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Java Method Parameters
Java methods can contain any of the following parameters in any order:
<ul class='spaced-list'>
<b>Parameters based on class types:</b>
<ul class='spaced-list'>
<li><b>Request/response objects:</b>
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.RestRequest} - The request object.
<li class='jc'>{@link javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest} - The superclass of <code>RestRequest</code>.
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.RestResponse} - The response object.
<li class='jc'>{@link javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse} - The superclass of <code>RestResponse</code>.
<li><b>Parsed request header values:</b>
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.Accept}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.AcceptCharset}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.AcceptEncoding}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.AcceptLanguage}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.Authorization}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.CacheControl}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.Connection}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.ContentLength}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.ContentType}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.Date}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.Expect}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.From}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.Host}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.IfMatch}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.IfModifiedSince}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.IfNoneMatch}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.IfRange}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.IfUnmodifiedSince}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.MaxForwards}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.Pragma}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.ProxyAuthorization}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.Range}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.Referer}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.TE}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.UserAgent}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.Upgrade}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.Via}
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.Warning}
<li class='jc'>{@link java.util.TimeZone}
<li><b>Direct streams on request/response:</b>
<li class='jc'>{@link}
<li class='jc'>{@link javax.servlet.ServletInputStream}
<li class='jc'>{@link}
<li class='jc'>{@link}
<li class='jc'>{@link javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream}
<li class='jc'>{@link}
<li class='jc'>{@link java.util.ResourceBundle} - Client-localized resource bundle.
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.utils.MessageBundle} - A resource bundle with additional features.
<li class='jc'>{@link java.util.Locale} - Client locale.
<li><b>Request APIs:</b>
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.RequestHeaders} - API for accessing request headers.
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.RequestQuery} - API for accessing request query parameters.
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.RequestFormData} - API for accessing request form data.
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.RequestPath} - API for accessing path variables.
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.RequestBody} - API for accessing request body.
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.http.HttpMethod} - The method name matched (when using <code><ja>@RestMethod</ja>(name=<js>"*"</js>)</code>)
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.RestLogger} - Logger with additional features.
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.RestContext} - The resource read-only context.
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.parser.Parser} - The parser matching the request content type.
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.parser.ReaderParser} - The reader parser matching the request content type.
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.parser.InputStreamParser} - The input stream parser matching the request content type.
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.dto.swagger.Swagger} - The auto-generated Swagger doc.
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.config.Config} - The external config for the resource.
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.RequestProperties} - API for modifying request-time configuration properties.
<li><b>Annotated parameters:</b>
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Path} - Variables in matched URL path patterns.
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.FormData} - Multipart form post parameter values.
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.HasFormData} - Denotes whether the form data parameter exists.
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Query} - Query parameters. Using this prevents the HTTP body from being processed as a URL-Encoded form post.
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.HasQuery} - Denotes whether the query parameter exists.
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Header} - A header value.
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Body} - The HTTP content parsed as a POJO.
<li class='ja'>{@link oajr.annotation.Method} - The HTTP method name.
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Request} - HTTP request parts available through a proxy bean interface.
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.Response} - HTTP response parts available through a POJO.
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.ResponseHeader} - HTTP response header.
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.http.annotation.ResponseStatus} - HTTP response status code.
<h5 class='figure'>Example:</h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<ja>@RestMethod</ja>(name=<jsf>GET</jsf>, path=<js>"/example1/{a1}/{a2}/{a3}/*"</js>)
<jk>public</jk> String doGetExample1(
RestRequest req,
RestResponse res,
<ja>@Method</ja> String method,
<ja>@Path</ja>(<js>"a1"</js>) String a1,
<ja>@Path</ja>(<js>"a2"</js>) <jk>int</jk> a2,
<ja>@Path</ja>(<js>"a3"</js>) UUID a3,
<ja>@Query</ja>(<js>"p1"</js>) <jk>int</jk> p1,
<ja>@Query</ja>(<js>"p2"</js>) String p2,
<ja>@Query</ja>(<js>"p3"</js>) UUID p3,
<ja>@HasQuery</ja>(<js>"p3"</js>) boolean hasP3,
<ja>@Path</ja>(<js>"/*"</js>) String remainder,
<ja>@Header</ja>(<js>"Accept-Language"</js>) String lang,
<ja>@Header</ja>(<js>"Accept"</js>) String accept,
<ja>@Header</ja>(<js>"DNT"</js>) <jk>int</jk> doNotTrack,
RequestProperties properties,
ResourceBundle nls
) {
<jc>// Do something with all of those</jc>
<h5 class='section'>Notes:</h5>
<li>All annotations have programmatic equivalents on the {@link oajr.RestRequest} class.
<h5 class='section'>See Also:</h5>
<li class='jf'>{@link oajr.RestContext#REST_paramResolvers} - For configuring custom parameter types.