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6.4.0 (Oct 5, 2017)
The major change in this release is the project structure.
The library now consists of the following artifacts found in the Maven group <c>"org.apache.juneau"</c>:
<table class='styled w800'>
<th>Category</th><th>Maven Artifacts</th><th>Description</th><th>Prereqs</th>
<tr class='dark bb'>
<td rowspan='5' style='text-align:center;font-weight:bold;padding:20px;'>Juneau Core</td>
<td class='code'>juneau-marshall</td>
<td>Serializers and parsers for:
<ul style='margin:0px 10px;'>
<li>BSON (coming soon)
<li>YAML (coming soon)
<li>Protobuf (coming soon)
<ul style='margin:0px 10px;'>
<li>Java 6
<tr class='dark bb'>
<td class='code'>juneau-marshall-rdf</td>
Serializers and parsers for:
<ul style='margin:0px 10px;'>
<ul style='margin:0px 10px;'>
<li>Java 6
<li>Apache Jena 2.7.1
<tr class='dark bb'>
<td class='code'>juneau-dto</td>
Data Transfer Objects for:
<ul style='margin:0px 10px;'>
<li>Swagger 2.0
<td><ul style='margin:0px 10px;'><li>Java 6</li></ul></td>
<tr class='dark bb'>
<td class='code'>juneau-svl</td>
Simple Variable Language API
<td><ul style='margin:0px 10px;'><li>Java 6</li></ul></td>
<tr class='dark bb'>
<td class='code'>juneau-config</td>
Configuration file API
<td><ul style='margin:0px 10px;'><li>Java 6</li></ul></td>
<tr class='light bb'>
<td rowspan='3' style='text-align:center;font-weight:bold;padding:20px;'>Juneau REST</td>
<td class='code'>juneau-rest-server</td>
REST Servlet API
<ul style='margin:0px 10px;'>
<li>Java 6
<li>Servlet 3.1
<tr class='light bb'>
<td class='code'>juneau-rest-server-jaxrs</td>
Optional JAX-RS support
<ul style='margin:0px 10px;'>
<li>Java 6
<li>JAX-RS 2.0
<tr class='light bb'>
<td class='code'>juneau-rest-client</td>
<ul style='margin:0px 10px;'>
<li>Java 6
<li>Apache HttpClient 4.5
<tr class='dark bb'>
<td rowspan='2' style='text-align:center;font-weight:bold;padding:20px;'>Juneau Microservice</td>
<td class='code'>juneau-microservice-server</td>
REST Microservice Server API
<ul style='margin:0px 10px;'>
<li>Java 8
<li>Eclipse Jetty 9.4.3
<tr class='dark bb'>
<td class='code'>juneau-microservice-template</td>
Developer template project
<ul style='margin:0px 10px;'>
<li>Java 8
<li>Eclipse Jetty 9.4.3
<tr class='light bb'>
<td rowspan='2' style='text-align:center;font-weight:bold;padding:20px;'>Examples</td>
<td class='code'><c>juneau-examples-core</c></td>
Core code examples
<tr class='light bb'>
<td class='code'><c>juneau-examples-rest</c></td>
REST code examples
<tr class='dark bb'>
<td rowspan='1' style='text-align:center;font-weight:bold;padding:20px;'>Juneau All</td>
<td class='code'><c>juneau-all</c></td>
Combination of the following:
<ul style='margin:0px 10px;'>
<ul style='margin:0px 10px;'>
<li>Java 6
<li>Servlet 3.1
<li>Apache HttpClient 4.5
<h5 class='topic w800'>juneau-marshall</h5>
<ul class='spaced-list'>
Improvements to swap support.
<li>New {@link oaj.annotation.Swap @Swap} annotation.
<br>Replaces the <c>@Pojo</c> and <c>@BeanProperty(swap)</c> annotations.
<li>Support for per-media-type swaps.
