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<p>Cognos Data Transfer Objects</p>
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<a id='TOC'></a><h5 class='toc'>Table of Contents</h5>
<ol class='toc'>
<li><p><a class='doclink' href='#CognosSerializer'>Cognos serialization support</a></p>
<li><p><a class='doclink' href='#CognosParser'>Cognos parsing support</a></p>
<!-- ======================================================================================================== -->
<a id="CognosSerializer"></a>
<h2 class='topic' onclick='toggle(this)'>1 - Cognos serialization support</h2>
<div class='topic'>
The {@link org.apache.juneau.dto.cognos.DataSet} class is a DTO used to convert POJO models directly to Cognos-XML.
Because of the nature of the Cognos XML syntax, only <i>2-dimensional</i> POJO data structures can be serialized to Cognos-XML.
For example...
<ul class='normal'>
<li>{@code MyBean[]}
<li>{@code HashMap[]}
<h6 class='topic'>Example:</h6>
The following example shows how to generate Cognos-XML from a POJO.
The example uses the <a class='doclink' href='../../doc-files/AddressBook.html'>AddressBook</a> sample POJO.
It should be noted that since the {@code AddressBook} class is a subclass of {@code LinkedList}, it fulfills
the requirement of being a tabular data structure.
<p class='bcode'>
<jc>// Create our POJO with some entries.</jc>
AddressBook addressBook = <jk>new</jk> AddressBook();
<jk>new</jk> Person(<js>"Barack Obama"</js>, <js>"Aug 4, 1961"</js>,
<jk>new</jk> Address(<js>"1600 Pennsylvania Ave"</js>, <js>"Washington"</js>, <js>"DC"</js>, 20500, <jk>true</jk>),
<jk>new</jk> Address(<js>"5046 S Greenwood Ave"</js>, <js>"Chicago"</js>, <js>"IL"</js>, 60615, <jk>false</jk>)
<jk>new</jk> Person(<js>"George Walker Bush"</js>, <js>"Jul 6, 1946"</js>,
<jk>new</jk> Address(<js>"43 Prairie Chapel Rd"</js>, <js>"Crawford"</js>, <js>"TX"</js>, 76638, <jk>true</jk>),
<jk>new</jk> Address(<js>"1600 Pennsylvania Ave"</js>, <js>"Washington"</js>, <js>"DC"</js>, 20500, <jk>false</jk>)
<jc>// Define the Cognos metadata</jc>
Column[] items = {
<jk>new</jk> Column(<js>"name"</js>, <js>"xs:String"</js>, 255),
<jk>new</jk> Column(<js>"age"</js>, <js>"xs:int"</js>),
<jk>new</jk> Column(<js>"numAddresses"</js>, <js>"xs:int"</js>)
<jk>new</jk> PojoSwap&lt;Person,Integer&gt;() {
<jk>public</jk> Integer swap(BeanSession session, Person p) {
<jk>return</jk> p.<jf>addresses</jf>.size();
<jc>// Create the Cognos DataSet object</jc>
DataSet ds = <jk>new</jk> DataSet(items, <jsf>addressBook</jsf>, BeanContext.<jsf>DEFAULT</jsf>);
<jc>// Serialize it to XML</jc>
String xml = XmlSerializer.<jsf>DEFAULT_SQ</jsf>.serialize(ds);
When run, this code produces the following XML...
<p class='bcode'>
<xt>&lt;?xml</xt> <xa>version</xa>=<xs>'1.0'</xs> <xa>encoding</xa>=<xs>'UTF-8'</xs><xt>?&gt;</xt>
<xt>&lt;c:dataset <xa>xmlns:c</xa>=<xs>''</xs>&gt;</xt>
<xt>&lt;c:item</xt> <xa>name</xa>=<xs>'name'</xs> <xa>type</xa>=<xs>'xs:String'</xs> <xa>length</xa>=<xs>'255'</xs><xt>/&gt;</xt>
<xt>&lt;c:item</xt> <xa>name</xa>=<xs>'age'</xs> <xa>type</xa>=<xs>'xs:int'</xs><xt>/&gt;</xt>
<xt>&lt;c:item</xt> <xa>name</xa>=<xs>'numAddresses'</xs> <xa>type</xa>=<xs>'xs:int'</xs><xt>/&gt;</xt>
<xt>&lt;c:value&gt;</xt>Barack Obama<xt>&lt;/c:value&gt;</xt>
<xt>&lt;c:value&gt;</xt>George Walker Bush<xt>&lt;/c:value&gt;</xt>
<h6 class='topic'>Other data formats</h6>
The following shows examples of what this data structure looks like when serialized to other formats:
<h6 class='figure'>HTML</h6>
<img class='bordered' src='doc-files/HTML.png'>
<h6 class='figure'>JSON</h6>
<img class='bordered' src='doc-files/JSON.png'>
<h6 class='figure'>RDF/XML</h6>
<img class='bordered' src='doc-files/RDFXML.png'>
<!-- ======================================================================================================== -->
<a id="CognosParser"></a>
<h2 class='topic' onclick='toggle(this)'>2 - Cognos parsing support</h2>
<div class='topic'>
The {@link org.apache.juneau.dto.cognos.DataSet} class can be reconstructed from Cognos/XML using one of the standard XML parsers.
<h6 class='topic'>Example:</h6>
<p class='bcode'>
<jc>// Parse XML back into original DataSet</jc>
DataSet ds = XmlParser.<jsf>DEFAULT</jsf>.parse(xml, DataSet.<jk>class</jk>);