blob: d6744f636f91b7deb0622ecd7804f8011075e090 [file] [log] [blame]
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import static org.apache.juneau.internal.ClassUtils.*;
import static org.apache.juneau.internal.ExceptionUtils.*;
import static org.apache.juneau.internal.StringUtils.*;
import static*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.juneau.*;
import org.apache.juneau.collections.*;
import org.apache.juneau.cp.*;
import org.apache.juneau.dto.swagger.Swagger;
import org.apache.juneau.http.annotation.*;
import org.apache.juneau.http.annotation.Contact;
import org.apache.juneau.http.annotation.License;
import org.apache.juneau.http.header.*;
import org.apache.juneau.internal.*;
import org.apache.juneau.json.*;
import org.apache.juneau.jsonschema.*;
import org.apache.juneau.jsonschema.annotation.*;
import org.apache.juneau.jsonschema.annotation.Items;
import org.apache.juneau.jsonschema.annotation.Tag;
import org.apache.juneau.marshall.*;
import org.apache.juneau.parser.*;
import org.apache.juneau.reflect.*;
import org.apache.juneau.serializer.*;
import org.apache.juneau.svl.*;
* A single session of generating a Swagger document.
public class BasicSwaggerProviderSession {
private final RestContext context;
private final Class<?> c;
private final ClassInfo rci;
private final FileFinder ff;
private final Messages mb;
private final VarResolverSession vr;
private final JsonParser jp = JsonParser.create().ignoreUnknownBeanProperties().build();
private final JsonSchemaGeneratorSession js;
private final Locale locale;
* Constructor.
* @param context The context of the REST object we're generating Swagger about.
* @param locale The language of the swagger we're asking for.
* @param ff The file finder to use for finding JSON files.
* @param messages The messages to use for finding localized strings.
* @param vr The variable resolver to use for resolving variables in the swagger.
* @param js The JSON-schema generator to use for stuff like examples.
public BasicSwaggerProviderSession(RestContext context, Locale locale, FileFinder ff, Messages messages, VarResolverSession vr, JsonSchemaGeneratorSession js) {
this.context = context;
this.c = context.getResourceClass();
this.rci = ClassInfo.of(c);
this.ff = ff;
this.mb = messages;
this.vr = vr;
this.js = js;
this.locale = locale;
* Generates the swagger.
* @return A new {@link Swagger} object.
* @throws Exception If an error occurred producing the Swagger.
public Swagger getSwagger() throws Exception {
InputStream is = ff.getStream(rci.getSimpleName() + ".json", locale).orElse(null);
// Load swagger JSON from classpath.
OMap omSwagger =, OMap.class);
if (omSwagger == null)
omSwagger = new OMap();
// Combine it with @Rest(swagger)
for (Rest rr : rci.getAnnotations(Rest.class)) {
OMap sInfo = omSwagger.getMap("info", true);
); r = rr.swagger();
omSwagger.append(parseMap(r.value(), "@Swagger(value) on class {0}", c));
if (! SwaggerAnnotation.empty(r)) {
OMap info = omSwagger.getMap("info", true);
.appendSkipEmpty("title", resolve(r.title()))
.appendSkipEmpty("description", resolve(r.description()))
.appendSkipEmpty("version", resolve(r.version()))
.appendSkipEmpty("termsOfService", resolve(r.termsOfService()))
toMap(, "@Swagger(contact) on class {0}", c)
toMap(r.license(), "@Swagger(license) on class {0}", c)
toMap(r.externalDocs(), "@Swagger(externalDocs) on class {0}", c)
toList(r.tags(), "@Swagger(tags) on class {0}", c)
omSwagger.appendSkipEmpty("externalDocs", parseMap(mb.findFirstString("externalDocs"), "Messages/externalDocs on class {0}", c));
OMap info = omSwagger.getMap("info", true);
.appendSkipEmpty("title", resolve(mb.findFirstString("title")))
.appendSkipEmpty("description", resolve(mb.findFirstString("description")))
.appendSkipEmpty("version", resolve(mb.findFirstString("version")))
.appendSkipEmpty("termsOfService", resolve(mb.findFirstString("termsOfService")))
.appendSkipEmpty("contact", parseMap(mb.findFirstString("contact"), "Messages/contact on class {0}", c))
.appendSkipEmpty("license", parseMap(mb.findFirstString("license"), "Messages/license on class {0}", c));
if (info.isEmpty())
produces = omSwagger.getList("produces", true),
consumes = omSwagger.getList("consumes", true);
if (consumes.isEmpty())
if (produces.isEmpty())
Map<String,OMap> tagMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
if (omSwagger.containsKey("tags")) {
for (OMap om : omSwagger.getList("tags").elements(OMap.class)) {
String name = om.getString("name");
if (name == null)
throw new SwaggerException(null, "Tag definition found without name in swagger JSON.");
tagMap.put(name, om);
String s = mb.findFirstString("tags");
if (s != null) {
for (OMap m : parseListOrCdl(s, "Messages/tags on class {0}", c).elements(OMap.class)) {
String name = m.getString("name");
if (name == null)
throw new SwaggerException(null, "Tag definition found without name in resource bundle on class {0}", c) ;
if (tagMap.containsKey(name))
tagMap.put(name, m);
// Load our existing bean definitions into our session.
OMap definitions = omSwagger.getMap("definitions", true);
for (String defId : definitions.keySet())
js.addBeanDef(defId, new OMap(definitions.getMap(defId)));
// Iterate through all the @RestOp methods.
for (RestOperationContext sm : context.getMethodContexts()) {
BeanSession bs = sm.createBeanSession();
Method m = sm.getJavaMethod();
MethodInfo mi = MethodInfo.of(m);
AnnotationList al = mi.getAnnotationGroupList(RestOp.class);
String mn = m.getName();
// Get the operation from the existing swagger so far.
