blob: 35ffa30e6882e8db7ab19354b30057564dcf3643 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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Other Useful Methods
The {@link oajrc.RestClientBuilder#rootUrl(Object)} method can be used to specify a
root URL on all requests so that you don't have to use absolute paths on individual calls.
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jc>// Create a rest client with a root URL</jc>
RestClient rc = RestClient.<jsm>create</jsm>().rootUrl(<js>"http://localhost:9080/foobar"</js>).build();
String r = rc.doGet(<js>"/baz"</js>).getResponseAsString(); <jc>// Gets "http://localhost:9080/foobar/baz"</jc>
The {@link oajrc.RestClientBuilder#set(String,Object)} method can be used to
set serializer and parser properties.
For example, if you're parsing a response into POJOs and you want to ignore fields that aren't on the
POJOs, you can use the {@link oaj.BeanContext#BEAN_ignoreUnknownBeanProperties} property.
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jc>// Create a rest client that ignores unknown fields in the response</jc>
RestClient rc = RestClient.<jsm>create</jsm>()
.set(<jsf>BEAN_ignoreUnknownBeanProperties</jsf>, <jk>true</jk>)
<jc>// or .ignoreUnknownBeanProperties(true)</jc>
MyPojo myPojo = rc.doGet(<jsf>URL</jsf>).getResponse(MyPojo.<jk>class</jk>);
The {@link oajrc.RestCall#retryable(int,long,RetryOn)} method can be used to
automatically retry requests on failures.
This can be particularly useful if you're attempting to connect to a REST resource that may be in the
process of still initializing.
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jc>// Create a rest call that retries every 10 seconds for up to 30 minutes as long as a connection fails
// or a 400+ is received.</jc>
.retryable(180, 10000, RetryOn.<jsf>DEFAULT</jsf>)