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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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The <c>PetStore</c> application is an functional application meant to demonstrate the following:
<ul class='spaced-list'>
Creating a Juneau-based REST interface on top of JPA beans.
Creating sophisticated Swagger UI using only annotations.
When you click the <l>petstore</l> link on the home page of the examples app, you should see this page:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<img class='bordered w800' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.1.png'>
The contents of this page is primarily defined via annotations defined on the <l>PetStoreResource</l> class:
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
title=<js><js>"Petstore application"</js></js>,
description= {
<js><js>"This is a sample server Petstore server based on the Petstore sample at"</js></js>,
<js>"You can find out more about Swagger at &lt;a class='link' href=''&gt;;/a&gt;."</js>,
<js>"up: request:/.."</js>,
<js>"options: servlet:/?method=OPTIONS"</js>,
<js>"source: $C{Source/gitHub}/org/apache/juneau/examples/rest/petstore/$R{servletClassSimple}.java"</js>
<js>"&lt;link rel='icon' href='$U{servlet:/htdocs/cat.png}'/&gt;"</js> <jc>// Add a cat icon to the page.</jc>
<js>"&lt;div style='max-width:400px' class='text'&gt;"</js>,
<js>" &lt;p&gt;This page shows a standard nested REST resource.&lt;/p&gt;"</js>,
<js>" &lt;p&gt;It shows how different properties can be rendered on the same bean in different views.&lt;/p&gt;"</js>,
<js>" &lt;p&gt;It also shows examples of HtmlRender classes and @BeanProperty(format) annotations.&lt;/p&gt;"</js>,
<js>" &lt;p&gt;It also shows how the Queryable converter and query widget can be used to create searchable interfaces.&lt;/p&gt;"</js>,
stylesheet=<js>"servlet:/htdocs/themes/dark.css"</js> <jc>// Use dark theme by default.</jc>
staticFiles={<js>"htdocs:htdocs"</js>}, <jc>// Expose static files in htdocs subpackage.</jc>
<jk>public class</jk> PetStoreResource <jk>extends</jk> BasicRestJena {
The inner contents of the page are generated from this method which is used to define a jumping-off
page for the application:
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
summary=<js>"Navigation page"</js>,
<js>"INHERIT"</js>, <jc>// Flag for inheriting resource-level CSS.</jc>
<js>"body { "</js>,
<js>"background-image: url('petstore/htdocs/background.jpg'); "</js>,
<js>"background-color: black; "</js>,
<js>"background-size: cover; "</js>,
<js>"background-attachment: fixed; "</js>,
<jk>public</jk> ResourceDescriptions getTopPage() {
<jk>return new</jk> ResourceDescriptions()
.append(<js>"pet"</js>, <js>"All pets in the store"</js>)
.append(<js>"store"</js>, <js>"Orders and inventory"</js>)
.append(<js>"user"</js>, <js>"Petstore users"</js>)
.append(<js>"photos"</js>, <js>"Photos service"</js>)
.append(<js>"sql"</js>, <js>"SQL query service"</js>)
Note how we used the <ja>@HtmlDoc</ja> annotation to add some CSS to our page
that renders our background image.
The {@link oajr.helper.ResourceDescriptions} class used above is a convenience class for creating
hyperlinks to child resources.
The application itself is defined in 3 packages:
<ul class='doctree'>
<li class='jp'><c></c>
<br>Defines the service for storing and retrieving Petstore data.
<br><img class='bordered' style='width:250px' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.2a.png'>
<li class='jp'><c></c>
<br>Data transfer objects.
<br>These are JPA beans that are used both to store data in our database and are serialized
directly by our REST interface.
<br><img class='bordered' style='width:250px' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.2b.png'>
<li class='jp'><c></c>
<br>The classes used for our REST interface.
<br><img class='bordered' style='width:250px' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.2c.png'>
We also define some static files in the <c></c> package:
<img class='bordered' style='width:250px' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.2d.png'>
The <l>PetStoreService</l> class is a pretty-straightforward service for storing and retrieving JPA beans:
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public class</jk> PetStoreService <jk>extends</jk> AbstractPersistenceService {
<jk>public</jk> Pet getPet(<jk>long</jk> id) <jk>throws</jk> IdNotFound {
<jk>return</jk> find(Pet.<jk>class</jk>, id);
<jk>public</jk> List&lt;Pet&gt; getPets() {
<jk>return</jk> query(<js>"select X from PetstorePet X"</js>, Pet.<jk>class</jk>, (SearchArgs)<jk>null</jk>);
<jk>public</jk> Pet create(CreatePet c) {
<jk>return</jk> merge(new Pet().status(PetStatus.<jsf>AVAILABLE</jsf>).apply(c));
<jk>public</jk> Pet update(UpdatePet u) <jk>throws</jk> IdNotFound {
EntityManager em = getEntityManager();
<jk>return</jk> merge(em, find(em, Pet.<jk>class</jk>, u.getId()).apply(u));
<jk>public void</jk> removePet(<jk>long</jk> id) <jk>throws</jk> IdNotFound {
EntityManager em = getEntityManager();
remove(em, find(em, Pet.<jk>class</jk>, id));
The DTOs are simply beans that combine both JPA and Juneau bean annotations:
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<ja>@Bean</ja>(typeName=<js>"Pet"</js>, fluentSetters=<jk>true</jk>, properties=<js>"id,species,name,tags,price,status,photo"</js>)
<jk>public class</jk> Pet {
<ja>@Column @Id @GeneratedValue</ja>
<ja>@Schema</ja>(description=<js>"Unique identifier for this pet."</js>)
<jk>private long</jk> <jf>id</jf>;
<ja>@Schema</ja>(description=<js>"Pet name."</js>, minLength=3, maxLength=50)
<jk>private</jk> String <jf>name</jf>;
<jk>public long</jk> getId() {
<jk>return</jk> <jf>id</jf>;
<jk>public</jk> Pet id(<jk>long</jk> id) {
<jk>this</jk>.<jf>id</jf> = id;
<jk>return this</jk>;
<jk>public</jk> String getName() {
<jk>return</jk> <jf>name</jf>;
<jk>public</jk> Pet name(String name) {
<jk>this</jk>.<jf>name</jf> = name;
<jk>return this</jk>;
The beans are found by JPA by adding them to the JPA persistence file.
