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package org.apache.juneau.http;
import org.apache.juneau.http.response.*;
* Standard predefined HTTP responses.
* <h5 class='section'>See Also:</h5><ul>
* <li class='link'><a class="doclink" href="../../../../index.html#juneau-rest-common">juneau-rest-common</a>
* </ul>
public class HttpResponses {
* A synonym for {@link Accepted#INSTANCE}.
public static final Accepted ACCEPTED = Accepted.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link AlreadyReported#INSTANCE}.
public static final AlreadyReported ALREADY_REPORTED = AlreadyReported.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link BadRequest#INSTANCE}.
public static final BadRequest BAD_REQUEST = BadRequest.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link Conflict#INSTANCE}.
public static final Conflict CONFLICT = Conflict.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link Continue#INSTANCE}.
public static final Continue CONTINUE = Continue.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link Created#INSTANCE}.
public static final Created CREATED = Created.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link EarlyHints#INSTANCE}.
public static final EarlyHints EARLY_HINTS = EarlyHints.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link ExpectationFailed#INSTANCE}.
public static final ExpectationFailed EXPECTATION_FAILED = ExpectationFailed.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link FailedDependency#INSTANCE}.
public static final FailedDependency FAILED_DEPENDENCY = FailedDependency.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link Forbidden#INSTANCE}.
public static final Forbidden FORBIDDEN = Forbidden.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link Found#INSTANCE}.
public static final Found FOUND = Found.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link Gone#INSTANCE}.
public static final Gone GONE = Gone.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link HttpVersionNotSupported#INSTANCE}.
public static final HttpVersionNotSupported HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = HttpVersionNotSupported.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link IMUsed#INSTANCE}.
public static final IMUsed IM_USED = IMUsed.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link InsufficientStorage#INSTANCE}.
public static final InsufficientStorage INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE = InsufficientStorage.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link InternalServerError#INSTANCE}.
public static final InternalServerError INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = InternalServerError.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link LengthRequired#INSTANCE}.
public static final LengthRequired LENGTH_REQUIRED = LengthRequired.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link Locked#INSTANCE}.
public static final Locked LOCKED = Locked.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link LoopDetected#INSTANCE}.
public static final LoopDetected LOOP_DETECTED = LoopDetected.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link MethodNotAllowed#INSTANCE}.
public static final MethodNotAllowed METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = MethodNotAllowed.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link MisdirectedRequest#INSTANCE}.
public static final MisdirectedRequest MISDIRECTED_REQUEST = MisdirectedRequest.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link MovedPermanently#INSTANCE}.
public static final MovedPermanently MOVED_PERMANENTLY = MovedPermanently.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link MultiStatus#INSTANCE}.
public static final MultiStatus MULTI_STATUS = MultiStatus.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link MultipleChoices#INSTANCE}.
public static final MultipleChoices MULTIPLE_CHOICES = MultipleChoices.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link NetworkAuthenticationRequired#INSTANCE}.
public static final NetworkAuthenticationRequired NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = NetworkAuthenticationRequired.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link NoContent#INSTANCE}.
public static final NoContent NO_CONTENT = NoContent.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link NonAuthoritiveInformation#INSTANCE}.
public static final NonAuthoritiveInformation NON_AUTHORATIVE_INFORMATION = NonAuthoritiveInformation.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link NotAcceptable#INSTANCE}.
public static final NotAcceptable NOT_ACCEPTABLE = NotAcceptable.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link NotExtended#INSTANCE}.
public static final NotExtended NOT_EXTENDED = NotExtended.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link NotFound#INSTANCE}.
public static final NotFound NOT_FOUND = NotFound.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link NotImplemented#INSTANCE}.
public static final NotImplemented NOT_IMPLEMENTED = NotImplemented.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link NotModified#INSTANCE}.
public static final NotModified NOT_MODIFIED = NotModified.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link Ok#INSTANCE}.
public static final Ok OK = Ok.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link PartialContent#INSTANCE}.
public static final PartialContent PARTIAL_CONTENT = PartialContent.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link PayloadTooLarge#INSTANCE}.
public static final PayloadTooLarge PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE = PayloadTooLarge.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link PermanentRedirect#INSTANCE}.
public static final PermanentRedirect PERMANENT_REDIRECT = PermanentRedirect.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link PreconditionFailed#INSTANCE}.
public static final PreconditionFailed PRECONDITION_FAILED = PreconditionFailed.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link PreconditionRequired#INSTANCE}.
public static final PreconditionRequired PRECONDITION_REQUIRED = PreconditionRequired.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link Processing#INSTANCE}.
public static final Processing PROCESSING = Processing.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link RangeNotSatisfiable#INSTANCE}.
public static final RangeNotSatisfiable RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE = RangeNotSatisfiable.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge#INSTANCE}.
public static final RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE = RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link ResetContent#INSTANCE}.
public static final ResetContent RESET_CONTENT = ResetContent.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link SeeOther#INSTANCE}.
public static final SeeOther SEE_OTHER = SeeOther.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link ServiceUnavailable#INSTANCE}.
