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package org.apache.juneau.html;
import static*;
import static org.apache.juneau.html.HtmlTag.*;
import static org.apache.juneau.internal.StringUtils.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.juneau.*;
import org.apache.juneau.html.annotation.*;
import org.apache.juneau.parser.*;
import org.apache.juneau.transform.*;
import org.apache.juneau.xml.*;
* Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of {@link HtmlParser}.
* <p>
* This class is NOT thread safe.
* It is typically discarded after one-time use although it can be reused against multiple inputs.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public final class HtmlParserSession extends XmlParserSession {
private static final Set<String> whitespaceElements = new HashSet<>(
new String[]{"br","bs","sp","ff"}
* Create a new session using properties specified in the context.
* @param ctx
* The context creating this session object.
* The context contains all the configuration settings for this object.
* @param args
* Runtime session arguments.
protected HtmlParserSession(HtmlParser ctx, ParserSessionArgs args) {
super(ctx, args);
@Override /* ParserSession */
protected <T> T doParse(ParserPipe pipe, ClassMeta<T> type) throws IOException, ParseException, ExecutableException {
try {
return parseAnything(type, getXmlReader(pipe), getOuter(), true, null);
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
throw new ParseException(e);
@Override /* ReaderParserSession */
protected <K,V> Map<K,V> doParseIntoMap(ParserPipe pipe, Map<K,V> m, Type keyType, Type valueType)
throws Exception {
return parseIntoMap(getXmlReader(pipe), m, (ClassMeta<K>)getClassMeta(keyType),
(ClassMeta<V>)getClassMeta(valueType), null);
@Override /* ReaderParserSession */
protected <E> Collection<E> doParseIntoCollection(ParserPipe pipe, Collection<E> c, Type elementType)
throws Exception {
return parseIntoCollection(getXmlReader(pipe), c, getClassMeta(elementType), null);
* Reads anything starting at the current event.
* <p>
* Precondition: Must be pointing at outer START_ELEMENT.
* Postcondition: Pointing at outer END_ELEMENT.
private <T> T parseAnything(ClassMeta<T> eType, XmlReader r, Object outer, boolean isRoot, BeanPropertyMeta pMeta) throws IOException, ParseException, ExecutableException, XMLStreamException {
if (eType == null)
eType = (ClassMeta<T>)object();
PojoSwap<T,Object> swap = (PojoSwap<T,Object>)eType.getPojoSwap(this);
BuilderSwap<T,Object> builder = (BuilderSwap<T,Object>)eType.getBuilderSwap(this);
ClassMeta<?> sType = null;
if (builder != null)
sType = builder.getBuilderClassMeta(this);
else if (swap != null)
sType = swap.getSwapClassMeta(this);
sType = eType;
int event = r.getEventType();
if (event != START_ELEMENT)
throw new ParseException(this, "parseAnything must be called on outer start element.");
if (! isRoot)
event =;
boolean isEmpty = (event == END_ELEMENT);
// Skip until we find a start element, end document, or non-empty text.
if (! isEmpty)
event = skipWs(r);
if (event == END_DOCUMENT)
throw new ParseException(this, "Unexpected end of stream in parseAnything for type ''{0}''", eType);
// Handle @Html(asXml=true) beans.
HtmlClassMeta hcm = sType.getExtendedMeta(HtmlClassMeta.class);
if (hcm.getFormat() == HtmlFormat.XML)
return super.parseAnything(eType, null, r, outer, false, pMeta);
Object o = null;
boolean isValid = true;
HtmlTag tag = (event == CHARACTERS ? null : HtmlTag.forString(r.getName().getLocalPart(), false));
// If it's not a known tag, then parse it as XML.
// Allows us to parse stuff like "<div/>" into HTML5 beans.
