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package org.apache.juneau;
import static org.apache.juneau.BeanContext.*;
import static org.apache.juneau.internal.ClassUtils.*;
import static org.apache.juneau.internal.ThrowableUtils.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*;
import org.apache.juneau.internal.*;
import org.apache.juneau.json.*;
import org.apache.juneau.parser.*;
import org.apache.juneau.serializer.*;
import org.apache.juneau.transform.*;
* Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of {@link Serializer} or {@link Parser}.
* <p>
* This class is NOT thread safe. It is meant to be discarded after one-time use.
public class BeanSession extends Session {
private final BeanContext ctx;
private final Locale locale;
private final TimeZone timeZone;
private final MediaType mediaType;
private final boolean debug;
private Stack<StringBuilder> sbStack = new Stack<StringBuilder>();
* Create a new session using properties specified in the context.
* @param op The override properties.
* These override any context properties defined in the context.
* @param ctx The context creating this session object.
* The context contains all the configuration settings for this object.
* @param locale The session locale.
* If <jk>null</jk>, then the locale defined on the context is used.
* @param timeZone The session timezone.
* If <jk>null</jk>, then the timezone defined on the context is used.
* @param mediaType The session media type (e.g. <js>"application/json"</js>).
protected BeanSession(BeanContext ctx, ObjectMap op, Locale locale, TimeZone timeZone, MediaType mediaType) {
super(ctx, op);
this.ctx = ctx;
if (op == null || op.isEmpty()) {
this.locale = (locale != null ? locale : ctx.locale);
this.timeZone = (timeZone != null ? timeZone : ctx.timeZone);
this.debug = ctx.debug;
this.mediaType = mediaType != null ? mediaType : ctx.mediaType;
} else {
this.locale = (locale == null ? op.get(Locale.class, BEAN_locale, ctx.locale) : locale);
this.timeZone = (timeZone == null ? op.get(TimeZone.class, BEAN_timeZone, ctx.timeZone) : timeZone);
this.debug = op.getBoolean(BEAN_debug, false);
this.mediaType = (mediaType == null ? op.get(MediaType.class, BEAN_mediaType, ctx.mediaType) : mediaType);
* Returns the locale defined on this session.
* <p>
* The locale is determined in the following order:
* <ol>
* <li><code>locale</code> parameter passed in through constructor.
* <li>{@link BeanContext#BEAN_locale} entry in <code>properties</code> parameter passed in through constructor.
* <li>{@link BeanContext#BEAN_locale} setting on bean context.
* <li>Locale returned by {@link Locale#getDefault()}.
* </ol>
* @return The session locale.
public final Locale getLocale() {
return locale;
* Returns the timezone defined on this session.
* The timezone is determined in the following order:
* <ol>
* <li><code>timeZone</code> parameter passed in through constructor.
* <li>{@link BeanContext#BEAN_timeZone} entry in <code>properties</code> parameter passed in through constructor.
* <li>{@link BeanContext#BEAN_timeZone} setting on bean context.
* </ol>
* @return The session timezone, or <jk>null</jk> if timezone not specified.
public final TimeZone getTimeZone() {
return timeZone;
* Returns the {@link SerializerContext#BEAN_debug} setting value for this session.
* @return The {@link SerializerContext#BEAN_debug} setting value for this session.
public final boolean isDebug() {
return debug;
* Bean property getter: <property>ignoreUnknownBeanProperties</property>.
* See {@link BeanContext#BEAN_ignoreUnknownBeanProperties}.
* @return The value of the <property>ignoreUnknownBeanProperties</property> property on this bean.
public final boolean isIgnoreUnknownBeanProperties() {
return ctx.ignoreUnknownBeanProperties;
* Converts the specified value to the specified class type.
* <p>
* See {@link #convertToType(Object, ClassMeta)} for the list of valid conversions.
* @param <T> The class type to convert the value to.
* @param value The value to convert.
* @param type The class type to convert the value to.
* @throws InvalidDataConversionException If the specified value cannot be converted to the specified type.
