blob: 272c3358f251fc928ea1087317e16263c60b040c [file] [log] [blame]
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import static javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.*;
import static org.apache.juneau.internal.IOUtils.*;
import java.lang.annotation.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.juneau.*;
import org.apache.juneau.http.*;
import org.apache.juneau.parser.*;
import org.apache.juneau.serializer.*;
* Base class for defining JAX-RS providers based on Juneau serializers and parsers.
public class BaseProvider implements MessageBodyReader<Object>, MessageBodyWriter<Object> {
private SerializerGroup serializers;
private ParserGroup parsers;
private ObjectMap properties = new ObjectMap();
* Constructor.
protected BaseProvider() {
try {
properties = new ObjectMap();
JuneauProvider jp = getClass().getAnnotation(JuneauProvider.class);
for (Property p :
properties.put(, p.value());
serializers = new SerializerGroupBuilder()
parsers = new ParserGroupBuilder()
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Returns properties defined on the specified method through the {@link RestMethod#properties()}
* annotation specified on the method and the {@link JuneauProvider#properties()} annotation
* specified on the provider class.
* @param a All annotations defined on the method.
* @return A map of all properties define on the method.
protected ObjectMap getMethodProperties(Annotation[] a) {
ObjectMap m = new ObjectMap().setInner(properties);
for (Annotation aa : a) {
if (aa instanceof RestMethod) {
for (Property p : ((RestMethod)aa).properties())
m.put(, p.value());
return m;
@Override /* MessageBodyWriter */
public long getSize(Object o, Class<?> type, Type gType, Annotation[] a, MediaType mediaType) {
return -1;
@Override /* MessageBodyWriter */
public boolean isWriteable(Class<?> type, Type gType, Annotation[] a, MediaType mediaType) {
return serializers.getSerializerMatch(mediaType.toString()) != null;
@Override /* MessageBodyWriter */
public void writeTo(Object o, Class<?> type, Type gType, Annotation[] a, MediaType mediaType,
MultivaluedMap<String,Object> headers, OutputStream out) throws IOException, WebApplicationException {
try {
SerializerMatch sm = serializers.getSerializerMatch(mediaType.toString());
if (sm == null)
throw new WebApplicationException(SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE);
Serializer s = sm.getSerializer();
ObjectMap mp = getMethodProperties(a);
mp.append("mediaType", mediaType.toString());
Locale locale = getLocale(headers);
TimeZone timeZone = getTimeZone(headers);
if (s.isWriterSerializer()) {
WriterSerializer s2 = (WriterSerializer)s;
OutputStreamWriter w = new OutputStreamWriter(out, UTF8);
SerializerSession session = s.createSession(w, mp, null, locale, timeZone, sm.getMediaType(), null);
s2.serialize(session, o);
} else {
OutputStreamSerializer s2 = (OutputStreamSerializer)s;
SerializerSession session = s.createSession(s2, mp, null, locale, timeZone, sm.getMediaType(), null);
s2.serialize(session, o);
} catch (SerializeException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
@Override /* MessageBodyReader */
public boolean isReadable(Class<?> type, Type gType, Annotation[] a, MediaType mediaType) {
return parsers.getParserMatch(mediaType.toString()) != null;
@Override /* MessageBodyReader */
public Object readFrom(Class<Object> type, Type gType, Annotation[] a, MediaType mediaType,
MultivaluedMap<String,String> headers, InputStream in) throws IOException, WebApplicationException {
try {
ParserMatch pm = parsers.getParserMatch(mediaType.toString());
if (pm == null)
throw new WebApplicationException(SC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE);
Parser p = pm.getParser();
ObjectMap mp = getMethodProperties(a);
mp.put("mediaType", mediaType.toString());
Locale locale = getLocale(headers);
TimeZone timeZone = getTimeZone(headers);
if (p.isReaderParser()) {
ReaderParser p2 = (ReaderParser)p;
InputStreamReader r = new InputStreamReader(in, UTF8);
ParserSession session = p2.createSession(r, mp, null, null, locale, timeZone, pm.getMediaType());
return p2.parseSession(session, p.getBeanContext().getClassMeta(gType));
InputStreamParser p2 = (InputStreamParser)p;
ParserSession session = p2.createSession(in, mp, null, null, locale, timeZone, pm.getMediaType());
return p2.parseSession(session, p.getBeanContext().getClassMeta(gType));
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
private static Locale getLocale(MultivaluedMap headers) {
if (headers.containsKey("Accept-Language") && headers.get("Accept-Language") != null) {
String h = String.valueOf(headers.get("Accept-Language"));
if (h != null) {
MediaTypeRange[] mr = MediaTypeRange.parse(h);
if (mr.length > 0)
return toLocale(mr[0].getMediaType().getType());
return null;
* Converts an Accept-Language value entry to a Locale.
private static Locale toLocale(String lang) {
String country = "";
int i = lang.indexOf('-');
if (i > -1) {
country = lang.substring(i+1).trim();
lang = lang.substring(0,i).trim();
return new Locale(lang, country);
private static TimeZone getTimeZone(MultivaluedMap headers) {
if (headers.containsKey("Time-Zone") && headers.get("Time-Zone") != null) {
String h = String.valueOf(headers.get("Time-Zone"));
return TimeZone.getTimeZone(h);
return null;