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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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The <l>DtoExamples</l> resource is a resource group for demonstrating various DTO examples.
The <l>AtomFeedResource</l> class shows examples of the following:
<ul class='spaced-list'>
Using the {@doc org.apache.juneau.dto.atom#TOC ATOM Feed DTO} API.
Pointing a browser to the resource shows the following:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<img class='bordered w800' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.AtomFeedResource.1.png'>
True ATOM feeds require using an <l>Accept:text/xml</l> header:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<img class='bordered w800' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.AtomFeedResource.2.png'>
Other languages, such as JSON are also supported:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<img class='bordered w800' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.AtomFeedResource.3.png'>
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
* Sample resource that shows how to generate ATOM feeds.
title=<js>"Sample ATOM feed resource"</js>,
description=<js>"Sample resource that shows how to render ATOM feeds"</js>,
<js>"up: request:/.."</js>,
<js>"options: servlet:/?method=OPTIONS"</js>,
<js>"source: $C{Source/gitHub}/org/apache/juneau/examples/rest/$R{servletClassSimple}.java"</js>
<ja>@RdfConfig</ja>(rdfxml_tab=<js>"5"</js>, addRootProperty=<js>"true"</js>)
<jk>public class</jk> AtomFeedResource <jk>extends</jk> BasicRestServletJena {
<jk>private</jk> Feed <jf>feed</jf>; <jc>// The root resource object</jc>
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* Servlet */</jc>
<jk>public void</jk> init() {
<jk>try</jk> {
<jf>feed</jf> =
<jsm>feed</jsm>(<js>",2013:1"</js>, <js>"Juneau ATOM specification"</js>, <js>"2013-05-08T12:29:29Z"</js>)
.subtitle(<jsm>text</jsm>(<js>"html"</js>).text(<js>"A &lt;em&gt;lot&lt;/em&gt; of effort went into making this effortless"</js>))
<jsm>link</jsm>(<js>"alternate"</js>, <js>"text/html"</js>, <js>""</js>).hreflang(<js>"en"</js>),
<jsm>link</jsm>(<js>"self"</js>, <js>"application/atom+xml"</js>, <js>""</js>)
<jsm>entry</jsm>(<js>",2013:1.2345"</js>, <js>"Juneau ATOM specification snapshot"</js>, <js>"2013-05-08T12:29:29Z"</js>)
<jsm>link</jsm>(<js>"alternate"</js>, <js>"text/html"</js>, <js>""</js>),
<jsm>link</jsm>(<js>"enclosure"</js>, <js>"audio/mpeg"</js>, <js>""</js>).length(1337)
<jsm>person</jsm>(<js>"James Bognar"</js>).uri(<jk>new</jk> URI(<js>""</js>)).email(<js>""</js>)
<jsm>person</jsm>(<js>"Barry M. Caceres"</js>)
.text(<js>"&lt;div&gt;&lt;p&gt;[Update: Juneau supports ATOM.]&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/div&gt;"</js>)
} <jk>catch</jk> (Exception e) {
<jk>throw new</jk> RuntimeException(e);
* GET request handler
<ja>@RestMethod</ja>(name=<jsf>GET</jsf>, path=<js>"/"</js>)
<jk>public</jk> Feed getFeed() <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
<jk>return</jk> <jf>feed</jf>;
* PUT request handler.
* Replaces the feed with the specified content, and then mirrors it as the response.
<ja>@RestMethod</ja>(name=<jsf>PUT</jsf>, path=<js>"/"</js>)
<jk>public</jk> Feed setFeed(<ja>@Body</ja> Feed feed) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
<jk>this</jk>.<jf>feed</jf> = feed;
<jk>return</jk> feed;
The <l>JsonSchemaResource</l> class shows examples of the following:
<ul class='spaced-list'>
Using the {@link oaj.dto.jsonschema JSON Schema DTO} API.
The resource consists of a pre-initialized {@link oaj.dto.jsonschema.JsonSchema} object.
Pointing a browser to the resource shows the following:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<img class='bordered w800' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.JsonSchemaResource.1.png'>
For true JSON-Schema, you need to specify the header <l>Accept: text/json</l>:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<img class='bordered w800' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.JsonSchemaResource.2.png'>
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
* Sample resource that shows how to serialize JSON-Schema documents.
title=<js>"Sample JSON-Schema document"</js>,
description=<js>"Sample resource that shows how to generate JSON-Schema documents"</js>,
<js>"up: request:/.."</js>,
<js>"options: servlet:/?method=OPTIONS"</js>,
<js>"source: $C{Source/gitHub}/org/apache/juneau/examples/rest/$R{servletClassSimple}.java"</js>
<js>"&lt;div style='min-width:200px' class='text'&gt;"</js>,
<js>" &lt;p&gt;Shows how to produce JSON-Schema documents in a variety of languages using the JSON-Schema DTOs.&lt;/p&gt;"</js>,
<jk>public class</jk> JsonSchemaResource <jk>extends</jk> BasicRestServletJena {
<jk>private static final long</jk> <jsf>serialVersionUID</jsf> = 1L;
<jk>private</jk> JsonSchema schema; <jc>// The schema document</jc>
<ja>@Override</ja> /* Servlet */
<jk>public void</jk> init() {
<jk>try</jk> {
<jf>schema</jf> = <jk>new</jk> JsonSchema()
.setTitle(<js>"Example Schema"</js>)
<jk>new</jk> JsonSchemaProperty(<js>"firstName"</js>, JsonType.<jsf>STRING</jsf>),
<jk>new</jk> JsonSchemaProperty(<js>"lastName"</js>, JsonType.<jsf>STRING</jsf>),
<jk>new</jk> JsonSchemaProperty(<js>"age"</js>, JsonType.<jsf>INTEGER</jsf>)
.setDescription(<js>"Age in years"</js>)
.addRequired(<js>"firstName"</js>, <js>"lastName"</js>);
} <jk>catch</jk> (Exception e) {
<jk>throw new</jk> RuntimeException(e);
<jd>/** GET request handler */</jd>
<ja>@RestMethod</ja>(name=<jsf>GET</jsf>, path=<js>"/"</js>)
<jk>public</jk> JsonSchema getSchema() <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
<jk>return</jk> <jf>schema</jf>;
* PUT request handler.
* Replaces the schema document with the specified content, and then mirrors it as the response.
<ja>@RestMethod</ja>(name=<jsf>PUT</jsf>, path=<js>"/"</js>)
<jk>public</jk> JsonSchema setSchema(<ja>@Body</ja> JsonSchema schema) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
<jk>this</jk>.<jf>schema</jf> = schema;
<jk>return</jk> schema;