* @return The converted value.
public final <T> T convertToType(Object value, Class<T> type) throws InvalidDataConversionException {
// Shortcut for most common case.
if (value != null && value.getClass() == type)
return (T)value;
return convertToType(null, value, ctx.getClassMeta(type));
* Same as {@link #convertToType(Object, Class)}, except used for instantiating inner member classes that must
* be instantiated within another class instance.
* @param <T> The class type to convert the value to.
* @param outer If class is a member class, this is the instance of the containing class.
* Should be <jk>null</jk> if not a member class.
* @param value The value to convert.
* @param type The class type to convert the value to.
* @throws InvalidDataConversionException If the specified value cannot be converted to the specified type.
* @return The converted value.
public final <T> T convertToType(Object outer, Object value, Class<T> type) throws InvalidDataConversionException {
return convertToType(outer, value, ctx.getClassMeta(type));
* Casts the specified value into the specified type.
* <p>
* If the value isn't an instance of the specified type, then converts
* the value if possible.<br>
* <p>
* The following conversions are valid:
* <table class='styled'>
* <tr><th>Convert to type</th><th>Valid input value types</th><th>Notes</th></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>
* A class that is the normal type of a registered {@link PojoSwap}.
* </td>
* <td>
* A value whose class matches the transformed type of that registered {@link PojoSwap}.
* </td>
* <td>&nbsp;</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>
* A class that is the transformed type of a registered {@link PojoSwap}.
* </td>
* <td>
* A value whose class matches the normal type of that registered {@link PojoSwap}.
* </td>
* <td>&nbsp;</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>
* {@code Number} (e.g. {@code Integer}, {@code Short}, {@code Float},...)<br>
* <code>Number.<jsf>TYPE</jsf></code> (e.g. <code>Integer.<jsf>TYPE</jsf></code>, <code>Short.<jsf>TYPE</jsf></code>, <code>Float.<jsf>TYPE</jsf></code>,...)
* </td>
* <td>
* {@code Number}, {@code String}, <jk>null</jk>
* </td>
* <td>
* For primitive {@code TYPES}, <jk>null</jk> returns the JVM default value for that type.
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>
* {@code Map} (e.g. {@code Map}, {@code HashMap}, {@code TreeMap}, {@code ObjectMap})
* </td>
* <td>
* {@code Map}
* </td>
* <td>
* If {@code Map} is not constructible, a {@code ObjectMap} is created.
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>
* {@code Collection} (e.g. {@code List}, {@code LinkedList}, {@code HashSet}, {@code ObjectList})
* </td>
* <td>
* {@code Collection<Object>}<br>
* {@code Object[]}
* </td>
* <td>
* If {@code Collection} is not constructible, a {@code ObjectList} is created.
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>
* {@code X[]} (array of any type X)<br>
* </td>
* <td>
* {@code List<X>}<br>
* </td>
* <td>&nbsp;</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>
* {@code X[][]} (multi-dimensional arrays)<br>
* </td>
* <td>
* {@code List<List<X>>}<br>
* {@code List<X[]>}<br>
* {@code List[]<X>}<br>
* </td>
* <td>&nbsp;</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>
* {@code Enum}<br>
* </td>
* <td>
* {@code String}<br>
* </td>
* <td>&nbsp;</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>
* Bean<br>
* </td>
* <td>
* {@code Map}<br>
* </td>
* <td>&nbsp;</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>
* {@code String}<br>
* </td>
* <td>
* Anything<br>
* </td>
* <td>
* Arrays are converted to JSON arrays<br>
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>
* Anything with one of the following methods:<br>
* <code><jk>public static</jk> T fromString(String)</code><br>
* <code><jk>public static</jk> T valueOf(String)</code><br>
* <code><jk>public</jk> T(String)</code><br>
* </td>
* <td>
* <code>String</code><br>
* </td>
* <td>
* <br>
* </td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* @param <T> The class type to convert the value to.
* @param value The value to be converted.
* @param type The target object type.
* @return The converted type.