<h5 class='figure'>META-INF/persistence.xml</h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<xt>&lt;persistence-unit</xt> <xa>name</xa>=<xs>"test"</xs> <xa>transaction-type</xa>=<xs>"RESOURCE_LOCAL"</xs>&gt;</xt>
<xt>&lt;property</xt> <xa>name</xa>=<xs>"javax.persistence.jdbc.driver"</xs> <xa>value</xa>=<xs>"org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver"</xs> <xt>/&gt;</xt>
<xt>&lt;property</xt> <xa>name</xa>=<xs>"javax.persistence.jdbc.url"</xs> <xa>value</xa>=<xs>"jdbc:derby:target/derby/testDB;create=true"</xs> <xt>/&gt;</xt>
<xt>&lt;property</xt> <xa>name</xa>=<xs>"javax.persistence.jdbc.user"</xs> <xa>value</xa>=<xs>""</xs> <xt>/&gt;</xt>
<xt>&lt;property</xt> <xa>name</xa>=<xs>"javax.persistence.jdbc.password"</xs> <xa>value</xa>=<xs>""</xs> <xt>/&gt;</xt>
<xt>&lt;property</xt> <xa>name</xa>=<xs>"hibernate.dialect"</xs> <xa>value</xa>=<xs>"org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyDialect"</xs> <xt>/&gt;</xt>
<xt>&lt;property</xt> <xa>name</xa>=<xs>""</xs> <xa>value</xa>=<xs>"create-drop"</xs> <xt>/&gt;</xt>
<xt>&lt;property</xt> <xa>name</xa>=<xs>"show_sql"</xs> <xa>value</xa>=<xs>"true"</xs> <xt>/&gt;</xt>
<xt>&lt;property</xt> <xa>name</xa>=<xs>"hibernate.temp.use_jdbc_metadata_defaults"</xs> <xa>value</xa>=<xs>"false"</xs> <xt>/&gt;</xt>
The Petstore service is instantiated in our REST interface using a hook.
Note that a real-world scenario would likely use some other means such as injection.
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public class</jk> PetStoreResource <jk>extends</jk> BasicRestJena <jk>implements</jk> PetStore {
<jk>private</jk> PetStoreService <jf>store</jf>;
<jk>public void</jk> startup(RestContextBuilder builder) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
<jf>store</jf> = <jk>new</jk> PetStoreService();
The Petstore database is empty by default.
The <l>INIT</l> link brings you to a page to initialize the contents of the database
from sample data:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<img class='bordered w800' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.3a.png'>
You can try loading the Petstore database using direct JPA or via REST calls through a client-side proxy.
<img class='bordered w800' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.3b.png'>
The initialize page is rendered using the following methods in our <l>PetStoreResource</l> class.
Note that we're using HTML5 beans to render the contents of the page, and
the use of a direct unbuffered writer allowing for the creation
of a console-like window in an iframe.
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
summary=<js>"Initialize database form entry page"</js>
<jk>public</jk> Div getInit() {
<jk>return</jk> <jsm>div</jsm>(
<jsm>th</jsm>(<js>"Initialize petstore database:"</js>),
<jsm>td</jsm>(<jsm>input</jsm>(<js>"radio"</js>).name(<js>"init-method"</js>).value(<js>"direct"</js>).checked(<jk>true</jk>), <js>"direct"</js>, <jsm>input</jsm>(<js>"radio"</js>).name(<js>"init-method"</js>).value(<js>"rest"</js>), <js>"rest"</js>),
<jsm>td</jsm>(<jsm>button</jsm>(<js>"submit"</js>, <js>"Submit"</js>).style(<js>"float:right"</js>).onclick(<js>"scrolling=true"</js>))
<js>"var scrolling = false;"</js>,
<js>"function scroll() { if (scrolling) { document.getElementById('buf').contentWindow.scrollBy(0,50); } setTimeout('scroll()',200); } "</js>,
summary=<js>"Initialize database"</js>
<jk>public void</jk> postInit(
<ja>@FormData</ja>(<js>"init-method"</js>) String initMethod,
RestResponse res
) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
res.setHeader(<js>"Content-Encoding"</js>, <js>"identity"</js>);
<jk>if</jk> (<js>"direct"</js>.equals(initMethod))
The direct initialization uses direct JPA to store beans in the database.
The following code in <l>PetStoreService</l> reads and parses DTOs from our init JSON files (e.g. <js>"init/Pets.json"</js>)
and stores them using the JPA <l>EntityManager</l> class.
