blob: 00535bf6d88a70363234d8b61c483fb6329a3e13 [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.juneau;
import static org.apache.juneau.jena.Constants.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.juneau.html.*;
import org.apache.juneau.jena.*;
import org.apache.juneau.json.*;
import org.apache.juneau.msgpack.*;
import org.apache.juneau.parser.*;
import org.apache.juneau.serializer.*;
import org.apache.juneau.uon.*;
import org.apache.juneau.urlencoding.*;
import org.apache.juneau.xml.*;
import org.junit.*;
import org.junit.runners.*;
* Superclass for tests that verify results against all supported content types.
public abstract class ComboTest {
/* Parameter template */
// {
// "MyLabel",
// myInput,
// /* Json */ "xxx",
// /* JsonT */ "xxx",
// /* JsonR */ "xxx",
// /* Xml */ "xxx",
// /* XmlT */ "xxx",
// /* XmlR */ "xxx",
// /* XmlNs */ "xxx",
// /* Html */ "xxx",
// /* HtmlT */ "xxx",
// /* HtmlR */ "xxx",
// /* Uon */ "xxx",
// /* UonT */ "xxx",
// /* UonR */ "xxx",
// /* UrlEnc */ "xxx",
// /* UrlEncT */ "xxx",
// /* UrlEncR */ "xxx",
// /* MsgPack */ "xxx",
// /* MsgPackT */ "xxx",
// /* RdfXml */ "xxx",
// /* RdfXmlT */ "xxx",
// /* RdfXmlR */ "xxx",
// },
private final ComboInput comboInput;
// These are the names of all the tests.
// You can comment out the names here to skip them.
private static final String[] runTests = {
private static final Set<String> runTestsSet = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(runTests));
private final boolean SKIP_RDF_TESTS = Boolean.getBoolean("skipRdfTests");
private Map<Serializer,Serializer> serializerMap = new IdentityHashMap<Serializer,Serializer>();
private Map<Parser,Parser> parserMap = new IdentityHashMap<Parser,Parser>();
public ComboTest(ComboInput<?> comboInput) {
this.comboInput = comboInput;
private Serializer getSerializer(Serializer s) throws Exception {
Serializer s2 = serializerMap.get(s);
if (s2 == null) {
s2 = applySettings(s);
serializerMap.put(s, s2);
return s2;
private Parser getParser(Parser p) throws Exception {
Parser p2 = parserMap.get(p);
if (p2 == null) {
p2 = applySettings(p);
parserMap.put(p, p2);
return p2;
private void testSerialize(String testName, Serializer s, String expected) throws Exception {
try {
s = getSerializer(s);
boolean isRdf = s instanceof RdfSerializer;
if ((isRdf && SKIP_RDF_TESTS) || expected.isEmpty() || ! runTestsSet.contains(testName) ) {
System.err.println(comboInput.label + "/" + testName + " for "+s.getClass().getSimpleName()+" skipped.");
String r = s.isWriterSerializer() ? ((WriterSerializer)s).serialize( : ((OutputStreamSerializer)s).serializeToHex(;
// Can't control RdfSerializer output well, so manually remove namespace declarations
// double-quotes with single-quotes, and spaces with tabs.
// Also because RDF sucks really bad and can't be expected to produce consistent testable results,
// we must also do an expensive sort-then-compare operation to verify the results.
if (isRdf)
r = r.replaceAll("<rdf:RDF[^>]*>", "<rdf:RDF>").replace('"', '\'');
// Specifying "xxx" in the expected results will spit out what we should populate the field with.
