9.0")
assertNull(timestampOffsets.get(new TopicPartition(topic2, 1)), "null should be returned when message format is 0.9.0")
else {
// legacy message formats are supported for IBP version < 3.0 and KRaft runs on minimum version 3.0-IV1
val timestampTopic2P0 = timestampOffsets.get(new TopicPartition(topic2, 0))
assertEquals(40, timestampTopic2P0.offset)
assertEquals(40, timestampTopic2P0.timestamp)
assertEquals(Optional.of(0), timestampTopic2P0.leaderEpoch)
val timestampTopic2P1 = timestampOffsets.get(new TopicPartition(topic2, 1))
assertEquals(60, timestampTopic2P1.offset)
assertEquals(60, timestampTopic2P1.timestamp)
assertEquals(Optional.of(0), timestampTopic2P1.leaderEpoch)
val timestampTopic3P0 = timestampOffsets.get(new TopicPartition(topic3, 0))
assertEquals(80, timestampTopic3P0.offset)
assertEquals(80, timestampTopic3P0.timestamp)
assertEquals(Optional.of(0), timestampTopic3P0.leaderEpoch)
assertNull(timestampOffsets.get(new TopicPartition(topic3, 1)))
@ValueSource(strings = Array("zk", "kraft"))
def testEarliestOrLatestOffsets(quorum: String): Unit = {
val topic0 = "topicWithNewMessageFormat"
val topic1 = "topicWithOldMessageFormat"
val prop = new Properties()
// idempotence producer doesn't support old version of messages
prop.setProperty(ProducerConfig.ENABLE_IDEMPOTENCE_CONFIG, "false")
val producer = createProducer(configOverrides = prop)
createTopicAndSendRecords(producer, topicName = topic0, numPartitions = 2, recordsPerPartition = 100)
val props = new Properties()
props.setProperty(TopicConfig.MESSAGE_FORMAT_VERSION_CONFIG, "0.9.0")
createTopic(topic1, numPartitions = 1, replicationFactor = 1, props)
sendRecords(producer, numRecords = 100, new TopicPartition(topic1, 0))
val t0p0 = new TopicPartition(topic0, 0)
val t0p1 = new TopicPartition(topic0, 1)
val t1p0 = new TopicPartition(topic1, 0)
val partitions = Set(t0p0, t0p1, t1p0).asJava
val consumer = createConsumer()
val earliests = consumer.beginningOffsets(partitions)
assertEquals(0L, earliests.get(t0p0))
assertEquals(0L, earliests.get(t0p1))
assertEquals(0L, earliests.get(t1p0))
val latests = consumer.endOffsets(partitions)
assertEquals(100L, latests.get(t0p0))
assertEquals(100L, latests.get(t0p1))
assertEquals(100L, latests.get(t1p0))