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public</jk> PetStoreService initDirect(PrintWriter w) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
EntityManager em = getEntityManager();
EntityTransaction et = em.getTransaction();
JsonParser parser = JsonParser.<jsm>create</jsm>().build();
<jk>for</jk> (Pet x : em.createQuery(<js>"select X from PetstorePet X"</js>, Pet.<jk>class</jk>).getResultList()) {
w.println(<jsm>format</jsm>(<js>"Deleted pet: id={0}"</js>, x.getId()));
<jk>for</jk> (Pet x : parser.parse(getStream(<js>"init/Pets.json"</js>), Pet[].<jk>class</jk>)) {
x = em.merge(x);
w.println(<jsm>format</jsm>(<js>"Created pet: id={0}, name={1}"</js>, x.getId(), x.getName()));
<jk>return this</jk>;
<jk>private</jk> InputStream getStream(String fileName) {
<jk>return</jk> getClass().getResourceAsStream(fileName);
The REST initialization uses a REST proxy interface to delete and store values in the database:
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public</jk> PetStoreService initViaRest(PrintWriter w) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
JsonParser parser = JsonParser.<jsm>create</jsm>().ignoreUnknownBeanProperties().build();
<jk>try</jk> (RestClient rc = RestClient.<jsm>create</jsm>().json().rootUrl(<js>"http://localhost:10000"</js>).build()) {
PetStore ps = rc.getRemoteResource(PetStore.<jk>class</jk>);
<jk>for</jk> (Pet x : ps.getPets()) {
ps.deletePet(<js>"apiKey"</js>, x.getId());
w.println(<jsm>format</jsm>(<js>"Deleted pet: id={0}"</js>, x.getId()));
<jk>for</jk> (CreatePet x : parser.parse(getStream(<js>"init/Pets.json"</js>), CreatePet[].<jk>class</jk>)) {
<jk>long</jk> id = ps.postPet(x);
w.println(<jsm>format</jsm>(<js>"Created pet: id={0}, name={1}"</js>, id, x.getName()));
<jk>return this</jk>;
The <l>PetStore</l> class is an interface annotated with <ja>@RemoteResource</ja> and <ja>@RemoteMethod</ja>
annotations defining how to communicate with our REST interface:
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public interface</jk> PetStore {
<ja>@RemoteMethod</ja>(method=<jsf>GET</jsf>, path=<js>"/pet"</js>)
<jk>public</jk> Collection&lt;Pet&gt; getPets() <jk>throws</jk> NotAcceptable;
<ja>@RemoteMethod</ja>(path=<js>"/pet/{petId}"</js>) <jc>/* method inferred from method name */</jc>
<jk>public</jk> Pet getPet(
description=<js>"ID of pet to return"</js>,
<jk>long</jk> petId
) <jk>throws</jk> IdNotFound, NotAcceptable;
<ja>@RemoteMethod</ja> <jc>/* method and path inferred from method name */</jc>
<jk>public long</jk> postPet(
description=<js>"Pet object to add to the store"</js>
) CreatePet pet
) <jk>throws</jk> IdConflict, NotAcceptable, UnsupportedMediaType;
<ja>@RemoteMethod</ja>(method=<jsf>PUT</jsf>, path=<js>"/pet/{petId}"</js>)
<jk>public</jk> Ok updatePet(
description=<js>"Pet object that needs to be added to the store"</js>
) UpdatePet pet
) <jk>throws</jk> IdNotFound, NotAcceptable, UnsupportedMediaType;
<ja>@RemoteMethod</ja>(method=<jsf>DELETE</jsf>, path=<js>"/pet/{petId}"</js>)
<jk>public</jk> Ok deletePet(
description=<js>"Security API key"</js>,
String apiKey,
description=<js>"Pet id to delete"</js>,
<jk>long</jk> petId
) <jk>throws</jk> IdNotFound, NotAcceptable;
Note that this is the same interface used to define our server-side REST implementation!
The annotations defined on the method parameters used for client-side proxies are also
inherited by and used for our server-side implementation class.
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public class</jk> PetStoreResource <jk>extends</jk> BasicRestJena <jk>implements</jk> PetStore {
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* PetStore */</jc>
summary=<js>"All pets in the store"</js>,
bpx=<js>"Pet: tags,photo"</js>,
<js>"INHERIT"</js>, <jc>// Inherit links from class.</jc>
<js>"[2]:$W{QueryMenuItem}"</js>, <jc>// Insert QUERY link in position 2.</jc>
<js>"[3]:$W{AddPetMenuItem}"</js> <jc>// Insert ADD link in position 3.</jc>
<jk>public</jk> Collection&lt;Pet&gt; getPets() <jk>throws</jk> NotAcceptable {
<jk>return</jk> <jf>store</jf>.getPets();
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* PetStore */</jc>
summary=<js>"Find pet by ID"</js>,
description=<js>"Returns a single pet"</js>,
<js>"security:[ { api_key:[] } ]"</js>
<jk>public</jk> Pet getPet(<jk>long</jk> petId) <jk>throws</jk> IdNotFound, NotAcceptable {
<jk>return</jk> <jf>store</jf>.getPet(petId);
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* PetStore */</jc>
summary=<js>"Add a new pet to the store"</js>,
<js>"security:[ { petstore_auth:['write:pets','read:pets'] } ]"</js>
<jk>public long</jk> postPet(CreatePet pet) <jk>throws</jk> IdConflict, NotAcceptable, UnsupportedMediaType {
<jk>return</jk> <jf>store</jf>.create(pet).getId();
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* PetStore */</jc>
summary=<js>"Update an existing pet"</js>,
<js>"security:[ { petstore_auth: ['write:pets','read:pets'] } ]"</js>
<jk>public</jk> Ok updatePet(UpdatePet pet) <jk>throws</jk> IdNotFound, NotAcceptable, UnsupportedMediaType {
<jk>return</jk> <jsf>OK</jsf>;
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* PetStore */</jc>
summary=<js>"Deletes a pet"</js>,
<js>"security:[ { petstore_auth:[ 'write:pets','read:pets' ] } ]"</js>
<jk>public</jk> Ok deletePet(String apiKey, <jk>long</jk> petId) <jk>throws</jk> IdNotFound, NotAcceptable {
<jk>return</jk> <jsf>OK</jsf>;
The advantage to using a common interface for both your server-side and client-side APIs is that you
have less of a chance of a mismatch between the server and client side definitions.
