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package org.apache.juneau.assertions;
import static org.apache.juneau.common.internal.ArgUtils.*;
import static org.apache.juneau.common.internal.StringUtils.*;
import static org.apache.juneau.common.internal.ThrowableUtils.*;
import static org.apache.juneau.internal.CollectionUtils.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.*;
import org.apache.juneau.cp.*;
import org.apache.juneau.internal.*;
import org.apache.juneau.json.*;
import org.apache.juneau.reflect.*;
import org.apache.juneau.serializer.*;
* Used for fluent assertion calls against POJOs.
* <h5 class='section'>Test Methods:</h5>
* <p>
* <ul class='javatree'>
* <li class='jc'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion}
* <ul class='javatreec'>
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#isExists() isExists()}
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#is(Object) is(Object)}
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#is(Predicate) is(Predicate)}
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#isNot(Object) isNot(Object)}
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#isAny(Object...) isAny(Object...)}
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#isNotAny(Object...) isNotAny(Object...)}
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#isNull() isNull()}
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#isNotNull() isNotNull()}
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#isString(String) isString(String)}
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#isJson(String) isJson(String)}
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#isSame(Object) isSame(Object)}
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#isSameJsonAs(Object) isSameJsonAs(Object)}
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#isSameSortedJsonAs(Object) isSameSortedJsonAs(Object)}
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#isSameSerializedAs(Object, WriterSerializer) isSameSerializedAs(Object, WriterSerializer)}
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#isType(Class) isType(Class)}
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#isExactType(Class) isExactType(Class)}
* </ul>
* </ul>
* <h5 class='section'>Transform Methods:</h5>
* <p>
* <ul class='javatree'>
* <li class='jc'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion}
* <ul class='javatreec'>
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#asString() asString()}
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#asString(WriterSerializer) asString(WriterSerializer)}
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#asString(Function) asString(Function)}
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#asJson() asJson()}
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#asJsonSorted() asJsonSorted()}
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#asTransformed(Function) asApplied(Function)}
* <li class='jm'>{@link FluentObjectAssertion#asAny() asAny()}
* </ul>
* </ul>
* <h5 class='section'>Configuration Methods:</h5>
* <p>
* <ul class='javatree'>
* <li class='jc'>{@link Assertion}
* <ul class='javatreec'>
* <li class='jm'>{@link Assertion#setMsg(String, Object...) setMsg(String, Object...)}
* <li class='jm'>{@link Assertion#setOut(PrintStream) setOut(PrintStream)}
* <li class='jm'>{@link Assertion#setSilent() setSilent()}
* <li class='jm'>{@link Assertion#setStdOut() setStdOut()}
* <li class='jm'>{@link Assertion#setThrowable(Class) setThrowable(Class)}
* </ul>
* </ul>
* <h5 class='section'>See Also:</h5><ul>
* <li class='link'><a class="doclink" href="../../../../index.html#ja.Overview">Overview &gt; juneau-assertions &gt; Overview</a>
* </ul>
* @param <T> The object type.
* @param <R> The return type.
public class FluentObjectAssertion<T,R> extends FluentAssertion<R> {
// Static
private static final Messages MESSAGES = Messages.of(FluentObjectAssertion.class, "Messages");
private static final String
MSG_unexpectedType = MESSAGES.getString("unexpectedType"),
MSG_unexpectedComparison = MESSAGES.getString("unexpectedComparison"),
MSG_unexpectedValue = MESSAGES.getString("unexpectedValue"),
MSG_unexpectedValueDidNotExpect = MESSAGES.getString("unexpectedValueDidNotExpect"),
MSG_notTheSameValue = MESSAGES.getString("notTheSameValue"),
MSG_valueWasNull = MESSAGES.getString("valueWasNull"),
MSG_valueWasNotNull = MESSAGES.getString("valueWasNotNull"),
MSG_expectedValueNotFound = MESSAGES.getString("expectedValueNotFound"),
MSG_unexpectedValueFound = MESSAGES.getString("unexpectedValueFound"),
MSG_unexpectedValue2 = MESSAGES.getString("unexpectedValue2");
private static JsonSerializer JSON = JsonSerializer.create()
private static JsonSerializer JSON_SORTED = JsonSerializer.create()
// Instance
private final T value;
* Constructor.
* @param value
* The object being tested.
* <br>Can be <jk>null</jk>.
* @param returns
* The object to return after a test method is called.
* <br>If <jk>null</jk>, the test method returns this object allowing multiple test method calls to be
* used on the same assertion.
public FluentObjectAssertion(T value, R returns) {
this(null, value, returns);
* Chained constructor.