* @throws InvalidDataConversionException If the specified value cannot be converted to the specified type.
public final <T> T convertToType(Object value, ClassMeta<T> type) throws InvalidDataConversionException {
return convertToType(null, value, type);
* Same as {@link #convertToType(Object, ClassMeta)}, except used for instantiating inner member classes that must
* be instantiated within another class instance.
* @param <T> The class type to convert the value to.
* @param outer If class is a member class, this is the instance of the containing class.
* Should be <jk>null</jk> if not a member class.
* @param value The value to convert.
* @param type The class type to convert the value to.
* @throws InvalidDataConversionException If the specified value cannot be converted to the specified type.
* @return The converted value.
public final <T> T convertToType(Object outer, Object value, ClassMeta<T> type) throws InvalidDataConversionException {
if (type == null)
type = (ClassMeta<T>)ctx.object();
try {
// Handle the case of a null value.
if (value == null) {
// If it's a primitive, then use the converters to get the default value for the primitive type.
if (type.isPrimitive())
return type.getPrimitiveDefault();
// Otherwise, just return null.
return null;
Class<T> tc = type.getInnerClass();
// If no conversion needed, then just return the value.
// Don't include maps or collections, because child elements may need conversion.
if (tc.isInstance(value))
if (! ((type.isMap() && type.getValueType().isNotObject()) || (type.isCollection() && type.getElementType().isNotObject())))
return (T)value;
if (tc == Class.class)
return (T)(ctx.classLoader.loadClass(value.toString()));
if (type.getPojoSwap() != null) {
PojoSwap f = type.getPojoSwap();
Class<?> nc = f.getNormalClass(), fc = f.getSwapClass();
if (isParentClass(nc, tc) && isParentClass(fc, value.getClass()))
return (T)f.unswap(this, value, type);
ClassMeta<?> vt = ctx.getClassMetaForObject(value);
if (vt.getPojoSwap() != null) {
PojoSwap f = vt.getPojoSwap();
Class<?> nc = f.getNormalClass(), fc = f.getSwapClass();
if (isParentClass(nc, vt.getInnerClass()) && isParentClass(fc, tc))
return (T)f.swap(this, value);
if (type.isPrimitive()) {
if (value.toString().isEmpty())
return type.getPrimitiveDefault();
if (type.isNumber()) {
if (value instanceof Number) {
Number n = (Number)value;
if (tc == Integer.TYPE)
return (T)Integer.valueOf(n.intValue());
if (tc == Short.TYPE)
return (T)Short.valueOf(n.shortValue());
if (tc == Long.TYPE)
return (T)Long.valueOf(n.longValue());
if (tc == Float.TYPE)
return (T)Float.valueOf(n.floatValue());
if (tc == Double.TYPE)
return (T)Double.valueOf(n.doubleValue());
if (tc == Byte.TYPE)
return (T)Byte.valueOf(n.byteValue());
} else {
String n = null;
if (value instanceof Boolean)
n = ((Boolean)value).booleanValue() ? "1" : "0";
n = value.toString();
if (tc == Integer.TYPE)
return (T)Integer.valueOf(n);
if (tc == Short.TYPE)
return (T)Short.valueOf(n);
if (tc == Long.TYPE)
return (T)Long.valueOf(n);
if (tc == Float.TYPE)
return (T)new Float(n);
if (tc == Double.TYPE)
return (T)new Double(n);
if (tc == Byte.TYPE)
return (T)Byte.valueOf(n);
} else if (type.isChar()) {
String s = value.toString();
return (T)Character.valueOf(s.length() == 0 ? 0 : s.charAt(0));
} else if (type.isBoolean()) {
if (value instanceof Number) {
int i = ((Number)value).intValue();
return (T)(i == 0 ? Boolean.FALSE : Boolean.TRUE);
return (T)Boolean.valueOf(value.toString());
if (type.isNumber()) {
if (value instanceof Number) {
Number n = (Number)value;
if (tc == Integer.class)
return (T)Integer.valueOf(n.intValue());
if (tc == Short.class)
return (T)Short.valueOf(n.shortValue());
if (tc == Long.class)
return (T)Long.valueOf(n.longValue());
if (tc == Float.class)
return (T)Float.valueOf(n.floatValue());
if (tc == Double.class)
return (T)Double.valueOf(n.doubleValue());
