blob: e01ac1f78358047721b5d7a5fa26b8e0f4ea798e [file] [log] [blame]
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--> (Dec 30, 2015)
Juno is a major update.
Major changes have been made to the microservice architecture and config INI file APIs.
<h5 class='topic w800'>Core</h5>
<ul class='spaced-list'>
<li>Significant changes and enhancements to the <c>org.apache.juneau.config</c> API.
<li>More consistent handling of comma-delimited lists of objects.
<li>New methods in <dc>ConfigFile</dc>:
<li><dc>ConfigFile.getSectionAsBean(String,Class)</dc> - Instantiate a new bean with property values in the specified section..
<li><dc>ConfigFile.writeProperties(String,Object,boolean,Class[])</dc> - Copy the properties in a config file section into properties on an existing bean or POJO.
<li><dc>ConfigFile.getSectionMap(String)</dc> - Get all the resolved values in a section.
<li><dc>ConfigFile.addListener(ConfigFileListener)</dc> - Listen for modification events on the config file.
<li><dc>ConfigFile.merge(ConfigFile)</dc> - Merge the contents of another config file into this config file.
<li><dc>ConfigFile.getResolving()</dc>, <dc>ConfigFile.getResolving(StringVarResolver)</dc> - Return an instance of the config file that resolves string variables.
Much more efficient than the previous design since the same underlying config file object is shared.
<li><dc>ConfigFile.toWritable()</dc> - Wraps the config file in a {@link oaj.Writable} interface so that it can be serialized by the REST interface as a plain-text INI file instead of as a serialized POJO.
<li><dc>ConfigFile.getInt(String)</dc> - Now supports <js>"M"</js> and <js>"K"</js> to identify millions and thousands.
<li>New methods in <dc>ConfigMgr</dc>:
<li><dc>ConfigMgr.create()</dc>, <dc>ConfigMgr.create(Reader)</dc>, <dc>ConfigMgr.create(File)</dc>
<li>New methods in <dc>Section</dc>:
<li><dc>Section.setParent(ConfigFileImpl)</dc> - Used by parsers to set the config file for this section.
<li><dc>Section.setName(String)</dc> - Used by parsers to set the name for this section.
<li>New interfaces:
<li><dc>org.apache.juneau.config.Encoder</dc> methods have access to field names to use them as salt values.
<li>The name of the default section is now <js>"default"</js>. Before it was just <jk>null</jk>.
<li><dc>org.apache.juneau.config.XorEncoder</dc> XOR key can be overridden through the <js>"org.apache.juneau.config.XorEncoder.key"</js> system property.
<li>Support for converting Strings to POJOs if the POJO class has any of the following static methods:
<li><c>valueOf(String)</c> (e.g. enums)
<li><c>parse(String)</c> (e.g. logging <c>Level</c> class)
<li><c>forName(String)</c> (e.g. <c>Class</c> and <c>Charset</c> classes)
<li>Support for parsing into objects with unbound type variables.
For example, if you have a class <c>Pair&lt;S,T&gt;</c> and you try to parse into this
class (e.g. <c>parser.parse(in, Pair.<jk>class</jk>)</c>), the unbound type variables
is interpreted as <c>Object</c> instead of throwing an exception.
<li>Support for serializing/parsing the following new types:
<li>Parsers have been enhanced to allow parent POJOs and field names to be passed into child POJOs.
New {@link oaj.annotation.NameProperty @NameProperty} and {@link oaj.annotation.ParentProperty @ParentProperty}
annotations are provided for identifying methods for setting names and parent POJOs on child POJOs.
For example, the config file <dc>Section</dc> class represents a section
in a config file. It needs to know it's own name and have a link to the <dc>ConfigFile</dc>
that it belongs to. With these new annotations, config files can be reconstructed using any of the parsers.
<li>New classes and interfaces:
<li>{@link oaj.Streamable} interface for identifying objects that can be serialized directly to an output stream.
<li>{@link oaj.Writable} interface for identifying objects that can be serialized directly to a writer.
<li><dc>StringObject</dc> class that can be used for delayed object serialization.