* <p>
* Used when transforming one assertion into another so that the assertion config can be used by the new assertion.
* @param creator
* The assertion that created this assertion.
* <br>Should be <jk>null</jk> if this is the top-level assertion.
* @param value
* The object being tested.
* <br>Can be <jk>null</jk>.
* @param returns
* The object to return after a test method is called.
* <br>If <jk>null</jk>, the test method returns this object allowing multiple test method calls to be
* used on the same assertion.
public FluentObjectAssertion(Assertion creator, T value, R returns) {
super(creator, returns);
this.value = value;
// Transform methods
* Converts this object to a string using {@link Object#toString} and returns it as a new assertion.
* <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
* <p class='bjava'>
* <jc>// Validates that the specified object is "foobar" after converting to a string.</jc>
* <jsm>assertObject</jsm>(<jv>myPojo</jv>)
* .asString()
* .is(<js>"foobar"</js>);
* </p>
* @return A new fluent string assertion.
public FluentStringAssertion<R> asString() {
return new FluentStringAssertion<>(this, valueAsString(), returns());
* Converts this object to text using the specified serializer and returns it as a new assertion.
* <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
* <p class='bjava'>
* <jc>// Validates that the specified object is an instance of MyBean.</jc>
* <jsm>assertObject</jsm>(<jv>myPojo</jv>)
* .asString(XmlSerializer.<jsf>DEFAULT</jsf>)
* .is(<js>"&lt;object&gt;&lt;foo&gt;bar&lt;/foo&gt;&lt;baz&gt;qux&lt;/baz&gt;&lt;/object&gt;"</js>);
* </p>
* @param ws The serializer to use to convert the object to text.
* @return A new fluent string assertion.
public FluentStringAssertion<R> asString(WriterSerializer ws) {
try {
return new FluentStringAssertion<>(this, ws.serialize(value), returns());
} catch (SerializeException e) {
throw asRuntimeException(e);
* Converts this object to a string using the specified function and returns it as a new assertion.
* <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
* <p class='bjava'>
* <jc>// Validates that the specified object is "foobar" after converting to a string.</jc>
* <jsm>assertObject</jsm>(<jv>myPojo</jv>)
* .asString(<jv>x</jv>-&gt;<jv>x</jv>.toString())
* .is(<js>"foobar"</js>);
* </p>
* @param function The conversion function.
* @return A new fluent string assertion.
public FluentStringAssertion<R> asString(Function<T,String> function) {
return new FluentStringAssertion<>(this, function.apply(value), returns());
* Converts this object to simplified JSON and returns it as a new assertion.
* <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
* <p class='bjava'>
* <jc>// Validates that the specified object is an instance of MyBean.</jc>
* <jsm>assertObject</jsm>(<jv>myPojo</jv>)
* .asJson()
* .is(<js>"{foo:'bar',baz:'qux'}"</js>);
* </p>
* @return A new fluent string assertion.
public FluentStringAssertion<R> asJson() {
return asString(JSON);
* Converts this object to sorted simplified JSON and returns it as a new assertion.
* <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
* <p class='bjava'>
* <jc>// Validates that the specified object is an instance of MyBean.</jc>
* <jsm>assertObject</jsm>(<jv>myPojo</jv>)
* .asJsonSorted()
* .is(<js>"{baz:'qux',foo:'bar'}"</js>);
* </p>
* @return A new fluent string assertion.
public FluentStringAssertion<R> asJsonSorted() {
return asString(JSON_SORTED);
* Applies a transform on the inner object and returns a new inner object.
* @param function The function to apply.
* @return This object.
public FluentObjectAssertion<T,R> asTransformed(Function<T,T> function) {
return new FluentObjectAssertion<>(this, function.apply(orElse(null)), returns());
* Applies a transform on the inner object and returns a new inner object.
* @param <T2> The transform-to type.
* @param function The function to apply.
* @return This object.
public <T2> FluentObjectAssertion<T2,R> asTransformedTo(Function<T,T2> function) {
return new FluentObjectAssertion<>(this, function.apply(orElse(null)), returns());
* Converts this assertion into an {@link FluentAnyAssertion} so that it can be converted to other assertion types.
* @return This object.
public FluentAnyAssertion<T,R> asAny() {
return new FluentAnyAssertion<>(this, orElse(null), returns());
// Test methods
* Asserts that the object is not null.
* <p>
* Equivalent to {@link #isNotNull()}.
