blob: 025762699ccf08d01ca357099c5bb3480c17c307 [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.juneau.a.rttests;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.juneau.*;
import org.apache.juneau.parser.*;
import org.apache.juneau.serializer.*;
import org.junit.*;
* Tests designed to serialize and parse objects to make sure we end up
* with the same objects for all serializers and parsers.
public class RoundTripSimpleObjectsTest extends RoundTripTest {
public RoundTripSimpleObjectsTest(String label, SerializerBuilder s, ParserBuilder p, int flags) throws Exception {
super(label, s, p, flags);
// testNull
public void testNull() throws Exception {
String t = null;
t = roundTrip(t);
// testOptional
public void testOptional() throws Exception {
Optional<String> o = Optional.empty();
o = roundTrip(o);
// testString
public void testString() throws Exception {
String t = "foobar";
t = roundTrip(t);
assertEquals("foobar", t);
t = "";
t = roundTrip(t);
assertEquals("", t);
// testOptional
public void testOptionalContainingString() throws Exception {
Optional<String> o = Optional.of("foobar");
o = roundTrip(o);
assertEquals("foobar", o.get());
o = Optional.of("");
o = roundTrip(o);
assertEquals("", o.get());
// testStringArray
public void testStringArray() throws Exception {
String[] t = {"foo", null, "null", ""};
t = roundTrip(t, String[].class);
assertEquals("foo", t[0]);
assertEquals("null", t[2]);
assertEquals("", t[3]);
// testString2dArray
public void testString2dArray() throws Exception {
String[][] t = {{"foo", null, "null", ""},null};
t = roundTrip(t, String[][].class);
assertEquals("foo", t[0][0]);
assertEquals("null", t[0][2]);
assertEquals("", t[0][3]);
// testInt
public void testInt() throws Exception {
int t = 123;
t = roundTrip(t);
assertEquals(123, t);
// testIntArray
public void testIntArray() throws Exception {
int[] t = roundTrip(new int[]{1,2,3}, int[].class);
assertEquals(1, t[0]);
assertEquals(2, t[1]);
assertEquals(3, t[2]);
// testInt2dArray
public void testInt2dArray() throws Exception {
int[][] t = {{1,2,3},null};
t = roundTrip(t, int[][].class);
assertEquals(1, t[0][0]);
assertEquals(2, t[0][1]);
assertEquals(3, t[0][2]);
// testInt3dArray
public void testInt3dArray() throws Exception {
int[][][] t = {{{1,2,3},{4,5,6},null},null};
t = roundTrip(t, int[][][].class);
assertEquals(1, t[0][0][0]);
assertEquals(2, t[0][0][1]);
assertEquals(3, t[0][0][2]);
assertEquals(4, t[0][1][0]);
assertEquals(5, t[0][1][1]);
assertEquals(6, t[0][1][2]);
// testBoolean
public void testBoolean() throws Exception {
boolean t = true;
t = roundTrip(t);
t = false;
t = roundTrip(t);
// testBooleanArray
public void testBooleanArray() throws Exception {
boolean[] t = {true,false};
t = roundTrip(t, boolean[].class);
// testBoolean2dArray
public void testBoolean2dArray() throws Exception {
boolean[][] t = {{true,false},null};
t = roundTrip(t, boolean[][].class);
// testChar
public void testChar() throws Exception {
char t = 'a';
t = roundTrip(t, char.class);
assertEquals('a', t);
// testCharArray
public void testCharArray() throws Exception {
char[] t = {'a',0};
t = roundTrip(t, char[].class);
assertEquals('a', t[0]);
assertEquals(0, t[1]);
// testChar2dArray