if (tc == Byte.class)
return (T)Byte.valueOf(n.byteValue());
if (tc == Byte.class)
return (T)Byte.valueOf(n.byteValue());
if (tc == AtomicInteger.class)
return (T)new AtomicInteger(n.intValue());
if (tc == AtomicLong.class)
return (T)new AtomicLong(n.intValue());
} else {
if (value.toString().isEmpty())
return null;
String n = null;
if (value instanceof Boolean)
n = ((Boolean)value).booleanValue() ? "1" : "0";
n = value.toString();
if (tc == Integer.class)
return (T)Integer.valueOf(n);
if (tc == Short.class)
return (T)Short.valueOf(n);
if (tc == Long.class)
return (T)Long.valueOf(n);
if (tc == Float.class)
return (T)new Float(n);
if (tc == Double.class)
return (T)new Double(n);
if (tc == Byte.class)
return (T)Byte.valueOf(n);
if (tc == AtomicInteger.class)
return (T)new AtomicInteger(Integer.valueOf(n));
if (tc == AtomicLong.class)
return (T)new AtomicLong(Long.valueOf(n));
if (type.isChar()) {
String s = value.toString();
return (T)Character.valueOf(s.length() == 0 ? 0 : s.charAt(0));
// Handle setting of array properties
if (type.isArray()) {
if (vt.isCollection())
return (T)toArray(type, (Collection)value);
else if (vt.isArray())
return (T)toArray(type, Arrays.asList((Object[])value));
else if (StringUtils.startsWith(value.toString(), '['))
return (T)toArray(type, new ObjectList(value.toString()).setBeanSession(this));
// Target type is some sort of Map that needs to be converted.
if (type.isMap()) {
try {
if (value instanceof Map) {
Map m = type.canCreateNewInstance(outer) ? (Map)type.newInstance(outer) : new ObjectMap(this);
ClassMeta keyType = type.getKeyType(), valueType = type.getValueType();
for (Map.Entry e : (Set<Map.Entry>)((Map)value).entrySet()) {
Object k = e.getKey();
if (keyType.isNotObject()) {
if (keyType.isString() && k.getClass() != Class.class)
k = k.toString();
k = convertToType(m, k, keyType);
Object v = e.getValue();
if (valueType.isNotObject())
v = convertToType(m, v, valueType);
m.put(k, v);
return (T)m;
} else if (!type.canCreateNewInstanceFromString(outer)) {
ObjectMap m = new ObjectMap(value.toString(), ctx.defaultParser);
return convertToType(outer, m, type);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new InvalidDataConversionException(value.getClass(), type, e);
// Target type is some sort of Collection
if (type.isCollection()) {
try {
Collection l = type.canCreateNewInstance(outer) ? (Collection)type.newInstance(outer) : new ObjectList(this);
ClassMeta elementType = type.getElementType();
if (value.getClass().isArray())
for (Object o : (Object[])value)
l.add(elementType.isObject() ? o : convertToType(l, o, elementType));
else if (value instanceof Collection)
for (Object o : (Collection)value)
l.add(elementType.isObject() ? o : convertToType(l, o, elementType));
else if (value instanceof Map)
l.add(elementType.isObject() ? value : convertToType(l, value, elementType));
else if (! value.toString().isEmpty())
throw new InvalidDataConversionException(value.getClass(), type, null);
return (T)l;
} catch (InvalidDataConversionException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new InvalidDataConversionException(value.getClass(), type, e);
if (type.isEnum()) {
if (type.canCreateNewInstanceFromString(outer))
return type.newInstanceFromString(outer, value.toString());
return (T)Enum.valueOf((Class<? extends Enum>)tc, value.toString());
if (type.isString()) {
if (vt.isMapOrBean() || vt.isCollectionOrArray()) {
if (JsonSerializer.DEFAULT_LAX != null)
return (T)JsonSerializer.DEFAULT_LAX.serialize(value);
} else if (vt.isClass()) {
return (T)ClassUtils.getReadableClassName((Class<?>)value);
return (T)value.toString();
if (type.isCharSequence()) {
Class<?> c = value.getClass();
if (c.isArray()) {
if (c.getComponentType().isPrimitive()) {
ObjectList l = new ObjectList(this);
int size = Array.getLength(value);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
l.add(Array.get(value, i));