OMap op = getOperation(omSwagger, sm.getPathPattern(), sm.getHttpMethod().toLowerCase());
// Add @RestOp(swagger)
OpSwagger ms = al.getValues(OpSwagger.class, "swagger").stream().filter(x -> ! OpSwaggerAnnotation.empty(x)).findFirst().orElse(OpSwaggerAnnotation.create().build());
op.append(parseMap(ms.value(), "@OpSwagger(value) on class {0} method {1}", c, m));
resolve(mb.findFirstString(mn + ".summary")),
resolve(al.getValues(String.class, "summary").stream().filter(x -> !x.isEmpty()).findFirst().orElse(null))
resolve(mb.findFirstString(mn + ".description")),
resolve(al.getValues(String[].class, "description").stream().filter(x -> x.length > 0).findFirst().orElse(new String[0]))
(m.getAnnotation(Deprecated.class) != null || m.getDeclaringClass().getAnnotation(Deprecated.class) != null) ? "true" : null
parseListOrCdl(mb.findFirstString(mn + ".tags"), "Messages/tags on class {0} method {1}", c, m),
parseListOrCdl(ms.tags(), "@OpSwagger(tags) on class {0} method {1}", c, m)
parseListOrCdl(mb.findFirstString(mn + ".schemes"), "Messages/schemes on class {0} method {1}", c, m),
parseListOrCdl(ms.schemes(), "@OpSwagger(schemes) on class {0} method {1}", c, m)
parseListOrCdl(mb.findFirstString(mn + ".consumes"), "Messages/consumes on class {0} method {1}", c, m),
parseListOrCdl(ms.consumes(), "@OpSwagger(consumes) on class {0} method {1}", c, m)
parseListOrCdl(mb.findFirstString(mn + ".produces"), "Messages/produces on class {0} method {1}", c, m),
parseListOrCdl(ms.produces(), "@OpSwagger(produces) on class {0} method {1}", c, m)
parseList(mb.findFirstString(mn + ".parameters"), "Messages/parameters on class {0} method {1}", c, m),
parseList(ms.parameters(), "@OpSwagger(parameters) on class {0} method {1}", c, m)
parseMap(mb.findFirstString(mn + ".responses"), "Messages/responses on class {0} method {1}", c, m),
parseMap(ms.responses(), "@OpSwagger(responses) on class {0} method {1}", c, m)
parseMap(mb.findFirstString(mn + ".externalDocs"), "Messages/externalDocs on class {0} method {1}", c, m),
toMap(ms.externalDocs(), "@OpSwagger(externalDocs) on class {0} method {1}", c, m)
if (op.containsKey("tags"))
for (String tag : op.getList("tags").elements(String.class))
if (! tagMap.containsKey(tag))
tagMap.put(tag, OMap.of("name", tag));
OMap paramMap = new OMap();
if (op.containsKey("parameters"))
for (OMap param : op.getList("parameters").elements(OMap.class))
paramMap.put(param.getString("in") + '.' + ("body".equals(param.getString("in")) ? "body" : param.getString("name")), param);
// Finally, look for parameters defined on method.
for (ParamInfo mpi : mi.getParams()) {
ClassInfo pt = mpi.getParameterType();
Type type = pt.innerType();
if (mpi.hasAnnotation(Body.class) || pt.hasAnnotation(Body.class)) {
OMap param = paramMap.getMap(BODY + ".body", true).a("in", BODY);
for (Body a : mpi.getAnnotations(Body.class))
merge(param, a);
for (Body a : pt.getAnnotations(Body.class))
merge(param, a);
param.putIfAbsent("required", true);
param.appendSkipEmpty("schema", getSchema(param.getMap("schema"), type, bs));
addBodyExamples(sm, param, false, type, locale);
} else if (mpi.hasAnnotation(Query.class) || pt.hasAnnotation(Query.class)) {
String name = null;
for (Query a : mpi.getAnnotations(Query.class))
name = firstNonEmpty(, a.n(), a.value(), name);
for (Query a : pt.getAnnotations(Query.class))
name = firstNonEmpty(, a.n(), a.value(), name);
OMap param = paramMap.getMap(QUERY + "." + name, true).a("name", name).a("in", QUERY);
for (Query a : mpi.getAnnotations(Query.class))
merge(param, a);
for (Query a : pt.getAnnotations(Query.class))
merge(param, a);
mergePartSchema(param, getSchema(param.getMap("schema"), type, bs));
addParamExample(sm, param, QUERY, type);
} else if (mpi.hasAnnotation(FormData.class) || pt.hasAnnotation(FormData.class)) {
String name = null;
for (FormData a : mpi.getAnnotations(FormData.class))
name = firstNonEmpty(, a.n(), a.value(), name);
for (FormData a : pt.getAnnotations(FormData.class))
name = firstNonEmpty(, a.n(), a.value(), name);
OMap param = paramMap.getMap(FORM_DATA + "." + name, true).a("name", name).a("in", FORM_DATA);
for (FormData a : mpi.getAnnotations(FormData.class))
merge(param, a);
for (FormData a : pt.getAnnotations(FormData.class))
merge(param, a);
mergePartSchema(param, getSchema(param.getMap("schema"), type, bs));
addParamExample(sm, param, FORM_DATA, type);
} else if (mpi.hasAnnotation(Header.class) || pt.hasAnnotation(Header.class)) {
String name = null;
for (Header a : mpi.getAnnotations(Header.class))
name = firstNonEmpty(, a.n(), a.value(), name);
for (Header a : pt.getAnnotations(Header.class))
name = firstNonEmpty(, a.n(), a.value(), name);
OMap param = paramMap.getMap(HEADER + "." + name, true).a("name", name).a("in", HEADER);
