blob: 814a0a5b52f450bafed463e5a774373bc0b7d5ce [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file *
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Provides a VERY basic ANT script for creating a microservice zip file.
<project name='Microservice' default='Microservice.Build'>
<target name='Microservice.Build'>
<loadproperties srcFile=''/>
<path id='classpath'>
<fileset dir='lib' includes='*.jar'/>
<delete dir='build' quiet='true'/>
<copy todir='build/bin'>
<fileset dir='src' excludes='**/*.java'/>
<copy todir='build/microservice'>
<fileset dir='.' includes='*.cfg,lib/**'/>
<javac srcdir='src' destdir='build/bin' fork='true' source='1.6' target='1.6' debug='true' includeantruntime='false'>
<classpath refid='classpath'/>
<jar jarfile='build/microservice/${jar}' basedir='build/bin' duplicate='fail' level='9' manifest='META-INF/MANIFEST.MF'>
<attribute name='Built-By' value='${}'/>
<attribute name='Build-Date' value='${TODAY}'/>
<attribute name='Bundle-Version' value='${version}'/>
<zip basedir='build/microservice' destfile='build/${zip}'/>
<delete dir='build/bin' quiet='true'/>