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Comparison with Jackson
Juneau was developed independently from Jackson, but shares many of the same features and capabilities.
Whereas Jackson was created to work primarily with JSON, Juneau was created to work for multiple languages.
Therefore, the terminology and annotations in Juneau are similar, but language-agnostic.
The following charts describe equivalent features between the two libraries:
<h5 class='topic'>Annotations</h5>
<table class='styled w800'>
{@link oaj.annotation.BeanProperty @BeanProperty}
{@link oaj.annotation.BeanProperty#name() @BeanProperty(name="*")}
{@link oaj.annotation.BeanIgnore @BeanIgnore}
{@link oaj.annotation.Bean#excludeProperties @Bean(excludeProperties="...")}
No equivalent annotation, but can be controlled via:
<br>{@link oaj.BeanContext#BEAN_beanFieldVisibility}
<br>{@link oaj.BeanContext#BEAN_beanMethodVisibility}
<br>Future annotation support planned.
{@link oaj.annotation.BeanConstructor @BeanConstructor}
No equivalent.
<br>Future support planned.
Juneau uses swaps to convert non-serializable object to serializable forms:
<br>{@link oaj.annotation.Swap @Swap}
No equivalent annotation, but can be controlled via various settings:
<br>{@link oaj.BeanContext}
<br>{@link oaj.serializer.Serializer}
<br>Future annotation support planned.
{@link oaj.annotation.Bean#properties @Bean(properties="...")}
<br>{@link oaj.annotation.Bean#sort @Bean(sort=x)}
Can be replicated using swaps with <code>Reader</code> swapped values.