Adding Knoldus info to Powered by Page (#342)

 ### **Context**

[Knoldus]( is a niche engineering services company with a presence in Singapore, Canada, USA, Netherlands, and India. We use Kafka in most of the projects for building a real-time Analytics System as well as have been using Kafka Stream for Async Communication between Micro-services. Hence we'd like to be part of the "Powered By" web-page.

🤞 Hopefully, we'll see our organisation on your web-page.

Feel free to [contact me]( with any further questions.

### **Kafka Contributions**

We try to share and spread the knowledge of Kafka around us, please have a look at our contributions:

- [Various blogs on Kafka]( where we explained features and use-cases of Kafka 
- [KnolX-session (Meet-ups)]( we used introduce Kafka and which problem we want to solve
- A few [webinars on Kafka]( and discussing its use-cases 
- Ready to deploy [Kafka Templates](

Reviewers: Jason Gustafson <>
2 files changed