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The {@link oaj.http.annotation.Request @Request} annotation can be applied to a type of a <ja>@RemoteMethod</ja>-annotated method
to identify it as a bean for setting HTTP parts through a bean-like interface.
<ul class='doctree'>
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Request}
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Request#partSerializer() partSerializer} - Override the part serializer.
<h5 class='figure'>Example:</h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public interface</jk> PetStore {
String postPet(CreatePetRequest bean);
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public class</jk> CreatePetRequest {
<jk>private</jk> CreatePet <jf>pet</jf>;
<jk>public</jk> CreatePetRequest(String name, <jk>float</jk> price) {
<jk>this</jk>.<jf>pet</jf> = <jk>new</jk> CreatePet(name, price);
<jk>public</jk> CreatePet getBody() {
<jk>return</jk> <jk>this</jk>.<jf>pet</jf>;
<jk>public</jk> Map&lt;String,Object&gt; getQueryParams() {
<jk>return new</jk> ObjectMap().append(<js>"debug"</js>, <jk>true</jk>);
<jk>public static</jk> UUID <jsm>getUUID</jsm>() {
<jk>return</jk> UUID.<jsm>generatedUUID</jsm>();
<p class='bpcode w800'>
PetStore store = restClient.getRemoteResource(PetStore.<jk>class</jk>, <js>"http://localhost:10000"</js>);
CreatePetRequest requestBean = <jk>new</jk> CreatePetRequest(<js>"Fluffy"</js>, 9.99);
String response = store.postPet(requestBean);
The <ja>@Request</ja> annotation can be applied to either the class or argument.
The annotated methods must be no-arg and public.
They can be named anything.
Any of the following annotations can be used on the methods:
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Body}
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Header}
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.FormData}
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Query}
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Path}
The behavior and functionality of all of the annotations are the same as if they were used on method arguments directly.
This means full support for OpenAPI serialization and validation.
Annotations on methods are inherited from parent classes and interfaces.
For example, the request bean above could have defined annotations in an interface to keep them clear from the implementation:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public interface</jk> CreatePetRequest {
CreatePet getBody();
Map&lt;String,Object&gt; getQueryParams();
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public class</jk> CreatePetRequestImpl <jk>implements</jk> CreatePetRequest {
<jk>public</jk> CreatePetRequestImpl(String name, <jk>float</jk> price) {...}
<jk>public</jk> CreatePet getBody() {
<jk>return</jk> <jk>this</jk>.<jf>pet</jf>;
<jk>public</jk> Map&lt;String,Object&gt; getQueryParams() {
<jk>return new</jk> ObjectMap().append(<js>"debug"</js>, <jk>true</jk>);
<jk>public</jk> UUID getUUID() {
<jk>return</jk> UUID.<jsm>generateUUID</jsm>();