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import static org.apache.juneau.dto.html5.HtmlBuilder.*;
import static org.apache.juneau.http.HttpMethodName.*;
import static org.apache.juneau.internal.StringUtils.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import org.apache.juneau.dto.*;
import org.apache.juneau.dto.html5.*;
import org.apache.juneau.html.annotation.*;
import org.apache.juneau.http.*;
import org.apache.juneau.http.annotation.Header;
import org.apache.juneau.http.annotation.Path;
import org.apache.juneau.internal.*;
import org.apache.juneau.parser.*;
import org.apache.juneau.remote.*;
* Abstract class for defining Remote Interface Services.
* <p>
* Remote Interface Services are POJOs whose methods can be invoked remotely through proxy interfaces.
* <p>
* To implement a remote interface service, developers must simply subclass from this class and implement the
* {@link #getServiceMap()} method that maps java interfaces to POJO instances.
* <ul class='seealso'>
* <li class='link'>{@doc juneau-rest-server.restRPC}
* </ul>
public abstract class RrpcServlet extends BasicRestServlet {
private final Map<String,RemoteInterfaceMeta> serviceMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
// Abstract methods
* Returns the list of interfaces to their implementation objects.
* <p>
* This class is called often and not cached, so any caching should occur in the subclass if necessary.
* @return The service map.
* @throws Exception
protected abstract Map<Class<?>,Object> getServiceMap() throws Exception;
// REST methods
summary="List of available remote interfaces",
description="Shows a list of the interfaces registered with this remote interface servlet."
public List<LinkString> getInterfaces() throws Exception {
List<LinkString> l = new LinkedList<>();
for (Class<?> c : getServiceMap().keySet())
l.add(new LinkString(c.getName(), "servlet:/{0}", urlEncode(c.getName())));
return l;
summary="List of available methods on interface",
description="Shows a list of all the exposed methods on an interface."
nav="<h5>Interface: $RP{javaInterface}</h5>"
public Collection<LinkString> listMethods(
@Path(name="javaInterface", description="Java interface name", example="") String javaInterface
) throws Exception {
List<LinkString> l = new ArrayList<>();
for (String s : getMethods(javaInterface).keySet())
l.add(new LinkString(s, "servlet:/{0}/{1}", urlEncode(javaInterface), urlEncode(s)));
return l;
summary="Form entry for interface method call",
description="Shows a form entry page for executing a remote interface method."
"<h5>Interface: $RP{javaInterface}</h5>",
"<h5>Method: $RP{javaMethod}</h5>"
public Div showEntryForm(
@Path(name="javaInterface", description="Java interface name", example="") String javaInterface,
@Path(name="javaMethod", description="Java method name", example="myMethod") String javaMethod
) throws NotFound, Exception {
// Find the method.
RemoteInterfaceMethod rmm = getMethods(javaInterface).get(javaMethod);
if (rmm == null)
throw new NotFound("Method not found");
Table t = table();
Type[] types = rmm.getJavaMethod().getGenericParameterTypes();
if (types.length == 0) {
t.child(tr(td("No arguments").colspan(3).style("text-align:center")));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
String type = ClassUtils.toString(types[i]);
t.child(tr(td(i), td(type), td(input().name(String.valueOf(i)).type("text"))));
types.length == 0 ? null : button("reset", "Reset"),
button("submit", "Submit")
return div(form().id("form").action("request:/").method(POST).children(t));
summary="Invoke an interface method",
description="Invoke a Java method by passing in the arguments as an array of serialized objects.\nThe returned object is then serialized to the response.",
parameters= {
"in: 'body',",
"description: 'Serialized array of Java objects',",
"schema: {",
"type': 'array'",
"x-examples: {",
"'application/json+lax': '[\\'foo\\', 123, true]'",
responses= {
"200:{ description:'The return object serialized', schema:{type:'any'},'x-example':{foo:123} }",
nav= {
"<h5>Interface: $RP{javaInterface}</h5>",
"<h5>Method: $RP{javaMethod}</h5>"
public Object invoke(
Reader r,
ReaderParser p,
@Header("Content-Type") ContentType contentType,
@Path(name="javaInterface", description="Java interface name", example="") String javaInterface,
@Path(name="javaMethod", description="Java method name", example="myMethod") String javaMethod
) throws UnsupportedMediaType, NotFound, Exception {
// Find the parser.
if (p == null)
throw new UnsupportedMediaType("Could not find parser for media type ''{0}''", contentType);
RemoteInterfaceMeta rim = getInterfaceClass(javaInterface);
// Find the service.
Object service = getServiceMap().get(rim.getJavaClass());
if (service == null)
throw new NotFound("Service not found");
// Find the method.
RemoteInterfaceMethod rmm = getMethods(javaInterface).get(javaMethod);
if (rmm == null)
throw new NotFound("Method not found");
// Parse the args and invoke the method.
java.lang.reflect.Method m = rmm.getJavaMethod();
Object[] params = p.parseArgs(r, m.getGenericParameterTypes());
return m.invoke(service, params);
// Other methods
private Map<String,RemoteInterfaceMethod> getMethods(String javaInterface) throws Exception {
return getInterfaceClass(javaInterface).getMethodsByPath();
* Return the <c>Class</c> given it's name if it exists in the services map.
private RemoteInterfaceMeta getInterfaceClass(String javaInterface) throws NotFound, Exception {
RemoteInterfaceMeta rm = serviceMap.get(javaInterface);
if (rm == null) {
for (Class<?> c : getServiceMap().keySet()) {
if (c.getName().equals(javaInterface)) {
rm = new RemoteInterfaceMeta(c, null);
serviceMap.put(javaInterface, rm);
return rm;
throw new NotFound("Interface class not found");
return rm;