* @return The fluent return object.
* @throws AssertionError If assertion failed.
public R isExists() throws AssertionError {
return isNotNull();
* Asserts that the object i null.
* <p>
* Equivalent to {@link #isNotNull()}.
* @return The fluent return object.
* @throws AssertionError If assertion failed.
public R isNull() throws AssertionError {
if (value != null)
throw error(MSG_valueWasNotNull);
return returns();
* Asserts that the object is not null.
* <p>
* Equivalent to {@link #isNotNull()}.
* @return The fluent return object.
* @throws AssertionError If assertion failed.
public R isNotNull() throws AssertionError {
if (value == null)
throw error(MSG_valueWasNull);
return returns();
* Asserts that the value equals the specified value.
* @param value The value to check against.
* @return The fluent return object.
* @throws AssertionError If assertion failed.
public R is(T value) throws AssertionError {
if (this.value == value)
return returns();
if (! equals(orElse(null), value))
throw error(MSG_unexpectedValue, value, this.value);
return returns();
* Asserts that the value converted to a string equals the specified value.
* @param value The value to check against.
* @return The fluent return object.
* @throws AssertionError If assertion failed.
public R isString(String value) {
return asString().is(value);
* Asserts that the value does not equal the specified value.
* @param value The value to check against.
* @return The fluent return object.
* @throws AssertionError If assertion failed.
public R isNot(T value) throws AssertionError {
if (equals(orElse(null), value))
throw error(MSG_unexpectedValueDidNotExpect, value, orElse(null));
return returns();
* Asserts that the value is one of the specified values.
* @param values The values to check against.
* @return The fluent return object.
* @throws AssertionError If assertion failed.
public R isAny(T...values) throws AssertionError {
for (T v : values)
if (equals(orElse(null), v))
return returns();
throw error(MSG_expectedValueNotFound, values, value);
* Asserts that the value is not one of the specified values.
* @param values The values to check against.
* @return The fluent return object.
* @throws AssertionError If assertion failed.
public R isNotAny(T...values) throws AssertionError {
for (T v : values)
if (equals(orElse(null), v))
throw error(MSG_unexpectedValueFound, v, value);
return returns();
* Asserts that the specified object is the same object as this object.
* @param value The value to check against.
* @return The fluent return object.
* @throws AssertionError If assertion failed.
public R isSame(T value) throws AssertionError {
if (this.value == value)
return returns();
throw error(MSG_notTheSameValue, value, ObjectUtils.identity(value), this.value, ObjectUtils.identity(this.value));
* Verifies that two objects are equivalent after converting them both to JSON.
* @param o The object to compare against.
* @return The fluent return object.
* @throws AssertionError If assertion failed.
public R isSameJsonAs(Object o) throws AssertionError {
return isSameSerializedAs(o, JSON);
* Verifies that two objects are equivalent after converting them both to sorted JSON.
* <p>
* Properties, maps, and collections are all sorted on both objects before comparison.
* @param o The object to compare against.
* @return The fluent return object.
* @throws AssertionError If assertion failed.
public R isSameSortedJsonAs(Object o) {
return isSameSerializedAs(o, JSON_SORTED);
* Asserts that the specified object is the same as this object after converting both to strings using the specified serializer.
* @param o The object to compare against.
* @param serializer The serializer to use to serialize this object.
* @return The fluent return object.
* @throws AssertionError If assertion failed.
public R isSameSerializedAs(Object o, WriterSerializer serializer) {
String s1 = serializer.toString(value);
String s2 = serializer.toString(o);
if (ne(s1, s2))
throw error(MSG_unexpectedComparison, s2, s1);
return returns();
* Asserts that the object is an instance of the specified class.
* <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
* <p class='bjava'>
* <jc>// Validates that the specified object is an instance of MyBean.</jc>
* <jsm>assertObject</jsm>(<jv>myPojo</jv>).isType(MyBean.<jk>class</jk>);
* </p>
* @param parent The value to check against.
* @return The fluent return object.
* @throws AssertionError If assertion failed.
public R isType(Class<?> parent) throws AssertionError {
assertArgNotNull("parent", parent);
if (! ClassInfo.of(value()).isChildOf(parent))
throw error(MSG_unexpectedType, className(parent), className(value));
return returns();
* Asserts that the object is an instance of the specified class.
* <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
* <p class='bjava'>
* <jc>// Validates that the specified object is an instance of MyBean.</jc>
* <jsm>assertObject</jsm>(<jv>myPojo</jv>).isExactType(MyBean.<jk>class</jk>);
* </p>
* @param type The value to check against.