for (Header a : mpi.getAnnotations(Header.class))
merge(param, a);
for (Header a : pt.getAnnotations(Header.class))
merge(param, a);
mergePartSchema(param, getSchema(param.getMap("schema"), type, bs));
addParamExample(sm, param, HEADER, type);
} else if (mpi.hasAnnotation(Path.class) || pt.hasAnnotation(Path.class)) {
String name = null;
for (Path a : mpi.getAnnotations(Path.class))
name = firstNonEmpty(, a.n(), a.value(), name);
for (Path a : pt.getAnnotations(Path.class))
name = firstNonEmpty(, a.n(), a.value(), name);
OMap param = paramMap.getMap(PATH + "." + name, true).a("name", name).a("in", PATH);
for (Path a : mpi.getAnnotations(Path.class))
merge(param, a);
for (Path a : pt.getAnnotations(Path.class))
merge(param, a);
mergePartSchema(param, getSchema(param.getMap("schema"), type, bs));
addParamExample(sm, param, PATH, type);
param.putIfAbsent("required", true);
if (! paramMap.isEmpty())
op.put("parameters", paramMap.values());
OMap responses = op.getMap("responses", true);
for (ClassInfo eci : mi.getExceptionTypes()) {
if (eci.hasAnnotation(Response.class)) {
List<Response> la = eci.getAnnotations(Response.class);
Set<Integer> codes = getCodes(la, 500);
for (Response a : la) {
for (Integer code : codes) {
OMap om = responses.getMap(String.valueOf(code), true);
merge(om, a);
if (! om.containsKey("schema"))
om.appendSkipEmpty("schema", getSchema(om.getMap("schema"), eci.inner(), bs));
for (MethodInfo ecmi : eci.getAllMethodsParentFirst()) {
ResponseHeader a = ecmi.getLastAnnotation(ResponseHeader.class);
if (a == null)
a = ecmi.getReturnType().unwrap(Value.class,Optional.class).getLastAnnotation(ResponseHeader.class);
if (a != null && ! isMulti(a)) {
String ha =;
for (Integer code : codes) {
OMap header = responses.getMap(String.valueOf(code), true).getMap("headers", true).getMap(ha, true);
merge(header, a);
mergePartSchema(header, getSchema(header, ecmi.getReturnType().innerType(), bs));
if (mi.hasAnnotation(Response.class) || mi.getReturnType().unwrap(Value.class,Optional.class).hasAnnotation(Response.class)) {
List<Response> la = mi.getAnnotations(Response.class);
Set<Integer> codes = getCodes(la, 200);
for (Response a : la) {
for (Integer code : codes) {
OMap om = responses.getMap(String.valueOf(code), true);
merge(om, a);
if (! om.containsKey("schema"))
om.appendSkipEmpty("schema", getSchema(om.getMap("schema"), m.getGenericReturnType(), bs));
addBodyExamples(sm, om, true, m.getGenericReturnType(), locale);
if (mi.getReturnType().hasAnnotation(Response.class)) {
for (MethodInfo ecmi : mi.getReturnType().getAllMethodsParentFirst()) {
if (ecmi.hasAnnotation(ResponseHeader.class)) {
ResponseHeader a = ecmi.getLastAnnotation(ResponseHeader.class);
String ha =;
if (! isMulti(a)) {
for (Integer code : codes) {
OMap header = responses.getMap(String.valueOf(code), true).getMap("headers", true).getMap(ha, true);
merge(header, a);
mergePartSchema(header, getSchema(header, ecmi.getReturnType().innerType(), bs));
} else if (m.getGenericReturnType() != void.class) {
OMap om = responses.getMap("200", true);
if (! om.containsKey("schema"))
om.appendSkipEmpty("schema", getSchema(om.getMap("schema"), m.getGenericReturnType(), bs));
addBodyExamples(sm, om, true, m.getGenericReturnType(), locale);
// Finally, look for @ResponseHeader parameters defined on method.
for (ParamInfo mpi : mi.getParams()) {
ClassInfo pt = mpi.getParameterType();
if (mpi.hasAnnotation(ResponseHeader.class) || pt.hasAnnotation(ResponseHeader.class)) {
List<ResponseHeader> la = AList.of(mpi.getAnnotations(ResponseHeader.class)).a(pt.getAnnotations(ResponseHeader.class));
Set<Integer> codes = getCodes2(la, 200);
String name = null;
for (ResponseHeader a : la)
name = firstNonEmpty(, a.n(), a.value(), name);
Type type = mpi.getParameterType().innerType();
for (ResponseHeader a : la) {
if (! isMulti(a)) {
for (Integer code : codes) {
OMap header = responses.getMap(String.valueOf(code), true).getMap("headers", true).getMap(name, true);
merge(header, a);
mergePartSchema(header, getSchema(header, Value.getParameterType(type), bs));
} else if (mpi.hasAnnotation(Response.class) || pt.hasAnnotation(Response.class)) {
List<Response> la = AList.of(mpi.getAnnotations(Response.class)).a(pt.getAnnotations(Response.class));
Set<Integer> codes = getCodes(la, 200);
Type type = mpi.getParameterType().innerType();
for (Response a : la) {
for (Integer code : codes) {
OMap response = responses.getMap(String.valueOf(code), true);
merge(response, a);
type = Value.getParameterType(type);
if (type != null) {
for (String code : responses.keySet()) {
OMap om = responses.getMap(code);
if (! om.containsKey("schema"))
om.appendSkipEmpty("schema", getSchema(om.getMap("schema"), type, bs));
// Add default response descriptions.
