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Response Examples
The <c>model</c> select box in the responses can be expanded to show examples:
<h5 class='figure'>PetStoreResource.getPet()</h5>
<img class='bordered w900' src='doc-files/juneau-rest-server.Swagger.ResponseExamples.1.png'>
Examples are provided for any supported <c>Accept</c> type based on the serializers defined on your
<h5 class='figure'>application/json+simple</h5>
<img class='bordered w900' src='doc-files/juneau-rest-server.Swagger.ResponseExamples.2.png'>
<h5 class='figure'>text/uon</h5>
<img class='bordered w900' src='doc-files/juneau-rest-server.Swagger.ResponseExamples.3.png'>
Examples are pulled from the <c>examples</c> attribute in the response object of the generated Swagger JSON:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jok>"/pet/{petId}"</jok>: {
<jok>"get"</jok>: {
<jok>"operationId"</jok>: <jov>"getPet"</jov>,
<jok>"summary"</jok>: <jov>"Find pet by ID"</jov>,
<jok>"description"</jok>: <jov>"Returns a single pet"</jov>,
<jok>"responses"</jok>: {
<jok>"200"</jok>: {
<jok>"description"</jok>: <jov>"OK"</jov>,
<jok>"schema"</jok>: {
<jok>"$ref"</jok>: <jov>"#/definitions/Pet"</jov>
<jok>"examples"</jok>: {
<jok>"text/html+stripped"</jok>: <jov>"&lt;table&gt;\n\t&lt;tr&gt;\n\t\t&lt;td&gt;id&lt;/td&gt;\n\t\t&lt;td&gt;\t\t\t&lt;a href=\"..."</jov>,
<jok>"text/html+schema"</jok>: <jov>"&lt;html&gt;\n\t&lt;head&gt;\n\t\t&lt;link rel='icon' href='$U{servlet:/htdocs/cat.png}'/&gt;..."</jov>,
<jok>"application/json"</jok>: <jov>"{\n\t\"id\": 123,\n\t\"species\": {\n\t\t\"name\": \"Dog\",\n\t\t\"id\": 123\n\t},\n\t\"name\..."</jov>,
<jok>"application/json+simple"</jok>: <jov>"{\n\tid: 123,\n\tspecies: {\n\t\tname: 'Dog',\n\t\tid: 123\n\t},\n\tname: 'Doggie',\n\..."</jov>,
<jok>"application/json+schema"</jok>: <jov>"{\n\t\"type\": \"object\",\n\t\"properties\": {\n\t\t\"id\": {\n\t\t\t\"type\": \"inte..."</jov>,
<jok>"text/xml"</jok>: <jov>"&lt;?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?&gt;\n&lt;Pet&gt;\n\t&lt;id&gt;123&lt;/id&gt;\n\t&lt;spec..."</jov>,
<jok>"text/xml+schema"</jok>: <jov>"&lt;schema xmlns=\"\" targetNamespace=\""</jov>,
<jok>"text/uon"</jok>: <jov>"(\n\tid=123,\n\tspecies=(\n\t\tname=Dog,\n\t\tid=123\n\t),\n\tname=Doggie,\n\ttags=@(\n\t\t(\n\t\t\tn..."</jov>,
<jok>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"</jok>: <jov>"id=123\n&amp;species=(\n\tname=Dog,\n\tid=123\n)\n&amp;name=Doggie\n&amp;tags=@(\n\t(\n\..."</jov>,
<jok>"text/openapi"</jok>: <jov>"(\n\tid=123,\n\tspecies=(\n\t\tname=Dog,\n\t\tid=123\n\t),\n\tname=Doggie,\n\ttags=@(\n\t\t(\n\t\..."</jov>,
<jok>"octal/msgpack"</jok>: <jov>"86 A2 69 64 7B A7 73 70 65 63 69 65 73 82 A4 6E 61 6D 65 A3 44 6F 67 A2 69 64 7B A4 6E 61 6D 65 ..."</jov>,
<jok>"text/xml+soap"</jok>: <jov>"&lt;?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?&gt;\n&lt;Envelope soap=\""</jov>,
<jok>"text/plain"</jok>: <jov>"{id:123,species:{name:'Dog',id:123},name:'Doggie',tags:[{name:'MyTag',id:123}],price:0.0,status:'AV..."</jov>,
<jok>"text/xml+rdf"</jok>: <jov>"&lt;rdf:RDF\n xmlns:rdf=\"\"\n xmlns:j=\"http://..."</jov>,
<jok>"text/xml+rdf+abbrev"</jok>: <jov>"&lt;rdf:RDF\n xmlns:rdf=\"\"\n xmlns:j=\"..."</jov>,
<jok>"text/turtle"</jok>: <jov>"@prefix jp: &lt;; .\n@prefix j: &lt;http://www.apache..."</jov>,
<jok>"text/n-triple"</jok>: <jov>"_:A720f0f4fX3aX165d4974933X3aXX2dX7f93 &lt;; \"Dog\" .\n_:..."</jov>,
<jok>"text/n3"</jok>: <jov>"@prefix jp: &lt;; .\n@prefix j: &lt;"</jov>
There are several options for defining examples for response bodies:
<ul class='spaced-list'>
{@link oaj.http.annotation.Response#example() @Response(example)} annotation.
