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{updated} BasicRestServlet
Any subclass of {@link oajr.BasicRestServlet} gets an auto-generated Swagger UI when performing an <code>OPTIONS</code>
request with <code>Accept:text/html</code>.
The underlying mechanics are simple.
The {@link oajr.BasicRestServlet#getOptions(RestRequest)} method returns a {@link oaj.dto.swagger.Swagger} bean
consisting of information gathered from annotations and other sources.
Then that bean is swapped for a {@link oaj.dto.swagger.ui.SwaggerUI} bean when rendered as HTML.
Here's the class that defines the behavior:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jc>// Allow OPTIONS requests to be simulated using ?method=OPTIONS query parameter.</jc>
<jk>public abstract class</jk> BasicRestServlet <jk>extends</jk> RestServlet <jk>implements</jk> BasicRestConfig {
* [OPTIONS /*] - Show resource options.
* <ja>@param</ja> req The HTTP request.
* <ja>@return</ja> A bean containing the contents for the OPTIONS page.
<ja>@RestMethod</ja>(name=<jsf>OPTIONS</jsf>, path=<js>"/*"</js>,
summary=<js>"Swagger documentation"</js>,
description=<js>"Swagger documentation for this resource."</js>,
<jc>// Override the nav links for the swagger page.</jc>
<js>"back: servlet:/"</js>,
<js>"json: servlet:/?method=OPTIONS&amp;Accept=text/json&amp;plainText=true"</js>
<jc>// Never show aside contents of page inherited from class.</jc>
<jc>// Add descriptions to the following types when not specified:</jc>
<jc>// Add x-example to the following types:</jc>
<jc>// Don't generate schema information on the Swagger bean itself or HTML beans.</jc>
<jc>// Use $ref references for bean definitions to reduce duplication in Swagger.</jc>
<jc>// When parsing generated beans, ignore unknown properties that may only exist as getters and not setters.</jc>
<jc>// POJO swaps to apply to all serializers/parsers on this method.</jc>
<jc>// Use the SwaggerUI swap when rendering Swagger beans.</jc>
<jc>// This is a per-media-type swap that only applies to text/html requests.</jc>
<jk>public</jk> Swagger getOptions(RestRequest req) {
<jc>// Localized Swagger for this resource is available through the RestRequest object.</jc>
<jk>return</jk> req.getSwagger();
Note that to have your resource create Swagger UI, you must either extend from {@link oajr.BasicRestServlet} or provide
your own <ja>@RestMethod</ja>-annotated method that returns a {@link oaj.dto.swagger.Swagger} object and a {@link oaj.dto.swagger.ui.SwaggerUI} swap.