blob: 785d114ca668de5b9b32d3ddade5714e8238ddfe [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
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8.0.1 (TBD)
<h5 class='topic w800'>juneau-marshall</h5>
<ul class='spaced-list'>
New utility class for diffing beans: {@link oaj.utils.BeanDiff}
New annotation for defining bean property names: {@link oaj.annotation.Name}
New serializer properties:
<ul class='doctree'>
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.serializer.WriterSerializer#WSERIALIZER_fileCharset}
<li class='jf'>{@link oaj.serializer.WriterSerializer#WSERIALIZER_streamCharset}
The following POJO methods can be used to convert a POJO to/from a Map before serialization and after parsing.
<br>It's a convenient way of defining a POJO transform.
<ul class='doctree'>
<li class='jm'><code><jk>public</jk> Map toMap()</code> - Can be any type of map with string keys and object vals.
<li class='jm'><code><jk>public</jk> ObjectMap toMap()</code>
<li class='jm'><code><jk>public</jk> Map toMap(BeanSession bs)</code> - Can be any type of map with string keys and object vals.
<li class='jm'><code><jk>public</jk> ObjectMap toMap(BeanSession bs)</code>
<li class='jm'><code><jk>public static</jk> T fromMap(Map m)</code> - Can be any type of map with string keys and object vals.
<li class='jm'><code><jk>public static</jk> T fromMap(ObjectMap m)</code>
<li class='jm'><code><jk>public static</jk> T fromMap(BeanSession bs, Map m)</code> - Can be any type of map with string keys and object vals.
<li class='jm'><code><jk>public static</jk> T fromMap(BeanSession bs, ObjectMap m)</code>
New convenience debugging methods on Marshall API:
<ul class='doctree'>
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.marshall.Marshall}
<li class='jm'>{@link oaj.marshall.Marshall#format(String,Object...)} - <code>MessageFormat</code>-style formatter.
<li class='jm'>{@link oaj.marshall.Marshall#out(String,Object...)} - Prints <code>MessageFormat</code>-style messages to STDOUT.
<li class='jm'>{@link oaj.marshall.Marshall#err(String,Object...)} - Prints <code>MessageFormat</code>-style messages to STDERR.
<h5 class='topic w800'>juneau-config</h5>
<ul class='spaced-list'>
Support for import statements:
<p class='bpcode'>
<cc># Import values from another configuration:</cc>
<ck>bar</ck> = <cv>baz</cv>
The {@link} now automatically resolves file extensions.
<br>New configuration property for specifying search paths for file extensions:
<ul class='doctree'>
<li class='jf'>{@link}
Fixed a bug where instances of {@link} ended up resolving to the same object.
Uses <js>""</js> file as a system default if present.
<br>Useful when being used in a Spring Boot application.
New {@link oaj.config.Config#setSystemProperties} method for quickly moving configuration settings into the
system properties.
Entries in the system config are automatically set as system properties.
<br>This mean you can set any of the various serializer and parser settings (e.g. <js>"JsonSerializer.simpleMode.b"</js>)
in the default configuration area or <code></code>.
<h5 class='topic w800'>juneau-rest-server</h5>
<ul class='spaced-list'>
New annotations that can be applied to REST classes and methods to configure serializers and parsers.
<p class='bcode w800'>
<jc>// Old way using generic properties.</jc>
title=<js>"Sample ATOM feed resource"</js>,
<ja>@Property</ja>(name=<jsf>WSERIALIZER_quoteChar</jsf>, value=<js>"'"</js>),
<ja>@Property</ja>(name=<jsf>RDF_rdfxml_tab</jsf>, value=<js>"5"</js>),
<ja>@Property</ja>(name<jsf>RDF_addRootProperty</jsf>, value=<js>"true"</js>),
<ja>@Property</ja>(name=<jsf>BEAN_examples</jsf>, value=<js>"{'org.apache.juneau.dto.atom.Feed': $F{AtomFeedResource_example.json}}"</js>)
<jk>public class</jk> AtomFeedResource <jk>extends</jk> BasicRestServletJena {
<jc>New way using specific annotations.</jc>
title=<js>"Sample ATOM feed resource"</js>
<ja>@RdfConfig</ja>(rdfxml_tab=<js>"5"</js>, addRootProperty=<js>"true"</js>)
<ja>@BeanConfig</ja>(examples=<js>"Feed: $F{AtomFeedResource_example.json}"</js>)
<jk>public class</jk> AtomFeedResource <jk>extends</jk> BasicRestServletJena {
Config annotations are provided for all serializers and parsers:
<ul class='doctree'>
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.annotation.BeanConfig BeanConfig}
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.csv.annotation.CsvConfig CsvConfig}
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.html.annotation.HtmlConfig HtmlConfig}
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.html.annotation.HtmlDocConfig HtmlDocConfig}
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.jso.annotation.JsoConfig JsoConfig}
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.json.annotation.JsonConfig JsonConfig}
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.jsonschema.annotation.JsonSchemaConfig JsonSchemaConfig}
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.msgpack.annotation.MsgPackConfig MsgPackConfig}
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.oapi.annotation.OpenApiConfig OpenApiConfig}
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.parser.annotation.ParserConfig ParserConfig}
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.plaintext.annotation.PlainTextConfig PlainTextConfig}
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.jena.annotation.RdfConfig RdfConfig}
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.serializer.annotation.SerializerConfig SerializerConfig}
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.soap.annotation.SoapXmlConfig SoapXmlConfig}
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.uon.annotation.UonConfig UonConfig}
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.urlencoding.annotation.UrlEncodingConfig UrlEncodingConfig}
<li class='ja'>{@link oaj.xml.annotation.XmlConfig XmlConfig}
New support for using Servlet request attributes.