if (tag == null && event != CHARACTERS)
return super.parseAnything(eType, null, r, outer, false, pMeta);
if (tag == HTML)
tag = skipToData(r);
if (isEmpty) {
o = "";
} else if (tag == null || tag.isOneOf(BR,BS,FF,SP)) {
String text = parseText(r);
if (sType.isObject() || sType.isCharSequence())
o = text;
else if (sType.isChar())
o = parseCharacter(text);
else if (sType.isBoolean())
o = Boolean.parseBoolean(text);
else if (sType.isNumber())
o = parseNumber(text, (Class<? extends Number>)eType.getInnerClass());
else if (sType.canCreateNewInstanceFromString(outer))
o = sType.newInstanceFromString(outer, text);
isValid = false;
} else if (tag == STRING || (tag == A && pMeta != null
&& pMeta.getExtendedMeta(HtmlBeanPropertyMeta.class).getLink() != null)) {
String text = getElementText(r);
if (sType.isObject() || sType.isCharSequence())
o = text;
else if (sType.isChar())
o = parseCharacter(text);
else if (sType.canCreateNewInstanceFromString(outer))
o = sType.newInstanceFromString(outer, text);
isValid = false;
skipTag(r, tag == STRING ? xSTRING : xA);
} else if (tag == NUMBER) {
String text = getElementText(r);
if (sType.isObject())
o = parseNumber(text, Number.class);
else if (sType.isNumber())
o = parseNumber(text, (Class<? extends Number>)sType.getInnerClass());
isValid = false;
skipTag(r, xNUMBER);
} else if (tag == BOOLEAN) {
String text = getElementText(r);
if (sType.isObject() || sType.isBoolean())
o = Boolean.parseBoolean(text);
isValid = false;
skipTag(r, xBOOLEAN);
} else if (tag == P) {
String text = getElementText(r);
if (! "No Results".equals(text))
isValid = false;
skipTag(r, xP);
} else if (tag == NULL) {
skipTag(r, NULL);
skipTag(r, xNULL);
} else if (tag == A) {
o = parseAnchor(r, eType);
skipTag(r, xA);
} else if (tag == TABLE) {
String typeName = getAttribute(r, getBeanTypePropertyName(eType), "object");
ClassMeta cm = getClassMeta(typeName, pMeta, eType);
if (cm != null) {
sType = eType = cm;
typeName = sType.isCollectionOrArray() ? "array" : "object";
} else if (! "array".equals(typeName)) {
// Type name could be a subtype name.
typeName = sType.isCollectionOrArray() ? "array" : "object";
if (typeName.equals("object")) {
if (sType.isObject()) {
o = parseIntoMap(r, (Map)new ObjectMap(this), sType.getKeyType(), sType.getValueType(),
} else if (sType.isMap()) {
o = parseIntoMap(r, (Map)(sType.canCreateNewInstance(outer) ? sType.newInstance(outer)
: new ObjectMap(this)), sType.getKeyType(), sType.getValueType(), pMeta);
} else if (builder != null) {
BeanMap m = toBeanMap(builder.create(this, eType));
o =, parseIntoBean(r, m).getBean(), eType);
} else if (sType.canCreateNewBean(outer)) {
BeanMap m = newBeanMap(outer, sType.getInnerClass());
o = parseIntoBean(r, m).getBean();
} else {
isValid = false;
skipTag(r, xTABLE);
} else if (typeName.equals("array")) {
if (sType.isObject())
o = parseTableIntoCollection(r, (Collection)new ObjectList(this), sType, pMeta);
else if (sType.isCollection())
o = parseTableIntoCollection(r, (Collection)(sType.canCreateNewInstance(outer)
? sType.newInstance(outer) : new ObjectList(this)), sType, pMeta);
else if (sType.isArray() || sType.isArgs()) {
ArrayList l = (ArrayList)parseTableIntoCollection(r, new ArrayList(), sType, pMeta);
o = toArray(sType, l);
isValid = false;
skipTag(r, xTABLE);
} else {
isValid = false;
} else if (tag == UL) {
String typeName = getAttribute(r, getBeanTypePropertyName(eType), "array");
ClassMeta cm = getClassMeta(typeName, pMeta, eType);
if (cm != null)
sType = eType = cm;
if (sType.isObject())
o = parseIntoCollection(r, new ObjectList(this), sType, pMeta);
else if (sType.isCollection() || sType.isObject())
o = parseIntoCollection(r, (Collection)(sType.canCreateNewInstance(outer)
? sType.newInstance(outer) : new ObjectList(this)), sType, pMeta);
else if (sType.isArray() || sType.isArgs())
o = toArray(sType, parseIntoCollection(r, new ArrayList(), sType, pMeta));
isValid = false;
skipTag(r, xUL);
if (! isValid)
throw new ParseException(this, "Unexpected tag ''{0}'' for type ''{1}''", tag, eType);
if (swap != null && o != null)
o = unswap(swap, o, eType);
if (outer != null)
setParent(eType, o, outer);
return (T)o;
* For parsing output from HtmlDocSerializer, this skips over the head, title, and links.