<br>Programmatic example:
<p class='bcode w800'>
<jk>public class</jk> MyPojo {}
<jk>public class</jk> MyJsonOnlySwap <jk>extends</jk> PojoSwap&lt;MyPojo,String&gt; {
<jk>public</jk> MediaType[] forMediaTypes() {
<jk>return</jk> MediaType.<jsm>forStrings</jsm>(<js>"&#42;/json"</js>);
<jk>public</jk> String swap(BeanSession session, MyPojo o) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
<jk>return</jk> <js>"It's JSON!"</js>;
<br>Annotated example:
<p class='bcode w800'>
<ja>@Swap</ja>(impl=ToStringSwap.<jk>class</jk>, mediaTypes=<js>"&#42;/json"</js>)
<jk>public class</jk> MyBean { ... }
<jk>public class</jk> ToStringSwap <jk>extends</jk> PojoSwap&lt;Object,String&gt; {
<jk>public</jk> String swap(BeanSession session, Object o) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
<jk>return</jk> o.toString();
<li>Support for templated swaps which provide additional context information for a swap.
<br>The following is an example of a templated swap class used to serialize POJOs to HTML using FreeMarker:
<p class='bcode w800'>
<jc>// Our abstracted templated swap class.</jc>
<jk>public abstract class</jk> FreeMarkerSwap <jk>extends</jk> PojoSwap&lt;Object,Reader&gt; {
<jk>public</jk> MediaType[] forMediaTypes() {
<jk>return</jk> MediaType.<jsm>forStrings</jsm>(<js>"&#42;/html"</js>);
<jk>public</jk> Reader swap(BeanSession session, Object o, String template) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
<jk>return</jk> getFreeMarkerReader(template, o); <jc>// Some method that creates raw HTML.</jc>
<p class='bcode w800'>
<ja>@Swap</ja>(impl=FreeMarkerSwap.<jk>class</jk>, template=<js>"MyPojo.div.ftl"</js>)
<jk>public class</jk> MyPojo {}
<li>New {@link oaj.annotation.Swaps @Swaps} annotation for defining multiple swaps
against the same POJO when they're differentiated by media types:
<p class='bcode w800'>
<jk>public class</jk> MyPojo {}
New {@link oaj.transform.Surrogate} interface for identifying surrogate classes.
Serializers can now serialize to {@link java.util.StringBuilder StringBuilders}.
Serializers now serialize the contents of {@link Readers} and {@link InputStreams}
directly to the output stream or writer.
<br>When used with conjunction with <c>PojoSwaps</c>, this can be used to provide customized
output for specific content types.
<p class='bcode w800'>
<jk>public class</jk> MyBean {...}
<jk>public class</jk> MyBeanSwap <jk>extends</jk> PojoSwap&lt;MyBean,Object&gt; {
<jk>public</jk> Object swap(BeanSession session, MyPojo o) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
MediaType mt = session.getMediaType();
<jk>if</jk> (mt.hasSubType(<js>"json"</js>))
<jk>return new</jk> StringReader(<js>"{foo:'bar'}"</js>); <jc>// Custom JSON output</jc>
<jk>return</jk> o; <jc>// Otherwise treat as normal bean</jc>
<jc>// Produces "{foo:'bar'}"</jc>
String json = SimpleJsonSerializer.<jsf>DEFAULT</jsf>
.toString(<jk>new</jk> MyBean());
<br>This feature helps with the implementation of language-agnostic template support such as for
using FreeMaker to serialize POJOs to HTML.
{@link oaj.serializer.SerializerSession} and {@link oaj.parser.ParserSession}
objects are now reusable if used within the same thread.
<p class='bcode w800'>
<jc>// Old way (still works)</jc>
JsonSerializer.<jsf>DEFAULT</jsf>.serialize(writer1, pojo1);
JsonSerializer.<jsf>DEFAULT</jsf>.serialize(writer2, pojo2);
<jc>// Same, but using a session object</jc>
SerializerSession session = JsonSerializer.<jsf>DEFAULT</jsf>.createSession();
<jk>try</jk> {
session.serialize(writer1, pojo1);
session.serialize(writer2, pojo2);
} <jk>finally</jk> {
This is mostly an internal change and doesn't affect the existing APIs.
{@link oaj.transform.PojoSwap#swap(BeanSession,Object)} and {@link oaj.transform.PojoSwap#unswap(BeanSession,Object,ClassMeta)}
can now throw arbitrary exceptions instead of having to wrap them in <c>SerializeException</c>/<c>ParseException</c>.
New {@link oaj.utils.CalendarUtils} class that encapsulates serialization/parsing logic from {@link oaj.transforms.CalendarSwap} and
{@link oaj.transforms.DateSwap}.
