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{new} MockRemoteResource
The {@link oajr.mock2.MockRemoteResource} class is used for serverless unit testing of {@link oajrc.remote.RemoteResource @RemoteResource}-annotated
The {@link oajr.mock2.MockRemoteResource} API requires a {@link oajr.annotation.RestResource @RestResource}-annotated class to be used as
an underlying mocked resource to process the request and return a response.
<h5 class='figure'>Example:</h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jc>// Our remote resource to test.</jc>
<jk>public interface</jk> MyRemoteInterface {
<ja>@RemoteMethod</ja>(httpMethod=<js>"GET"</js>, path=<js>"/echoQuery"</js>)
<jk>public int</jk> echoQuery(<ja>@Query</ja>(name=<js>"id"</js>) <jk>int</jk> id);
<jc>// Our mocked-up REST interface to test against.</jc>
<jk>public class</jk> MyRest {
<ja>@RestMethod</ja>(name=GET, path=<js>"/echoQuery"</js>)
<jk>public int</jk> echoQuery(<ja>@Query</ja>(<js>"id"</js>) String id) {
<jk>return</jk> id;
<jk>public void</jk> testProxy() {
MyRemoteInterface mri =<jk>class</jk>, MyRest.<jk>class</jk>);
<jsm>assertEquals</jsm>(123, mri.echoQuery(123));
It looks simple, but there's a lot going on here.
Remote resource interfaces are normally created through the {@link oajrc.RestClient#getRemoteResource(Class)} method.
The {@link oajr.mock2.MockRemoteResource} will create a {@link oajrc.RestClient} using a specialized <code>HttpClientConnectionManager</code>
designed to transform client-side <code>HttpRequest</code>/<code>HttpResponse</code> objects into server-side
{@link oajr.mock2.MockServletRequest}/{@link oajr.mock2.MockServletResponse} objects and then pass those to the {@link oajr.mock2.MockRest}
object described in the previous section.
All aspects of the client and server side code are tested, yet no servlet container is required. The actual
over-the-wire serialization is the only aspect being bypassed.
By default, the {@link oajr.mock2.MockRemoteResource} class uses JSON marshalling.
This can be overridden via any of the following methods:
<ul class='doctree'>
<li class='jm'>{@link oajr.mock2.MockRemoteResource#build(Class,Object,Marshall)}
<li class='jm'>{@link oajr.mock2.MockRemoteResource#build(Class,Object,Serializer,Parser)}
<li class='jm'>{@link oajr.mock2.MockRemoteResource#create(Class,Object,Marshall)}
<li class='jm'>{@link oajr.mock2.MockRemoteResource#create(Class,Object,Serializer,Parser)}
The {@link oajr.mock2.MockRemoteResource} class has a debug mode that will cause your HTTP requests and responses to
be sent to the console on both the client and server sides:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public void</jk> testProxy() {
MyRemoteInterface mri = MockRemoteResource
.create(MyRemoteInterface.<jk>class</jk>, MyRest.<jk>class</jk>)
<jsm>assertEquals</jsm>(123, mri.echoQuery(123));