for (Map.Entry<String,Object> e : responses.entrySet()) {
String key = e.getKey();
OMap val = responses.getMap(key);
if (StringUtils.isDecimal(key))
val.appendIf(false, true, true, "description", RestUtils.getHttpResponseText(Integer.parseInt(key)));
if (responses.isEmpty())
op.put("responses", new TreeMap<>(responses));
if (! op.containsKey("consumes")) {
List<MediaType> mConsumes = sm.getSupportedContentTypes();
if (! mConsumes.equals(consumes))
op.put("consumes", mConsumes);
if (! op.containsKey("produces")) {
List<MediaType> mProduces = sm.getSupportedAcceptTypes();
if (! mProduces.equals(produces))
op.put("produces", mProduces);
if (js.getBeanDefs() != null)
for (Map.Entry<String,OMap> e : js.getBeanDefs().entrySet())
definitions.put(e.getKey(), fixSwaggerExtensions(e.getValue()));
if (definitions.isEmpty())
if (! tagMap.isEmpty())
omSwagger.put("tags", tagMap.values());
if (consumes.isEmpty())
if (produces.isEmpty())
// try {
// if (! omSwagger.isEmpty())
// assertNoEmpties(omSwagger);
// } catch (SwaggerException e1) {
// System.err.println(omSwagger.toString(SimpleJsonSerializer.DEFAULT_READABLE));
// throw e1;
// }
try {
String swaggerJson = SimpleJsonSerializer.DEFAULT_READABLE.toString(omSwagger);
// System.err.println(swaggerJson);
return jp.parse(swaggerJson, Swagger.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RestServletException(e, "Error detected in swagger.");
// Utility methods
private boolean isMulti(ResponseHeader h) {
if ("*".equals( || "*".equals(h.value()))
return true;
return false;
private OMap resolve(OMap om) throws ParseException {
OMap om2 = null;
if (om.containsKey("_value")) {
om = om.modifiable();
om2 = parseMap(om.remove("_value"));
} else {
om2 = new OMap();
for (Map.Entry<String,Object> e : om.entrySet()) {
Object val = e.getValue();
if (val instanceof OMap) {
val = resolve((OMap)val);
} else if (val instanceof OList) {
val = resolve((OList) val);
} else if (val instanceof String) {
val = resolve(val.toString());
om2.put(e.getKey(), val);
return om2;
private OList resolve(OList om) throws ParseException {
OList ol2 = new OList();
for (Object val : om) {
if (val instanceof OMap) {
val = resolve((OMap)val);
} else if (val instanceof OList) {
val = resolve((OList) val);
} else if (val instanceof String) {
val = resolve(val.toString());
return ol2;
private String resolve(String[]...s) {
for (String[] ss : s) {
if (ss.length != 0)
return resolve(joinnl(ss));
return null;
private String resolve(String s) {
if (s == null)
return null;
return vr.resolve(s.trim());
private OMap parseMap(String[] o, String location, Object...args) throws ParseException {
if (o.length == 0)
return OMap.EMPTY_MAP;
try {
return parseMap(o);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new SwaggerException(e, "Malformed swagger JSON object encountered in " + location + ".", args);
private OMap parseMap(String o, String location, Object...args) throws ParseException {
try {
return parseMap(o);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new SwaggerException(e, "Malformed swagger JSON object encountered in " + location + ".", args);
private OMap parseMap(Object o) throws ParseException {
if (o == null)
return null;
if (o instanceof String[])
o = joinnl((String[])o);
if (o instanceof String) {
String s = o.toString();
if (s.isEmpty())
return null;
s = resolve(s);
if ("IGNORE".equalsIgnoreCase(s))
return OMap.of("ignore", true);
if (! isJsonObject(s, true))
s = "{" + s + "}";
return OMap.ofJson(s);
if (o instanceof OMap)
return (OMap)o;
throw new SwaggerException(null, "Unexpected data type ''{0}''. Expected OMap or String.", className(o));
private OList parseList(Object o, String location, Object...locationArgs) throws ParseException {
try {
if (o == null)
return null;
String s = (o instanceof String[] ? joinnl((String[])o) : o.toString());
if (s.isEmpty())
return null;
s = resolve(s);
if (! isJsonArray(s, true))
s = "[" + s + "]";
return OList.ofJson(s);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new SwaggerException(e, "Malformed swagger JSON array encountered in "+location+".", locationArgs);
private OList parseListOrCdl(Object o, String location, Object...locationArgs) throws ParseException {
try {
if (o == null)
return null;
String s = (o instanceof String[] ? joinnl((String[])o) : o.toString());
if (s.isEmpty())
return null;
s = resolve(s);
return StringUtils.parseListOrCdl(s);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new SwaggerException(e, "Malformed swagger JSON array encountered in "+location+".", locationArgs);
private OMap newMap(OMap om, String[] value, String location, Object...locationArgs) throws ParseException {
if (value.length == 0)
return om == null ? new OMap() : om;
OMap om2 = parseMap(joinnl(value), location, locationArgs);
if (om == null)
return om2;
return om.append(om2);
private OMap merge(OMap...maps) {
OMap m = maps[0];
for (int i = 1; i < maps.length; i++) {
if (maps[i] != null) {
if (m == null)
m = new OMap();
return m;
private OList merge(OList...lists) {
OList l = lists[0];
for (int i = 1; i < lists.length; i++) {
if (lists[i] != null) {
if (l == null)
l = new OList();
return l;
private final <T> T firstNonEmpty(T...t) {
return ObjectUtils.firstNonEmpty(t);
private OMap toMap(ExternalDocs a, String location, Object...locationArgs) throws ParseException {
if (ExternalDocsAnnotation.empty(a))
return null;
OMap om = newMap(new OMap(), a.value(), location, locationArgs)
.appendSkipEmpty("description", resolve(joinnl(a.description())))
.appendSkipEmpty("url", resolve(a.url()));
return nullIfEmpty(om);
private OMap toMap(Contact a, String location, Object...locationArgs) throws ParseException {
if (ContactAnnotation.empty(a))
return null;
OMap om = newMap(new OMap(), a.value(), location, locationArgs)
.appendSkipEmpty("name", resolve(
.appendSkipEmpty("url", resolve(a.url()))
.appendSkipEmpty("email", resolve(;
return nullIfEmpty(om);
private OMap toMap(License a, String location, Object...locationArgs) throws ParseException {
if (LicenseAnnotation.empty(a))
return null;
OMap om = newMap(new OMap(), a.value(), location, locationArgs)
.appendSkipEmpty("name", resolve(
.appendSkipEmpty("url", resolve(a.url()));
return nullIfEmpty(om);
private OMap toMap(Tag a, String location, Object...locationArgs) throws ParseException {
OMap om = newMap(new OMap(), a.value(), location, locationArgs);
.appendSkipEmpty("name", resolve(
.appendSkipEmpty("description", resolve(joinnl(a.description())))
.appendSkipNull("externalDocs", merge(om.getMap("externalDocs"), toMap(a.externalDocs(), location, locationArgs)));
return nullIfEmpty(om);
private OList toList(Tag[] aa, String location, Object...locationArgs) throws ParseException {
if (aa.length == 0)
return null;
OList ol = new OList();
for (Tag a : aa)
ol.add(toMap(a, location, locationArgs));
return nullIfEmpty(ol);
private OMap getSchema(OMap schema, Type type, BeanSession bs) throws Exception {
if (type == Swagger.class)
return null;
schema = newMap(schema);
ClassMeta<?> cm = bs.getClassMeta(type);
if (schema.getBoolean("ignore", false))
return null;
if (schema.containsKey("type") || schema.containsKey("$ref"))
return schema;
OMap om = fixSwaggerExtensions(schema.append(js.getSchema(cm)));
return nullIfEmpty(om);
* Replaces non-standard JSON-Schema attributes with standard Swagger attributes.