public static final ServiceUnavailable SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = ServiceUnavailable.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link SwitchingProtocols#INSTANCE}.
public static final SwitchingProtocols SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS = SwitchingProtocols.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link TemporaryRedirect#INSTANCE}.
public static final TemporaryRedirect TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = TemporaryRedirect.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link TooManyRequests#INSTANCE}.
public static final TooManyRequests TOO_MANY_REQUESTS = TooManyRequests.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link Unauthorized#INSTANCE}.
public static final Unauthorized UNAUTHORIZED = Unauthorized.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link UnavailableForLegalReasons#INSTANCE}.
public static final UnavailableForLegalReasons UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS = UnavailableForLegalReasons.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link UnprocessableEntity#INSTANCE}.
public static final UnprocessableEntity UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITIY = UnprocessableEntity.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link UnsupportedMediaType#INSTANCE}.
public static final UnsupportedMediaType UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE = UnsupportedMediaType.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link UpgradeRequired#INSTANCE}.
public static final UpgradeRequired UPGRADE_REQUIRED = UpgradeRequired.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link UriTooLong#INSTANCE}.
public static final UriTooLong URI_TOO_LONG = UriTooLong.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link UseProxy#INSTANCE}.
public static final UseProxy USE_PROXY = UseProxy.INSTANCE;
* A synonym for {@link VariantAlsoNegotiates#INSTANCE}.
public static final VariantAlsoNegotiates VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES = VariantAlsoNegotiates.INSTANCE;
* A shortcut for calling {@link Continue#Continue()}.
* @return A new bean.
public static final Continue _continue() {
return new Continue();
* A shortcut for calling {@link Accepted#Accepted()}.
* @return A new bean.
public static final Accepted accepted() {
return new Accepted();
* A shortcut for calling {@link AlreadyReported#AlreadyReported()}.
* @return A new bean.
public static final AlreadyReported alreadyReported() {
return new AlreadyReported();
* A shortcut for calling {@link BadRequest#BadRequest()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final BadRequest badRequest() {
return new BadRequest();
* A shortcut for calling {@link Conflict#Conflict()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final Conflict conflict() {
return new Conflict();
* A shortcut for calling {@link Created#Created()}.
* @return A new bean.
public static final Created created() {
return new Created();
* A shortcut for calling {@link EarlyHints#EarlyHints()}.
* @return A new bean.
public static final EarlyHints earlyHints() {
return new EarlyHints();
* A shortcut for calling {@link ExpectationFailed#ExpectationFailed()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final ExpectationFailed expectationFailed() {
return new ExpectationFailed();
* A shortcut for calling {@link FailedDependency#FailedDependency()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final FailedDependency failedDependency() {
return new FailedDependency();
* A shortcut for calling {@link Forbidden#Forbidden()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final Forbidden forbidden() {
return new Forbidden();
* A shortcut for calling {@link Found#Found()}.
* @param location The value for the Location header.
* @return A new bean.
public static final Found found(String location) {
return new Found().setLocation(location);
* A shortcut for calling {@link Gone#Gone()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final Gone gone() {
return new Gone();
* A shortcut for calling {@link BasicHttpException#BasicHttpException()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final BasicHttpException httpException() {
return new BasicHttpException();
* A shortcut for calling {@link HttpVersionNotSupported#HttpVersionNotSupported()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final HttpVersionNotSupported httpVersionNotSupported() {
return new HttpVersionNotSupported();
* A shortcut for calling {@link IMUsed#IMUsed()}.
* @return A new bean.
public static final IMUsed imUsed() {
return new IMUsed();
* A shortcut for calling {@link InsufficientStorage#InsufficientStorage()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final InsufficientStorage insufficientStorage() {
return new InsufficientStorage();
* A shortcut for calling {@link InternalServerError#InternalServerError()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final InternalServerError internalServerError() {
return new InternalServerError();
* A shortcut for calling {@link LengthRequired#LengthRequired()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final LengthRequired lengthRequired() {
return new LengthRequired();
* A shortcut for calling {@link Locked#Locked()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final Locked locked() {
return new Locked();
* A shortcut for calling {@link LoopDetected#LoopDetected()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final LoopDetected loopDetected() {
return new LoopDetected();
* A shortcut for calling {@link MethodNotAllowed#MethodNotAllowed()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final MethodNotAllowed methodNotAllowed() {
return new MethodNotAllowed();
* A shortcut for calling {@link MisdirectedRequest#MisdirectedRequest()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final MisdirectedRequest misdirectedRequest() {
return new MisdirectedRequest();
* A shortcut for calling {@link MovedPermanently#MovedPermanently()}.
* @param location The value for the Location header.
* @return A new bean.
public static final MovedPermanently movedPermanently(String location) {
return new MovedPermanently().setLocation(location);
* A shortcut for calling {@link MovedPermanently#MovedPermanently()}.
* @return A new bean.
public static final MultipleChoices multipleChoices() {
return new MultipleChoices();
* A shortcut for calling {@link MultiStatus#MultiStatus()}.