Now that we've initialized the contents of our database, we can start exploring the REST interface.
We can start by click the <l>pet</l> link on the home page which takes you to a summary page of <l>Pet</l>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<img class='bordered w800' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.4a.png'>
Clicking on one of the ID links takes you to a details page:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<img class='bordered w800' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.4b.png'>
You'll notice the details page shows <l>tags</l> and <l>photo</l> fields not shown on the summary page.
This was accomplished with the <c>bpx=<js>"Pet: tags,photo"</js></c> annotation on the <l>getPets()</l>
method which excludes those two properties from the view.
This is a common way of defining summary and details views for POJOs.
The hyperlinks and special rendering for <l>Pet</l> objects is done through <ja>@Html</ja> annotations
and {@link oaj.html.HtmlRender} objects.
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public class</jk> Pet {
<jk>private long</jk> <jf>id</jf>;
<jk>private float</jk> <jf>price</jf>;
<jk>private</jk> Species <jf>species</jf>;
<jk>private</jk> PetStatus <jf>status</jf>;
<jk>public static final class</jk> PriceRender <jk>extends</jk> HtmlRender&lt;Float&gt; {
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* HtmlRender */</jc>
<jk>public</jk> Object getContent(SerializerSession session, Float value) {
<jk>return</jk> value == <jk>null</jk> ? <jk>null</jk> : String.<jsm>format</jsm>(<js>"$%.2f"</js>, value);
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public enum</jk> Species {
<jsf>BIRD</jsf>, <jsf>CAT</jsf>, <jsf>DOG</jsf>, <jsf>FISH</jsf>, <jsf>MOUSE</jsf>, <jsf>RABBIT</jsf>, <jsf>SNAKE</jsf>;
<jk>public static class</jk> SpeciesRender <jk>extends</jk> HtmlRender&lt;Species&gt; {
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* HtmlRender */</jc>
<jk>public</jk> Object getContent(SerializerSession session, Species value) {
<jk>return new</jk> Img().src(<js>"servlet:/htdocs/"</js><js>".png"</js>);
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* HtmlRender */</jc>
<jk>public</jk> String getStyle(SerializerSession session, Species value) {
<jk>return</jk> <js>"background-color:#FDF2E9"</js>;
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public enum</jk> PetStatus {
<jsf>AVAILABLE</jsf>, <jsf>PENDING</jsf>, <jsf>SOLD</jsf>, <jsf>UNKNOWN</jsf>;
<jk>public static class</jk> PetStatusRender <jk>extends</jk> HtmlRender&lt;PetStatus&gt; {
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* HtmlRender */</jc>
<jk>public</jk> String getStyle(SerializerSession session, PetStatus value) {
<jk>switch</jk>(value) {
<jk>case</jk> <jsf>AVAILABLE</jsf>: <jk>return</jk> <js>"background-color:#5cb85c;text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;"</js>;
<jk>case</jk> <jsf>PENDING</jsf>: <jk>return</jk> <js>"background-color:#f0ad4e;text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;"</js>;
<jk>case</jk> <jsf>SOLD</jsf>: <jk>return</jk> <js>"background-color:#888;text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;"</js>;
<jk>default</jk>: <jk>return</jk> <js>"background-color:#777;text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;"</js>;
The <l>CONTENT-TYPE</l> menu items gives a shorthand way of showing our POJOs in any of the supported
serialization languages:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<img class='bordered w800' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.5a.png'>
For example, selecting <l>APPLICATION/JSON+SIMPLE</l> shows us simplified JSON:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<img class='bordered w800' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.5b.png'>
Note that we're using the convenience feature for specifying an <c>Accept</c> header via a query parameter.
The <l>THEME</l> menu items allows you to quickly change the stylesheet used on the page:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<img class='bordered w800' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.6a.png'>
For example, selecting <l>LIGHT</l> shows us the page rendered using the light look-and-feel:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<img class='bordered w800' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.6b.png'>
Both the <l>CONTENT-TYPE</l> and <l>THEMES</l> menu items are implemented as widgets and
associated with the page contents through the use of <l>$W</l> variables in the navigation links:
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<js>"up: request:/.."</js>,
<js>"options: servlet:/?method=OPTIONS"</js>,
<js>"init: servlet:/init"</js>,
<js>"source: $C{Source/gitHub}/org/apache/juneau/examples/rest/petstore/$R{servletClassSimple}.java"</js>
The implementation of a menu item contains methods for retrieving the label and HTML5 content of the menu item.