<ul class='doctree'>
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.RequestAttributes}
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.RestContext}
<li class='jf'>{@link oajr.RestContext#REST_attrs REST_attrs}
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.RestContextBuilder}
<li class='jm'>{@link oajr.RestContextBuilder#attrs(String...) attrs(String...)}
<li class='jm'>{@link oajr.RestContextBuilder#attr(String,Object) attr(String,Object)}
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.RestMethodContext}
<li class='jf'>{@link oajr.RestMethodContext#RESTMETHOD_attrs RESTMETHOD_attrs}
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.RestRequest}
<li class='jm'>{@link oajr.RestRequest#getAttributes() getAttributes()}
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.RestResponse}
<li class='jm'>{@link oajr.RestResponse#getAttributes() getAttributes()}
<li class='jm'>{@link oajr.RestResponse#attr(String,Object) attr(String,Object)}
<li class='ja'>{@link oajr.annotation.Attr}
<li class='ja'>{@link oajr.annotation.RestMethod#attrs()}
<li class='ja'>{@link oajr.annotation.RestResource#attrs()}
<br>This deprecates the following APIs:
<ul class='doctree'>
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.RequestProperties}
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.RestMethodProperties}
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.RestRequest}
<li class='jm'>{@link oajr.RestRequest#getProperties() getProperties()}
<li class='jm'>{@link oajr.RestRequest#prop(String,Object) prop(String,Object)}
Added the following classes that provide the same support as the servlet classes but doesn't extend from <code>HttpServlet</code>.
<br>This fixes an issue where instances of {@link oajr.BasicRestServlet} are registered as top-level servlets even though
you don't want them to be.
<ul class='doctree'>
<li class='jac'>{@link oajr.BasicRest} - Non-servlet equivalent to {@link oajr.BasicRestServlet}
<li class='jac'>{@link oajr.BasicRestGroup} - Non-servlet equivalent to {@link oajr.BasicRestServletGroup}
<li class='jac'>{@link oajr.BasicRestJena} - Non-servlet equivalent to {@link oajr.BasicRestServletJena}
<li class='jac'>{@link oajr.BasicRestJenaGroup} - Non-servlet equivalent to {@link oajr.BasicRestServletJenaGroup}
HTML widgets now have access to the <code>RestResponse</code> object if they need access to the output bean.
New annotations for simplified role-based guards on classes and methods:
<ul class='doctree'>
<li class='ja'>{@link oajr.annotation.RestResource}
<li class='jm'>{@link oajr.annotation.RestResource#roleGuard roleGuard()}
<li class='jm'>{@link oajr.annotation.RestResource#rolesDeclared rolesDeclared()}
<li class='ja'>{@link oajr.annotation.RestMethod}
<li class='jm'>{@link oajr.annotation.RestMethod#roleGuard roleGuard()}
<li class='jm'>{@link oajr.annotation.RestMethod#rolesDeclared rolesDeclared()}
New annotations for fine-tuned handling of http-methods/http-headers as query parameters and others:
<ul class='doctree'>
<li class='ja'>{@link oajr.annotation.RestResource}
<li class='jm'>{@link oajr.annotation.RestResource#allowedHeaderParams() allowedHeaderParams()}
<li class='jm'>{@link oajr.annotation.RestResource#allowedMethodHeaders() allowedMethodHeaders()}
<li class='jm'>{@link oajr.annotation.RestResource#allowedMethodParams() allowedMethodParams()}
The {@link oajr.annotation.RestResource#path() @RestResource(path)} annotation can now use variables:
<p class='bcode'>
<jk>public class</jk> MyResource <jk>extends</jk> BasicRestServlet {...}
New methods:
<ul class='doctree'>
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.RestRequest}
<li class='jm'>{@link oajr.RestRequest#getCharset() getCharset()}
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.RestResponse}
<li class='jm'>{@link oajr.RestResponse#getCharset() getCharset()}
New interface method for catching arbitrary thrown objects and converting them to other throwables.
<ul class='doctree'>
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.RestCallHandler}
<li class='jm'>{@link oajr.RestCallHandler#convertThrowable(Throwable) convertThrowable(Throwable)}
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.BasicRestCallHandler}
<li class='jm'>{@link oajr.BasicRestCallHandler#convertThrowable(Throwable) convertThrowable(Throwable)}
Fixed a bug where the HTTP response was returning 405 (method not found) but should really be 404 (not found)
when no path patterns match on any of the Java methods.
<h5 class='topic w800'>juneau-rest-client</h5>
<ul class='spaced-list'>
PATCH support added.