blob: dcefa95a019119e07424664c24cb8471c927b84d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
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Juneau JAX-RS Provider
The Juneau framework contains the <l>juneau-rest-server-jaxrs</l> bundle for performing simple
integration of Juneau serializers and parsers in JAX-RS compliant environments.
It should be noted that although some of the functionality of the Juneau Server API is provided through the JAX-RS
integration components, it is not nearly as flexible as using the {@link oajr.RestServlet} class directly.
What you can do with the Juneau JAX-RS provider classes:
<ul class='spaced-list'>
Use existing Juneau serializers and parsers for converting streams to POJOs and vis-versa.
Use annotations to specify filters and properties using the {@link oajr.annotation.RestMethod @RestMethod}
and {@link oajr.jaxrs.JuneauProvider} annotations.
What you can't do with the Juneau JAX-RS provider classes:
<ul class='spaced-list'>
Specify or override serializers/parsers at the Java class and method levels.
<br>JAX-RS does not provide the capability to use different providers for the same media types
at the class or method levels.
Specify or override filters and properties at the Java class level.
Default stylesheets for the {@link oaj.html.HtmlDocSerializer} class.
<br>It will produce HTML, but it won't contain any styles applied.
The ability to specify HTTP method, headers, and content using GET parameters.
<br>These make debugging REST interfaces using only a browser possible.
Class or method level encoding.
Class or method level guards.
Class or method level converters.
The Juneau JAX-RS provider API consists of the following classes:
<ul class='spaced-list'>
<li class='jc'>
{@link oajr.jaxrs.BaseProvider} - The base provider class that implements the JAX-RS
<code>MessageBodyReader</code> and <code>MessageBodyWriter</code> interfaces.
<li class='jc'>
{@link oajr.jaxrs.JuneauProvider} - Annotation that is applied to subclasses of <code>BaseProvider</code>
to specify the serializers/parsers associated with a provider, and optionally filters and properties to
apply to those serializers and parsers.
<li class='jc'>
{@link oajr.jaxrs.BasicProvider} - A default provider that provides the same level
of media type support as the {@link oajr.BasicRestServlet} class.
For the most part, when using these components, you'll either use the existing <l>BasicProvider</l>,
or define your own by subclassing <l>BaseProvider</l>.