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public class</jk> ContentTypeMenuItem <jk>extends</jk> MenuItemWidget {
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* MenuItemWidget */</jc>
<jk>public</jk> String getLabel(RestRequest req) {
<jk>return</jk> <js>"content-type"</js>;
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* MenuItemWidget */</jc>
<jk>public</jk> Div getContent(RestRequest req) {
Div div = <jsm>div</jsm>();
Set&lt;MediaType&gt; l = <jk>new</jk> TreeSet&lt;&gt;();
<jk>for</jk> (Serializer s : req.getSerializers().getSerializers())
<jk>for</jk> (MediaType mt : l) {
URI uri = req.getUri(<jk>true</jk>, <jk>new</jk> AMap&lt;String,String&gt;().append(<js>"plainText"</js>,<js>"true"</js>).append(<js>"Accept"</js>,mt.toString()));
div.children(<jsm>a</jsm>(uri, mt), <jsm>br</jsm>());
<jk>return</jk> div;
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public class</jk> ThemeMenuItem <jk>extends</jk> MenuItemWidget {
<jk>private static final</jk> String[] <jsf>BUILT_IN_STYLES</jsf> = {<js>"devops"</js>, <js>"light"</js>, <js>"original"</js>, <js>"dark"</js>};
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* Widget */</jc>
<jk>public</jk> String getLabel(RestRequest req) {
<jk>return</jk> "themes";
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* MenuItemWidget */</jc>
<jk>public</jk> Div getContent(RestRequest req) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
Div div = <jsm>div</jsm>();
<jk>for</jk> (String s : <jsf>BUILT_IN_STYLES</jsf>) { uri = req.getUri(<jk>true</jk>, <jk>new</jk> AMap&lt;String,String&gt;().append(<js>"stylesheet"</js>, <js>"htdocs/themes/"</js>+s+<js>".css"</js>));
div.children(<jsm>a</jsm>(uri, s), <jsm>br</jsm>());
<jk>return</jk> div;
The <l>QUERY</l> menu item shows off the capabilities of the {@link oajr.converters.Queryable} converter.
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<img class='bordered w800' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.7a.png'>
The converter will take the POJOs to be serialized and filter them based on the provided query/view/sort/paging attributes:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<img class='bordered w800' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.7b.png'>
The <l>ADD</l> menu item is a custom menu item created for the petstore app for adding pets through the
web interface.
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<img class='bordered w800' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.8a.png'>
Both the <l>QUERY</l> and <l>ADD</l> menu items are only applicable for this page, and so are defined
on the <l>getPets()</l> method:
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* PetStore */</jc>
summary=<js>"All pets in the store"</js>,
bpx=<js>"Pet: tags,photo"</js>,
<js>"INHERIT"</js>, <jc>// Inherit links from class.</jc>
<js>"[2]:$W{QueryMenuItem}"</js>, <jc>// Insert QUERY link in position 2.</jc>
<js>"[3]:$W{AddPetMenuItem}"</js> <jc>// Insert ADD link in position 3.</jc>
<jk>public</jk> Collection&lt;Pet&gt; getPets() <jk>throws</jk> NotAcceptable {
<jk>return</jk> <jf>store</jf>.getPets();
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public class</jk> QueryMenuItem <jk>extends</jk> MenuItemWidget {
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* Widget */</jc>
<jk>public</jk> String getStyle(RestRequest req) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
<jk>return super</jk>.getStyle(req)
+ <js>"\n"</js>
+ <jsm>loadStyle</jsm>(<js>"QueryMenuItem.css"</js>);
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* MenuItemWidget */</jc>
<jk>public</jk> String getLabel(RestRequest req) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
<jk>return</jk> <js>"query"</js>;
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* MenuItemWidget */</jc>
<jk>public</jk> String getContent(RestRequest req) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
<jk>return</jk> <jsm>loadHtml</jsm>(<js>"QueryMenuItem.html"</js>);
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public class</jk> AddPetMenuItem <jk>extends</jk> MenuItemWidget {
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* MenuItemWidget */</jc>
<jk>public</jk> String getLabel(RestRequest req) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
<jk>return</jk> <js>"add"</js>;
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* Widget */</jc>
<jk>public</jk> Object getContent(RestRequest req) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
<jk>return</jk> <jsm>div</jsm>(
<jsm>td</jsm>(<jk>new</jk> Tooltip(<js>"&amp;#x2753;"</js>, <js>"The name of the pet."</js>, <jsm>br</jsm>(), <js>"e.g. 'Fluffy'"</js>))
<jsm>option</jsm>(<js>"CAT"</js>), <jsm>option</jsm>(<js>"DOG"</js>), <jsm>option</jsm>(<js>"BIRD"</js>), <jsm>option</jsm>(<js>"FISH"</js>), <jsm>option</jsm>(<js>"MOUSE"</js>), <jsm>option</jsm>(<js>"RABBIT"</js>), <jsm>option</jsm>(<js>"SNAKE"</js>)
<jsm>td</jsm>(<jk>new</jk> Tooltip(<js>"&amp;#x2753;"</js>, <js>"The kind of animal."</js>))
