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<h1 class='title'>Apache Juneau {@property juneauVersion} Documentation</h1>
<h1 class='preview-title'>Apache Juneau {@property juneauVersion} Documentation Preview</h1>
<h2 class='preview-section todo'>Documentation in progress</h2>
<h2 class='preview-section new'>New documentation in {@property juneauVersion}</h2>
<h2 class='preview-section updated'>Updated documentation in {@property juneauVersion}</h2>
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Apache Juneau&trade; is a single cohesive Java ecosystem consisting of the following parts:
<table class='styled w800'>
<tr class='dark bb'>
<td rowspan="4" style='text-align:center;font-weight:bold;padding:20px;'>Juneau Core</td>
<td class='code'><a class='doclink' href='#juneau-marshall'>juneau-marshall</a></td>
A universal toolkit for marshalling POJOs to a wide variety of content types using a common framework with no external library dependencies.
<tr class='dark bb'>
<td class='code'><a class='doclink' href='#juneau-marshall-rdf'>juneau-marshall-rdf</a></td>
Extended marshalling support for RDF languages.
<tr class='dark bb'>
<td class='code'><a class='doclink' href='#juneau-dto'>juneau-dto</a></td>
A variety of predefined DTOs for serializing and parsing languages such as HTML5, Swagger and ATOM.
<tr class='dark bb'>
<td class='code'><a class='doclink' href='#juneau-config'>juneau-config</a></td>
A sophisticated configuration file API.
<tr class='light bb'>
<td rowspan="5" style='text-align:center;font-weight:bold;padding:20px;'>Juneau REST</td>
<td class='code'><a class='doclink' href='#juneau-rest-server'>juneau-rest-server</a></td>
A universal REST server API for creating Swagger-based self-documenting REST interfaces using POJOs, simply deployed as
one or more top-level servlets in any Servlet 3.1.0+ container.
<tr class='light bb'>
<td class='code'><a class='doclink' href='#juneau-rest-server-springboot'>juneau-rest-server-springboot</a></td>
Spring boot integration support.
<tr class='light bb'>
<td class='code'><a class='doclink' href='#juneau-rest-server-jaxrs'>juneau-rest-server-jaxrs</a></td>
JAX/RS integration support.
<tr class='light bb'>
<td class='code'><a class='doclink' href='#juneau-rest-client'>juneau-rest-client</a></td>
A universal REST client API for interacting with Juneau or 3rd-party REST interfaces using POJOs and proxy interfaces.
<tr class='light bb'>
<td class='code'><a class='doclink' href='#juneau-rest-mock'>juneau-rest-mock</a></td>
Mocking APIs for server-less end-to-end testing of REST server and client APIs.
<tr class='dark bb'>
<td rowspan="4" style='text-align:center;font-weight:bold;padding:20px;'>Examples</td>
<td class='code'><a class='doclink' href='#juneau-examples-core'>juneau-examples-core</a></td>
Juneau Core API examples.
<tr class='dark bb'>
<td class='code'><a class='doclink' href='#juneau-examples-rest'>juneau-examples-rest</a></td>
Juneau REST API examples.
<tr class='dark bb'>
<td class='code'><a class='doclink' href='#juneau-examples-rest-jetty'>juneau-examples-rest-jetty</a></td>
Juneau REST API examples using Jetty deployment.
<tr class='dark bb'>
<td class='code'><a class='doclink' href='#juneau-examples-rest-springboot'>juneau-examples-rest-springboot</a></td>
Juneau REST API examples using Spring Boot deployment.
<a href='#TOC' id='TOC'></a><h5 class='toc'>Table of Contents</h5>
<h2 class='topic' onclick='toggle(this)'><a href='#ReleaseNotes' id='ReleaseNotes'>Release Notes</a></h2>
<div class='topic'>
<h5 class='toc'>Release Notes</h5>