blob: e48922a97727dd0b98f3ae630ebb0af3bef2373d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package kafka.log
import java.util.Properties
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils
import scala.collection._
import kafka.common._
object Defaults {
val SegmentSize = 1024 * 1024
val SegmentMs = Long.MaxValue
val SegmentJitterMs = 0L
val FlushInterval = Long.MaxValue
val FlushMs = Long.MaxValue
val RetentionSize = Long.MaxValue
val RetentionMs = Long.MaxValue
val MaxMessageSize = Int.MaxValue
val MaxIndexSize = 1024 * 1024
val IndexInterval = 4096
val FileDeleteDelayMs = 60 * 1000L
val DeleteRetentionMs = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000L
val MinCleanableDirtyRatio = 0.5
val Compact = false
val UncleanLeaderElectionEnable = true
val MinInSyncReplicas = 1
* Configuration settings for a log
* @param segmentSize The soft maximum for the size of a segment file in the log
* @param segmentMs The soft maximum on the amount of time before a new log segment is rolled
* @param segmentJitterMs The maximum random jitter subtracted from segmentMs to avoid thundering herds of segment rolling
* @param flushInterval The number of messages that can be written to the log before a flush is forced
* @param flushMs The amount of time the log can have dirty data before a flush is forced
* @param retentionSize The approximate total number of bytes this log can use
* @param retentionMs The age approximate maximum age of the last segment that is retained
* @param maxIndexSize The maximum size of an index file
* @param indexInterval The approximate number of bytes between index entries
* @param fileDeleteDelayMs The time to wait before deleting a file from the filesystem
* @param deleteRetentionMs The time to retain delete markers in the log. Only applicable for logs that are being compacted.
* @param minCleanableRatio The ratio of bytes that are available for cleaning to the bytes already cleaned
* @param compact Should old segments in this log be deleted or deduplicated?
* @param uncleanLeaderElectionEnable Indicates whether unclean leader election is enabled; actually a controller-level property
* but included here for topic-specific configuration validation purposes
* @param minInSyncReplicas If number of insync replicas drops below this number, we stop accepting writes with -1 (or all) required acks
case class LogConfig(val segmentSize: Int = Defaults.SegmentSize,
val segmentMs: Long = Defaults.SegmentMs,
val segmentJitterMs: Long = Defaults.SegmentJitterMs,
val flushInterval: Long = Defaults.FlushInterval,
val flushMs: Long = Defaults.FlushMs,
val retentionSize: Long = Defaults.RetentionSize,
val retentionMs: Long = Defaults.RetentionMs,
val maxMessageSize: Int = Defaults.MaxMessageSize,
val maxIndexSize: Int = Defaults.MaxIndexSize,
val indexInterval: Int = Defaults.IndexInterval,
val fileDeleteDelayMs: Long = Defaults.FileDeleteDelayMs,
val deleteRetentionMs: Long = Defaults.DeleteRetentionMs,
val minCleanableRatio: Double = Defaults.MinCleanableDirtyRatio,
val compact: Boolean = Defaults.Compact,
val uncleanLeaderElectionEnable: Boolean = Defaults.UncleanLeaderElectionEnable,
val minInSyncReplicas: Int = Defaults.MinInSyncReplicas) {
def toProps: Properties = {
val props = new Properties()
import LogConfig._
props.put(SegmentBytesProp, segmentSize.toString)
props.put(SegmentMsProp, segmentMs.toString)
props.put(SegmentJitterMsProp, segmentJitterMs.toString)
props.put(SegmentIndexBytesProp, maxIndexSize.toString)
props.put(FlushMessagesProp, flushInterval.toString)
props.put(FlushMsProp, flushMs.toString)
props.put(RetentionBytesProp, retentionSize.toString)
props.put(RententionMsProp, retentionMs.toString)
props.put(MaxMessageBytesProp, maxMessageSize.toString)
props.put(IndexIntervalBytesProp, indexInterval.toString)
props.put(DeleteRetentionMsProp, deleteRetentionMs.toString)