value = l;
value = new ObjectList((Object[])value).setBeanSession(this);
return type.newInstanceFromString(outer, value.toString());
if (type.isBoolean()) {
if (value instanceof Number)
return (T)(Boolean.valueOf(((Number)value).intValue() != 0));
return (T)Boolean.valueOf(value.toString());
// It's a bean being initialized with a Map
if (type.isBean() && value instanceof Map) {
if (value instanceof ObjectMap) {
ObjectMap m2 = (ObjectMap)value;
String typeName = m2.getString(getBeanTypePropertyName(type));
if (typeName != null) {
ClassMeta cm = type.getBeanRegistry().getClassMeta(typeName);
if (cm != null && ClassUtils.isParentClass(type.innerClass, cm.innerClass))
return (T)m2.cast(cm);
return newBeanMap(tc).load((Map<?,?>) value).getBean();
if (type.canCreateNewInstanceFromNumber(outer) && value instanceof Number)
return type.newInstanceFromNumber(this, outer, (Number)value);
if (type.canCreateNewInstanceFromString(outer))
return type.newInstanceFromString(outer, value.toString());
if (type.isBean())
return newBeanMap(type.getInnerClass()).load(value.toString()).getBean();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new InvalidDataConversionException(value, type, e);
throw new InvalidDataConversionException(value, type, null);
* Converts the contents of the specified list into an array.
* <p>
* Works on both object and primitive arrays.
* <p>
* In the case of multi-dimensional arrays, the incoming list must
* contain elements of type n-1 dimension. i.e. if {@code type} is <code><jk>int</jk>[][]</code>
* then {@code list} must have entries of type <code><jk>int</jk>[]</code>.
* @param type The type to convert to. Must be an array type.
* @param list The contents to populate the array with.
* @return A new object or primitive array.
public final Object toArray(ClassMeta<?> type, Collection<?> list) {
if (list == null)
return null;
ClassMeta<?> componentType = type.isArgs() ? object() : type.getElementType();
Object array = Array.newInstance(componentType.getInnerClass(), list.size());
int i = 0;
for (Object o : list) {
if (! type.getInnerClass().isInstance(o)) {
if (componentType.isArray() && o instanceof Collection)
o = toArray(componentType, (Collection<?>)o);
else if (o == null && componentType.isPrimitive())
o = componentType.getPrimitiveDefault();
o = convertToType(null, o, componentType);
try {
Array.set(array, i++, o);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw e;
return array;
* Wraps an object inside a {@link BeanMap} object (i.e. a modifiable {@link Map}).
* <p>
* If object is not a true bean, then throws a {@link BeanRuntimeException} with an explanation of why it's not a bean.
* <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
* <p class='bcode'>
* <jc>// Construct a bean map around a bean instance</jc>
* BeanMap&lt;Person&gt; bm = BeanContext.<jsf>DEFAULT</jsf>.forBean(<jk>new</jk> Person());
* </p>
* @param <T> The class of the object being wrapped.
* @param o The object to wrap in a map interface. Must not be null.
* @return The wrapped object.
public final <T> BeanMap<T> toBeanMap(T o) {
return this.toBeanMap(o, (Class<T>)o.getClass());
* Determines whether the specified object matches the requirements on this context of being a bean.
* @param o The object being tested.
* @return <jk>true</jk> if the specified object is considered a bean.
public final boolean isBean(Object o) {
if (o == null)
return false;
return isBean(o.getClass());
* Determines whether the specified class matches the requirements on this context of being a bean.
* @param c The class being tested.
* @return <jk>true</jk> if the specified class is considered a bean.
public final boolean isBean(Class<?> c) {
return getBeanMeta(c) != null;
* Wraps an object inside a {@link BeanMap} object (i.e.: a modifiable {@link Map})
* defined as a bean for one of its class, a super class, or an implemented interface.