* @return The fluent return object.
* @throws AssertionError If assertion failed.
public R isExactType(Class<?> type) throws AssertionError {
assertArgNotNull("parent", type);
if (value().getClass() != type)
throw error(MSG_unexpectedType, className(type), className(value));
return returns();
* Asserts that the value passes the specified predicate test.
* @param test The predicate to use to test the value.
* @return The fluent return object.
* @throws AssertionError If assertion failed.
public R is(Predicate<T> test) throws AssertionError {
if (test != null && ! test.test(value))
throw error(getFailureMessage(test, value));
return returns();
* Converts this object to simplified JSON and runs the {@link FluentStringAssertion#is(String)} on the result.
* <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
* <p class='bjava'>
* <jc>// Validates that the specified object is an instance of MyBean.</jc>
* <jsm>assertObject</jsm>(<jv>myPojo</jv>)
* .asJson()
* .is(<js>"{foo:'bar',baz:'qux'}"</js>);
* </p>
* @param value The expected string value.
* @return The fluent return object.
public R isJson(String value) {
return asJson().is(value);
// Fluent setters
// <FluentSetters>
@Override /* GENERATED - org.apache.juneau.assertions.Assertion */
public FluentObjectAssertion<T,R> setMsg(String msg, Object...args) {
super.setMsg(msg, args);
return this;
@Override /* GENERATED - org.apache.juneau.assertions.Assertion */
public FluentObjectAssertion<T,R> setOut(PrintStream value) {
return this;
@Override /* GENERATED - org.apache.juneau.assertions.Assertion */
public FluentObjectAssertion<T,R> setSilent() {
return this;
@Override /* GENERATED - org.apache.juneau.assertions.Assertion */
public FluentObjectAssertion<T,R> setStdOut() {
return this;
@Override /* GENERATED - org.apache.juneau.assertions.Assertion */
public FluentObjectAssertion<T,R> setThrowable(Class<? extends java.lang.RuntimeException> value) {
return this;
// </FluentSetters>
// Utility methods
* Returns the inner value after asserting it is not <jk>null</jk>.
* @return The inner value.
* @throws AssertionError If inner value was <jk>null</jk>.
protected T value() throws AssertionError {
return value;
* Returns the inner value as a string.
* @return The inner value as a string, or <jk>null</jk> if the value was null.
protected String valueAsString() {
return stringify(value);
* Returns the inner value or the other value if the value is <jk>null</jk>.
* @param other The other value.
* @return The inner value.
protected T orElse(T other) {
return value == null ? other : value;
* Returns <jk>true</jk> if the inner value is null.
* @return <jk>true</jk> if the inner value is null.
protected boolean valueIsNull() {
return value == null;
* Returns <jk>true</jk> if the inner value is not null.
* @return <jk>true</jk> if the inner value is not null.
protected boolean valueIsNotNull() {
return value != null;
* Returns the value wrapped in an {@link Optional}.
* @return The value wrapped in an {@link Optional}.
protected Optional<T> opt() {
return optional(value);
* Returns the result of running the specified function against the value and returns the result.
* @param <T2> The mapper-to type.
* @param mapper The function to run against the value.
* @return The result, never <jk>null</jk>.
protected <T2> Optional<T2> map(Function<? super T, ? extends T2> mapper) {
return opt().map(mapper);
* Returns the predicate failure message.
* <p>
* If the predicate extends from {@link AssertionPredicate}, then the message comes from {@link AssertionPredicate#getFailureMessage()}.
* Otherwise, returns a generic <js>"Unexpected value: x"</js> message.
* @param p The function to run against the value.
* @param value The value that failed the test.
* @return The result, never <jk>null</jk>.
protected String getFailureMessage(Predicate<?> p, Object value) {
if (p instanceof AssertionPredicate)
return ((AssertionPredicate<?>)p).getFailureMessage();
return format(MSG_unexpectedValue2, value);
* Checks two objects for equality.
* @param o1 The first object.
* @param o2 The second object.
* @return <jk>true</jk> if the objects are equal.
protected boolean equals(Object o1, Object o2) {
if (o1 == o2)
return true;
if (o1 == null || o2 == null)
return false;
if (o1.equals(o2))
return true;
if (o1.getClass().isArray())
return stringifyDeep(o1).equals(stringifyDeep(o2));
return false;
* Returns the string form of the inner object.
* Subclasses can override this method to affect the {@link #asString()} method (and related).
@Override /* Object */
public String toString() {
return valueAsString();