<li>{@link oaj.internal.ByteArrayInOutStream}
<li>{@link oaj.internal.FileUtils}
<li>{@link oaj.internal.ThrowableUtils}
<li>New fields on {@link oaj.ObjectList}:
<li>{@link oaj.ObjectList#EMPTY_LIST}
<li>New fields and methods on {@link oaj.ObjectMap}:
<li>{@link oaj.ObjectMap#EMPTY_MAP}
<li>{@link oaj.ObjectMap#getStringArray(String)}
<li>{@link oaj.ObjectMap#getStringArray(String,String[])}
<li>{@link oaj.ObjectMap#putIfNull(String,Object)}
<li>{@link oaj.ObjectMap#putIfEmpty(String,Object)}
<li>New methods in {@link oaj.internal.ArrayUtils}:
<li>{@link oaj.internal.ArrayUtils#contains(Object,Object[])}
<li>{@link oaj.internal.ArrayUtils#indexOf(Object,Object[])}
<li>{@link oaj.internal.ArrayUtils#toPrimitiveArray(Object)}
<li>New methods in {@link oaj.internal.IOUtils}:
<li>{@link oaj.internal.IOUtils#read(File)}
<li>{@link oaj.internal.IOUtils#readFile(String)}
<li>{@link oaj.internal.IOUtils#write(File,Reader)}
<li>New methods on {@link oaj.utils.PojoRest}:
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoRest#getString(String)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoRest#getString(String,String)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoRest#getInt(String)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoRest#getInt(String,Integer)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoRest#getLong(String)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoRest#getLong(String,Long)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoRest#getBoolean(String)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoRest#getBoolean(String,Boolean)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoRest#getMap(String)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoRest#getMap(String,Map)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoRest#getList(String)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoRest#getList(String,List)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoRest#getObjectMap(String)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoRest#getObjectMap(String,ObjectMap)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoRest#getObjectList(String)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoRest#getObjectList(String,ObjectList)}
<li>New methods on {@link oaj.utils.ProcBuilder}:
<li>{@link oaj.utils.ProcBuilder#pipeTo(Writer,boolean)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.ProcBuilder#pipeTo(Writer)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.ProcBuilder#logTo(Writer,boolean)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.ProcBuilder#logTo(Writer)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.ProcBuilder#logTo(Level,Logger)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.ProcBuilder#maxExitStatus(int)}
<li>New methods on {@link oaj.internal.StringUtils}:
<li>{@link oaj.internal.StringUtils#isEmpty(Object)}
<li>{@link oaj.internal.StringUtils#nullIfEmpty(String)}
<li>{@link oaj.internal.StringUtils#base64EncodeToString(String)}
<li>{@link oaj.internal.StringUtils#base64Encode(byte[])}
<li>{@link oaj.internal.StringUtils#base64DecodeToString(String)}
<li>{@link oaj.internal.StringUtils#base64Decode(String)}
<li>{@link oaj.internal.StringUtils#generateUUID(int)}
<li>{@link oaj.internal.StringUtils#trim(String)}
<li>{@link oaj.internal.StringUtils#replaceVars(String,Map)}
<li>{@link oaj.internal.StringUtils#pathStartsWith(String,String)}
<li>{@link oaj.internal.StringUtils#pathStartsWith(String,String[])}
<li>New <dc>StringVar.doResolve(String)</dc> method.
<li>New <dc>StringVarResolver.DEFAULT</dc> field.
<li>Eliminated dependency on <c>javax.mail.internet.MimeUtility</c> by implementing our own {@link oaj.internal.StringUtils#base64Encode(byte[])} method.
<li>{@link oaj.transforms.CalendarSwap} and {@link oaj.transforms.DateSwap} classes now handle blank input better. Returns <jk>null</jk> instead of throwing an exception.
<li>{@link oaj.html.HtmlDocSerializer} specifies the default CSS location as <c>/servletPath/style.css</c> instead of <c>/servletPath/htdocs/juneau.css</c>.
This coincides with enhancements made in the server code for specifying styles.
<li>{@link oaj.html.HtmlDocSerializer} wraps output in two div tags instead of one (e.g. <c>&lt;div class='outerdata'&gt;&lt;div class='data' id='data'&gt;...&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</c>).
Needed for supporting the new devops look-and-feel.
<li>Fixed indentation inconsistencies in {@link oaj.html.HtmlDocSerializer}.
<li>Renamed <del>HtmlSchemaSerializer</del> to <del>HtmlSchemaDocSerializer</del>.
<li>RDF serializers and parsers now support <c>RdfProperties.RDF_looseCollection</c> loose collections.
<li>RDF parser handles case where resources point to themselves (an unfortunate behavior in JFS RDF documents).
<li>JSON parser with throw an exception in strict mode if it encounters numbers that are valid in Java but invalid in JSON (e.g. octal, hexadecimal numbers).
<li>{@link oaj.parser.Parser} methods now check for <jk>null</jk> input.
<li>{@link oaj.serializer.SerializerGroup} and {@link oaj.parser.ParserGroup} ignores serializers and parsers if they throw <c>NoClassDefFoundErrors</c>.
<li>{@link oaj.urlencoding.UrlEncodingParser} creates lists if the same attribute name is encountered more than once. Before it would just replace the previous value with the new value.
<li>New <dc>UrlEncodingSerializer.DEFAULT_SIMPLE_EXPANDED</dc> serializer.