* <p>
* If object is not a true bean, throws a {@link BeanRuntimeException} with an explanation of why it's not a bean.
* <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
* <p class='bcode'>
* <jc>// Construct a bean map for new bean using only properties defined in a superclass</jc>
* BeanMap&lt;MySubBean&gt; bm = BeanContext.<jsf>DEFAULT</jsf>.forBean(<jk>new</jk> MySubBean(), MySuperBean.<jk>class</jk>);
* <jc>// Construct a bean map for new bean using only properties defined in an interface</jc>
* BeanMap&lt;MySubBean&gt; bm = BeanContext.<jsf>DEFAULT</jsf>.forBean(<jk>new</jk> MySubBean(), MySuperInterface.<jk>class</jk>);
* </p>
* @param <T> The class of the object being wrapped.
* @param o The object to wrap in a bean interface. Must not be null.
* @param c The superclass to narrow the bean properties to. Must not be null.
* @return The bean representation, or <jk>null</jk> if the object is not a true bean.
* @throws NullPointerException If either parameter is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the specified object is not an an instance of the specified class.
* @throws BeanRuntimeException If specified object is not a bean according to the bean rules
* specified in this context class.
public final <T> BeanMap<T> toBeanMap(T o, Class<? super T> c) throws BeanRuntimeException {
assertFieldNotNull(o, "o");
assertFieldNotNull(c, "c");
if (! c.isInstance(o))
illegalArg("The specified object is not an instance of the specified class. class=''{0}'', objectClass=''{1}'', object=''{2}''", c.getName(), o.getClass().getName(), 0);
ClassMeta cm = getClassMeta(c);
BeanMeta m = cm.getBeanMeta();
if (m == null)
throw new BeanRuntimeException(c, "Class is not a bean. Reason=''{0}''", cm.getNotABeanReason());
return new BeanMap<T>(this, o, m);
* Creates a new {@link BeanMap} object (i.e. a modifiable {@link Map}) of the given class with uninitialized property values.
* <p>
* If object is not a true bean, then throws a {@link BeanRuntimeException} with an explanation of why it's not a bean.
* <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
* <p class='bcode'>
* <jc>// Construct a new bean map wrapped around a new Person object</jc>
* BeanMap&lt;Person&gt; bm = BeanContext.<jsf>DEFAULT</jsf>.newBeanMap(Person.<jk>class</jk>);
* </p>
* @param <T> The class of the object being wrapped.
* @param c The name of the class to create a new instance of.
* @return A new instance of the class.
public final <T> BeanMap<T> newBeanMap(Class<T> c) {
return newBeanMap(null, c);
* Same as {@link #newBeanMap(Class)}, except used for instantiating inner member classes that must
* be instantiated within another class instance.
* @param <T> The class of the object being wrapped.
* @param c The name of the class to create a new instance of.
* @param outer If class is a member class, this is the instance of the containing class.
* Should be <jk>null</jk> if not a member class.
* @return A new instance of the class.
public final <T> BeanMap<T> newBeanMap(Object outer, Class<T> c) {
BeanMeta m = getBeanMeta(c);
if (m == null)
return null;
T bean = null;
if (m.constructorArgs.length == 0)
bean = newBean(outer, c);
return new BeanMap<T>(this, bean, m);
* Creates a new empty bean of the specified type, except used for instantiating inner member classes that must
* be instantiated within another class instance.
* <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
* <p class='bcode'>
* <jc>// Construct a new instance of the specified bean class</jc>
* Person p = BeanContext.<jsf>DEFAULT</jsf>.newBean(Person.<jk>class</jk>);
* </p>
* @param <T> The class type of the bean being created.
* @param c The class type of the bean being created.
* @return A new bean object.
* @throws BeanRuntimeException If the specified class is not a valid bean.
public final <T> T newBean(Class<T> c) throws BeanRuntimeException {
return newBean(null, c);
* Same as {@link #newBean(Class)}, except used for instantiating inner member classes that must
* be instantiated within another class instance.