<jsm>td</jsm>(<jk>new</jk> Tooltip(<js>"&amp;#x2753;"</js>, <js>"The price to charge for this pet."</js>))
<jsm>td</jsm>(<jk>new</jk> Tooltip(<js>"&amp;#x2753;"</js>, <js>"Arbitrary textual tags (comma-delimited)."</js>, <jsm>br</jsm>(), <js>"e.g. 'fluffy,friendly'"</js>))
<jsm>button</jsm>(<js>"reset"</js>, <js>"Reset"</js>),
<jsm>button</jsm>(<js>"submit"</js>, <js>"Submit"</js>)
The <l>OPTIONS</l> menu items takes you to the auto-generated Swagger UI for the application:
<p class='bpcode w900'>
<img class='bordered w900' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.9a.png'>
Since we've defined tags on our annotations, the pet-related operations are all grouped under the <l>pet</l> tag:
<img class='bordered w900' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.9b.png'>
Information for all HTTP parts is automatically generated:
<img class='bordered w900' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.9h.png'>
The schema models for POJO models is available in the <l>Responses</l> section of an operation:
<img class='bordered w900' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.9c.png'>
Auto-generated examples are available for all supported languages:
<img class='bordered w900' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.9d.png'>
For example, <l>application/json+simple</l>:
<img class='bordered w900' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.9e.png'>
Examples can be derived in a number of ways. In our case, we've defined a static method on our <l>Pet</l>
class annotated with <ja>@Example</ja>:
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public static</jk> Pet example() {
<jk>return new</jk> Pet()
Similar functionality exists for request bodies as well:
<img class='bordered w900' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.9f.png'>
At the bottom of the page is a listing of the POJO models in the app:
<img class='bordered w900' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.9g.png'>
The <l>PhotosResource</l> class provides capabilities for uploading and viewing image files.
It demonstrates the capabilities of defining your own custom serializers and parsers and using
multi-part form posts to upload binary data.
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<img class='bordered w800' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.10a.png'>
The <l>PhotoResource</l> 'database' is simply a map of keys to <l>Photo</l> beans and uses the Java-provided
<l>BufferedImage</l> class for representing images.
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public class</jk> PhotosResource <jk>extends</jk> BasicRestServlet {
<jd>/** Our cache of photos */</jd>
<jk>private</jk> Map&lt;String,Photo&gt; <jf>photos</jf> = <jk>new</jk> TreeMap&lt;&gt;();
<jd>/** Our bean class for storing photos */</jd>
<jk>public static class</jk> Photo {
String <jf>id</jf>;
BufferedImage <jf>image</jf>;
Photo(String id, BufferedImage image) {
<jk>this</jk>.<jf>id</jf> = id;
<jk>this</jk>.<jf>image</jf> = image;
<jk>public</jk> URI getURI() <jk>throws</jk> URISyntaxException {
<jk>return new</jk> URI(<js>"servlet:/"</js> + id);
The contents of the home page simply renders our collection of photo beans:
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
summary=<js>"Show the list of all currently loaded photos"</js>
<jk>public</jk> Collection&lt;Photo&gt; getAllPhotos() <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
<jk>return</jk> <jf>photos</jf>.values();
Clicking on one of the hyperlinks renders the stored image for us:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<img class='bordered w800' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.10b.png'>
The method for retrieving images simply returns a <l>BufferedImage</l> file:
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
summary=<js>"Get a photo by ID"</js>,
description=<js>"Shows how to use a custom serializer to serialize a BufferedImage object to a stream."</js>
<jk>public</jk> BufferedImage getPhoto(<ja>@Path</ja>(<js>"id"</js>) String id) <jk>throws</jk> NotFound {
Photo p = <jf>photos</jf>.get(id);
<jk>if</jk> (p == <jk>null</jk>)
<jk>throw new</jk> NotFound(<js>"Photo not found"</js>);
<jk>return</jk> p.<jf>image</jf>;
The <l>BufferedImage</l> object is converted to a stream using a custom {@link oaj.serializer.OutputStreamSerializer}:
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jd>/** Serializer for converting images to byte streams */</jd>
<jk>public static class</jk> ImageSerializer <jk>extends</jk> OutputStreamSerializer {
<jk>public</jk> ImageSerializer(PropertyStore ps) {
<jk>super</jk>(ps, <jk>null</jk>, <js>"image/png,image/jpeg"</js>);
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* Serializer */</jc>
<jk>public</jk> OutputStreamSerializerSession createSession(SerializerSessionArgs args) {
<jk>return new</jk> OutputStreamSerializerSession(args) {
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* SerializerSession */</jc>