public void testChar2dArray() throws Exception {
char[][] t = {{'a',0},null};
t = roundTrip(t, char[][].class);
assertEquals('a', t[0][0]);
assertEquals(0, t[0][1]);
// testFloat
public void testFloat() throws Exception {
float t = 1f;
t = roundTrip(t, float.class);
assertEquals(1f, t, 0.1f);
// testFloatArray
public void testFloatArray() throws Exception {
float[] t = {1f};
t = roundTrip(t, float[].class);
assertEquals(1f, t[0], 0.1f);
// testFloat2dArray
public void testFloat2dArray() throws Exception {
float[][] t = {{1f},null};
t = roundTrip(t, float[][].class);
assertEquals(1f, t[0][0], 0.1f);
// testDouble
public void testDouble() throws Exception {
double t = 1d;
t = roundTrip(t, double.class);
assertEquals(1d, t, 0.1f);
// testDoubleArray
public void testDoubleArray() throws Exception {
double[] t = {1d};
t = roundTrip(t, double[].class);
assertEquals(1d, t[0], 0.1f);
// testDouble2dArray
public void testDouble2dArray() throws Exception {
double[][] t = {{1d},null};
t = roundTrip(t, double[][].class);
assertEquals(1d, t[0][0], 0.1f);
// testLong
public void testLong() throws Exception {
long t = 1l;
t = roundTrip(t, long.class);
assertEquals(1l, t);
// testLongArray
public void testLongArray() throws Exception {
long[] t = {1l};
t = roundTrip(t, long[].class);
assertEquals(1l, t[0]);
// testLong2dArray
public void testLong2dArray() throws Exception {
long[][] t = {{1l},null};
t = roundTrip(t, long[][].class);
assertEquals(1l, t[0][0]);
// testShort
public void testShort() throws Exception {
short t = (short)1;
t = roundTrip(t, short.class);
assertEquals(1l, t);
// testShortArray
public void testShortArray() throws Exception {
short[] t = {(short)1};
t = roundTrip(t, short[].class);
assertEquals(1l, t[0]);
// testShort2dArray
public void testShort2dArray() throws Exception {
short[][] t = {{(short)1},null};
t = roundTrip(t, short[][].class);
assertEquals((short)1, t[0][0]);
// testInteger
public void testInteger() throws Exception {
Integer t = 123;
t = roundTrip(t, Integer.class);
assertEquals(new Integer(123), t);
// testIntegerArray
public void testIntegerArray() throws Exception {
Integer[] t = {123, null};
t = roundTrip(t, Integer[].class);
assertEquals(new Integer(123), t[0]);
// testInteger2dArray
public void testInteger2dArray() throws Exception {
Integer[][] t = {{123,null},null};
t = roundTrip(t, Integer[][].class);
assertEquals(new Integer(123), t[0][0]);
// testInteger3dArray
public void testInteger3dArray() throws Exception {
Integer[][][] t = {{{123,null},null},null};
t = roundTrip(t, Integer[][][].class);
assertEquals(new Integer(123), t[0][0][0]);
// testBooleanObject
public void testBooleanObject() throws Exception {
Boolean t = Boolean.TRUE;
t = roundTrip(t, Boolean.class);
t = Boolean.FALSE;
t = roundTrip(t, Boolean.class);
// testBooleanObjectArray
public void testBooleanObjectArray() throws Exception {
Boolean[] t = {true,false,null};
t = roundTrip(t, Boolean[].class);
// testBooleanObject2dArray
public void testBooleanObject2dArray() throws Exception {
Boolean[][] t = {{true,false,null},null};
t = roundTrip(t, Boolean[][].class);
// testCharacter
public void testCharacter() throws Exception {
Character t = 'a';
t = roundTrip(t, Character.class);