New annotation {@link oaj.html.annotation.Html#anchorText}.
New methods on {@link oaj.ObjectList}:
<li>{@link oaj.ObjectList#get(int,Class) get(int,Class)}
<li>{@link oaj.ObjectList#get(int,Type,Type...) get(int,Type,Type...)}
<li>{@link oaj.ObjectList#getMap(int,Class,Class) getMap(int,Class,Class)}
<li>{@link oaj.ObjectList#getList(int,Class) getList(int,Class)}
New methods on {@link oaj.ObjectMap}:
<li>{@link oaj.ObjectMap#get(String,Class) get(String,Class)}
<li>{@link oaj.ObjectMap#get(String,Type,Type...) get(String,Type,Type...)}
<li>{@link oaj.ObjectMap#getWithDefault(String,Object) getWithDefault(String,Object)}
<li>{@link oaj.ObjectMap#getWithDefault(String,Object,Class) getWithDefault(String,Object,Class)}
<li>{@link oaj.ObjectMap#getWithDefault(String,Object,Type,Type...) getWithDefault(String,Object,Type,Type...)}
<li>{@link oaj.ObjectMap#getSwapped(String,PojoSwap) getSwapped(String,PojoSwap)}
<li>{@link oaj.ObjectMap#getAt(String,Class) getAt(String,Class)}
<li>{@link oaj.ObjectMap#getAt(String,Type,Type...) getAt(String,Type,Type...)}
<li>{@link oaj.ObjectMap#getMap(String,Class,Class,Map) getMap(String,Class,Class,Map)}
<li>{@link oaj.ObjectMap#getList(String,Class,List) getList(String,Class,List)}
New methods on {@link oaj.utils.PojoRest}:
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoRest#get(String,Class) get(String,Class)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoRest#get(String,Type,Type...) get(String,Type,Type...)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoRest#getWithDefault(String,Object) getWithDefault(String,Object)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoRest#getWithDefault(String,Object,Class) getWithDefault(String,Object,Class)}
<li>{@link oaj.utils.PojoRest#getWithDefault(String,Object,Type,Type...) getWithDefault(String,Object,Type,Type...)}
Fixed bug where {@link oaj.BeanSession#getMediaType()} wasn't returning a value.
Eliminated the <ja>@Consumes</ja> and <ja>@Produces</ja> annotations.
<br>The supported media types are now passed in through the constructors.
<br>This was changed to eliminate a performance issue where a field could not be set as final because
the call to <c>getClass()</c> to retrieve the annotation value could not be called before calling
the <c><jk>super</jk>()</c> method.
New class: {@link oaj.utils.PojoMerge}
New doc: <del>2.6.2 - @Pojo annotation</del>
New doc: <del>2.6.5 - Serializing Readers and InputStreams</del>
<h5 class='topic w800'>juneau-dto</h5>
<ul class='spaced-list'>
{@link oaj.dto.html5.HtmlElementMixed#children(Object...)} can now take in collections
of objects.
The DTO beans can now be serialized to strings of their typical language by calling the <c>toString()</c> method.
<br>For example, <c>Swagger.toString()</c> produces JSON and the HTML5 <c>Form.toString()</c>
produces HTML.
<h5 class='topic w800'>juneau-rest-server</h5>
<ul class='spaced-list'>
Revamped and simplified servlet and REST-call lifecycle handling through new
{@link oajr.annotation.RestHook @RestHook} annotation.
<li>The {@link oajr.RestServlet#init(ServletConfig)} method is now final and can
no longer be extended.
<br>Instead, use {@link oajr.annotation.HookEvent#INIT} or
{@link oajr.annotation.HookEvent#POST_INIT} for initialization.
<li>The following methods on {@link oajr.RestServlet} have been removed:
- Use {@link oajr.annotation.HookEvent#INIT} instead.
<li><c>onSuccess(RestRequest, RestResponse, long)</c>
- Use {@link oajr.annotation.HookEvent#END_CALL} instead.
- Use {@link oajr.annotation.HookEvent#PRE_CALL} instead.
<li><c>onPostCall(RestRequest, RestResponse)</c>
- Use {@link oajr.annotation.HookEvent#POST_CALL} instead.
Simplified {@link oajr.widget.MenuItemWidget}.
