blob: 7817568af7ef2a2eb4c8197ce6937b04a9d4bee6 [file] [log] [blame]
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RDF Details
Juneau supports serializing and parsing arbitrary POJOs to and from the following RDF formats:
<li>Abbreviated RDF/XML
The serializers and parsers work identically to those in <code>juneau-marshall</code>, but are
packaged separately so that you don't need to pull in the Jena dependency unless you need it.
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jc>// A simple bean</jc>
<jk>public class</jk> Person {
<jk>public</jk> String name = <js>"John Smith"</js>;
<jk>public int</jk> age = 21;
<jc>// Serialize a bean to JSON, XML, or HTML</jc>
Person p = <jk>new</jk> Person();
<jc>// Produces:
// &lt;rdf:RDF
// xmlns:rdf=""
// xmlns:jp=""
// xmlns:j=""&gt;
// &lt;rdf:Description&gt;
// &lt;jp:name&gt;John Smith&lt;/jp:name&gt;
// &lt;jp:age&gt;21&lt;/jp:age&gt;
// &lt;/rdf:Description&gt;
// &lt;/rdf:RDF&gt;</jc>
String rdfXml = RdfSerializer.<jsf>DEFAULT_XMLABBREV</jsf>.serialize(p);
<jc>// Produces:
// @prefix jp: &lt;; .
// @prefix j: &lt;; .
// [] jp:age "21" ;
// jp:name "John Smith" .</jc>
String rdfN3 = N3Serializer.<jsf>DEFAULT</jsf>.serialize(p);
<jc>// Produces:
// _:A3bf53c85X3aX157cf407e2dX3aXX2dX7ffd &lt;; "John Smith" .
// _:A3bf53c85X3aX157cf407e2dX3aXX2dX7ffd &lt;; "21" .</jc>
String rdfNTriple = RdfSerializer.<jsf>DEFAULT_NTRIPLE</jsf>.serialize(p);