blob: 5a944c83604e50f2d05c885597068c91caccb23e [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.juneau.cp;
import static*;
import static org.apache.juneau.Visibility.*;
import static org.apache.juneau.internal.CollectionUtils.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.*;
import org.apache.juneau.*;
import org.apache.juneau.annotation.*;
import org.apache.juneau.reflect.*;
* Utility class for creating beans through constructors, creator methods, and builders.
* <p>
* Uses a {@link BeanStore} to find available ways to construct beans via injection of beans from the store.
* <p>
* This class is instantiated through the following method:
* <ul class='javatree'>
* <li class='jc'>{@link BeanStore}
* <ul class='javatreec'>
* <li class='jm'>{@link BeanStore#createBean(Class)}
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
* <p class='bjava'>
* <jc>// Construct and throw a RuntimeException using a bean store.</jc>
* <jk>throw</jk> BeanStore
* .<jsm>create</jsm>()
* .build()
* .addBean(Throwable.<jk>class</jk>, <jv>cause</jv>)
* .addBean(String.<jk>class</jk>, <jv>msg</jv>)
* .addBean(Object[].<jk>class</jk>, <jv>args</jv>)
* .createBean(RuntimeException.<jk>class</jk>)
* .run();
* </p>
* <p>
* Looks for the following methods for creating a bean:
* <ol class='spaced-list'>
* <li>Looks for a singleton no-arg method of the form:
* <p class='bjava'>
* <jk>public static</jk> MyClass <jsm>getInstance</jsm>();
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>Deprecated and {@link BeanIgnore @BeanIgnore-annotated} methods are ignored.
* </ul>
* <li>Looks for a static creator method of the form:
* <p class='bjava'>
* <jk>public static</jk> MyClass <jsm>create</jsm>(<ja>&lt;args&gt;</ja>);
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>All arguments except {@link Optional} and {@link List} parameters must have beans available in the store.
* <li>If multiple methods are found, the one with the most matching parameters is used.
* <li>Deprecated and {@link BeanIgnore @BeanIgnore-annotated} methods are ignored.
* </ul>
* <li>Looks for a public constructor of the form:
* <p class='bjava'>
* <jk>public</jk> MyClass(<ja>&lt;args&gt;</ja>);
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>All arguments except {@link Optional} and {@link List} parameters must have beans available in the store.
* <li>If multiple methods are found, the one with the most matching parameters is used.
* <li>Deprecated and {@link BeanIgnore @BeanIgnore-annotated} methods are ignored.
* </ul>
* <li>Looks for a protected constructor of the form:
* <p class='bjava'>
* <jk>protected</jk> MyClass(<ja>&lt;args&gt;</ja>);
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>All arguments except {@link Optional} and {@link List} parameters must have beans available in the store.
* <li>If multiple methods are found, the one with the most matching parameters is used.
* <li>Deprecated and {@link BeanIgnore @BeanIgnore-annotated} methods are ignored.
* </ul>
* <li>Looks for a static no-arg create method that returns a builder object that can be passed in to a protected constructor.
* <p class='bjava'>
* <jk>public static</jk> MyClass.Builder <jsm>create</jsm>();
* <jk>protected</jk> MyClass(MyClass.Builder <jv>builder</jv>);
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>Deprecated and {@link BeanIgnore @BeanIgnore-annotated} methods are ignored.
* </ul>
* </ol>
* <h5 class='section'>Notes:</h5><ul>
* <li class='note'>The {@link #builder(Class,Object)} method can be used to set an existing initialized builder object to pass to a constructor.
* <li class='note'>An existing initialized builder can be set using the {@link #builder(Class,Object)} method.
* </ul>
* <h5 class='section'>See Also:</h5><ul>
* <li class='jc'>{@link BeanStore}
* </ul>
* @param <T> The bean type being created.
public class BeanCreator<T> {
// Static
* Shortcut for calling <c>BeanStore.INSTANCE.createBean(beanType)</c>.
* @param <T> The bean type to create.
* @param beanType The bean type to create.
* @return A new creator.
public static <T> BeanCreator<T> of(Class<T> beanType) {
return BeanStore.INSTANCE.createBean(beanType);
// Instance
private final BeanStore store;
private ClassInfo type;
private Object builder;
private T impl;
private boolean silent;
* Constructor.
* @param type The bean type being created.
* @param store The bean store creating this creator.
protected BeanCreator(Class<T> type, BeanStore store) {
this.type = ClassInfo.of(type); = BeanStore.of(store, store.outer.orElse(null));
* Allows you to specify a subclass of the specified bean type to create.
* @param value The value for this setting.
* @return This object.
public BeanCreator<T> type(Class<?> value) {
type = ClassInfo.of(value);
return this;
* Allows you to specify a subclass of the specified bean type to create.
* @param value The value for this setting.
* @return This object.
public BeanCreator<T> type(ClassInfo value) {
return type(value == null ? null : value.inner());
* Allows you to specify a specific instance for the build method to return.
* @param value The value for this setting.
* @return This object.
public BeanCreator<T> impl(T value) {
impl = value;
return this;
* Adds an argument to this creator.
* @param <T2> The parameter type.
* @param beanType The parameter type.
* @param bean The parameter value.
* @return This object.
public <T2> BeanCreator<T> arg(Class<T2> beanType, T2 bean) {
store.add(beanType, bean);
return this;
* Suppresses throwing of {@link ExecutableException ExecutableExceptions} from the {@link #run()} method when
* a form of creation cannot be found.
* @return This object.
public BeanCreator<T> silent() {
silent = true;
return this;
* Specifies a builder object for the bean type.
