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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
The Juneau HTML5 DTOs are simply beans with fluent-style setters that allow you to quickly construct HTML
fragments as Java objects. These object can then be serialized to HTML using one of the existing HTML
serializers, or to other languages such as JSON using the JSON serializers.
The {@link oaj.dto.html5.HtmlBuilder} class is a utility class with predefined static methods
that allow you to easily construct DTO instances in a minimal amount of code.
The following examples show how to create HTML tables.
<table class='styled w800'>
<th>Java code</th>
<td class='code'>
<jk>import static</jk> org.apache.juneau.dto.html5.HtmlBuilder.*;
Object mytable =
String html = HtmlSerializer.<jsf>DEFAULT</jsf>.serialize(mytable);
<td class='code'><xt>
<td class='code'>
<jk>import static</jk> org.apache.juneau.dto.html5.HtmlBuilder.*;
Object mydiv =
<jsm>p</jsm>(<js>"Juneau supports "</js>, <jsm>b</jsm>(<jsm>i</jsm>(<js>"mixed"</js>)), <js>" content!"</js>)
String html = HtmlSerializer.<jsf>DEFAULT</jsf>.serialize(mydiv);
<td class='code'><xt>
&lt;div <xa>align</xa>=<xs>'center'</xs> <xa>onmouseover</xa>=<xs>'alert("boo!");'</xs>&gt;
&lt;p&gt;<xv>Juneau supports </xv>&lt;b&gt;&lt;i&gt;<xv>mixed</xv>&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/b&gt; <xv>content!</xv>&lt;/p&gt;
<td class='code'>
<jk>import static</jk> org.apache.juneau.dto.html5.HtmlBuilder.*;
Object myform =
<js>"Position (1-10000): "</js>, <jsm>input</jsm>(<js>"number"</js>).name(<js>"pos"</js>).value(1), <jsm>br</jsm>(),
<js>"Limit (1-10000): "</js>, <jsm>input</jsm>(<js>"number"</js>).name(<js>"limit"</js>).value(100), <jsm>br</jsm>(),
<jsm>button</jsm>(<js>"submit"</js>, <js>"Submit"</js>),
<jsm>button</jsm>(<js>"reset"</js>, <js>"Reset"</js>)
String html = HtmlSerializer.<jsf>DEFAULT</jsf>.serialize(myform);
<td class='code'><xt>
&lt;form <xa>action</xa>=<xs>'/submit'</xs> <xa>method</xa>=<xs>'POST'</xs>&gt;
<xv>Position (1-10000):</xv> &lt;input <xa>name</xa>=<xs>'pos'</xs> <xa>type</xa>=<xs>'number'</xs>
<xv>Limit (1-10000):</xv> &lt;input <xa>name</xa>=<xs>'pos'</xs> <xa>type</xa>=<xs>'number'</xs>
&lt;button <xa>type</xa>=<xs>'submit'</xs>&gt;<xv>Submit</xv>&lt;/button&gt;
&lt;button <xa>type</xa>=<xs>'reset'</xs>&gt;<xv>Reset</xv>&lt;/button&gt;
Using the HTML5 DTOs, you should be able to construct any valid HTML5 from full document bodies
to any possible fragments.
The {@link oaj.html.HtmlParser} class can be used convert these HTML documents back
into POJOs.
Other serializers and parsers (e.g. {@link oaj.json.JsonSerializer}) can be used to
represent these POJOs in languages other than HTML.
<h5 class='toc'>Additional Information - org.apache.juneau.dto.html5</h5>
<ol class='toc'>
<li><p>{@doc org.apache.juneau.dto.html5#Overview Overview}</p>
<li><p>{@doc org.apache.juneau.dto.html5#Serialize Generating HTML5}</p>
<li><p>{@doc org.apache.juneau.dto.html5#Parse Parsing HTML5}</p>
<li><p>{@doc org.apache.juneau.dto.html5#Templates HTML5 Templates}</p>