private OMap fixSwaggerExtensions(OMap om) {
.appendSkipNull("discriminator", om.remove("x-discriminator"))
.appendSkipNull("readOnly", om.remove("x-readOnly"))
.appendSkipNull("xml", om.remove("x-xml"))
.appendSkipNull("externalDocs", om.remove("x-externalDocs"))
.appendSkipNull("example", om.remove("x-example"));
return nullIfEmpty(om);
private void addBodyExamples(RestOperationContext sm, OMap piri, boolean response, Type type, Locale locale) throws Exception {
String sex = piri.getString("example");
if (sex == null) {
OMap schema = resolveRef(piri.getMap("schema"));
if (schema != null)
sex = schema.getString("example", schema.getString("example"));
if (isEmpty(sex))
Object example = null;
if (isJson(sex)) {
example = jp.parse(sex, type);
} else {
ClassMeta<?> cm = js.getClassMeta(type);
if (cm.hasStringMutater()) {
example = cm.getStringMutater().mutate(sex);
String examplesKey = "examples"; // Parameters don't have an examples attribute.
OMap examples = piri.getMap(examplesKey);
if (examples == null)
examples = new OMap();
List<MediaType> mediaTypes = response ? sm.getSerializers().getSupportedMediaTypes() : sm.getParsers().getSupportedMediaTypes();
for (MediaType mt : mediaTypes) {
if (mt != MediaType.HTML) {
Serializer s2 = sm.getSerializers().getSerializer(mt);
if (s2 != null) {
SerializerSessionArgs args =
try {
String eVal = s2.createSession(args).serializeToString(example);
examples.put(s2.getPrimaryMediaType().toString(), eVal);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Could not serialize to media type ["+mt+"]: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); // NOT DEBUG
if (! examples.isEmpty())
piri.put(examplesKey, examples);
private void addParamExample(RestOperationContext sm, OMap piri, RestParamType in, Type type) throws Exception {
String s = piri.getString("example");
if (isEmpty(s))
OMap examples = piri.getMap("examples");
if (examples == null)
examples = new OMap();
String paramName = piri.getString("name");
if (in == QUERY)
s = "?" + urlEncodeLax(paramName) + "=" + urlEncodeLax(s);
else if (in == FORM_DATA)
s = paramName + "=" + s;
else if (in == HEADER)
s = paramName + ": " + s;
else if (in == PATH)
s = sm.getPathPattern().replace("{"+paramName+"}", urlEncodeLax(s));
examples.put("example", s);
if (! examples.isEmpty())
piri.put("examples", examples);
private OMap resolveRef(OMap m) {
if (m == null)
return null;
if (m.containsKey("$ref") && js.getBeanDefs() != null) {
String ref = m.getString("$ref");
if (ref.startsWith("#/definitions/"))
return js.getBeanDefs().get(ref.substring(14));
return m;
private OMap getOperation(OMap om, String path, String httpMethod) {
if (! om.containsKey("paths"))
om.put("paths", new OMap());
om = om.getMap("paths");
if (! om.containsKey(path))
om.put(path, new OMap());
om = om.getMap(path);
if (! om.containsKey(httpMethod))
om.put(httpMethod, new OMap());
return om.getMap(httpMethod);
private static OMap newMap(OMap om) {
if (om == null)
return new OMap();
return om.modifiable();
private OMap merge(OMap om, Body a) throws ParseException {
if (BodyAnnotation.empty(a))
return om;
om = newMap(om);
if (a.value().length > 0)
if (a.api().length > 0)
return om
.appendSkipEmpty("description", resolve(a.description(), a.d()))
.appendSkipEmpty("example", resolve(a.example(), a.ex()))
.appendSkipEmpty("examples", parseMap(a.examples()), parseMap(a.exs()))
.appendSkipFalse("required", a.required() || a.r())
.appendSkipEmpty("schema", merge(om.getMap("schema"), a.schema()))
private OMap merge(OMap om, Query a) throws ParseException {
if (QueryAnnotation.empty(a))
return om;
om = newMap(om);
if (a.api().length > 0)
return om
.appendSkipFalse("allowEmptyValue", a.allowEmptyValue() || a.aev())
.appendSkipEmpty("collectionFormat", a.collectionFormat(),
.appendSkipEmpty("default", joinnl(a._default(), a.df()))
.appendSkipEmpty("description", resolve(a.description(), a.d()))
.appendSkipEmpty("enum", toSet(a._enum()), toSet(a.e()))
.appendSkipEmpty("example", resolve(a.example(), a.ex()))
.appendSkipFalse("exclusiveMaximum", a.exclusiveMaximum() || a.emax())
.appendSkipFalse("exclusiveMinimum", a.exclusiveMinimum() || a.emin())
.appendSkipEmpty("format", a.format(), a.f())
.appendSkipEmpty("items", merge(om.getMap("items"), a.items()))
.appendSkipEmpty("maximum", a.maximum(), a.max())
.appendSkipMinusOne("maxItems", a.maxItems(), a.maxi())
.appendSkipMinusOne("maxLength", a.maxLength(), a.maxl())
.appendSkipEmpty("minimum", a.minimum(), a.min())
.appendSkipMinusOne("minItems", a.minItems(),