* @param <T> The class type of the bean being created.
* @param c The class type of the bean being created.
* @param outer If class is a member class, this is the instance of the containing class.
* Should be <jk>null</jk> if not a member class.
* @return A new bean object.
* @throws BeanRuntimeException If the specified class is not a valid bean.
public final <T> T newBean(Object outer, Class<T> c) throws BeanRuntimeException {
ClassMeta<T> cm = getClassMeta(c);
BeanMeta m = cm.getBeanMeta();
if (m == null)
return null;
try {
T o = (T)m.newBean(outer);
if (o == null)
throw new BeanRuntimeException(c, "Class does not have a no-arg constructor.");
return o;
} catch (BeanRuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new BeanRuntimeException(e);
* Returns the {@link BeanMeta} class for the specified class.
* @param <T> The class type to get the meta-data on.
* @param c The class to get the meta-data on.
* @return The {@link BeanMeta} for the specified class, or <jk>null</jk> if the class
* is not a bean per the settings on this context.
public final <T> BeanMeta<T> getBeanMeta(Class<T> c) {
if (c == null)
return null;
return getClassMeta(c).getBeanMeta();
* Returns a {@code ClassMeta} wrapper around a {@link Class} object.
* @param <T> The class type being wrapped.
* @param c The class being wrapped.
* @return The class meta object containing information about the class.
public final <T> ClassMeta<T> getClassMeta(Class<T> c) {
return ctx.getClassMeta(c);
* Used to resolve <code>ClassMetas</code> of type <code>Collection</code> and <code>Map</code> that have
* <code>ClassMeta</code> values that themselves could be collections or maps.
* <p>
* <code>Collection</code> meta objects are assumed to be followed by zero or one meta objects indicating the element type.
* <p>
* <code>Map</code> meta objects are assumed to be followed by zero or two meta objects indicating the key and value types.
* <p>
* The array can be arbitrarily long to indicate arbitrarily complex data structures.
* <h5 class='section'>Examples:</h5>
* <ul>
* <li><code>getClassMeta(String.<jk>class</jk>);</code> - A normal type.
* <li><code>getClassMeta(List.<jk>class</jk>);</code> - A list containing objects.
* <li><code>getClassMeta(List.<jk>class</jk>, String.<jk>class</jk>);</code> - A list containing strings.
* <li><code>getClassMeta(LinkedList.<jk>class</jk>, String.<jk>class</jk>);</code> - A linked-list containing strings.
* <li><code>getClassMeta(LinkedList.<jk>class</jk>, LinkedList.<jk>class</jk>, String.<jk>class</jk>);</code> - A linked-list containing linked-lists of strings.
* <li><code>getClassMeta(Map.<jk>class</jk>);</code> - A map containing object keys/values.
* <li><code>getClassMeta(Map.<jk>class</jk>, String.<jk>class</jk>, String.<jk>class</jk>);</code> - A map containing string keys/values.
* <li><code>getClassMeta(Map.<jk>class</jk>, String.<jk>class</jk>, List.<jk>class</jk>, MyBean.<jk>class</jk>);</code> - A map containing string keys and values of lists containing beans.
* </ul>
* @param type The class to resolve.
* <br>Can be any of the following: {@link ClassMeta}, {@link Class}, {@link ParameterizedType}, {@link GenericArrayType}
* @param args The type arguments of the class if it's a collection or map.
* <br>Can be any of the following: {@link ClassMeta}, {@link Class}, {@link ParameterizedType}, {@link GenericArrayType}
* <br>Ignored if the main type is not a map or collection.
* @return The class meta.
public final <T> ClassMeta<T> getClassMeta(Type type, Type...args) {
return ctx.getClassMeta(type, args);
* Given an array of {@link Type} objects, returns a {@link ClassMeta} representing those arguments.
* Constructs a new meta on each call.
* @param classes The array of classes to get class metas for.