if (expected.equals("xxx")) {
System.out.println(comboInput.label + "/" + testName + "=\n" + r.replaceAll("\n", "\\\\n").replaceAll("\t", "\\\\t")); // NOT DEBUG
if (isRdf)
TestUtils.assertEqualsAfterSort(expected, r, "{0}/{1} parse-normal failed", comboInput.label, testName);
TestUtils.assertEquals(expected, r, "{0}/{1} parse-normal failed", comboInput.label, testName);
} catch (AssertionError e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AssertionError(comboInput.label + "/" + testName + " failed. exception=" + e.getLocalizedMessage());
private void testParse(String testName, Serializer s, Parser p, String expected) throws Exception {
try {
s = getSerializer(s);
p = getParser(p);
boolean isRdf = s instanceof RdfSerializer;
if ((isRdf && SKIP_RDF_TESTS) || expected.isEmpty() || ! runTestsSet.contains(testName) ) {
System.err.println(comboInput.label + "/" + testName + " for "+s.getClass().getSimpleName()+" skipped.");
String r = s.isWriterSerializer() ? ((WriterSerializer)s).serialize( : ((OutputStreamSerializer)s).serializeToHex(;
Object o = p.parse(r, comboInput.type);
r = s.isWriterSerializer() ? ((WriterSerializer)s).serialize(o) : ((OutputStreamSerializer)s).serializeToHex(o);
if (isRdf)
r = r.replaceAll("<rdf:RDF[^>]*>", "<rdf:RDF>").replace('"', '\'');
if (isRdf)
TestUtils.assertEqualsAfterSort(expected, r, "{0}/{1} parse-normal failed", comboInput.label, testName);
TestUtils.assertEquals(expected, r, "{0}/{1} parse-normal failed", comboInput.label, testName);
} catch (AssertionError e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception(comboInput.label + "/" + testName + " failed.", e);
private void testParseVerify(String testName, Serializer s, Parser p) throws Exception {
try {
s = getSerializer(s);
p = getParser(p);
String r = s.isWriterSerializer() ? ((WriterSerializer)s).serialize( : ((OutputStreamSerializer)s).serializeToHex(;
Object o = p.parse(r, comboInput.type);
} catch (AssertionError e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception(comboInput.label + "/" + testName + " failed.", e);
private void testParseJsonEquivalency(String testName, OutputStreamSerializer s, InputStreamParser p, String expected) throws Exception {
try {
s = (OutputStreamSerializer)getSerializer(s);
p = (InputStreamParser)getParser(p);
WriterSerializer sJson = (WriterSerializer)getSerializer(this.sJson);
String r = s.serializeToHex(;
Object o = p.parse(r, comboInput.type);
r = sJson.serialize(o);
assertEquals(comboInput.label + "/" + testName + " parse-normal failed on JSON equivalency", expected, r);
} catch (AssertionError e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception(comboInput.label + "/" + testName + " failed.", e);
protected Serializer applySettings(Serializer s) throws Exception {
return s;
protected Parser applySettings(Parser p) throws Exception {
return p;
WriterSerializer sJson = JsonSerializer.DEFAULT_LAX;
ReaderParser pJson = JsonParser.DEFAULT;
public void a11_serializeJson() throws Exception {
testSerialize("serializeJson", sJson, comboInput.json);
public void a12_parseJson() throws Exception {
testParse("parseJson", sJson, pJson, comboInput.json);
public void a13_verifyJson() throws Exception {
testParseVerify("verifyJson", sJson, pJson);
// JSON - 't' property