* <h5 class='section'>Notes:</h5><ul>
* <li class='note'>When specified, we don't look for a static creator method.
* </ul>
* @param <B> The class type of the builder.
* @param type The class type of the builder.
* @param value The value for this setting.
* @return This object.
public <B> BeanCreator<T> builder(Class<B> type, B value) {
builder = value;
Class<?> t = value.getClass();
do {
store.add((Class<T>)t, (T)value);
t = t.getSuperclass();
} while(t != null && ! t.equals(type));
return this;
* Same as {@link #run()} but returns the alternate value if a method of creation could not be found.
* @param other The other bean to use.
* @return Either the created or other bean.
public T orElse(T other) {
return execute().orElse(other);
* Same as {@link #run()} but returns the value wrapped in an {@link Optional}.
* @return A new bean wrapped in an {@link Optional}.
public Optional<T> execute() {
return optional(silent().run());
* Creates the bean.
* @return A new bean.
* @throws ExecutableException if bean could not be created and {@link #silent()} was not enabled.
public T run() {
if (impl != null)
return impl;
if (type == null)
return null;
Value<String> found = Value.empty();
// Look for getInstance(Builder).
if (builder != null) {
MethodInfo m = type.getPublicMethod(
x -> x.isStatic()
&& x.isNotDeprecated()
&& x.hasNumParams(1)
&& x.getParam(0).canAccept(builder)
&& x.hasReturnType(type)
&& x.hasNoAnnotation(BeanIgnore.class)
&& x.hasName("getInstance")
if (m != null)
return m.invoke(null, builder);
// Look for getInstance().
if (builder == null) {
MethodInfo m = type.getPublicMethod(
x -> x.isStatic()
&& x.isNotDeprecated()
&& x.hasNoParams()
&& x.hasReturnType(type)
&& x.hasNoAnnotation(BeanIgnore.class)
&& x.hasName("getInstance")
if (m != null)
return m.invoke(null);
if (builder == null) {
// Look for static creator methods.
Match<MethodInfo> match = new Match<>();
// Look for static creator method.
type.forEachPublicMethod(x -> isStaticCreateMethod(x), x -> {
if (hasAllParams(x))
if (match.isPresent())
return match.get().invoke(null, getParams(match.get()));
if (type.isInterface()) {
if (silent)
return null;
throw new ExecutableException("Could not instantiate class {0}: {1}.", type.getName(), "Class is an interface");
if (type.isAbstract()) {
if (silent)
return null;
throw new ExecutableException("Could not instantiate class {0}: {1}.", type.getName(), "Class is abstract");
// Look for public constructor.
Match<ConstructorInfo> constructorMatch = new Match<>();
type.forEachPublicConstructor(x -> true, x -> {
if (hasAllParams(x))
// Look for protected constructor.
if (! constructorMatch.isPresent()) {
type.forEachDeclaredConstructor(ConstructorInfo::isProtected, x -> {
if (hasAllParams(x))
// Execute.
if (constructorMatch.isPresent())
return constructorMatch.get().invoke(getParams(constructorMatch.get()));
if (builder == null) {
// Look for static-builder/protected-constructor pair.
Value<T> value = Value.empty();
type.forEachDeclaredConstructor(x -> x.hasNumParams(1) && x.isVisible(PROTECTED), x -> {
Class<?> pt = x.getParam(0).getParameterType().inner();
MethodInfo m = type.getPublicMethod(y -> isStaticCreateMethod(y, pt));
if (m != null) {
Object builder = m.invoke(null);
if (value.isPresent())
return value.get();
if (silent)
return null;
String msg = null;
if (found.isEmpty()) {
msg = "No public/protected constructors found";
} else if (found.get().equals("STATIC_CREATOR")) {
msg = "Static creator found but could not find prerequisites: " + type.getPublicMethods().stream().filter(x -> isStaticCreateMethod(x)).map(x -> getMissingParams(x)).sorted().collect(joining(" or "));
} else if (found.get().equals("PUBLIC_CONSTRUCTOR")) {
msg = "Public constructor found but could not find prerequisites: " + type.getPublicConstructors().stream().map(x -> getMissingParams(x)).sorted().collect(joining(" or "));
} else {
msg = "Protected constructor found but could not find prerequisites: " + type.getDeclaredConstructors().stream().filter(ConstructorInfo::isProtected).map(x -> getMissingParams(x)).sorted().collect(joining(" or "));
throw new ExecutableException("Could not instantiate class {0}: {1}.", type.getName(), msg);
* Converts this creator into a supplier.
* @return A supplier that returns the results of the {@link #run()} method.
public Supplier<T> supplier() {
return ()->run();
private boolean isStaticCreateMethod(MethodInfo m) {
return isStaticCreateMethod(m, type.inner());
private boolean isStaticCreateMethod(MethodInfo m, Class<?> type) {
return m.isStatic()
&& m.isNotDeprecated()
&& m.hasReturnType(type)
&& m.hasNoAnnotation(BeanIgnore.class)
&& m.hasName("create");
// Helpers
static class Match<T extends ExecutableInfo> {
T executable = null;
int numMatches = -1;
void add(T ei) {
if (ei.getParamCount() > numMatches) {
numMatches = ei.getParamCount();
executable = (T)ei.accessible();
boolean isPresent() {
return executable != null;
T get() {
return executable;
private boolean hasAllParams(ExecutableInfo ei) {
return store.hasAllParams(ei);
private Object[] getParams(ExecutableInfo ei) {
return store.getParams(ei);
private String getMissingParams(ExecutableInfo ei) {
return store.getMissingParams(ei);