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package org.apache.juneau.parser.annotation;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;
import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*;
import java.lang.annotation.*;
import org.apache.juneau.annotation.*;
import org.apache.juneau.html.*;
import org.apache.juneau.json.*;
import org.apache.juneau.msgpack.*;
import org.apache.juneau.parser.*;
import org.apache.juneau.uon.*;
import org.apache.juneau.xml.*;
* Annotation for specifying config properties defined in {@link Parser}, {@link InputStreamParser}, and {@link ReaderParser}.
* <p>
* Used primarily for specifying bean configuration properties on REST classes and methods.
public @interface ParserConfig {
* Optional rank for this config.
* <p>
* Can be used to override default ordering and application of config annotations.
int rank() default 0;
// InputStreamParser
* Configuration property: Binary input format.
* <p>
* When using the {@link Parser#parse(Object,Class)} method on stream-based parsers and the input is a string, this defines the format to use
* when converting the string into a byte array.
* <ul class='notes'>
* <li>
* Possible values:
* <ul>
* <li><js>"SPACED_HEX"</js>
* <li><js>"HEX"</js> (default)
* <li><js>"BASE64"</js>
* </ul>
* <li>
* Supports {@doc DefaultSvlVariables} (e.g. <js>"$C{myConfigVar}"</js>).
* </ul>
* <ul class='seealso'>
* <li class='jf'>{@link InputStreamParser#ISPARSER_binaryFormat}
* </ul>
String binaryFormat() default "";
// Parser
* Configuration property: Auto-close streams.
* <p>
* If <js>"true"</js>, <l>InputStreams</l> and <l>Readers</l> passed into parsers will be closed
* after parsing is complete.
* <ul class='notes'>
* <li>
* Possible values:
* <ul>
* <li><js>"true"</js>
* <li><js>"false"</js> (default)
* </ul>
* <li>
* Supports {@doc DefaultSvlVariables} (e.g. <js>"$C{myConfigVar}"</js>).
* </ul>
* <ul class='seealso'>
* <li class='jf'>{@link Parser#PARSER_autoCloseStreams}
* </ul>
String autoCloseStreams() default "";
* Configuration property: Debug output lines.
* <p>
* When parse errors occur, this specifies the number of lines of input before and after the
* error location to be printed as part of the exception message.
* <ul class='notes'>
* <li>
* Format: integer
* <li>
* Default: 5
* <li>
* Supports {@doc DefaultSvlVariables} (e.g. <js>"$C{myConfigVar}"</js>).
* </ul>
* <ul class='seealso'>
* <li class='jf'>{@link Parser#PARSER_debugOutputLines}
* </ul>
String debugOutputLines() default "";
* Configuration property: Parser listener.
* <p>
* Class used to listen for errors and warnings that occur during parsing.
* <ul class='seealso'>
* <li class='jf'>{@link Parser#PARSER_listener}
* </ul>
Class<? extends ParserListener> listener() default ParserListener.Null.class;
* Configuration property: Strict mode.
* <p>
* If <js>"true"</js>, strict mode for the parser is enabled.
* <p>
* Strict mode can mean different things for different parsers.
* <table class='styled'>
* <tr><th>Parser class</th><th>Strict behavior</th></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>All reader-based parsers</td>
* <td>
* When enabled, throws {@link ParseException ParseExceptions} on malformed charset input.
* Otherwise, malformed input is ignored.
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@link JsonParser}</td>
* <td>
* When enabled, throws exceptions on the following invalid JSON syntax:
* <ul>
* <li>Unquoted attributes.
* <li>Missing attribute values.
* <li>Concatenated strings.
* <li>Javascript comments.
* <li>Numbers and booleans when Strings are expected.
* <li>Numbers valid in Java but not JSON (e.g. octal notation, etc...)
* </ul>
* </td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* <ul class='notes'>
* <li>
* Possible values:
* <ul>
* <li><js>"true"</js>
* <li><js>"false"</js> (default)
* </ul>
* <li>
* Supports {@doc DefaultSvlVariables} (e.g. <js>"$C{myConfigVar}"</js>).
* </ul>
* <ul class='seealso'>
* <li class='jf'>{@link Parser#PARSER_strict}
* </ul>
String strict() default "";
* Configuration property: Trim parsed strings.
* <p>
* If <js>"true"</js>, string values will be trimmed of whitespace using {@link String#trim()} before being added to
* the POJO.
* <ul class='notes'>
* <li>
* Possible values:
* <ul>
* <li><js>"true"</js>
* <li><js>"false"</js> (default)
* </ul>
* <li>
* Supports {@doc DefaultSvlVariables} (e.g. <js>"$C{myConfigVar}"</js>).
* </ul>
* <ul class='seealso'>
* <li class='jf'>{@link Parser#PARSER_trimStrings}
* </ul>
String trimStrings() default "";
* Configuration property: Unbuffered.
* <p>
* If <js>"true"</js>, don't use internal buffering during parsing.
* <p>
* This is useful in cases when you want to parse the same input stream or reader multiple times
* because it may contain multiple independent POJOs to parse.
* <br>Buffering would cause the parser to read past the current POJO in the stream.
* <ul class='notes'>
* <li>
* This only allows for multi-input streams for the following parsers:
* <ul>
* <li class='jc'>{@link JsonParser}
* <li class='jc'>{@link UonParser}
* </ul>
* It has no effect on the following parsers:
* <ul>
* <li class='jc'>{@link MsgPackParser} - It already doesn't use buffering.
* <li class='jc'>{@link XmlParser}, {@link HtmlParser} - These use StAX which doesn't allow for more than one root element anyway.
* <li>RDF parsers - These read everything into an internal model before any parsing begins.
* </ul>
* <li>
* Possible values:
* <ul>
* <li><js>"true"</js>
* <li><js>"false"</js> (default)
* </ul>
* <li>
* Supports {@doc DefaultSvlVariables} (e.g. <js>"$C{myConfigVar}"</js>).
* </ul>
* <ul class='seealso'>
* <li class='jf'>{@link Parser#PARSER_unbuffered}
* </ul>
String unbuffered() default "";
// ReaderParser
* Configuration property: File charset.
* <p>
* The character set to use for reading <c>Files</c> from the file system.
* <p>
* Used when passing in files to {@link Parser#parse(Object, Class)}.
* <ul class='notes'>
* <li>
* <js>"DEFAULT"</js> can be used to indicate the JVM default file system charset.
* <li>
* Supports {@doc DefaultSvlVariables} (e.g. <js>"$C{myConfigVar}"</js>).
* </ul>
* <ul class='seealso'>
* <li class='jf'>{@link ReaderParser#RPARSER_fileCharset}
* </ul>
String fileCharset() default "";
* Configuration property: Input stream charset.
* <p>
* The character set to use for converting <c>InputStreams</c> and byte arrays to readers.
* <p>
* Used when passing in input streams and byte arrays to {@link Parser#parse(Object, Class)}.
* <ul class='notes'>
* <li>
* <js>"DEFAULT"</js> can be used to indicate the JVM default file system charset.
* <li>
* Supports {@doc DefaultSvlVariables} (e.g. <js>"$C{myConfigVar}"</js>).
* </ul>
* <ul class='seealso'>
* <li class='jf'>{@link ReaderParser#RPARSER_streamCharset}
* </ul>
String streamCharset() default "";