<jk>protected void</jk> doSerialize(SerializerPipe out, Object o) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
RenderedImage image = (RenderedImage)o;
String mediaType = getProperty(<js>"mediaType"</js>, String.<jk>class</jk>, (String)<jk>null</jk>);
ImageIO.<jsm>write</jsm>(image, mediaType.substring(mediaType.indexOf(<js>'/'</js>)+1), out.getOutputStream());
Likewise, the body of requests can also be instances of <l>BufferedImage</l>:
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
summary=<js>"Add or overwrite a photo"</js>,
description=<js>"Shows how to use a custom parser to parse a stream into a BufferedImage object."</js>
<jk>public</jk> String addPhoto(
<ja>@Path</ja>(<js>"id"</js>) String id,
description=<js>"Binary contents of image."</js>,
BufferedImage image
) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
<jf>photos</jf>.put(id, <jk>new</jk> Photo(id, image));
<jk>return</jk> <js>"OK"</js>;
The <l>BufferedImage</l> object is created from a stream using a custom {@link oaj.parser.InputStreamParser}:
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jd>/** Parser for converting byte streams to images */</jd>
<jk>public static class</jk> ImageParser <jk>extends</jk> InputStreamParser {
<jk>public</jk> ImageParser(PropertyStore ps) {
<jk>super</jk>(ps, <js>"image/png"</js>, <js>"image/jpeg"</js>);
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* Parser */</jc>
<jk>public</jk> InputStreamParserSession createSession(<jk>final</jk> ParserSessionArgs args) {
<jk>return new</jk> InputStreamParserSession(args) {
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* ParserSession */</jc>
<jk>protected</jk> &lt;T&gt; T doParse(ParserPipe pipe, ClassMeta&lt;T&gt; type) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
<jk>return</jk> (T);
A custom menu item is provided for uploading new images:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<img class='bordered w800' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.10c.png'>
The menu item is defined as a <l>MenuItemWidget</l>:
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public class</jk> UploadPhotoMenuItem <jk>extends</jk> MenuItemWidget {
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* MenuItemWidget */</jc>
<jk>public</jk> String getLabel(RestRequest req) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
<jk>return</jk> <js>"upload"</js>;
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* Widget */</jc>
<jk>public</jk> Object getContent(RestRequest req) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
<jk>return</jk> <jsm>div</jsm>(
<jsm>td</jsm>(<jk>new</jk> Tooltip(<js>"&amp;#x2753;"</js>, <js>"The unique identifier of the photo."</js>, <jsm>br</jsm>(), <js>"e.g. 'Fluffy'"</js>))
<jsm>td</jsm>(<jk>new</jk> Tooltip(<js>"&amp;#x2753;"</js>, <js>"The image file."</js>))
<jsm>button</jsm>(<js>"reset"</js>, <js>"Reset"</js>),
<jsm>button</jsm>(<js>"submit"</js>, <js>"Submit"</js>)
The menu item then submits multi-part form posts to the following method:
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
The <l>SqlQueryResource</l> class is a simple utility for performing raw SQL queries against our Derby database:
<p class='bpcode w900'>
<img class='bordered w900' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.11a.png'>
For example, viewing all of the <l>Pet</l> objects in the database:
<p class='bpcode w900'>
<img class='bordered w900' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.PetStoreResource.11b.png'>
The <l>SqlQueryResource</l> is implemented as a single class with database connection information:
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
title=<js>"SQL query service"</js>,
description=<js>"Executes queries against the local derby '$C{SqlQueryResource/connectionUrl}' database"</js>,
<js>"up: request:/.."</js>,
<js>"options: servlet:/?method=OPTIONS"</js>,
<js>"source: $C{Source/gitHub}/org/apache/juneau/examples/rest/$R{servletClassSimple}.java"</js>
<js>"&lt;div style='min-width:200px' class='text'&gt;"</js>,
<js>" &lt;p&gt;An example of a REST interface over a relational database that serializes ResultSet objects.&lt;/p&gt;"</js>,
<js>" &lt;p&gt;Specify one or more queries delimited by semicolons.&lt;/p&gt;"</js>,
<js>" &lt;h5&gt;Examples:&lt;/h5&gt;"</js>,
<js>" &lt;ul&gt;"</js>,
<js>" &lt;li&gt;&lt;a class='link' href='?sql=select+*+from+sys.systables'&gt;Tables&lt;/a&gt;"</js>,
<js>" &lt;li&gt;&lt;a class='link' href='?sql=select+*+from+PetstorePet'&gt;Pets&lt;/a&gt;"</js>,
<js>" &lt;li&gt;&lt;a class='link' href='?sql=select+*+from+PetstoreOrder'&gt;Orders&lt;/a&gt;"</js>,
<js>" &lt;li&gt;&lt;a class='link' href='?sql=select+*+from+PetstoreUser'&gt;Users&lt;/a&gt;"</js>,
<js>" &lt;/ul&gt;"</js>,
contact=<ja>@Contact</ja>(name=<js>"Juneau Developer"</js>,email=<js>""</js>),
license=<ja>@License</ja>(name=<js>"Apache 2.0"</js>,url=<js>""</js>),
termsOfService=<js>"You are on your own."</js>,
externalDocs=<ja>@ExternalDocs</ja>(description=<js>"Apache Juneau"</js>,url=<js>""</js>)
<jk>public class</jk> SqlQueryResource <jk>extends</jk> BasicRestServlet {