WriterSerializer sJsonT = new JsonSerializerBuilder().simple().beanTypePropertyName("t").build();
ReaderParser pJsonT = new JsonParserBuilder().beanTypePropertyName("t").build();
public void a21_serializeJsonT() throws Exception {
testSerialize("serializeJsonT", sJsonT, comboInput.jsonT);
public void a22_parseJsonT() throws Exception {
testParse("parseJsonT", sJsonT, pJsonT, comboInput.jsonT);
public void a23_verifyJsonT() throws Exception {
testParseVerify("verifyJsonT", sJsonT, pJsonT);
// JSON - Readable
WriterSerializer sJsonR = JsonSerializer.DEFAULT_LAX_READABLE;
ReaderParser pJsonR = JsonParser.DEFAULT;
public void a31_serializeJsonR() throws Exception {
testSerialize("serializeJsonR", sJsonR, comboInput.jsonR);
public void a32_parseJsonR() throws Exception {
testParse("parseJsonR", sJsonR, pJsonR, comboInput.jsonR);
public void a33_verifyJsonR() throws Exception {
testParseVerify("verifyJsonR", sJsonR, pJsonR);
// XML
WriterSerializer sXml = XmlSerializer.DEFAULT_SQ;
ReaderParser pXml = XmlParser.DEFAULT;
public void b11_serializeXml() throws Exception {
testSerialize("serializeXml", sXml, comboInput.xml);
public void b12_parseXml() throws Exception {
testParse("parseXml", sXml, pXml, comboInput.xml);
public void b13_verifyXml() throws Exception {
testParseVerify("verifyXml", sXml, pXml);
// XML - 't' property
WriterSerializer sXmlT = new XmlSerializerBuilder().sq().beanTypePropertyName("t").build();
ReaderParser pXmlT = new XmlParserBuilder().beanTypePropertyName("t").build();
public void b21_serializeXmlT() throws Exception {
testSerialize("serializeXmlT", sXmlT, comboInput.xmlT);
public void b22_parseXmlT() throws Exception {
testParse("parseXmlT", sXmlT, pXmlT, comboInput.xmlT);
public void b23_verifyXmlT() throws Exception {
testParseVerify("parseXmlTVerify", sXmlT, pXmlT);
// XML - Readable
WriterSerializer sXmlR = XmlSerializer.DEFAULT_SQ_READABLE;
ReaderParser pXmlR = XmlParser.DEFAULT;
public void b31_serializeXmlR() throws Exception {
testSerialize("serializeXmlR", sXmlR, comboInput.xmlR);
public void b32_parseXmlR() throws Exception {
testParse("parseXmlR", sXmlR, pXmlR, comboInput.xmlR);
public void b33_verifyXmlR() throws Exception {
testParseVerify("parseXmlRVerify", sXmlR, pXmlR);
// XML - Namespaces
WriterSerializer sXmlNs = XmlSerializer.DEFAULT_NS_SQ;
ReaderParser pXmlNs = XmlParser.DEFAULT;
public void b41_serializeXmlNs() throws Exception {
testSerialize("serializeXmlNs", sXmlNs, comboInput.xmlNs);
public void b42_parseXmlNs() throws Exception {
testParse("parseXmlNs", sXmlNs, pXmlNs, comboInput.xmlNs);
public void b43_verifyXmlNs() throws Exception {
testParseVerify("verifyXmlNs", sXmlNs, pXmlNs);
WriterSerializer sHtml = HtmlSerializer.DEFAULT_SQ;
ReaderParser pHtml = HtmlParser.DEFAULT;
public void c11_serializeHtml() throws Exception {
testSerialize("serializeHtml", sHtml, comboInput.html);
public void c12_parseHtml() throws Exception {
testParse("parseHtml", sHtml, pHtml, comboInput.html);
public void c13_verifyHtml() throws Exception {
testParseVerify("verifyHtml", sHtml, pHtml);
// HTML - 't' property
WriterSerializer sHtmlT = new HtmlSerializerBuilder().sq().beanTypePropertyName("t").build();
ReaderParser pHtmlT = new HtmlParserBuilder().beanTypePropertyName("t").build();
public void c21_serializeHtmlT() throws Exception {