props.put(FileDeleteDelayMsProp, fileDeleteDelayMs.toString)
props.put(MinCleanableDirtyRatioProp, minCleanableRatio.toString)
props.put(CleanupPolicyProp, if(compact) "compact" else "delete")
props.put(UncleanLeaderElectionEnableProp, uncleanLeaderElectionEnable.toString)
props.put(MinInSyncReplicasProp, minInSyncReplicas.toString)
def randomSegmentJitter: Long =
if (segmentJitterMs == 0) 0 else Utils.abs(scala.util.Random.nextInt()) % math.min(segmentJitterMs, segmentMs)
object LogConfig {
val SegmentBytesProp = "segment.bytes"
val SegmentMsProp = ""
val SegmentJitterMsProp = ""
val SegmentIndexBytesProp = "segment.index.bytes"
val FlushMessagesProp = "flush.messages"
val FlushMsProp = ""
val RetentionBytesProp = "retention.bytes"
val RententionMsProp = ""
val MaxMessageBytesProp = "max.message.bytes"
val IndexIntervalBytesProp = "index.interval.bytes"
val DeleteRetentionMsProp = ""
val FileDeleteDelayMsProp = ""
val MinCleanableDirtyRatioProp = "min.cleanable.dirty.ratio"
val CleanupPolicyProp = "cleanup.policy"
val UncleanLeaderElectionEnableProp = "unclean.leader.election.enable"
val MinInSyncReplicasProp = "min.insync.replicas"
val ConfigNames = Set(SegmentBytesProp,
* Parse the given properties instance into a LogConfig object
def fromProps(props: Properties): LogConfig = {
new LogConfig(segmentSize = props.getProperty(SegmentBytesProp, Defaults.SegmentSize.toString).toInt,
segmentMs = props.getProperty(SegmentMsProp, Defaults.SegmentMs.toString).toLong,
segmentJitterMs = props.getProperty(SegmentJitterMsProp, Defaults.SegmentJitterMs.toString).toLong,
maxIndexSize = props.getProperty(SegmentIndexBytesProp, Defaults.MaxIndexSize.toString).toInt,
flushInterval = props.getProperty(FlushMessagesProp, Defaults.FlushInterval.toString).toLong,
flushMs = props.getProperty(FlushMsProp, Defaults.FlushMs.toString).toLong,
retentionSize = props.getProperty(RetentionBytesProp, Defaults.RetentionSize.toString).toLong,
retentionMs = props.getProperty(RententionMsProp, Defaults.RetentionMs.toString).toLong,
maxMessageSize = props.getProperty(MaxMessageBytesProp, Defaults.MaxMessageSize.toString).toInt,
indexInterval = props.getProperty(IndexIntervalBytesProp, Defaults.IndexInterval.toString).toInt,
fileDeleteDelayMs = props.getProperty(FileDeleteDelayMsProp, Defaults.FileDeleteDelayMs.toString).toInt,
deleteRetentionMs = props.getProperty(DeleteRetentionMsProp, Defaults.DeleteRetentionMs.toString).toLong,
minCleanableRatio = props.getProperty(MinCleanableDirtyRatioProp,
compact = props.getProperty(CleanupPolicyProp, if(Defaults.Compact) "compact" else "delete")
.trim.toLowerCase != "delete",
uncleanLeaderElectionEnable = props.getProperty(UncleanLeaderElectionEnableProp,
minInSyncReplicas = props.getProperty(MinInSyncReplicasProp,Defaults.MinInSyncReplicas.toString).toInt)
* Create a log config instance using the given properties and defaults
def fromProps(defaults: Properties, overrides: Properties): LogConfig = {
val props = new Properties(defaults)
* Check that property names are valid
def validateNames(props: Properties) {
import JavaConversions._
for(name <- props.keys)
require(LogConfig.ConfigNames.contains(name), "Unknown configuration \"%s\".".format(name))
* Check that the given properties contain only valid log config names, and that all values can be parsed.
def validate(props: Properties) {
LogConfig.fromProps(LogConfig().toProps, props) // check that we can parse the values
* Check that MinInSyncReplicas is reasonable
* Unfortunately, we can't validate its smaller than number of replicas
* since we don't have this information here
private def validateMinInSyncReplicas(props: Properties) {
val minIsr = props.getProperty(MinInSyncReplicasProp)
if (minIsr != null && minIsr.toInt < 1) {
throw new InvalidConfigException("Wrong value " + minIsr + " of min.insync.replicas in topic configuration; " +
" Valid values are at least 1")