<jk>private</jk> String <jf>driver</jf>, <jf>connectionUrl</jf>;
<jk>private boolean</jk> <jf>allowUpdates</jf>, <jf>allowTempUpdates</jf>, <jf>includeRowNums</jf>;
The connection information is pulled from the <l>examples.cfg</l> file using an init hook:
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public void</jk> initConnection(RestContextBuilder builder) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
Config cf = builder.getConfig();
<jf>driver</jf> = cf.getString(<js>"SqlQueryResource/driver"</js>);
<jf>connectionUrl</jf> = cf.getString(<js>"SqlQueryResource/connectionUrl"</js>);
<jf>allowUpdates</jf> = cf.getBoolean(<js>"SqlQueryResource/allowUpdates"</js>, <jk>false</jk>);
<jf>allowTempUpdates</jf> = cf.getBoolean(<js>"SqlQueryResource/allowTempUpdates"</js>, <jk>false</jk>);
<jf>includeRowNums</jf> = cf.getBoolean(<js>"SqlQueryResource/includeRowNums"</js>, <jk>false</jk>);
<jk>try</jk> {
} <jk>catch</jk> (Exception e) {
<jk>throw new</jk> RuntimeException(e);
The query entry page is rendered using HTML5 beans:
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
summary=<js>"Display the query entry page"</js>
<jk>public</jk> Div get(
description=<js>"Text to prepopulate the SQL query field with."</js>,
example=<js>"select * from sys.systables"</js>
String sql
) {
<jk>return</jk> <jsm>div</jsm>(
<js>"// Quick and dirty function to allow tabs in textarea."</js>,
<js>"function checkTab(e) {"</js>,
<js>" if (e.keyCode == 9) {"</js>,
<js>" var t =;"</js>,
<js>" var ss = t.selectionStart, se = t.selectionEnd;"</js>,
<js>" t.value = t.value.slice(0,ss).concat('\\t').concat(t.value.slice(ss,t.value.length));"</js>,
<js>" e.preventDefault();"</js>,
<js>" }"</js>,
<js>"// Load results from IFrame into this document."</js>,
<js>"function loadResults(b) {"</js>,
<js>" var doc = b.contentDocument || b.contentWindow.document;"</js>,
<js>" var data = doc.getElementById('data') || doc.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];"</js>,
<js>" document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = data.innerHTML;"</js>,
<jsm>th</jsm>(<js>"Position (1-10000):"</js>).style(<js>"white-space:nowrap"</js>),
<jsm>th</jsm>(<js>"Limit (1-10000):"</js>).style(<js>"white-space:nowrap"</js>),
<jsm>td</jsm>(button(<js>"submit"</js>, <js>"Submit"</js>), <jsm>button</jsm>(<js>"reset"</js>, <js>"Reset"</js>))
<jsm>textarea</jsm>().name(<js>"sql"</js>).text(sql == <jk>null</jk> ? " " : sql).style(<js>"width:100%;height:200px;font-family:Courier;font-size:9pt;"</js>).onkeydown(<js>"checkTab(event)"</js>)
The form then submits its results to the following method using a form input bean:
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
summary=<js>"Execute one or more queries"</js>
description=<js>"Query results.\nEach entry in the array is a result of one query.\nEach result can be a result set (for queries) or update count (for updates)."</js>
<jk>public</jk> List&lt;Object&gt; post(
description=<js>"Query input"</js>,
example=<js>"{sql:'select * from sys.systables',pos:1,limit:100}"</js>
PostInput in
) <jk>throws</jk> BadRequest {
List&lt;Object&gt; results = <jk>new</jk> LinkedList&lt;&gt;();
<jc>// Don't try to submit empty input.</jc>
<jk>if</jk> (isEmpty(in.<jf>sql</jf>))
<jk>return</jk> results;
<jk>if</jk> (in.<jf>pos</jf> &lt; 1 || in.<jf>pos</jf> > 10000)
<jk>throw new</jk> BadRequest(<js>"Invalid value for position. Must be between 1-10000"</js>);
<jk>if</jk> (in.<jf>limit</jf> &lt; 1 || in.<jf>limit</jf> > 10000)
<jk>throw new</jk> BadRequest(<js>"Invalid value for limit. Must be between 1-10000"</js>);
String sql = <jk>null</jk>;
<jc>// Create a connection and statement.
// If these fails, let the exception filter up as a 500 error.</jc>
<jk>try</jk> (Connection c = DriverManager.<jsm>getConnection</jsm>(connectionUrl)) {
<jk>try</jk> (Statement st = c.createStatement()) {
<jk>for</jk> (String s : in.<jf>sql</jf>.split(<js>";"</js>)) {
sql = s.trim();
<jk>if</jk> (! sql.isEmpty()) {
Object o = <jk>null</jk>;
<jk>if</jk> (<jf>allowUpdates</jf> || (<jf>allowTempUpdates</jf> &amp;&amp; ! sql.matches(<js>"(?:i)commit.*"</js>))) {
<jk>if</jk> (st.execute(sql)) {
<jk>try</jk> (ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet()) {
o = <jk>new</jk> ResultSetList(rs, in.<jf>pos</jf>, in.<jf>limit</jf>, <jf>includeRowNums</jf>);
} <jk>else</jk> {
o = st.getUpdateCount();
} <jk>else</jk> {
<jk>try</jk> (ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sql)) {
o = <jk>new</jk> ResultSetList(rs, in.<jf>pos</jf>, in.<jf>limit</jf>, <jf>includeRowNums</jf>);
<jk>if</jk> (<jf>allowUpdates</jf>)
<jk>else if</jk> (<jf>allowTempUpdates</jf>)
} <jk>catch</jk> (SQLException e) {
<jk>throw new</jk> BadRequest(e, <js>"Invalid query: {0}"</js>, sql);
<jk>return</jk> results;
<jk>public static class</jk> PostInput {
<jk>public</jk> String <jf>sql</jf> = <js>""</js>;
<jk>public int</jk> <jf>pos</jf> = 1, <jf>limit</jf> = 100;
Note that we could have also used <ja>@FormData</ja> parameters as well.