private HtmlTag skipToData(XmlReader r) throws ParseException, XMLStreamException {
while (true) {
int event =;
if (event == START_ELEMENT && "div".equals(r.getLocalName()) && "data".equals(r.getAttributeValue(null, "id"))) {
event = r.getEventType();
boolean isEmpty = (event == END_ELEMENT);
// Skip until we find a start element, end document, or non-empty text.
if (! isEmpty)
event = skipWs(r);
if (event == END_DOCUMENT)
throw new ParseException(this, "Unexpected end of stream looking for data.");
return (event == CHARACTERS ? null : HtmlTag.forString(r.getName().getLocalPart(), false));
private static String getAttribute(XmlReader r, String name, String def) {
for (int i = 0; i < r.getAttributeCount(); i++)
if (r.getAttributeLocalName(i).equals(name))
return r.getAttributeValue(i);
return def;
* Reads an anchor tag and converts it into a bean.
private <T> T parseAnchor(XmlReader r, ClassMeta<T> beanType)
throws IOException, ParseException, XMLStreamException {
String href = r.getAttributeValue(null, "href");
String name = getElementText(r);
Class<T> beanClass = beanType.getInnerClass();
if (beanClass.isAnnotationPresent(HtmlLink.class)) {
HtmlLink h = beanClass.getAnnotation(HtmlLink.class);
BeanMap<T> m = newBeanMap(beanClass);
m.put(h.uriProperty(), href);
m.put(h.nameProperty(), name);
return m.getBean();
return convertToType(href, beanType);
private static Map<String,String> getAttributes(XmlReader r) {
Map<String,String> m = new TreeMap<>() ;
for (int i = 0; i < r.getAttributeCount(); i++)
m.put(r.getAttributeLocalName(i), r.getAttributeValue(i));
return m;
* Reads contents of <table> element.
* Precondition: Must be pointing at <table> event.
* Postcondition: Pointing at next START_ELEMENT or END_DOCUMENT event.
private <K,V> Map<K,V> parseIntoMap(XmlReader r, Map<K,V> m, ClassMeta<K> keyType,
ClassMeta<V> valueType, BeanPropertyMeta pMeta) throws IOException, ParseException, ExecutableException, XMLStreamException {
while (true) {
HtmlTag tag = nextTag(r, TR, xTABLE);
if (tag == xTABLE)
tag = nextTag(r, TD, TH);
// Skip over the column headers.
if (tag == TH) {
} else {
K key = parseAnything(keyType, r, m, false, pMeta);
nextTag(r, TD);
V value = parseAnything(valueType, r, m, false, pMeta);
setName(valueType, value, key);
m.put(key, value);
nextTag(r, xTR);
return m;
* Reads contents of <ul> element.
* Precondition: Must be pointing at event following <ul> event.
* Postcondition: Pointing at next START_ELEMENT or END_DOCUMENT event.
private <E> Collection<E> parseIntoCollection(XmlReader r, Collection<E> l,
ClassMeta<?> type, BeanPropertyMeta pMeta) throws IOException, ParseException, ExecutableException, XMLStreamException {
int argIndex = 0;
while (true) {
HtmlTag tag = nextTag(r, LI, xUL);
if (tag == xUL)
ClassMeta<?> elementType = type.isArgs() ? type.getArg(argIndex++) : type.getElementType();
l.add((E)parseAnything(elementType, r, l, false, pMeta));
return l;
* Reads contents of <ul> element.
* Precondition: Must be pointing at event following <ul> event.
