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package org.apache.juneau.jena;
import static org.apache.juneau.internal.StringUtils.*;
import static org.apache.juneau.jena.Constants.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.*;
import org.apache.jena.util.iterator.*;
import org.apache.juneau.*;
import org.apache.juneau.parser.*;
import org.apache.juneau.transform.*;
import org.apache.juneau.xml.*;
* Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of {@link RdfParser}.
* <p>
* This class is NOT thread safe.
* It is typically discarded after one-time use although it can be reused against multiple inputs.
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
public class RdfParserSession extends ReaderParserSession {
private final RdfParser ctx;
private final Property pRoot, pValue, pType, pRdfType;
private final Model model;
private final RDFReader rdfReader;
private final Set<Resource> urisVisited = new HashSet<>();
* Create a new session using properties specified in the context.
* @param ctx
* The context creating this session object.
* The context contains all the configuration settings for this object.
* @param args
* Runtime session arguments.
protected RdfParserSession(RdfParser ctx, ParserSessionArgs args) {
super(ctx, args);
this.ctx = ctx;
model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
pRoot = model.createProperty(ctx.getJuneauNs().getUri(), RDF_juneauNs_ROOT);
pValue = model.createProperty(ctx.getJuneauNs().getUri(), RDF_juneauNs_VALUE);
pType = model.createProperty(ctx.getJuneauBpNs().getUri(), RDF_juneauNs_TYPE);
pRdfType = model.createProperty("");
rdfReader = model.getReader(ctx.getLanguage());
// Note: NTripleReader throws an exception if you try to set any properties on it.
if (! ctx.getLanguage().equals(LANG_NTRIPLE)) {
for (Map.Entry<String,Object> e : ctx.jenaProperties.entrySet())
rdfReader.setProperty(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
@Override /* ReaderParserSession */
protected <T> T doParse(ParserPipe pipe, ClassMeta<T> type) throws IOException, ParseException, ExecutableException {
RDFReader r = rdfReader;, pipe.getBufferedReader(), null);
List<Resource> roots = getRoots(model);
// Special case where we're parsing a loose collection of resources.
if (isLooseCollections() && type.isCollectionOrArray()) {
Collection c = null;
if (type.isArray() || type.isArgs())
c = new ArrayList();
c = (
? (Collection<?>)type.newInstance(getOuter())
: new ObjectList(this)
int argIndex = 0;
for (Resource resource : roots)
c.add(parseAnything(type.isArgs() ? type.getArg(argIndex++) : type.getElementType(), resource,
getOuter(), null));
if (type.isArray() || type.isArgs())
return (T)toArray(type, c);
return (T)c;
if (roots.isEmpty())
return type.isOptional() ? (T)Optional.empty() : null;
if (roots.size() > 1)
throw new ParseException(this, "Too many root nodes found in model: {0}", roots.size());
Resource resource = roots.get(0);
return parseAnything(type, resource, getOuter(), null);
private final void addModelPrefix(Namespace ns) {
model.setNsPrefix(ns.getName(), ns.getUri());
* Decodes the specified string.
* If {@link RdfParser#RDF_trimWhitespace} is <jk>true</jk>, the resulting string is trimmed before decoding.
* If {@link #isTrimStrings()} is <jk>true</jk>, the resulting string is trimmed after decoding.
private String decodeString(Object o) {
if (o == null)
return null;
String s = o.toString();
if (s.isEmpty())
return s;
if (isTrimWhitespace())
s = s.trim();
s = XmlUtils.decode(s, null);
if (isTrimStrings())
s = s.trim();
return s;
* Finds the roots in the model using either the "root" property to identify it,
* or by resorting to scanning the model for all nodes with no incoming predicates.
private List<Resource> getRoots(Model m) {
List<Resource> l = new LinkedList<>();
// First try to find the root using the "" property.
Property root = m.createProperty(getJuneauNs().getUri(), RDF_juneauNs_ROOT);
for (ResIterator i = m.listResourcesWithProperty(root); i.hasNext();)
if (! l.isEmpty())
return l;
// Otherwise, we need to find all resources that aren't objects.
// We want to explicitly ignore statements where the subject
// and object are the same node.