assertEquals(new Character('a'), t);
// testCharacterArray
public void testCharacterArray() throws Exception {
Character[] t = {'a',null};
t = roundTrip(t, Character[].class);
assertEquals(new Character('a'), t[0]);
// testCharacter2dArray
public void testCharacter2dArray() throws Exception {
Character[][] t = {{'a',null},null};
t = roundTrip(t, Character[][].class);
assertEquals(new Character('a'), t[0][0]);
// testFloatObject
public void testFloatObject() throws Exception {
Float t = 1f;
t = roundTrip(t, Float.class);
assertEquals(new Float(1f), t);
// testFloatObjectArray
public void testFloatObjectArray() throws Exception {
Float[] t = {1f, null};
t = roundTrip(t, Float[].class);
assertEquals(new Float(1f), t[0]);
// testFloatObject2dArray
public void testFloatObject2dArray() throws Exception {
Float[][] t = {{1f,null},null};
t = roundTrip(t, Float[][].class);
assertEquals(new Float(1f), t[0][0]);
// testDoubleObject
public void testDoubleObject() throws Exception {
Double t = 1d;
t = roundTrip(t, Double.class);
assertEquals(new Double(1d), t);
// testDoubleObjectArray
public void testDoubleObjectArray() throws Exception {
Double[] t = {1d,null};
t = roundTrip(t, Double[].class);
assertEquals(new Double(1d), t[0]);
// testDoubleObject2dArray
public void testDoubleObject2dArray() throws Exception {
Double[][] t = {{1d,null},null};
t = roundTrip(t, Double[][].class);
assertEquals(new Double(1d), t[0][0]);
// testLongObject
public void testLongObject() throws Exception {
Long t = 1l;
t = roundTrip(t, Long.class);
assertEquals(new Long(1l), t);
// testLongObjectArray
public void testLongObjectArray() throws Exception {
Long[] t = {1l, null};
t = roundTrip(t, Long[].class);
assertEquals(new Long(1l), t[0]);
// testLongObject2dArray
public void testLongObject2dArray() throws Exception {
Long[][] t = {{1l,null},null};
t = roundTrip(t, Long[][].class);
assertEquals(new Long(1l), t[0][0]);
// testShortObject
public void testShortObject() throws Exception {
Short t = (short)1;
t = roundTrip(t, Short.class);
assertEquals(new Short((short)1), t);
// testShortObjectArray
public void testShortObjectArray() throws Exception {
Short[] t = {(short)1,null};
t = roundTrip(t, Short[].class);
assertEquals(new Short((short)1), t[0]);
// testShortObject2dArray
public void testShortObject2dArray() throws Exception {
Short[][] t = {{(short)1,null},null};
t = roundTrip(t, Short[][].class);
assertEquals(new Short((short)1), t[0][0]);
// testObjectMap
public void testObjectMap() throws Exception {
ObjectMap t = new ObjectMap("{a:'b',c:123,d:false,e:null,f:[123,'abc',true,false,null]}");
t = roundTrip(t);
assertEquals("b", t.get("a"));
assertEquals(123, t.get("c"));
assertEquals(false, t.get("d"));
List l = (List)t.get("f");
assertEquals(123, l.get(0));
assertEquals("abc", l.get(1));
assertEquals(true, l.get(2));
assertEquals(false, l.get(3));
// testObjectList
public void testObjectList() throws Exception {
ObjectList t = new ObjectList("['abc',123,true,false,null,{a:'b'}]");
t = roundTrip(t);
assertEquals("abc", t.get(0));
assertEquals(123, t.get(1));
assertEquals(true, t.get(2));
assertEquals(false, t.get(3));
Map m = (Map)t.get(5);
assertEquals("b", m.get("a"));
// testTreeMap
public void testTreeMap() throws Exception {