<br>Exposes an abstract method <dc>getContent(RestRequest)</dc> that
can return raw HTML via readers or char-sequences, or any other object (such as HTML5 beans) that will
get converted to HTML using {@link oaj.html.HtmlSerializer#DEFAULT}.
{@link oajr.RestResourceResolver} instances are now inherited from parent resources to child resources
unless explicitly overridden at the child level.
<br>It's also been changed to an interface.
<li>New annotations on {@link oajr.annotation.RestResource @RestResource}:
<li>{@link oajr.annotation.RestResource#resourceResolver() resourceResolver()}
<br>Allows you to specify a resource resolver on the servlet context to make it easier to work with
dependency injection frameworks.
<li><dc>RestResource.contextPath()</dc> -
<br>Allows you to override the context path value inherited from the servlet container.
<li>{@link oajr.annotation.RestResource#allowHeaderParams() allowHeaderParams()} -
<br>Replaces the <c>RestContext.REST_allowHeaderParams</c> setting.
<li><dc>RestResource.allowMethodParam()</dc> -
<br>Replaces the <c>RestContext.REST_allowMethodParam</c> setting.
<li>{@link oajr.annotation.RestResource#allowBodyParam() allowBodyParam()} -
<br>Replaces the <c>RestContext.REST_allowBodyParam</c> setting.
<li>{@link oajr.annotation.RestResource#renderResponseStackTraces() renderResponseStackTraces()} -
<br>Replaces the <c>RestContext.REST_xxx</c> setting.
<li>{@link oajr.annotation.RestResource#useStackTraceHashes() useStackTraceHashes()} -
<br>Replaces the <c>RestContext.REST_useStackTraceHashes</c> setting.
<li>{@link oajr.annotation.RestResource#defaultCharset() defaultCharset()} -
<br>Replaces the <c>RestContext.REST_defaultCharset</c> setting.
<li><dc>RestResource.paramFormat()</dc> -
<br>Replaces the <c>RestContext.REST_paramFormat</c> setting.
<li>New annotations on {@link oajr.annotation.RestMethod @RestMethod}:
<li>{@link oajr.annotation.RestMethod#defaultCharset() defaultCharset()} -
<br>Replaces the <c>RestContext.REST_defaultCharset</c> setting.
<li><dc>RestMethod.paramFormat()</dc> -
<br>Replaces the <c>RestContext.REST_paramFormat</c> setting.
The following implementation classes can now be defined as non-static inner classes of servlets/resources:
<li>{@link oajr.widget.Widget}
<li>{@link oajr.RestConverter}
<li>{@link oajr.RestGuard}
<li>{@link oajr.ResponseHandler}
<li>{@link oajr.RestCallHandler}
<li>{@link oajr.RestInfoProvider}
<li>{@link oajr.RestResourceResolver}
<li>{@link oajr.RestLogger}
<li>{@link oaj.html.HtmlDocTemplate}
New tooltip template: {@link oajr.widget.Tooltip}
New dark theme:
<br><img src='doc-files/ReleaseNotes.632.DarkStyle.png'>
Stylesheet selection now stored in HTTP session when passed in via <c>?stylesheet</c> query parameter.
New doc: <del>Lifecycle Hooks</del>
Eliminated the <c>RestServletJenaDefault</c> class to remove the Jena dependency class on
the <c>juneau-rest-server</c> artifact.
<br>It's simple enough to simply extend <c>BasicRestServlet</c> and add the RDF serializers and
<h5 class='topic w800'>juneau-microservice</h5>
<ul class='spaced-list'>
The microservice has been significantly modified to be configured via a <c>jetty.xml</c> file
for maximum flexibility instead of the hodge-podge of support in the config file.
<br>Top-level servlets should now be defined in the provided <c>jetty.xml</c> file.
New methods on <dc>RestMicroservice</dc>:
New methods on {@link oaj.microservice.Microservice}:
<li>{@link oaj.microservice.Microservice#getInstance() getInstance()}
New class <dc>JettyLogger</dc> for directing Jetty logging to the
java.util.logging framework.
New class <dc>DebugResource</dc> for viewing and generating
Jetty thread dumps through REST calls.
<h5 class='topic w800'></h5>
<ul class='spaced-list'>
New example of adding a menu-item widget to the Pet Store resource (including tooltips):
<br><img src='doc-files/ReleaseNotes.632.PetStoreAdd.png'>