testSerialize("serializeHtmlT", sHtmlT, comboInput.htmlT);
public void c22_parseHtmlT() throws Exception {
testParse("parseHtmlT", sHtmlT, pHtmlT, comboInput.htmlT);
public void c23_verifyHtmlT() throws Exception {
testParseVerify("verifyHtmlT", sHtmlT, pHtmlT);
// HTML - Readable
WriterSerializer sHtmlR = HtmlSerializer.DEFAULT_SQ_READABLE;
ReaderParser pHtmlR = HtmlParser.DEFAULT;
public void c31_serializeHtmlR() throws Exception {
testSerialize("serializeHtmlR", sHtmlR, comboInput.htmlR);
public void c32_parseHtmlR() throws Exception {
testParse("parseHtmlR", sHtmlR, pHtmlR, comboInput.htmlR);
public void c33_verifyHtmlR() throws Exception {
testParseVerify("verifyHtmlR", sHtmlR, pHtmlR);
// UON
WriterSerializer sUon = UonSerializer.DEFAULT;
ReaderParser pUon = UonParser.DEFAULT;
public void d11_serializeUon() throws Exception {
testSerialize("serializeUon", sUon, comboInput.uon);
public void d12_parseUon() throws Exception {
testParse("parseUon", sUon, pUon, comboInput.uon);
public void d13_verifyUon() throws Exception {
testParseVerify("verifyUon", sUon, pUon);
// UON - 't' property
WriterSerializer sUonT = new UonSerializerBuilder().beanTypePropertyName("t").build();
ReaderParser pUonT = new UonParserBuilder().beanTypePropertyName("t").build();
public void d21_serializeUonT() throws Exception {
testSerialize("serializeUonT", sUonT, comboInput.uonT);
public void d22_parseUonT() throws Exception {
testParse("parseUonT", sUonT, pUonT, comboInput.uonT);
public void d23_verifyUonT() throws Exception {
testParseVerify("verifyUonT", sUonT, pUonT);
// UON - Readable
WriterSerializer sUonR = UonSerializer.DEFAULT_READABLE;
ReaderParser pUonR = UonParser.DEFAULT;
public void d31_serializeUonR() throws Exception {
testSerialize("serializeUonR", sUonR, comboInput.uonR);
public void d32_parseUonR() throws Exception {
testParse("parseUonR", sUonR, pUonR, comboInput.uonR);
public void d33_verifyUonR() throws Exception {
testParseVerify("verifyUonR", sUonR, pUonR);
// UrlEncoding
WriterSerializer sUrlEncoding = UrlEncodingSerializer.DEFAULT;
ReaderParser pUrlEncoding = UrlEncodingParser.DEFAULT;
public void e11_serializeUrlEncoding() throws Exception {
testSerialize("serializeUrlEncoding", sUrlEncoding, comboInput.urlEncoding);
public void e12_parseUrlEncoding() throws Exception {
testParse("parseUrlEncoding", sUrlEncoding, pUrlEncoding, comboInput.urlEncoding);
public void e13_verifyUrlEncoding() throws Exception {
testParseVerify("verifyUrlEncoding", sUrlEncoding, pUrlEncoding);
// UrlEncoding - 't' property
WriterSerializer sUrlEncodingT = new UrlEncodingSerializerBuilder().beanTypePropertyName("t").build();
ReaderParser pUrlEncodingT = new UrlEncodingParserBuilder().beanTypePropertyName("t").build();
public void e21_serializeUrlEncodingT() throws Exception {
testSerialize("serializeUrlEncodingT", sUrlEncodingT, comboInput.urlEncodingT);
public void e22_parseUrlEncodingT() throws Exception {
testParse("parseUrlEncodingT", sUrlEncodingT, pUrlEncodingT, comboInput.urlEncodingT);
public void e23_verifyUrlEncodingT() throws Exception {
testParseVerify("verifyUrlEncodingT", sUrlEncodingT, pUrlEncodingT);
// UrlEncoding - Readable
WriterSerializer sUrlEncodingR = UrlEncodingSerializer.DEFAULT_READABLE;
ReaderParser pUrlEncodingR = UrlEncodingParser.DEFAULT;
