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Juneau serializers have sophisticated support for transforming relative URIs to absolute form.
The classes and settings that control the behavior are:
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.UriResolver}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.UriContext}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.UriRelativity}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.UriResolution}
<li class='jac'>{@link oaj.serializer.Serializer}
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.serializer.Serializer#SERIALIZER_uriContext}
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.serializer.Serializer#SERIALIZER_uriRelativity}
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.serializer.Serializer#SERIALIZER_uriResolution}
The following example shows a bean containing URIs of various forms and how they end up serialized.
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jc>// Our bean with properties containing various kinds of URIs.</jc>
<jk>public class</jk> TestURIs {
<jk>public</jk> URI
<jf>f1a</jf> = URI.<jsm>create</jsm>(<js>""</js>),
<jf>f1b</jf> = URI.<jsm>create</jsm>(<js>"/f1b"</js>),
<jf>f1c</jf> = URI.<jsm>create</jsm>(<js>"/f1c/x/y"</js>),
<jf>f1d</jf> = URI.<jsm>create</jsm>(<js>"f1d"</js>),
<jf>f1e</jf> = URI.<jsm>create</jsm>(<js>"f1e/x/y"</js>),
<jf>f1f</jf> = URI.<jsm>create</jsm>(<js>""</js>),
<jf>f2a</jf> = URI.<jsm>create</jsm>(<js>"context:/f2a/x"</js>),
<jf>f2b</jf> = URI.<jsm>create</jsm>(<js>"context:/f2b"</js>),
<jf>f2c</jf> = URI.<jsm>create</jsm>(<js>"context:/"</js>),
<jf>f2d</jf> = URI.<jsm>create</jsm>(<js>"context:/.."</js>),
<jf>f3a</jf> = URI.<jsm>create</jsm>(<js>"servlet:/f3a/x"</js>),
<jf>f3b</jf> = URI.<jsm>create</jsm>(<js>"servlet:/f3b"</js>),
<jf>f3c</jf> = URI.<jsm>create</jsm>(<js>"servlet:/"</js>),
<jf>f3d</jf> = URI.<jsm>create</jsm>(<js>"servlet:/.."</js>),
<jf>f4a</jf> = URI.<jsm>create</jsm>(<js>"request:/f4a/x"</js>),
<jf>f4b</jf> = URI.<jsm>create</jsm>(<js>"request:/f4b"</js>),
<jf>f4c</jf> = URI.<jsm>create</jsm>(<js>"request:/"</js>),
<jf>f4d</jf> = URI.<jsm>create</jsm>(<js>"request:/.."</js>);;
<jc>// Create a serializer.</jc>
WriterSerializer s = JsonSerializer
<jc>// Produces:</jc>
<jc>// {</jc>
<jc>// f1a:'',</jc>
<jc>// f1b:'',</jc>
<jc>// f1c:'',</jc>
<jc>// f1d:'',</jc>
<jc>// f1e:'',</jc>
<jc>// f1f:'',</jc>
<jc>// f2a:'',</jc>
<jc>// f2b:'',</jc>
<jc>// f2c:'',</jc>
<jc>// f2d:''</jc>
<jc>// f3a:'',</jc>
<jc>// f3b:'',</jc>
<jc>// f3c:'',</jc>
<jc>// f3d:'',</jc>
<jc>// f4a:'',</jc>
<jc>// f4b:'',</jc>
<jc>// f4c:'',</jc>
<jc>// f4d:''</jc>
<jc>// }</jc>
String json = s.serialize(<jk>new</jk> TestURIs());
URI resolution is controlled by the following settings:
<ul class='doctree'>
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.serializer.Serializer#SERIALIZER_uriContext}
<br>Setting that defines the URI contextual information used to resolve relative URIs.
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.serializer.Serializer#SERIALIZER_uriRelativity}
<br>Setting that defines how relative URIs should be interpreted.
<br>Possible values:
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.UriRelativity#RESOURCE}
<br>Relative URIs should be considered relative to the servlet URI.
<br>(e.g. <js>"http://host:port/context-root/servlet-path"</js>).
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.UriRelativity#PATH_INFO}
<br>Relative URIs should be considered relative to the request URI.
<br>(e.g. <js>"http://host:port/context-root/servlet-path/path-info"</js>).
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.serializer.Serializer#SERIALIZER_uriResolution}
<br>Setting that defines the final format of serialized URIs.
<br>Possible values:
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.UriResolution#ABSOLUTE}
<br>Resolve to an absolute URL.
<br>(e.g. <js>"http://host:port/context-root/servlet-path/path-info"</js>).
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.UriResolution#ROOT_RELATIVE}
<br>Resolve to a root-relative URL.
<br>(e.g. <js>"/context-root/servlet-path/path-info"</js>).
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.UriResolution#NONE}
<br>Don't do any URL resolution.
Juneau automatically interprets any {@link} and {@link} objects as URIs and will
resolve them accordingly.
The {@link oaj.annotation.URI @URI} annotation can be used to extend that to other bean
properties and class types so that they also get interpreted as URIs.
For example:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jc>// Applied to a class whose toString() method returns a URI.</jc>
<jk>public class</jk> MyURI {
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* Object */</jc>
<jk>public</jk> String toString() {
<jk>return</jk> <js>"http://localhost:9080/foo/bar"</js>;
<jc>// Applied to bean properties</jc>
<jk>public class</jk> MyBean {
<jk>public</jk> String <jf>beanUri</jf>;
<jk>public</jk> String getParentUri() {