TreeMap t = new TreeMap();
t.put("a", 1);
t.put("b", 2);
t.put("c", 3);
t = roundTrip(t, TreeMap.class);
assertEquals(1, t.get("a"));
assertEquals(2, t.get("b"));
assertEquals(3, t.get("c"));
t = new TreeMap();
t.put("a", true);
t.put("b", false);
t.put("c", null);
t.put("d", "foo");
t.put("null", "baz");
t.put("a\"a", "a\"a");
t.put("b'b", "b'b");
t.put("\"cc\"", "\"cc\"");
t.put("'dd'", "'dd'");
t = roundTrip(t, TreeMap.class);
assertEquals(true, t.get("a"));
assertEquals(false, t.get("b"));
assertEquals("foo", t.get("d"));
assertEquals("baz", t.get("null"));
assertEquals("a\"a", t.get("a\"a"));
assertEquals("b'b", t.get("b'b"));
assertEquals("\"cc\"", t.get("\"cc\""));
assertEquals("'dd'", t.get("'dd'"));
// testLinkedHashMap
public void testLinkedHashMap() throws Exception {
LinkedHashMap t = new LinkedHashMap();
t.put("a", true);
t.put("b", false);
t.put("c", null);
t.put("d", "foo");
t.put(null, "bar");
t.put("null", "null");
t.put("true", "true");
t.put("false", "false");
t.put("a\"a", "a\"a");
t.put("b'b", "b'b");
t.put("\"cc\"", "\"cc\"");
t.put("'dd'", "'dd'");
t.put("<ee>", "<ee>");
t.put("<ff/>", "<ff/>");
t.put("</gg>", "</gg>");
t.put("<>", "<>");
t.put("{}", "{}");
t.put("[]", "[]");
t.put("&", "&");
t.put("?", "?");
t.put("/", "/");
t.put("\b", "\b");
t.put("\\b", "\\b");
t.put("\n", "\n");
t.put("\\n", "\\n");
t.put("\t", "\t");
t.put("\\t", "\\t");
t.put("\f", "\f");
t.put("\\f", "\\f");
t.put("\\", "\\");
t.put("\\\\", "\\\\");
t.put("\u2345", "\u2345");
t.put("\\u2345", "\\u2345");
t.put("\\\u2345", "\\\u2345");
t.put("<>{}[]&?/\b\n\t\f\\\\\u2345", "<>{}[]&?/\b\n\t\f\\\\\u2345");
t = roundTrip(t, LinkedHashMap.class);
assertEquals(true, t.get("a"));
assertEquals(false, t.get("b"));
assertEquals("foo", t.get("d"));
assertEquals("bar", t.get(null));
assertEquals("null", t.get("null"));
assertEquals("true", t.get("true"));
assertEquals("false", t.get("false"));
assertEquals("a\"a", t.get("a\"a"));
assertEquals("b'b", t.get("b'b"));
assertEquals("\"cc\"", t.get("\"cc\""));
assertEquals("'dd'", t.get("'dd'"));
assertEquals("<ee>", t.get("<ee>"));
assertEquals("<ff/>", t.get("<ff/>"));
assertEquals("</gg>", t.get("</gg>"));
assertEquals("<>", t.get("<>"));
assertEquals("{}", t.get("{}"));
assertEquals("[]", t.get("[]"));
assertEquals("&", t.get("&"));
assertEquals("?", t.get("?"));
assertEquals("/", t.get("/"));
assertEquals("\b", t.get("\b"));
assertEquals("\\b", t.get("\\b"));
assertEquals("\n", t.get("\n"));
assertEquals("\\n", t.get("\\n"));
assertEquals("\t", t.get("\t"));
assertEquals("\\t", t.get("\\t"));
assertEquals("\f", t.get("\f"));
assertEquals("\\f", t.get("\\f"));
assertEquals("\\", t.get("\\"));
assertEquals("\\\\", t.get("\\\\"));
assertEquals("\u2345", t.get("\u2345"));
assertEquals("\\u2345", t.get("\\u2345"));
assertEquals("\\\u2345", t.get("\\\u2345"));
assertEquals("<>{}[]&?/\b\n\t\f\\\\\u2345", t.get("<>{}[]&?/\b\n\t\f\\\\\u2345"));
// testVector
public void testVector() throws Exception {
Vector<Integer> t = new Vector<>();
t = roundTrip(t, Vector.class, Integer.class);
// testNull
public void testExtendedUnicode() throws Exception {
// Test 4-byte UTF-8 character
String t = "𤭢𤭢";
t = roundTrip(t);
assertEquals("𤭢𤭢", t);