* @return A new bean.
public static final MultiStatus multiStatus() {
return new MultiStatus();
* A shortcut for calling {@link NetworkAuthenticationRequired#NetworkAuthenticationRequired()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final NetworkAuthenticationRequired networkAuthenticationRequired() {
return new NetworkAuthenticationRequired();
* A shortcut for calling {@link NoContent#NoContent()}.
* @return A new bean.
public static final NoContent noContent() {
return new NoContent();
* A shortcut for calling {@link NonAuthoritiveInformation#NonAuthoritiveInformation()}.
* @return A new bean.
public static final NonAuthoritiveInformation nonAuthoritiveInformation() {
return new NonAuthoritiveInformation();
* A shortcut for calling {@link NotAcceptable#NotAcceptable()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final NotAcceptable notAcceptable() {
return new NotAcceptable();
* A shortcut for calling {@link NotExtended#NotExtended()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final NotExtended notExtended() {
return new NotExtended();
* A shortcut for calling {@link NotFound#NotFound()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final NotFound notFound() {
return new NotFound();
* A shortcut for calling {@link NotImplemented#NotImplemented()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final NotImplemented notImplemented() {
return new NotImplemented();
* A shortcut for calling {@link NotModified#NotModified()}.
* @return A new bean.
public static final NotModified notModified() {
return new NotModified();
* A shortcut for calling {@link Ok#Ok()}.
* @return A new bean.
public static final Ok ok() {
return new Ok();
* A shortcut for calling {@link PartialContent#PartialContent()}.
* @return A new bean.
public static final PartialContent partialContent() {
return new PartialContent();
* A shortcut for calling {@link PayloadTooLarge#PayloadTooLarge()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final PayloadTooLarge payloadTooLarge() {
return new PayloadTooLarge();
* A shortcut for calling {@link PermanentRedirect#PermanentRedirect()}.
* @param location The value for the Location header.
* @return A new bean.
public static final PermanentRedirect permanentRedirect(String location) {
return new PermanentRedirect().setLocation(location);
* A shortcut for calling {@link PreconditionFailed#PreconditionFailed()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final PreconditionFailed preconditionFailed() {
return new PreconditionFailed();
* A shortcut for calling {@link PreconditionRequired#PreconditionRequired()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final PreconditionRequired preconditionRequired() {
return new PreconditionRequired();
* A shortcut for calling {@link Processing#Processing()}.
* @return A new bean.
public static final Processing processing() {
return new Processing();
* A shortcut for calling {@link RangeNotSatisfiable#RangeNotSatisfiable()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final RangeNotSatisfiable rangeNotSatisfiable() {
return new RangeNotSatisfiable();
* A shortcut for calling {@link RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge#RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge() {
return new RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge();
* A shortcut for calling {@link ResetContent#ResetContent()}.
* @return A new bean.
public static final ResetContent resetContent() {
return new ResetContent();
* A shortcut for calling {@link SeeOther#SeeOther()}.
* @param location The value for the Location header.
* @return A new bean.
public static final SeeOther seeOther(String location) {
return new SeeOther().setLocation(location);
* A shortcut for calling {@link ServiceUnavailable#ServiceUnavailable()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final ServiceUnavailable serviceUnavailable() {
return new ServiceUnavailable();
* A shortcut for calling {@link SwitchingProtocols#SwitchingProtocols()}.
* @return A new bean.
public static final SwitchingProtocols switchingProtocols() {
return new SwitchingProtocols();
* A shortcut for calling {@link TemporaryRedirect#TemporaryRedirect()}.
* @param location The value for the Location header.
* @return A new bean.
public static final TemporaryRedirect temporaryRedirect(String location) {
return new TemporaryRedirect().setLocation(location);
* A shortcut for calling {@link TooManyRequests#TooManyRequests()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final TooManyRequests tooManyRequests() {
return new TooManyRequests();
* A shortcut for calling {@link Unauthorized#Unauthorized()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final Unauthorized unauthorized() {
return new Unauthorized();
* A shortcut for calling {@link UnavailableForLegalReasons#UnavailableForLegalReasons()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final UnavailableForLegalReasons unavailableForLegalReasons() {
return new UnavailableForLegalReasons();
* A shortcut for calling {@link UnprocessableEntity#UnprocessableEntity()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final UnprocessableEntity unprocessableEntity() {
return new UnprocessableEntity();
* A shortcut for calling {@link UnsupportedMediaType#UnsupportedMediaType()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final UnsupportedMediaType unsupportedMediaType() {
return new UnsupportedMediaType();
* A shortcut for calling {@link UpgradeRequired#UpgradeRequired()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final UpgradeRequired upgradeRequired() {
return new UpgradeRequired();
* A shortcut for calling {@link UriTooLong#UriTooLong()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final UriTooLong uriTooLong() {
return new UriTooLong();
* A shortcut for calling {@link UseProxy#UseProxy()}.
* @return A new bean.
public static final UseProxy useProxy() {
return new UseProxy();
* A shortcut for calling {@link VariantAlsoNegotiates#VariantAlsoNegotiates()}.
* @return A new bean builder.
public static final VariantAlsoNegotiates variantAlsoNegotiates() {
return new VariantAlsoNegotiates();