<li>Changes to {@link oaj.utils.Args}:
<li><c>getMainArg(int)</c> changed to {@link oaj.utils.Args#getArg(int)}.
Non-existent arguments are returned as <jk>null</jk> instead of blank strings.
This is more inline with the behavior of the rest of the library.
<li>New {@link oaj.utils.Args#hasArg(int)} method.
<li>Removed <c>org.apache.juneau.utils.CharsetUtils</c> class.
<li>Removed <c>org.apache.juneau.utils.ConcurrentIdentityList</c> class.
<li>Fixed bug in {@link oaj.internal.MultiIterable} class.
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoIntrospector} must now be instantiated with a <c>ReaderParser</c>.
Simplifies the API on the class.
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoRest} must now be instantiated with a <c>ReaderParser</c>.
Simplifies the API on the class.
<li>{@link oaj.utils.MessageBundle} and <c>SafeResourceMultiBundle</c> moved from server component.
<li>Several bug fixes and performance improvements in <dc>StringVarResolver</dc>.
<li>Various enhancements to {@link oaj.internal.TeeWriter} and {@link oaj.internal.TeeOutputStream}.
<li>Renamed <del>CharSet</del> to {@link oaj.internal.AsciiSet}.
<li>{@link oaj.serializer.SerializerGroup} and {@link oaj.parser.ParserGroup} now ignores <c>NoClassDefFoundErrors</c>
so that resources that include Jena support can continue to operate even if the Jena libraries are not present.
<li>New {@link oaj.internal.FileUtils#createTempFile(String)} method.
<li>New {@link oaj.utils.PojoQuery} modified to handle bean getters that throw exceptions.
<h5 class='topic w800'>Client</h5>
<ul class='spaced-list'>
<li>Upgraded to use Apache HttpClient 4.5.
<li>New classes:
<li>{@link oajrc.AllowAllRedirects}
<li>{@link oajrc.HttpMethod}
<li>{@link oajrc.ResponsePattern}
<li>{@link oajrc.SimpleX509TrustManager}
<li>Removed <c></c>. Use HTTP Client equivalent.
<li>New methods on {@link oajrc.RestCall}:
<li>{@link oajrc.RestCall#pipeTo(Writer)}
<li>{@link oajrc.RestCall#pipeTo(Writer,boolean)}
<li>{@link oajrc.RestCall#pipeTo(String,Writer,boolean)}
<li>{@link oajrc.RestCall#getWriter(String)}
<li>{@link oajrc.RestCall#pipeTo(OutputStream)}
<li>{@link oajrc.RestCall#pipeTo(OutputStream,boolean)}
<li>{@link oajrc.RestCall#pipeTo(String,OutputStream,boolean)}
<li>{@link oajrc.RestCall#getOutputStream(String)}
<li>{@link oajrc.RestCall#byLines()}
<li>{@link oajrc.RestCall#captureResponse()}
<li>{@link oajrc.RestCall#successPattern(String)}
<li>{@link oajrc.RestCall#failurePattern(String)}
<li>{@link oajrc.RestCall#run()} - Renamed from <c>execute()</c>.
<li>{@link oajrc.RestCall#getCapturedResponse()}
<li>{@link oajrc.RestCall#getResponsePojoRest(Class)}
<li>{@link oajrc.RestCall#getResponsePojoRest()}
<li>{@link oajrc.RestCall#logTo(Level,Logger)}
<li>{@link oajrc.RestCall#setConfig(RequestConfig)}
<li>New lifecycle listener methods on {@link oajrc.RestCallInterceptor}:
<li>{@link oajrc.RestCallInterceptor#onInit(RestCall)}
<li>{@link oajrc.RestCallInterceptor#onClose(RestCall)}
<li>New methods on {@link oajrc.RestClient}:
<li>{@link oajrc.RestClient#doCall(HttpMethod,Object,Object)}
<li>New passthrough methods on {@link oajrc.RestClient} defined on <c>HttpClientBuilder</c>:
<li><dc>RestClient.setUserAgent(String userAgent)</dc>
<li><c>JazzRestClient</c> now supports OIDC authentication.
<li>These classes are now deprecated and will be removed in a future release:
<h5 class='topic w800'>Server</h5>
<ul class='spaced-list'>
<li>New <dc>ReaderResource</dc> class.
Represents the contents of a text file with convenience methods for resolving
<dc>StringVar</dc> variables and adding HTTP response headers.
REST Java methods can return instances of these to serialize <c>Readers</c>
containing text with <dc>StringVarResolver</dc> variables in them.
<li>New <dc>StreamResource</dc> class.
REST Java methods can return instances of these to serialize <c>OutputStreams</c>.
