blob: 301da516fb270202ba13de8152a0b8cb0b43b6b5 [file] [log] [blame]
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import org.apache.juneau.assertions.*;
import org.apache.juneau.http.response.*;
import org.apache.juneau.internal.*;
* Used for fluent assertion calls against {@link ResponseHeader} objects.
* @param <R> The return type.
public class FluentResponseHeaderAssertion<R> extends FluentBaseAssertion<String,R> {
private final ResponseHeader value;
* Constructor.
* @param value The object being tested.
* @param returns The object to return after the test.
public FluentResponseHeaderAssertion(ResponseHeader value, R returns) {
super(null, value.getValue(), returns);
this.value = value;
* Converts this object assertion into a boolean assertion.
* @return A new assertion.
* @throws AssertionError If object is not a boolean.
public FluentBooleanAssertion<R> asBoolean() {
return new FluentBooleanAssertion<>(this, value.asBoolean().orElse(null), returns());
* Converts this object assertion into an integer assertion.
* @return A new assertion.
* @throws AssertionError If object is not an integer.
public FluentIntegerAssertion<R> asInteger() {
return new FluentIntegerAssertion<>(this, value.asInteger().orElse(null), returns());
* Converts this object assertion into a long assertion.
* @return A new assertion.
* @throws AssertionError If object is not a long.
public FluentLongAssertion<R> asLong() {
return new FluentLongAssertion<>(this, value.asLong().orElse(null), returns());
* Converts this object assertion into a zoned-datetime assertion.
* @return A new assertion.
* @throws AssertionError If object is not a zoned-datetime.
public FluentZonedDateTimeAssertion<R> asZonedDateTime() {
return new FluentZonedDateTimeAssertion<>(this, value.asDateHeader().asZonedDateTime().orElse(null), returns());
* Provides the ability to perform fluent-style assertions on this response body.
* <p>
* Converts the body to a type using {@link ResponseBody#asType(Class)} and then returns the value as an object assertion.
* <h5 class='section'>Examples:</h5>
* <p class='bcode w800'>
* <jc>// Validates the response body bean is the expected value.</jc>
* <jv>client</jv>
* .get(<js>"/myBean"</js>)
* .run()
* .assertBody().asType(MyBean.<jk>class</jk>).json().is(<js>"{foo:'bar'}"</js>);
* </p>
* <ul class='notes'>
* <li>
* If no charset was found on the <code>Content-Type</code> response header, <js>"UTF-8"</js> is assumed.
* <li>
* When using this method, the body is automatically cached by calling the {@link ResponseBody#cache()}.
* <li>
* The input stream is automatically closed after this call.
* </ul>
* @param type The object type to create.
* @return A new fluent assertion object.
* @throws RestCallException If REST call failed.
public <V> FluentObjectAssertion<V,R> asType(Class<V> type) throws RestCallException {
return new FluentObjectAssertion<>(value.asType(type).orElse(null), returns());
// <FluentSetters>
@Override /* GENERATED - Assertion */
public FluentResponseHeaderAssertion<R> msg(String msg, Object...args) {
super.msg(msg, args);
return this;
@Override /* GENERATED - Assertion */
public FluentResponseHeaderAssertion<R> out(PrintStream value) {
return this;
@Override /* GENERATED - Assertion */
public FluentResponseHeaderAssertion<R> silent() {
return this;
@Override /* GENERATED - Assertion */
public FluentResponseHeaderAssertion<R> stdout() {
return this;
@Override /* GENERATED - Assertion */
public FluentResponseHeaderAssertion<R> throwable(Class<? extends java.lang.RuntimeException> value) {
return this;
// </FluentSetters>