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package org.apache.juneau.cp;
import static org.apache.juneau.common.internal.ArgUtils.*;
import static org.apache.juneau.internal.CollectionUtils.*;
import java.nio.file.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.*;
import org.apache.juneau.*;
import org.apache.juneau.internal.*;
* Utility class for finding regular or localized files on the classpath and file system.
* <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
* <p class='bjava'>
* <jc>// Constructor a file source that looks for files in the "files" working directory, then in the
* // package "", then in the package "", then in the package "files".</jc>
* FileFinder <jv>finder</jv> = FileFinder
* .<jsm>create</jsm>()
* .dir(<js>"files"</js>)
* .cp(<jk>class</jk>,<jk>null</jk>,<jk>true</jk>)
* .cp(<jk>class</jk>,<js>"files"</js>,<jk>true</jk>)
* .cp(<jk>class</jk>,<js>"/files"</js>,<jk>true</jk>)
* .cache(1_000_000l) <jc>// Cache files less than 1MB in size.</jc>
* .ignore(Pattern.<jsm>compile</jsm>(<js>"(?i)(.*\\.(class|properties))|(package.html)"</js>)) <jc>// Ignore certain files.</jc>
* .build();
* <jc>// Find a normal file.</jc>
* InputStream <jv>is1</jv> = <jv>finder</jv>.getStream(<js>"text.txt"</js>);
* <jc>// Find a localized file called "text_ja_JP.txt".</jc>
* InputStream <jv>is2</jv> = <jv>finder</jv>.getStream(<js>"text.txt"</js>, Locale.<jsf>JAPAN</jsf>);
* </p>
* <p>
* If the <c>locale</c> is specified, then we look for resources whose name matches that locale.
* For example, if looking for the resource <js>"MyResource.txt"</js> for the Japanese locale, we will look for
* files in the following order:
* <ol>
* <li><js>"MyResource_ja_JP.txt"</js>
* <li><js>"MyResource_ja.txt"</js>
* <li><js>"MyResource.txt"</js>
* </ol>
* <p>
* The default implementation of this interface is {@link BasicFileFinder}.
* The {@link Builder#type(Class)} method is provided for instantiating other instances.
* <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
* <p class='bjava'>
* <jk>public class</jk> MyFileFinder <jk>extends</jk> BasicFileFinder {
* <jk>public</jk> MyFileFinder(FileFinder.Builder <jv>builder</jv>) {
* <jk>super</jk>(<jv>builder</jv>);
* }
* }
* <jc>// Instantiate subclass.</jc>
* FileFinder <jv>myFinder</jv> = FileFinder.<jsm>create</jsm>().type(MyFileFinder.<jk>class</jk>).build();
* </p>
* <p>
* Subclasses must provide a public constructor that takes in any of the following arguments:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link Builder} - The builder object.
* <li>Any beans present in the bean store passed into the constructor.
* <li>Any {@link Optional} beans optionally present in bean store passed into the constructor.
* </ul>
* <h5 class='section'>See Also:</h5><ul>
* </ul>
public interface FileFinder {
// Static
/** Represents no file finder */
public abstract class Void implements FileFinder {}
* Static creator.
* @param beanStore The bean store to use for creating beans.
* @return A new builder for this object.
static Builder create(BeanStore beanStore) {
return new Builder(beanStore);
* Static creator.
* @return A new builder for this object.
static Builder create() {
return new Builder(BeanStore.INSTANCE);
// Builder
* Builder class.
public static class Builder extends BeanBuilder<FileFinder> {
final Set<LocalDir> roots;
long cachingLimit;
Pattern[] include, exclude;
* Constructor.
* @param beanStore The bean store to use for creating beans.
protected Builder(BeanStore beanStore) {
super(BasicFileFinder.class, beanStore);
roots = set();
cachingLimit = -1;
include = new Pattern[]{Pattern.compile(".*")};
exclude = new Pattern[0];
@Override /* BeanBuilder */
protected FileFinder buildDefault() {
return new BasicFileFinder(this);
// Properties
* Adds a class subpackage to the lookup paths.
* @param c The class whose package will be added to the lookup paths. Must not be <jk>null</jk>.
* @param path The absolute or relative subpath.
* @param recursive If <jk>true</jk>, also recursively adds all the paths of the parent classes as well.
* @return This object.
public Builder cp(Class<?> c, String path, boolean recursive) {
assertArgNotNull("c", c);
while (c != null) {
roots.add(new LocalDir(c, path));
c = recursive ? c.getSuperclass() : null;
return this;
* Adds a file system directory to the lookup paths.
* @param path The path relative to the working directory. Must not be <jk>null</jk>
* @return This object.
public Builder dir(String path) {
assertArgNotNull("path", path);
return path(Paths.get(".").resolve(path));
* Adds a file system directory to the lookup paths.
* @param path The directory path.
* @return This object.
public Builder path(Path path) {
roots.add(new LocalDir(path));
return this;
* Enables in-memory caching of files for quicker retrieval.
* @param cachingLimit The maximum file size in bytes.
* @return This object.
public Builder caching(long cachingLimit) {
this.cachingLimit = cachingLimit;
return this;
* Specifies the regular expression file name patterns to use to include files being retrieved from the file source.
* @param patterns
* The regular expression include patterns.
* <br>The default is <js>".*"</js>.
* @return This object.
public Builder include(String...patterns) {
this.include = alist(patterns).stream().map(Pattern::compile).toArray(Pattern[]::new);
return this;
* Specifies the regular expression file name pattern to use to exclude files from being retrieved from the file source.
* @param patterns
* The regular expression exclude patterns.
* <br>If none are specified, no files will be excluded.
* @return This object.
public Builder exclude(String...patterns) {
this.exclude = alist(patterns).stream().map(Pattern::compile).toArray(Pattern[]::new);
return this;
// <FluentSetters>
@Override /* GENERATED - org.apache.juneau.BeanBuilder */
public Builder impl(Object value) {
return this;
@Override /* GENERATED - org.apache.juneau.BeanBuilder */
public Builder type(Class<?> value) {
return this;
// </FluentSetters>
// Instance
* Returns the contents of the resource with the specified name.
* @param name The resource name.
* See {@link Class#getResource(String)} for format.
* @param locale
* The locale of the resource to retrieve.
* <br>If <jk>null</jk>, won't look for localized file names.
* @return The resolved resource contents, or <jk>null</jk> if the resource was not found.
* @throws IOException Thrown by underlying stream.
Optional<InputStream> getStream(String name, Locale locale) throws IOException;
* Returns the file with the specified name as a string.
* @param name The file name.
* @param locale
* The locale of the resource to retrieve.
* <br>If <jk>null</jk>, won't look for localized file names.
* @return The contents of the file as a string. Assumes UTF-8 encoding.
* @throws IOException If file could not be read.
Optional<String> getString(String name, Locale locale) throws IOException;