Set<RDFNode> objects = new HashSet<>();
for (StmtIterator i = m.listStatements(); i.hasNext();) {
Statement st =;
RDFNode subject = st.getSubject();
RDFNode object = st.getObject();
if (object.isResource() && ! object.equals(subject))
for (ResIterator i = m.listSubjects(); i.hasNext();) {
Resource r =;
if (! objects.contains(r))
return l;
private <T> BeanMap<T> parseIntoBeanMap(Resource r2, BeanMap<T> m) throws IOException, ParseException, ExecutableException {
BeanMeta<T> bm = m.getMeta();
RdfBeanMeta rbm = bm.getExtendedMeta(RdfBeanMeta.class);
if (rbm.hasBeanUri() && r2.getURI() != null)
rbm.getBeanUriProperty().set(m, null, r2.getURI());
for (StmtIterator i = r2.listProperties(); i.hasNext();) {
Statement st =;
Property p = st.getPredicate();
String key = decodeString(p.getLocalName());
BeanPropertyMeta pMeta = m.getPropertyMeta(key);
if (pMeta != null) {
RDFNode o = st.getObject();
ClassMeta<?> cm = pMeta.getClassMeta();
if (cm.isCollectionOrArray() && isMultiValuedCollections(pMeta)) {
ClassMeta<?> et = cm.getElementType();
Object value = parseAnything(et, o, m.getBean(false), pMeta);
setName(et, value, key);
pMeta.add(m, key, value);
} else {
Object value = parseAnything(cm, o, m.getBean(false), pMeta);
setName(cm, value, key);
pMeta.set(m, key, value);
} else if (! (p.equals(pRoot) || p.equals(pType))) {
onUnknownProperty(key, m);
return m;
private boolean isMultiValuedCollections(BeanPropertyMeta pMeta) {
RdfBeanPropertyMeta bpRdf = (pMeta == null ? RdfBeanPropertyMeta.DEFAULT : pMeta.getExtendedMeta(RdfBeanPropertyMeta.class));
if (bpRdf.getCollectionFormat() != RdfCollectionFormat.DEFAULT)
return bpRdf.getCollectionFormat() == RdfCollectionFormat.MULTI_VALUED;
return getCollectionFormat() == RdfCollectionFormat.MULTI_VALUED;
private <T> T parseAnything(ClassMeta<?> eType, RDFNode n, Object outer, BeanPropertyMeta pMeta) throws IOException, ParseException, ExecutableException {
if (eType == null)
eType = object();
PojoSwap<T,Object> swap = (PojoSwap<T,Object>)eType.getPojoSwap(this);
BuilderSwap<T,Object> builder = (BuilderSwap<T,Object>)eType.getBuilderSwap(this);
ClassMeta<?> sType = null;
if (builder != null)
sType = builder.getBuilderClassMeta(this);
else if (swap != null)
sType = swap.getSwapClassMeta(this);
sType = eType;
if (sType.isOptional())
return (T)Optional.ofNullable(parseAnything(eType.getElementType(), n, outer, pMeta));
if (! sType.canCreateNewInstance(outer)) {
if (n.isResource()) {
Statement st = n.asResource().getProperty(pType);
if (st != null) {
String c = st.getLiteral().getString();
ClassMeta tcm = getClassMeta(c, pMeta, eType);
if (tcm != null)
sType = eType = tcm;
Object o = null;
if (n.isResource() && n.asResource().getURI() != null && n.asResource().getURI().equals(RDF_NIL)) {
// Do nothing. Leave o == null.
} else if (sType.isObject()) {
if (n.isLiteral()) {
o = n.asLiteral().getValue();
if (o instanceof String) {
o = decodeString(o);
else if (n.isResource()) {
Resource r = n.asResource();
if (! urisVisited.add(r))
o = r.getURI();
else if (r.getProperty(pValue) != null) {
o = parseAnything(object(), n.asResource().getProperty(pValue).getObject(), outer, null);
} else if (isSeq(r)) {
o = new ObjectList(this);
parseIntoCollection(, (Collection)o, sType, pMeta);
} else if (isBag(r)) {
o = new ObjectList(this);
parseIntoCollection(, (Collection)o, sType, pMeta);
} else if (r.canAs(RDFList.class)) {
o = new ObjectList(this);
parseIntoCollection(, (Collection)o, sType, pMeta);
} else {
// If it has a URI and no child properties, we interpret this as an
// external resource, and convert it to just a URL.