.appendSkipMinusOne("minLength", a.minLength(), a.minl())
.appendSkipEmpty("multipleOf", a.multipleOf(),
.appendSkipEmpty("pattern", a.pattern(), a.p())
.appendSkipFalse("required", a.required() || a.r())
.appendSkipEmpty("type", a.type(), a.t())
.appendSkipFalse("uniqueItems", a.uniqueItems() || a.ui())
private OMap merge(OMap om, FormData a) throws ParseException {
if (FormDataAnnotation.empty(a))
return om;
om = newMap(om);
if (a.api().length > 0)
return om
.appendSkipFalse("allowEmptyValue", a.allowEmptyValue() || a.aev())
.appendSkipEmpty("collectionFormat", a.collectionFormat(),
.appendSkipEmpty("default", joinnl(a._default(), a.df()))
.appendSkipEmpty("description", resolve(a.description(), a.d()))
.appendSkipEmpty("enum", toSet(a._enum()), toSet(a.e()))
.appendSkipEmpty("example", resolve(a.example(), a.ex()))
.appendSkipFalse("exclusiveMaximum", a.exclusiveMaximum() || a.emax())
.appendSkipFalse("exclusiveMinimum", a.exclusiveMinimum() || a.emin())
.appendSkipEmpty("format", a.format(), a.f())
.appendSkipEmpty("items", merge(om.getMap("items"), a.items()))
.appendSkipEmpty("maximum", a.maximum(), a.max())
.appendSkipMinusOne("maxItems", a.maxItems(), a.maxi())
.appendSkipMinusOne("maxLength", a.maxLength(), a.maxl())
.appendSkipEmpty("minimum", a.minimum(), a.min())
.appendSkipMinusOne("minItems", a.minItems(),
.appendSkipMinusOne("minLength", a.minLength(), a.minl())
.appendSkipEmpty("multipleOf", a.multipleOf(),
.appendSkipEmpty("pattern", a.pattern(), a.p())
.appendSkipFalse("required", a.required())
.appendSkipEmpty("type", a.type(), a.t())
.appendSkipFalse("uniqueItems", a.uniqueItems() || a.ui())
private OMap merge(OMap om, Header a) throws ParseException {
if (HeaderAnnotation.empty(a))
return om;
om = newMap(om);
if (a.api().length > 0)
return om
.appendSkipEmpty("collectionFormat", a.collectionFormat(),
.appendSkipEmpty("default", joinnl(a._default(), a.df()))
.appendSkipEmpty("description", resolve(a.description(), a.d()))
.appendSkipEmpty("enum", toSet(a._enum()), toSet(a.e()))
.appendSkipEmpty("example", resolve(a.example(), a.ex()))
.appendSkipFalse("exclusiveMaximum", a.exclusiveMaximum() || a.emax())
.appendSkipFalse("exclusiveMinimum", a.exclusiveMinimum() || a.emin())
.appendSkipEmpty("format", a.format(), a.f())
.appendSkipEmpty("items", merge(om.getMap("items"), a.items()))
.appendSkipEmpty("maximum", a.maximum(), a.max())
.appendSkipMinusOne("maxItems", a.maxItems(), a.maxi())
.appendSkipMinusOne("maxLength", a.maxLength(), a.maxl())
.appendSkipEmpty("minimum", a.minimum(), a.min())
.appendSkipMinusOne("minItems", a.minItems(),
.appendSkipMinusOne("minLength", a.minLength(), a.minl())
.appendSkipEmpty("multipleOf", a.multipleOf(),
.appendSkipEmpty("pattern", a.pattern(), a.p())
.appendSkipFalse("required", a.required() || a.r())
.appendSkipEmpty("type", a.type(), a.t())
.appendSkipFalse("uniqueItems", a.uniqueItems() || a.ui())
private OMap merge(OMap om, Path a) throws ParseException {
if (PathAnnotation.empty(a))
return om;
om = newMap(om);
if (a.api().length > 0)
return om
.appendSkipEmpty("collectionFormat", a.collectionFormat(),
.appendSkipEmpty("description", resolve(a.description(), a.d()))
.appendSkipEmpty("enum", toSet(a._enum()), toSet(a.e()))
.appendSkipEmpty("example", resolve(a.example(), a.ex()))
.appendSkipFalse("exclusiveMaximum", a.exclusiveMaximum() || a.emax())
.appendSkipFalse("exclusiveMinimum", a.exclusiveMinimum() || a.emin())
.appendSkipEmpty("format", a.format(), a.f())
.appendSkipEmpty("items", merge(om.getMap("items"), a.items()))
.appendSkipEmpty("maximum", a.maximum(), a.max())
.appendSkipMinusOne("maxItems", a.maxItems(), a.maxi())
.appendSkipMinusOne("maxLength", a.maxLength(), a.maxl())
.appendSkipEmpty("minimum", a.minimum(), a.min())
.appendSkipMinusOne("minItems", a.minItems(),
.appendSkipMinusOne("minLength", a.minLength(), a.minl())
.appendSkipEmpty("multipleOf", a.multipleOf(),
.appendSkipEmpty("pattern", a.pattern(), a.p())
.appendSkipEmpty("type", a.type(), a.t())
.appendSkipFalse("uniqueItems", a.uniqueItems() || a.ui())
private OMap merge(OMap om, Schema a) throws ParseException {
if (SchemaAnnotation.empty(a))
return om;
om = newMap(om);
if (a.value().length > 0)
return om
.appendSkipEmpty("additionalProperties", toOMap(a.additionalProperties()))
.appendSkipEmpty("allOf", joinnl(a.allOf()))
.appendSkipEmpty("collectionFormat", a.collectionFormat(),
.appendSkipEmpty("default", joinnl(a._default(), a.df()))
.appendSkipEmpty("discriminator", a.discriminator())
