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Virtual Beans
The {@link oaj.BeanContext#BEAN_useInterfaceProxies} setting (enabled by default) allows
the Juneau parsers to parse content into virtual beans (bean interfaces without implementation classes).
For example, the following code creates an instance of the specified unimplemented interface:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jc>// Our unimplemented interface</jc>
<jk>public interface</jk> Address {
String getStreet();
<jk>void</jk> setStreet(String x);
String getCity();
<jk>void</jk> setCity(String x);
StateEnum getState();
<jk>void</jk> setState(StateEnum x);
<jk>int</jk> getZip();
<jk>void</jk> setZip(<jk>int</jk> zip);
<jc>// Our code</jc>
Address address = JsonParser.<jsf>DEFAULT</jsf>.parse(
<js>"{street:'123 Main St', city:'Anywhere', state:'PR', zip:12345}"</js>,
<jk>int</jk> zip = address.getZip();
Getter and setter values can be any {@doc PojoCategories parsable} values, even other virtual beans.
Under-the-covers, a virtual bean is simply a proxy interface on top of an existing <code>BeanMap</code>
instance. From a programmatic point-of-view, they're indistinguishable from real beans, and can be
manipulated and serialized like any other bean.
Virtual beans can also be created programmatically using the <code>BeanContext</code> class:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
Address address = BeanContext.<jsf>DEFAULT</jsf>.createSession().newBean(Address.<jk>class</jk>);