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{updated} PojoSwaps
{@link oaj.transform.PojoSwap PojoSwaps} are a critical component of Juneau.
They allow the serializers and parsers to handle Java objects that wouldn't normally be serializable.
Swaps are, simply put, 'object swappers' that swap in serializable objects for
non-serializable ones during serialization, and vis-versa during parsing.
Some examples of non-serializable POJOs are <c>File</c>, <c>Reader</c>,
<c>Iterable</c>, etc...
These are classes that aren't beans and cannot be represented as simple maps, collections, or primitives.
In the following example, we introduce a <c>PojoSwap</c> that will swap in a bean of a particular type
with a map containing customized key-value pairs:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jc>// Sample swap for converting a bean to a specialized map of key-value pairs.</jc>
<jk>public class</jk> MyBeanSwap <jk>extends</jk> PojoSwap&lt;MyBean,ObjectMap&gt; {
<jc>// Converts a bean to a generic map.</jc>
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* PojoSwap */</jc>
<jk>public</jk> ObjectMap swap(BeanSession session, MyBean o) {
<jk>return new</jk> ObjectMap().append(<js>"foo"</js>, o.getBar());
<jc>// Converts the generic map back into a bean.</jc>
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* PojoSwap */</jc>
<jk>public</jk> MyBean unswap(BeanSession session, ObjectMap o, ClassMeta hint) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
MyBean b = <jk>new</jk> MyBean();
<jk>return</jk> b;
The swap can then be associated with serializers and parsers like so:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jc>// Create a new JSON serializer with our swap.</jc>
WriterSerializer s = JsonSerializer.<jsm>create</jsm>().simple().pojoSwaps(MyBeanSwap.<jk>class</jk>).build();
String json = s.serialize(<jk>new</jk> MyBean());
<jc>// Create a JSON parser with our swap.</jc>
ReaderParser p = JsonParser.<jsm>create</jsm>().pojoSwaps(MyBeanSwap.<jk>class</jk>).build();
MyBean bean = p.parse(json, MyBean.<jk>class</jk>);
Another example of a <c>PojoSwap</c> is one that converts <c><jk>byte</jk>[]</c> arrays to
BASE64-encoded strings:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public class</jk> ByteArrayBase64Swap <jk>extends</jk> StringSwap&lt;<jk>byte</jk>[]&gt; {
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* StringSwap */</jc>
<jk>public</jk> String swap(<jk>byte</jk>[] b) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = <jk>new</jk> ByteArrayOutputStream();
OutputStream b64os = MimeUtility.encode(baos, <js>"base64"</js>);
<jk>return new</jk> String(baos.toByteArray());
<ja>@Override</ja> <jc>/* StringSwap */</jc>
<jk>public byte</jk>[] unswap(String s, ClassMeta&lt;?&gt; hint) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
<jk>byte</jk>[] b = s.getBytes();
ByteArrayInputStream bais = <jk>new</jk> ByteArrayInputStream(b);
InputStream b64is = MimeUtility.decode(bais, <js>"base64"</js>);
<jk>byte</jk>[] tmp = <jk>new byte</jk>[b.length];
<jk>int</jk> n =;
<jk>byte</jk>[] res = <jk>new byte</jk>[n];
System.<jsm>arraycopy</jsm>(tmp, 0, res, 0, n);
<jk>return</jk> res;
The following example shows the BASE64 swap in use:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jc>// Create a JSON serializer and register the BASE64 encoding swap with it.</jc>
WriterSerializer s = JsonSerializer.<jsm>create</jsm>().simple().pojoSwaps(ByteArrayBase64Swap.<jk>class</jk>).build();
ReaderParser p = JsonParser.<jsm>create</jsm>().pojoSwaps(ByteArrayBase64Swap.<jk>class</jk>).build();
<jk>byte</jk>[] bytes = {1,2,3};
String json = s.serialize(bytes); <jc>// Produces "'AQID'"</jc>
bytes = p.parse(json, <jk>byte</jk>[].<jk>class</jk>); <jc>// Reproduces {1,2,3}</jc>
<jk>byte</jk>[][] bytes2d = {{1,2,3},{4,5,6},<jk>null</jk>};
json = s.serialize(bytes2d); <jc>// Produces "['AQID','BAUG',null]"</jc>
bytes2d = p.parse(json, <jk>byte</jk>[][].<jk>class</jk>); <jc>// Reproduces {{1,2,3},{4,5,6},null}</jc>