.appendSkipEmpty("description", resolve(a.description()), resolve(a.d()))
.appendSkipEmpty("enum", toSet(a._enum()), toSet(a.e()))
.appendSkipEmpty("example", resolve(a.example()), resolve(a.ex()))
.appendSkipEmpty("examples", parseMap(a.examples()), parseMap(a.exs()))
.appendSkipFalse("exclusiveMaximum", a.exclusiveMaximum() || a.emax())
.appendSkipFalse("exclusiveMinimum", a.exclusiveMinimum() || a.emin())
.appendSkipEmpty("externalDocs", merge(om.getMap("externalDocs"), a.externalDocs()))
.appendSkipEmpty("format", a.format(), a.f())
.appendSkipEmpty("ignore", a.ignore() ? "true" : null)
.appendSkipEmpty("items", merge(om.getMap("items"), a.items()))
.appendSkipEmpty("maximum", a.maximum(), a.max())
.appendSkipMinusOne("maxItems", a.maxItems(), a.maxi())
.appendSkipMinusOne("maxLength", a.maxLength(), a.maxl())
.appendSkipMinusOne("maxProperties", a.maxProperties(), a.maxp())
.appendSkipEmpty("minimum", a.minimum(), a.min())
.appendSkipMinusOne("minItems", a.minItems(),
.appendSkipMinusOne("minLength", a.minLength(), a.minl())
.appendSkipMinusOne("minProperties", a.minProperties(), a.minp())
.appendSkipEmpty("multipleOf", a.multipleOf(),
.appendSkipEmpty("pattern", a.pattern(), a.p())
.appendSkipEmpty("properties", toOMap(
.appendSkipFalse("readOnly", a.readOnly() ||
.appendSkipFalse("required", a.required() || a.r())
.appendSkipEmpty("title", a.title())
.appendSkipEmpty("type", a.type(), a.t())
.appendSkipFalse("uniqueItems", a.uniqueItems() || a.ui())
.appendSkipEmpty("xml", joinnl(a.xml()))
.appendSkipEmpty("$ref", a.$ref())
private OMap merge(OMap om, ExternalDocs a) throws ParseException {
if (ExternalDocsAnnotation.empty(a))
return om;
om = newMap(om);
if (a.value().length > 0)
return om
.appendSkipEmpty("description", resolve(a.description()))
.appendSkipEmpty("url", a.url())
private OMap merge(OMap om, Items a) throws ParseException {
if (ItemsAnnotation.empty(a))
return om;
om = newMap(om);
if (a.value().length > 0)
return om
.appendSkipEmpty("collectionFormat", a.collectionFormat(),
.appendSkipEmpty("default", joinnl(a._default(), a.df()))
.appendSkipEmpty("enum", toSet(a._enum()), toSet(a.e()))
.appendSkipEmpty("format", a.format(), a.f())
.appendSkipFalse("exclusiveMaximum", a.exclusiveMaximum() || a.emax())
.appendSkipFalse("exclusiveMinimum", a.exclusiveMinimum() || a.emin())
.appendSkipEmpty("items", merge(om.getMap("items"), a.items()))
.appendSkipEmpty("maximum", a.maximum(), a.max())
.appendSkipMinusOne("maxItems", a.maxItems(), a.maxi())
.appendSkipMinusOne("maxLength", a.maxLength(), a.maxl())
.appendSkipEmpty("minimum", a.minimum(), a.min())
.appendSkipMinusOne("minItems", a.minItems(),
.appendSkipMinusOne("minLength", a.minLength(), a.minl())
.appendSkipEmpty("multipleOf", a.multipleOf(),
.appendSkipEmpty("pattern", a.pattern(), a.p())
.appendSkipFalse("uniqueItems", a.uniqueItems() || a.ui())
.appendSkipEmpty("type", a.type(), a.t())
.appendSkipEmpty("$ref", a.$ref())
private OMap merge(OMap om, SubItems a) throws ParseException {
if (SubItemsAnnotation.empty(a))
return om;
om = newMap(om);
if (a.value().length > 0)
return om
.appendSkipEmpty("collectionFormat", a.collectionFormat(),
.appendSkipEmpty("default", joinnl(a._default(), a.df()))
.appendSkipEmpty("enum", toSet(a._enum()), toSet(a.e()))
.appendSkipFalse("exclusiveMaximum", a.exclusiveMaximum() || a.emax())
.appendSkipFalse("exclusiveMinimum", a.exclusiveMinimum() || a.emin())
.appendSkipEmpty("format", a.format(), a.f())
.appendSkipEmpty("items", toOMap(a.items()))
.appendSkipEmpty("maximum", a.maximum(), a.max())
.appendSkipMinusOne("maxItems", a.maxItems(), a.maxi())
.appendSkipMinusOne("maxLength", a.maxLength(), a.maxl())
.appendSkipEmpty("minimum", a.minimum(), a.min())
.appendSkipMinusOne("minItems", a.minItems(),
.appendSkipMinusOne("minLength", a.minLength(), a.minl())
.appendSkipEmpty("multipleOf", a.multipleOf(),
.appendSkipEmpty("pattern", a.pattern(), a.p())
.appendSkipEmpty("type", a.type(), a.t())
.appendSkipFalse("uniqueItems", a.uniqueItems() || a.ui())
.appendSkipEmpty("$ref", a.$ref())
private OMap merge(OMap om, Response a) throws ParseException {
if (ResponseAnnotation.empty(a))
return om;
om = newMap(om);
if (a.api().length > 0)
return om
.appendSkipEmpty("description", resolve(a.description(), a.d()))
.appendSkipEmpty("example", resolve(a.example(), a.ex()))
.appendSkipEmpty("examples", parseMap(a.examples()), parseMap(a.exs()))
.appendSkipEmpty("headers", merge(om.getMap("headers"), a.headers()))