String uri = r.getURI();
if (uri != null && ! r.listProperties().hasNext()) {
o = r.getURI();
} else {
ObjectMap m2 = new ObjectMap(this);
parseIntoMap(r, m2, null, null, pMeta);
o = cast(m2, pMeta, eType);
} else {
throw new ParseException(this, "Unrecognized node type ''{0}'' for object", n);
} else if (sType.isBoolean()) {
o = convertToType(getValue(n, outer), boolean.class);
} else if (sType.isCharSequence()) {
o = decodeString(getValue(n, outer));
} else if (sType.isChar()) {
o = parseCharacter(decodeString(getValue(n, outer)));
} else if (sType.isNumber()) {
o = parseNumber(getValue(n, outer).toString(), (Class<? extends Number>)sType.getInnerClass());
} else if (sType.isMap()) {
Resource r = n.asResource();
if (! urisVisited.add(r))
return null;
Map m = (sType.canCreateNewInstance(outer) ? (Map)sType.newInstance(outer) : new ObjectMap(this));
o = parseIntoMap(r, m, eType.getKeyType(), eType.getValueType(), pMeta);
} else if (sType.isCollectionOrArray() || sType.isArgs()) {
if (sType.isArray() || sType.isArgs())
o = new ArrayList();
o = (sType.canCreateNewInstance(outer) ? (Collection<?>)sType.newInstance(outer) : new ObjectList(this));
Resource r = n.asResource();
if (! urisVisited.add(r))
return null;
if (isSeq(r)) {
parseIntoCollection(, (Collection)o, sType, pMeta);
} else if (isBag(r)) {
parseIntoCollection(, (Collection)o, sType, pMeta);
} else if (r.canAs(RDFList.class)) {
parseIntoCollection(, (Collection)o, sType, pMeta);
} else {
throw new ParseException(this, "Unrecognized node type ''{0}'' for collection", n);
if (sType.isArray() || sType.isArgs())
o = toArray(sType, (Collection)o);
} else if (builder != null) {
Resource r = n.asResource();
if (! urisVisited.add(r))
return null;
BeanMap<?> bm = toBeanMap(builder.create(this, eType));
o =, parseIntoBeanMap(r, bm).getBean(), eType);
} else if (sType.canCreateNewBean(outer)) {
Resource r = n.asResource();
if (! urisVisited.add(r))
return null;
BeanMap<?> bm = newBeanMap(outer, sType.getInnerClass());
o = parseIntoBeanMap(r, bm).getBean();
} else if (sType.isUri() && n.isResource()) {
o = sType.newInstanceFromString(outer, decodeString(n.asResource().getURI()));
} else if (sType.canCreateNewInstanceFromString(outer)) {
o = sType.newInstanceFromString(outer, decodeString(getValue(n, outer)));
} else if (n.isResource()) {
Resource r = n.asResource();
Map m = new ObjectMap(this);
parseIntoMap(r, m, sType.getKeyType(), sType.getValueType(), pMeta);
if (m.containsKey(getBeanTypePropertyName(eType)))
o = cast((ObjectMap)m, pMeta, eType);
throw new ParseException(this, "Class ''{0}'' could not be instantiated. Reason: ''{1}''", sType.getInnerClass().getName(), sType.getNotABeanReason());
} else {
throw new ParseException(this, "Class ''{0}'' could not be instantiated. Reason: ''{1}''", sType.getInnerClass().getName(), sType.getNotABeanReason());
if (swap != null && o != null)
o = unswap(swap, o, eType);
if (outer != null)
setParent(eType, o, outer);
return (T)o;
private boolean isSeq(RDFNode n) {
if (n.isResource()) {
Statement st = n.asResource().getProperty(pRdfType);
if (st != null)
return RDF_SEQ.equals(st.getResource().getURI());
return false;
private boolean isBag(RDFNode n) {
if (n.isResource()) {
Statement st = n.asResource().getProperty(pRdfType);
if (st != null)
return RDF_BAG.equals(st.getResource().getURI());
return false;
private Object getValue(RDFNode n, Object outer) throws IOException, ParseException, ExecutableException {
if (n.isLiteral())
return n.asLiteral().getValue();
if (n.isResource()) {
Statement st = n.asResource().getProperty(pValue);
if (st != null) {
n = st.getObject();
if (n.isLiteral())
return n.asLiteral().getValue();
return parseAnything(object(), st.getObject(), outer, null);
throw new ParseException(this, "Unknown value type for node ''{0}''", n);
private <K,V> Map<K,V> parseIntoMap(Resource r, Map<K,V> m, ClassMeta<K> keyType,
ClassMeta<V> valueType, BeanPropertyMeta pMeta) throws IOException, ParseException, ExecutableException {
// Add URI as "uri" to generic maps.
