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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
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The {@link oaj.http.annotation.Path @Path} annotation can be applied to arguments of <ja>@RemoteMethod</ja>-annotated methods
to denote that they are path parameters on the request.
<ul class='doctree'>
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Path}
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Path#_enum() _enum} - Input validation. Must match one of the values.
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Path#allowEmptyValue() allowEmptyValue} - Input validation. Allow empty value.
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Path#collectionFormat() collectionFormat} - How collections of items are formatted.
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Path#exclusiveMaximum() exclusiveMaximum} - Input validation. Whether maximum is exclusive.
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Path#exclusiveMinimum() exclusiveMinimum} - Input validation. Whether minimum is exclusive.
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Path#format() format} - The schema type format.
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Path#items() items} - The schema of items in a collection.
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Path#maximum() maximum} - Input validation. Maximum numeric value.
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Path#maxLength() maxLength} - Input validation. Maximum length of a string.
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Path#minimum() minimum} - Input validation. Minimum numeric value.
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Path#minLength() minLength} - Input validation. Minimum length of a string.
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Path#multipleOf() multipleOf} - Input validation. Number must be a multiple of.
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Path#name() name} - Path variable name.
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Path#pattern() pattern} - Input validation. Must match regular expression.
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Path#serializer() serializer} - Override the part serializer.
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Path#type() type} - The schema type.
<h5 class='figure'>Example:</h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public interface</jk> MyProxy {
<jc>// Explicit names specified for path parameters.</jc>
<jc>// pojo will be converted to UON notation (unless plain-text parts enabled).</jc>
String myProxyMethod1(<ja>@Path</ja>(<js>"foo"</js>)</ja> String foo, <ja>@Path</ja>(<js>"bar"</js>)</ja> MyPojo pojo);
<jc>// Multiple values pulled from a NameValuePairs object.</jc>
<jc>// Same as @Path("*").</jc>
String myProxyMethod2(<ja>@Path</ja> NameValuePairs nameValuePairs);
<jc>// Multiple values pulled from a Map.</jc>
<jc>// Same as @Path("*").</jc>
String myProxyMethod3(<ja>@Path</ja> Map&lt;String,Object&gt; map);
<jc>// Multiple values pulled from a bean.</jc>
<jc>// Same as @Path("*").</jc>
String myProxyMethod4(<ja>@Path</ja> MyBean myBean);
Single-part arguments (i.e. those with name != <js>"*"</js>) can be any of the following types:
<ul class='spaced-list'>
Any serializable POJO - Converted to a string using the {@link oaj.httppart.HttpPartSerializer} registered with the
<code>RestClient</code> ({@link oaj.oapi.OpenApiSerializer} by default) or associated via the {@link oaj.http.annotation.Path#serializer() @Path(serializer)} annotation.
Multi-part arguments (i.e. those with name == <js>"*"</js> or empty) can be any of the following types:
<ul class='spaced-list'>
<code>NameValuePairs</code> - Serialized as individual query parameters.
<code>Map</code> - Converted to key-value pairs.
<br>Values serialized using the registered {@link oaj.httppart.HttpPartSerializer} ({@link oaj.oapi.OpenApiSerializer} by default).
Bean - Converted to key-value pairs.
<br>Values serialized using the registered {@link oaj.httppart.HttpPartSerializer} ({@link oaj.oapi.OpenApiSerializer} by default).
See the link below for information about supported data types in OpenAPI serialization.
<h5 class='section'>See Also:</h5>
<li class='link'>{@doc juneau-marshall.OpenApiDetails.Serializers}