.appendSkipEmpty("schema", merge(om.getMap("schema"), a.schema()))
private OMap merge(OMap om, ResponseHeader[] a) throws ParseException {
if (a.length == 0)
return om;
om = newMap(om);
for (ResponseHeader aa : a) {
String name = StringUtils.firstNonEmpty(, aa.value());
if (isEmpty(name))
throw runtimeException("@ResponseHeader used without name or value.");
om.getMap(name, true).putAll(merge(null, aa));
return om;
private OMap merge(OMap om, ResponseHeader a) throws ParseException {
if (ResponseHeaderAnnotation.empty(a))
return om;
om = newMap(om);
if (a.api().length > 0)
return om
.appendSkipEmpty("collectionFormat", a.collectionFormat(),
.appendSkipEmpty("default", joinnl(a._default(), a.df()))
.appendSkipEmpty("description", resolve(a.description(), a.d()))
.appendSkipEmpty("enum", toSet(a._enum()), toSet(a.e()))
.appendSkipEmpty("example", resolve(a.example(), a.ex()))
.appendSkipFalse("exclusiveMaximum", a.exclusiveMaximum() || a.emax())
.appendSkipFalse("exclusiveMinimum", a.exclusiveMinimum() || a.emin())
.appendSkipEmpty("format", a.format(), a.f())
.appendSkipEmpty("items", merge(om.getMap("items"), a.items()))
.appendSkipEmpty("maximum", a.maximum(), a.max())
.appendSkipMinusOne("maxItems", a.maxItems(), a.maxi())
.appendSkipMinusOne("maxLength", a.maxLength(), a.maxl())
.appendSkipEmpty("minimum", a.minimum(), a.min())
.appendSkipMinusOne("minItems", a.minItems(),
.appendSkipMinusOne("minLength", a.minLength(), a.minl())
.appendSkipEmpty("multipleOf", a.multipleOf(),
.appendSkipEmpty("pattern", a.pattern(), a.p())
.appendSkipEmpty("type", a.type(), a.t())
.appendSkipFalse("uniqueItems", a.uniqueItems() || a.ui())
.appendSkipEmpty("$ref", a.$ref())
private OMap mergePartSchema(OMap param, OMap schema) {
if (schema != null) {
.appendIf(false, true, true, "collectionFormat", schema.remove("collectionFormat"))
.appendIf(false, true, true, "default", schema.remove("default"))
.appendIf(false, true, true, "description", schema.remove("enum"))
.appendIf(false, true, true, "enum", schema.remove("enum"))
.appendIf(false, true, true, "example", schema.remove("example"))
.appendIf(false, true, true, "exclusiveMaximum", schema.remove("exclusiveMaximum"))
.appendIf(false, true, true, "exclusiveMinimum", schema.remove("exclusiveMinimum"))
.appendIf(false, true, true, "format", schema.remove("format"))
.appendIf(false, true, true, "items", schema.remove("items"))
.appendIf(false, true, true, "maximum", schema.remove("maximum"))
.appendIf(false, true, true, "maxItems", schema.remove("maxItems"))
.appendIf(false, true, true, "maxLength", schema.remove("maxLength"))
.appendIf(false, true, true, "minimum", schema.remove("minimum"))
.appendIf(false, true, true, "minItems", schema.remove("minItems"))
.appendIf(false, true, true, "minLength", schema.remove("minLength"))
.appendIf(false, true, true, "multipleOf", schema.remove("multipleOf"))
.appendIf(false, true, true, "pattern", schema.remove("pattern"))
.appendIf(false, true, true, "required", schema.remove("required"))
.appendIf(false, true, true, "type", schema.remove("type"))
.appendIf(false, true, true, "uniqueItems", schema.remove("uniqueItems"));
if ("object".equals(param.getString("type")) && ! schema.isEmpty())
param.put("schema", schema);
return param;
private OMap toOMap(String[] ss) throws ParseException {
if (ss.length == 0)
return null;
String s = joinnl(ss);
if (s.isEmpty())
return null;
if (! isJsonObject(s, true))
s = "{" + s + "}";
s = resolve(s);
return OMap.ofJson(s);
private Set<String> toSet(String[] ss) throws ParseException {
if (ss.length == 0)
return null;
String s = joinnl(ss);
if (s.isEmpty())
return null;
s = resolve(s);
Set<String> set = ASet.of();
for (Object o : StringUtils.parseListOrCdl(s))
return set;
static String joinnl(String[]...s) {
for (String[] ss : s) {
if (ss.length != 0)
return StringUtils.joinnl(ss).trim();
return "";
private static Set<Integer> getCodes(List<Response> la, Integer def) {
Set<Integer> codes = new TreeSet<>();
for (Response a : la) {
for (int i : a.value())
for (int i : a.code())
if (codes.isEmpty() && def != null)
return codes;
private static Set<Integer> getCodes2(List<ResponseHeader> la, Integer def) {
Set<Integer> codes = new TreeSet<>();
for (ResponseHeader a : la) {
for (int i : a.code())
if (codes.isEmpty() && def != null)
return codes;
private static OMap nullIfEmpty(OMap m) {
return (m == null || m.isEmpty() ? null : m);
private static OList nullIfEmpty(OList l) {
return (l == null || l.isEmpty() ? null : l);