* @return The args {@link ClassMeta} object corresponding to the classes. Never <jk>null</jk>.
public final ClassMeta<Object[]> getArgsClassMeta(Type[] classes) {
assertFieldNotNull(classes, "classes");
ClassMeta[] cm = new ClassMeta<?>[classes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++)
cm[i] = getClassMeta(classes[i]);
return new ClassMeta(cm);
* Shortcut for calling {@code getClassMeta(o.getClass())}.
* @param <T> The class of the object being passed in.
* @param o The class to find the class type for.
* @return The ClassMeta object, or <jk>null</jk> if {@code o} is <jk>null</jk>.
public final <T> ClassMeta<T> getClassMetaForObject(T o) {
if (o == null)
return null;
return (ClassMeta<T>)getClassMeta(o.getClass());
* Returns the type property name as defined by {@link BeanContext#BEAN_beanTypePropertyName}.
* @param cm The class meta of the type we're trying to resolve the type name for.
* Can be <jk>null</jk>.
* @return The type property name. Never <jk>null</jk>.
public final String getBeanTypePropertyName(ClassMeta cm) {
String s = cm == null ? null : cm.getBeanTypePropertyName();
return s == null ? ctx.beanTypePropertyName : s;
* Returns the bean registry defined in this bean context defined by {@link BeanContext#BEAN_beanDictionary}.
* @return The bean registry defined in this bean context. Never <jk>null</jk>.
public final BeanRegistry getBeanRegistry() {
return ctx.beanRegistry;
* Creates a reusable {@link StringBuilder} object from an internal pool.
* <p>
* String builders are returned to the pool by calling {@link #returnStringBuilder(StringBuilder)}.
* @return A new or previously returned string builder.
public final StringBuilder getStringBuilder() {
if (sbStack.isEmpty())
return new StringBuilder();
return sbStack.pop();
* Returns a {@link StringBuilder} object back into the internal reuse pool.
* @param sb The string builder to return to the pool. No-op if <jk>null</jk>.
public final void returnStringBuilder(StringBuilder sb) {
if (sb == null)
* Returns a reusable {@link ClassMeta} representation for the class <code>Object</code>.
* <p>
* This <code>ClassMeta</code> is often used to represent "any object type" when an object type
* is not known.
* <p>
* This method is identical to calling <code>getClassMeta(Object.<jk>class</jk>)</code> but uses
* a cached copy to avoid a hashmap lookup.
* @return The {@link ClassMeta} object associated with the <code>Object</code> class.
public final ClassMeta<Object> object() {
return ctx.cmObject;
* Returns a reusable {@link ClassMeta} representation for the class <code>String</code>.
* <p>
* This <code>ClassMeta</code> is often used to represent key types in maps.
* <p>
* This method is identical to calling <code>getClassMeta(String.<jk>class</jk>)</code> but uses
* a cached copy to avoid a hashmap lookup.
* @return The {@link ClassMeta} object associated with the <code>String</code> class.
public final ClassMeta<String> string() {
return ctx.cmString;
* Returns a reusable {@link ClassMeta} representation for the class <code>Class</code>.
* <p>
* This <code>ClassMeta</code> is often used to represent key types in maps.
* <p>
* This method is identical to calling <code>getClassMeta(Class.<jk>class</jk>)</code> but uses
* a cached copy to avoid a hashmap lookup.
* @return The {@link ClassMeta} object associated with the <code>String</code> class.
public final ClassMeta<Class> _class() {
return ctx.cmClass;
* Returns the classloader associated with this bean context.
* @return The classloader associated with this bean context.
public final ClassLoader getClassLoader() {
return ctx.classLoader;
* Returns the media type specified for this session.
* <p>
* For example, <js>"application/json"</js>.
* @return The media type for this session, or <jk>null</jk> if not specified.
public final MediaType getMediaType() {
return mediaType;
@Override /* Session */
public final ObjectMap asMap() {
return super.asMap()
.append("BeanSession", new ObjectMap()
.append("locale", locale)
.append("timeZone", timeZone)
@Override /* Session */
public boolean close() throws BeanRuntimeException {
if (super.close()) {
if (debug && hasWarnings())
throw new BeanRuntimeException("Warnings occurred in session: \n" + StringUtils.join(getWarnings(), "\n"));
return true;
return false;