blob: 48aac3ef179d9cfb166c05b7daf625b0b2c5e36d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
package kafka.server
import kafka.utils._
import kafka.cluster.Broker
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.{IZkStateListener, ZkClient}
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.exception.ZkNodeExistsException
import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher.Event.KeeperState
import kafka.log.LogManager
* Handles the server's interaction with zookeeper. The server needs to register the following paths:
* /topics/[topic]/[node_id-partition_num]
* /brokers/[0...N] --> host:port
class KafkaZooKeeper(config: KafkaConfig, logManager: LogManager) extends Logging {
val brokerIdPath = ZkUtils.BrokerIdsPath + "/" + config.brokerId
var zkClient: ZkClient = null
var topics: List[String] = Nil
val lock = new Object()
def startup() {
/* start client */
info("connecting to ZK: " + config.zkConnect)
zkClient = new ZkClient(config.zkConnect, config.zkSessionTimeoutMs, config.zkConnectionTimeoutMs, ZKStringSerializer)
zkClient.subscribeStateChanges(new SessionExpireListener)
def registerBrokerInZk() {
info("Registering broker " + brokerIdPath)
val hostName = if (config.hostName == null) InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostAddress else config.hostName
val creatorId = hostName + "-" + System.currentTimeMillis
val broker = new Broker(config.brokerId, creatorId, hostName, config.port)
try {
ZkUtils.createEphemeralPathExpectConflict(zkClient, brokerIdPath, broker.getZKString)
} catch {
case e: ZkNodeExistsException =>
throw new RuntimeException("A broker is already registered on the path " + brokerIdPath + ". This probably " +
"indicates that you either have configured a brokerid that is already in use, or " +
"else you have shutdown this broker and restarted it faster than the zookeeper " +
"timeout so it appears to be re-registering.")
info("Registering broker " + brokerIdPath + " succeeded with " + broker)
def registerTopicInZk(topic: String) {
lock synchronized {
topics ::= topic
def registerTopicInZkInternal(topic: String) {
val brokerTopicPath = ZkUtils.BrokerTopicsPath + "/" + topic + "/" + config.brokerId
val numParts = logManager.getTopicPartitionsMap.getOrElse(topic, config.numPartitions)
info("Begin registering broker topic " + brokerTopicPath + " with " + numParts.toString + " partitions")
ZkUtils.createEphemeralPathExpectConflict(zkClient, brokerTopicPath, numParts.toString)
info("End registering broker topic " + brokerTopicPath)
* When we get a SessionExpired event, we lost all ephemeral nodes and zkclient has reestablished a
* connection for us. We need to re-register this broker in the broker registry.
class SessionExpireListener() extends IZkStateListener {
def handleStateChanged(state: KeeperState) {
// do nothing, since zkclient will do reconnect for us.
* Called after the zookeeper session has expired and a new session has been created. You would have to re-create
* any ephemeral nodes here.
* @throws Exception
* On any error.
def handleNewSession() {
info("re-registering broker info in ZK for broker " + config.brokerId)
lock synchronized {
info("re-registering broker topics in ZK for broker " + config.brokerId)
for (topic <- topics)
info("done re-registering broker")
def close() {
if (zkClient != null) {
info("Closing zookeeper client...")