public void e31_serializeUrlEncodingR() throws Exception {
testSerialize("serializeUrlEncodingR", sUrlEncodingR, comboInput.urlEncodingR);
public void e32_parseUrlEncodingR() throws Exception {
testParse("parseUrlEncodingR", sUrlEncodingR, pUrlEncodingR, comboInput.urlEncodingR);
public void e33_verifyUrlEncodingR() throws Exception {
testParseVerify("verifyUrlEncodingR", sUrlEncodingR, pUrlEncodingR);
// MsgPack
OutputStreamSerializer sMsgPack = MsgPackSerializer.DEFAULT;
InputStreamParser pMsgPack = MsgPackParser.DEFAULT;
public void f11_serializeMsgPack() throws Exception {
testSerialize("serializeMsgPack", sMsgPack, comboInput.msgPack);
public void f12_parseMsgPack() throws Exception {
testParse("parseMsgPack", sMsgPack, pMsgPack, comboInput.msgPack);
public void f13_parseMsgPackJsonEquivalency() throws Exception {
testParseJsonEquivalency("parseMsgPackJsonEquivalency", sMsgPack, pMsgPack, comboInput.json);
public void f14_verifyMsgPack() throws Exception {
testParseVerify("verifyMsgPack", sMsgPack, pMsgPack);
// MsgPack - 't' property
OutputStreamSerializer sMsgPackT = new MsgPackSerializerBuilder().beanTypePropertyName("t").build();
InputStreamParser pMsgPackT = new MsgPackParserBuilder().beanTypePropertyName("t").build();
public void f21_serializeMsgPackT() throws Exception {
testSerialize("serializeMsgPackT", sMsgPackT, comboInput.msgPackT);
public void f22_parseMsgPackT() throws Exception {
testParse("parseMsgPackT", sMsgPackT, pMsgPackT, comboInput.msgPackT);
public void f23_parseMsgPackTJsonEquivalency() throws Exception {
testParseJsonEquivalency("parseMsgPackTJsonEquivalency", sMsgPackT, pMsgPackT, comboInput.json);
public void f24_verifyMsgPackT() throws Exception {
testParseVerify("verifyMsgPackT", sMsgPackT, pMsgPackT);
// RdfXml
WriterSerializer sRdfXml = RdfSerializer.DEFAULT_XMLABBREV;
ReaderParser pRdfXml = RdfParser.DEFAULT_XML;
public void g11_serializeRdfXml() throws Exception {
testSerialize("serializeRdfXml", sRdfXml, comboInput.rdfXml);
public void g12_parseRdfXml() throws Exception {
testParse("parseRdfXml", sRdfXml, pRdfXml, comboInput.rdfXml);
public void g13_verifyRdfXml() throws Exception {
testParseVerify("verifyRdfXml", sRdfXml, pRdfXml);
// RdfXml - 't' property
WriterSerializer sRdfXmlT = new RdfSerializerBuilder().language(LANG_RDF_XML_ABBREV).beanTypePropertyName("t").build();
ReaderParser pRdfXmlT = new RdfParserBuilder().beanTypePropertyName("t").build();
public void g21_serializeRdfXmlT() throws Exception {
testSerialize("serializeRdfXmlT", sRdfXmlT, comboInput.rdfXmlT);
public void g22_parseRdfXmlT() throws Exception {
testParse("parseRdfXmlT", sRdfXmlT, pRdfXmlT, comboInput.rdfXmlT);
public void g23_verifyRdfXmlT() throws Exception {
testParseVerify("parseRdfXmlTVerify", sRdfXmlT, pRdfXmlT);
// RdfXml - Readable
WriterSerializer sRdfXmlR = new RdfSerializerBuilder().language(LANG_RDF_XML_ABBREV).ws().build();
ReaderParser pRdfXmlR = RdfParser.DEFAULT_XML;
public void g31_serializeRdfXmlR() throws Exception {
testSerialize("serializeRdfXmlR", sRdfXmlR, comboInput.rdfXmlR);
public void g32_parseRdfXmlR() throws Exception {
testParse("parseRdfXmlR", sRdfXmlR, pRdfXmlR, comboInput.rdfXmlR);
public void g33_verifyRdfXmlR() throws Exception {
testParseVerify("Verify", sRdfXmlR, pRdfXmlR);