{@link oaj.http.annotation.Response#examples() @Response(examples)} annotation.
Defining an <js>"examples"</js> field in the inherited Swagger JSON response object (classpath file or <c><ja>@ResourceSwagger</ja>(value)</c>/<c><ja>@MethodSwagger</ja>(value)</c>).
Defining an <js>"examples"</js> field in the Swagger Schema Object for the response object (including referenced <js>"$ref"</js> schemas).
Allowing Juneau to auto-generate a code example.
The {@link oaj.http.annotation.Response#example @Response(example)} annotation can be used on either your <ja>@RestMethod</ja>-annotated
method or return class to define the example of the body.
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jc>// A JSON representation of a Pet object.</jc>
This is a Simple JSON representation of the body that is converted to a POJO and then serialized to all the registered serializers on the REST method to produce examples for all
supported language types.
These values are then used to automatically populate the <c>examples</c> field.
Direct per-media-type examples can also be defined using the {@link oaj.http.annotation.Response#examples @Response(examples)} annotation:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jc>// A JSON representation of a PetCreate object.</jc>
Juneau also supports auto-generation of JSON-Schema directly from POJO classes.
By default, the generated swagger uses to the {@link oaj.jsonschema.JsonSchemaGenerator#JSONSCHEMA_addExamplesTo JSONSCHEMA_addExamplesTo}
setting to automatically add examples to beans, collections, arrays, and maps:
In particular, examples can be defined via static methods, fields, and annotations on the classes themselves.
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jc>// Annotation on class.</jc>
<jk>public class</jk> PetCreate {
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jc>// Annotation on static method.</jc>
<jk>public class</jk> PetCreate {
<jk>public static</jk> PetCreate <jsm>sample</jsm>() {
<jk>return new</jk> PetCreate(<js>"Doggie"</js>, 9.99f, <js>"Dog"</js>, <jk>new</jk> String[] {<js>"friendly"</js>,<js>"cute"</js>});
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jc>// Static method with specific name 'example'.</jc>
<jk>public class</jk> PetCreate {
<jk>public static</jk> PetCreate <jsm>example</jsm>() {
<jk>return new</jk> PetCreate(<js>"Doggie"</js>, 9.99f, <js>"Dog"</js>, <jk>new</jk> String[] {<js>"friendly"</js>,<js>"cute"</js>});
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jc>// Static field.</jc>
<jk>public class</jk> PetCreate {
<jk>public static</jk> PetCreate <jsf>EXAMPLE</jsf> = <jk>new</jk> PetCreate(<js>"Doggie"</js>, 9.99f, <js>"Dog"</js>, <jk>new</jk> String[] {<js>"friendly"</js>,<js>"cute"</js>});
Examples can also be specified via generic properties as well using the {@link oaj.BeanContext#BEAN_examples} property
or {@link oaj.annotation.BeanConfig#examples @BeanConfig(examples)} annotation at either the class or method level.
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jc>// Examples defined at class level.</jc>
examples=<js>"{PetCreate: {name:'Doggie',price:9.99,species:'Dog',tags:['friendly','cute']}}"</js>
Response headers are also rendered in the Swagger UI:
<img class='bordered w900' src='doc-files/juneau-rest-server.Swagger.ResponseExamples.4.png'>
These can be auto-generated from {@link oaj.http.annotation.ResponseHeader @ResponseHeader} annotations defined on either
method parameters or type classes.
The example above shows one of each:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
summary=<js>"Logs user into the system"</js>,
<jk>public</jk> Ok login(
description=<js>"The username for login"</js>,
String username,
description=<js>"The password for login in clear text"</js>,
String password,
description=<js>"Calls per hour allowed by the user."</js>,
Value&lt;Integer&gt; rateLimit,
Value&lt;ExpiresAfter&gt; expiresAfter,
RestRequest req,
RestResponse res
) <jk>throws</jk> InvalidLogin, NotAcceptable {
<jk>if</jk> (! <jf>store</jf>.isValid(username, password))
<jk>throw new</jk> InvalidLogin();
Date d = <jk>new</jk> Date(System.<jsm>currentTimeMillis</jsm>() + 30 * 60 * 1000);
req.getSession().setAttribute(<js>"login-expires"</js>, d);
expiresAfter.set(<jk>new</jk> ExpiresAfter(d));
<jk>return</jk> <jsf>OK</jsf>;
<p class='bpcode w800'>
description=<js>"Date in UTC when token expires"</js>,
<jk>public static class</jk> ExpiresAfter {
<jk>private final</jk> Calendar <jf>c</jf>;
<jk>public</jk> ExpiresAfter(Date d) {
<jk>this</jk>.<jf>c</jf> = <jk>new</jk> GregorianCalendar();
<jk>public</jk> Calendar toCalendar() {
<jk>return</jk> <jf>c</jf>;