<li>Fixed a bug in the stack trace hash algorithm in {@link oajr.RestException}.
<li>New methods in {@link oajr.RestRequest}:
<li><dc>RestRequest.getReaderResource(String)</dc> - Replaces <c>getVarResource(String)</c>.
<li>Changes in {@link oajr.RestResponse}:
<li>Don't set <c>Content-Encoding: identity</c> when no encoding is used. Some clients don't interpret it correctly.
<li>New methods in {@link oajr.RestServlet}:
<li><dc>RestServlet.getChildClasses()</dc> - Programmatic equivalent to {@link oajr.annotation.RestResource#children() @RestResource(children)} annotation.
<li>Removed {@link oaj.jso.JsoParser}
from {@link oajr.BasicRestServlet} and <dc>RestServletJenaDefault</dc>.
These may represent a security risk if not handled correctly, so removed
them as a precaution.
<li>Removed <c>RestServletProperties.REST_htDocsFolder</c>. Replaced with {@link oajr.annotation.RestResource#staticFiles() @RestResource(staticFiles)}.
<li>New annotations on {@link oajr.annotation.RestResource @RestResource}.
<li>{@link oajr.annotation.RestResource#staticFiles() @RestResource(staticFiles)}
<li>Eliminated <c></c> class.
Some JAX-RS implementations use code scanning to find providers, so if you were using <c>DefaultJenaProvider</c>, it would
pick up <c>JsonProvider</c> as well. It's easy enough to create your own implementation if needed.
<li>OPTIONS pages now specify <c>consumes</c> and <c>produces</c> fields instead of <c>accept</c> and <c>contentType</c> which was confusing.
<li>Eliminated <c>properties</c> from OPTIONS pages.
<li>New <dc>ResourceLink.ResourceLink(String,RestRequest,String,Object[])</dc> constructor.
<li>New response handlers:
<li><dc>StreamableHandler</dc> - Allows REST Java methods to return instances of {@link oaj.Streamable}.
<li><dc>WritableHandler</dc> - Allows REST Java methods to return instances of {@link oaj.Writable}.
<li>New DevOps stylesheet.
<li>Servlet initialization and HTTP requests are now logged at <JSF>FINE</JSF> level.
<li>Added <jk>abstract</jk> modifier on various <l>RestServlet</l> subclasses to indicate that they're meant to be subclassed.
<li>New <dc>RestUtils.trimPathInfo(StringBuffer,String,String)</dc> method.
<h5 class='topic w800'>Microservice</h5>
<ul class='spaced-list'>
<li>Completely revamped API.
<li>New {@link oaj.microservice.Microservice} class that serves as a generic
interface for microservices and their lifecycles.
<li>New <dc>RestMicroservice</dc> class that implements a microservice
consisting of a REST interface.
<li>REST resources and configuration settings can be defined through either manifest files
or config files.
<li>Enhanced logging support.
<li>Easy-to-configure SSL support.
<li>BASIC auth support.
<li>Automatic restartability if the config file changes.
<li>Eliminated <c>org.apache.juneau.microservice.Main</c> class. This is replaced by
the microservice classes defined above.
<li><dc>Resource</dc> and <dc>ResourceGroup</dc>
classes now support the following new string variables:
<li><js>"$A{key,default}""</js> - Command line arguments.
<li><js>"$MF{key,default}""</js> - Manifest file entries.
<li>CSS stylesheet now configurable through config file entry <js>"REST/stylesheet"</js>.
<li>New <dc>BasicRestServletJena</dc> class if you want your REST interface to support RDF.
<li>Eliminated the following classes:
<li>New predefined reusable resources:
<li>{@link oaj.microservice.resources.ConfigResource} - REST resource for viewing and editing microservice config file.
<li>{@link oaj.microservice.resources.LogsResource} - REST resource for viewing log files.
<li>{@link oaj.microservice.resources.SampleRootResource} - Sample REST resource that contains the config and logs resource as children.
<li>{@link oaj.microservice.resources.ShutdownResource} - REST resource for stopping the microservice JVM. Useful for testing purposes.
<h5 class='topic w800'>Samples</h5>
<ul class='spaced-list'>
<li>Converted to a REST microservice.
<li>Look-and-feel changed to IBM DevOps.
<h5 class='topic w800'>Documentation Updates</h5>
<ul class='spaced-list'>
<li><del>org.apache.juneau.microservice</del> - New package-level javadoc.
<li><del>org.apache.juneau.config</del> - New package-level javadoc.
<li><dc>StringVarResolver</dc> - New documentation.
<li><del></del> - New package-level javadoc.
<li><dc>Overview / Samples</dc> - New section.
<li><del>org.apache.juneau.transform / Stop Classes</del> - New section.
<li><del></del> - Extensive updates.