* Postcondition: Pointing at next START_ELEMENT or END_DOCUMENT event.
private <E> Collection<E> parseTableIntoCollection(XmlReader r, Collection<E> l,
ClassMeta<E> type, BeanPropertyMeta pMeta) throws IOException, ParseException, ExecutableException, XMLStreamException {
HtmlTag tag = nextTag(r, TR);
List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>();
while (true) {
tag = nextTag(r, TH, xTR);
if (tag == xTR)
int argIndex = 0;
while (true) {
tag = HtmlTag.forEvent(this, r);
if (tag == xTABLE)
ClassMeta elementType = null;
String beanType = getAttribute(r, getBeanTypePropertyName(type), null);
if (beanType != null)
elementType = getClassMeta(beanType, pMeta, null);
if (elementType == null)
elementType = type.isArgs() ? type.getArg(argIndex++) : type.getElementType();
if (elementType == null)
elementType = object();
BuilderSwap<E,Object> builder = elementType.getBuilderSwap(this);
if (builder != null || elementType.canCreateNewBean(l)) {
BeanMap m =
builder != null
? toBeanMap(builder.create(this, elementType))
: newBeanMap(l, elementType.getInnerClass())
for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
tag = nextTag(r, TD, NULL);
if (tag == NULL) {
m = null;
nextTag(r, xNULL);
String key = keys.get(i);
BeanMapEntry e = m.getProperty(key);
if (e == null) {
//onUnknownProperty(key, m, -1, -1);
parseAnything(object(), r, l, false, null);
} else {
BeanPropertyMeta bpm = e.getMeta();
ClassMeta<?> cm = bpm.getClassMeta();
Object value = parseAnything(cm, r, m.getBean(false), false, bpm);
setName(cm, value, key);
bpm.set(m, key, value);
m == null
? null
: builder != null
?, m.getBean(), elementType)
: (E)m.getBean()
} else {
String c = getAttributes(r).get(getBeanTypePropertyName(type.getElementType()));
Map m = (Map)(elementType.isMap() && elementType.canCreateNewInstance(l) ? elementType.newInstance(l)
: new ObjectMap(this));
for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
tag = nextTag(r, TD, NULL);
if (tag == NULL) {
m = null;
nextTag(r, xNULL);
String key = keys.get(i);
if (m != null) {
ClassMeta<?> kt = elementType.getKeyType(), vt = elementType.getValueType();
Object value = parseAnything(vt, r, l, false, pMeta);
setName(vt, value, key);
m.put(convertToType(key, kt), value);
if (m != null && c != null) {
ObjectMap m2 = (m instanceof ObjectMap ? (ObjectMap)m : new ObjectMap(m).setBeanSession(this));
m2.put(getBeanTypePropertyName(type.getElementType()), c);
l.add((E)cast(m2, pMeta, elementType));
} else {
nextTag(r, xTR);
return l;
* Reads contents of <table> element.
* Precondition: Must be pointing at event following <table> event.
* Postcondition: Pointing at next START_ELEMENT or END_DOCUMENT event.
private <T> BeanMap<T> parseIntoBean(XmlReader r, BeanMap<T> m) throws IOException, ParseException, ExecutableException, XMLStreamException {
while (true) {
HtmlTag tag = nextTag(r, TR, xTABLE);
if (tag == xTABLE)
tag = nextTag(r, TD, TH);
// Skip over the column headers.
if (tag == TH) {
} else {
String key = getElementText(r);
nextTag(r, TD);
BeanPropertyMeta pMeta = m.getPropertyMeta(key);
if (pMeta == null) {
onUnknownProperty(key, m);
parseAnything(object(), r, null, false, null);
} else {
ClassMeta<?> cm = pMeta.getClassMeta();
Object value = parseAnything(cm, r, m.getBean(false), false, pMeta);
setName(cm, value, key);
pMeta.set(m, key, value);
nextTag(r, xTR);
return m;
* Reads the next tag. Advances past anything that's not a start or end tag. Throws an exception if
* it's not one of the expected tags.
* Precondition: Must be pointing before the event we want to parse.
* Postcondition: Pointing at the tag just parsed.
private HtmlTag nextTag(XmlReader r, HtmlTag...expected) throws ParseException, XMLStreamException {
int et =;
while (et != START_ELEMENT && et != END_ELEMENT && et != END_DOCUMENT)
et =;
if (et == END_DOCUMENT)
throw new ParseException(this, "Unexpected end of document.");
HtmlTag tag = HtmlTag.forEvent(this, r);
if (expected.length == 0)
return tag;
for (HtmlTag t : expected)
if (t == tag)
return tag;
throw new ParseException(this, "Unexpected tag: ''{0}''. Expected one of the following: {1}", tag, expected);
* Skips over the current element and advances to the next element.
* <p>
* Precondition: Pointing to opening tag.
* Postcondition: Pointing to next opening tag.
* @param r The stream being read from.