if (r.getURI() != null) {
K uri = convertAttrToType(m, "uri", keyType);
V value = convertAttrToType(m, r.getURI(), valueType);
m.put(uri, value);
for (StmtIterator i = r.listProperties(); i.hasNext();) {
Statement st =;
Property p = st.getPredicate();
String key = p.getLocalName();
if (! (key.equals("root") && p.getURI().equals(getJuneauNs().getUri()))) {
key = decodeString(key);
RDFNode o = st.getObject();
K key2 = convertAttrToType(m, key, keyType);
V value = parseAnything(valueType, o, m, pMeta);
setName(valueType, value, key);
m.put(key2, value);
return m;
private <E> Collection<E> parseIntoCollection(Container c, Collection<E> l,
ClassMeta<?> type, BeanPropertyMeta pMeta) throws IOException, ParseException, ExecutableException {
int argIndex = 0;
for (NodeIterator ni = c.iterator(); ni.hasNext();) {
E e = (E)parseAnything(type.isArgs() ? type.getArg(argIndex++) : type.getElementType(),, l, pMeta);
return l;
private <E> Collection<E> parseIntoCollection(RDFList list, Collection<E> l,
ClassMeta<?> type, BeanPropertyMeta pMeta) throws IOException, ParseException, ExecutableException {
int argIndex = 0;
for (ExtendedIterator<RDFNode> ni = list.iterator(); ni.hasNext();) {
E e = (E)parseAnything(type.isArgs() ? type.getArg(argIndex++) : type.getElementType(),, l, pMeta);
return l;
// Common properties
* Configuration property: RDF format for representing collections and arrays.
* @see RdfParser#RDF_collectionFormat
* @return
* RDF format for representing collections and arrays.
protected final RdfCollectionFormat getCollectionFormat() {
return ctx.getCollectionFormat();
* Configuration property: Default XML namespace for bean properties.
* @see RdfParser#RDF_juneauBpNs
* @return
* Default XML namespace for bean properties.
protected final Namespace getJuneauBpNs() {
return ctx.getJuneauBpNs();
* Configuration property: XML namespace for Juneau properties.
* @see RdfParser#RDF_juneauNs
* @return
* XML namespace for Juneau properties.
protected final Namespace getJuneauNs() {
return ctx.getJuneauNs();
* Configuration property: RDF language.
* @see RdfParser#RDF_language
* @return
* The RDF language to use.
protected final String getLanguage() {
return ctx.getLanguage();
* Configuration property: Collections should be serialized and parsed as loose collections.
* @see RdfParser#RDF_looseCollections
* @return
* <jk>true</jk> if collections of resources are handled as loose collections of resources in RDF instead of
* resources that are children of an RDF collection (e.g. Sequence, Bag).
protected final boolean isLooseCollections() {
return ctx.isLooseCollections();
// Jena properties
* Configuration property: All Jena-related configuration properties.
* @return
* A map of all Jena-related configuration properties.
protected final Map<String,Object> getJenaProperties() {
return ctx.getJenaProperties();
// Properties
* Configuration property: Trim whitespace from text elements.
* @see RdfParser#RDF_trimWhitespace
* @return
* <jk>true</jk> if whitespace in text elements will be automatically trimmed.
protected final boolean isTrimWhitespace() {
return ctx.isTrimWhitespace();
// Other methods
@Override /* Session */
public ObjectMap toMap() {
return super.toMap()
.append("RdfParserSession", new DefaultFilteringObjectMap()