* @throws XMLStreamException
private void skipTag(XmlReader r) throws ParseException, XMLStreamException {
int et = r.getEventType();
if (et != START_ELEMENT)
throw new ParseException(this,
"skipToNextTag() call on invalid event ''{0}''. Must only be called on START_ELEMENT events.",
String n = r.getLocalName();
int depth = 0;
while (true) {
et =;
if (et == START_ELEMENT) {
String n2 = r.getLocalName();
if (n.equals(n2))
} else if (et == END_ELEMENT) {
String n2 = r.getLocalName();
if (n.equals(n2))
if (depth < 0)
private void skipTag(XmlReader r, HtmlTag...expected) throws ParseException, XMLStreamException {
HtmlTag tag = HtmlTag.forEvent(this, r);
if (tag.isOneOf(expected));
throw new ParseException(this,
"Unexpected tag: ''{0}''. Expected one of the following: {1}",
tag, expected);
private static int skipWs(XmlReader r) throws XMLStreamException {
int event = r.getEventType();
while (event != START_ELEMENT && event != END_ELEMENT && event != END_DOCUMENT && r.isWhiteSpace())
event =;
return event;
* Parses CHARACTERS data.
* <p>
* Precondition: Pointing to event immediately following opening tag.
* Postcondition: Pointing to closing tag.
* @param r The stream being read from.
* @return The parsed string.
* @throws XMLStreamException Thrown by underlying XML stream.
@Override /* XmlParserSession */
protected final String parseText(XmlReader r) throws IOException, ParseException, XMLStreamException {
StringBuilder sb = getStringBuilder();
int et = r.getEventType();
if (et == END_ELEMENT)
return "";
int depth = 0;
String characters = null;
while (true) {
if (et == START_ELEMENT) {
if (characters != null) {
if (sb.length() == 0)
characters = trimStart(characters);
characters = null;
HtmlTag tag = HtmlTag.forEvent(this, r);
if (tag == BR) {
} else if (tag == BS) {
} else if (tag == SP) {
et =;
if (et == CHARACTERS) {
String s = r.getText();
if (s.length() > 0) {
char c = r.getText().charAt(0);
if (c == '\u2003')
c = '\t';
} else if (tag == FF) {
} else if (tag.isOneOf(STRING, NUMBER, BOOLEAN)) {
et =;
if (et == CHARACTERS) {
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < r.getAttributeCount(); i++)
sb.append(' ').append(r.getAttributeName(i)).append('=').append('\'').append(r.getAttributeValue(i)).append('\'');
} else if (et == END_ELEMENT) {
if (characters != null) {
if (sb.length() == 0)
characters = trimStart(characters);
if (depth == 0)
characters = trimEnd(characters);
characters = null;
if (depth == 0)
} else if (et == CHARACTERS) {
characters = r.getText();
et =;
String s = trim(sb.toString());
return s;
* Identical to {@link #parseText(XmlReader)} except assumes the current event is the opening tag.
* <p>
* Precondition: Pointing to opening tag.
* Postcondition: Pointing to closing tag.
* @param r The stream being read from.
* @return The parsed string.
* @throws XMLStreamException Thrown by underlying XML stream.
* @throws ParseException Malformed input encountered.
@Override /* XmlParserSession */
protected final String getElementText(XmlReader r) throws IOException, XMLStreamException, ParseException {;
return parseText(r);
@Override /* XmlParserSession */
protected final boolean isWhitespaceElement(XmlReader r) {
String s = r.getLocalName();
return whitespaceElements.contains(s);
@Override /* XmlParserSession */
protected final String parseWhitespaceElement(XmlReader r) throws IOException, ParseException, XMLStreamException {
HtmlTag tag = HtmlTag.forEvent(this, r);
int et =;
if (tag == BR) {
return "\n";
} else if (tag == BS) {
return "\b";
} else if (tag == FF) {
return "\f";
} else if (tag == SP) {
if (et == CHARACTERS) {
String s = r.getText();
if (s.charAt(0) == '\u2003')
s = "\t";;
return decodeString(s);
return "";
} else {
throw new ParseException(this, "Invalid tag found in parseWhitespaceElement(): ''{0}''", tag);
// Other methods
@Override /* Session */
public ObjectMap toMap() {
return super.toMap()
.append("HtmlParserSession", new DefaultFilteringObjectMap()