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package org.apache.juneau.utils;
import static*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.juneau.*;
import org.apache.juneau.json.*;
import org.apache.juneau.parser.*;
* Provides the ability to perform standard REST operations (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE) against nodes in a POJO model.
* <p>
* Nodes in the POJO model are addressed using URLs.
* <p>
* A POJO model is defined as a tree model where nodes consist of consisting of the following:
* <ul class='spaced-list'>
* <li>
* {@link Map Maps} and Java beans representing JSON objects.
* <li>
* {@link Collection Collections} and arrays representing JSON arrays.
* <li>
* Java beans.
* </ul>
* <p>
* Leaves of the tree can be any type of object.
* <p>
* Use {@link #get(String) get()} to retrieve an element from a JSON tree.
* <br>Use {@link #put(String,Object) put()} to create (or overwrite) an element in a JSON tree.
* <br>Use {@link #post(String,Object) post()} to add an element to a list in a JSON tree.
* <br>Use {@link #delete(String) delete()} to remove an element from a JSON tree.
* <p>
* Leading slashes in URLs are ignored.
* So <js>"/xxx/yyy/zzz"</js> and <js>"xxx/yyy/zzz"</js> are considered identical.
* <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
* <p class='bcode w800'>
* <jc>// Construct an unstructured POJO model</jc>
* ObjectMap m = <jk>new</jk> ObjectMap(<js>""</js>
* + <js>"{"</js>
* + <js>" name:'John Smith', "</js>
* + <js>" address:{ "</js>
* + <js>" streetAddress:'21 2nd Street', "</js>
* + <js>" city:'New York', "</js>
* + <js>" state:'NY', "</js>
* + <js>" postalCode:10021 "</js>
* + <js>" }, "</js>
* + <js>" phoneNumbers:[ "</js>
* + <js>" '212 555-1111', "</js>
* + <js>" '212 555-2222' "</js>
* + <js>" ], "</js>
* + <js>" additionalInfo:null, "</js>
* + <js>" remote:false, "</js>
* + <js>" height:62.4, "</js>
* + <js>" 'fico score':' &gt; 640' "</js>
* + <js>"} "</js>
* );
* <jc>// Wrap Map inside a PojoRest object</jc>
* PojoRest johnSmith = <jk>new</jk> PojoRest(m);
* <jc>// Get a simple value at the top level</jc>
* <jc>// "John Smith"</jc>
* String name = johnSmith.getString(<js>"name"</js>);
* <jc>// Change a simple value at the top level</jc>
* johnSmith.put(<js>"name"</js>, <js>"The late John Smith"</js>);
* <jc>// Get a simple value at a deep level</jc>
* <jc>// "21 2nd Street"</jc>
* String streetAddress = johnSmith.getString(<js>"address/streetAddress"</js>);
* <jc>// Set a simple value at a deep level</jc>
* johnSmith.put(<js>"address/streetAddress"</js>, <js>"101 Cemetery Way"</js>);
* <jc>// Get entries in a list</jc>
* <jc>// "212 555-1111"</jc>
* String firstPhoneNumber = johnSmith.getString(<js>"phoneNumbers/0"</js>);
* <jc>// Add entries to a list</jc>
*<js>"phoneNumbers"</js>, <js>"212 555-3333"</js>);
* <jc>// Delete entries from a model</jc>
* johnSmith.delete(<js>"fico score"</js>);
* <jc>// Add entirely new structures to the tree</jc>
* ObjectMap medicalInfo = new ObjectMap(<js>""</js>
* + <js>"{"</js>
* + <js>" currentStatus: 'deceased',"</js>
* + <js>" health: 'non-existent',"</js>
* + <js>" creditWorthiness: 'not good'"</js>
* + <js>"}"</js>
* );
* johnSmith.put(<js>"additionalInfo/medicalInfo"</js>, medicalInfo);
* </p>
* <p>
* In the special case of collections/arrays of maps/beans, a special XPath-like selector notation can be used in lieu
* of index numbers on GET requests to return a map/bean with a specified attribute value.
* <br>The syntax is {@code @attr=val}, where attr is the attribute name on the child map, and val is the matching value.
* <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
* <p class='bcode w800'>
* <jc>// Get map/bean with name attribute value of 'foo' from a list of items</jc>
* Map m = pojoRest.getMap(<js>"/items/@name=foo"</js>);
* </p>
public final class PojoRest {
/** The list of possible request types. */
private static final int GET=1, PUT=2, POST=3, DELETE=4;
private ReaderParser parser = JsonParser.DEFAULT;
final BeanSession session;
/** If true, the root cannot be overwritten */
private boolean rootLocked = false;
/** The root of the model. */
private JsonNode root;
* Create a new instance of a REST interface over the specified object.
* <p>
* Uses {@link BeanContext#DEFAULT} for working with Java beans.
* @param o The object to be wrapped.
public PojoRest(Object o) {
this(o, null);
* Create a new instance of a REST interface over the specified object.
* <p>
* The parser is used as the bean context.
* @param o The object to be wrapped.
* @param parser The parser to use for parsing arguments and converting objects to the correct data type.
public PojoRest(Object o, ReaderParser parser) {
if (parser == null)
parser = JsonParser.DEFAULT;
this.parser = parser;
this.session = parser.createBeanSession();
this.root = new JsonNode(null, null, o, session.object());
* Call this method to prevent the root object from being overwritten on <code>put("", xxx);</code> calls.
* @return This object (for method chaining).
public PojoRest setRootLocked() {
this.rootLocked = true;
return this;
* The root object that was passed into the constructor of this method.
* @return The root object.
public Object getRootObject() {
return root.o;
* Retrieves the element addressed by the URL.
* @param url
* The URL of the element to retrieve.
* <br>If <jk>null</jk> or blank, returns the root.
* @return The addressed element, or <jk>null</jk> if that element does not exist in the tree.
public Object get(String url) {
return getWithDefault(url, null);
* Retrieves the element addressed by the URL.
* @param url
* The URL of the element to retrieve.
* <br>If <jk>null</jk> or blank, returns the root.
* @param defVal The default value if the map doesn't contain the specified mapping.
* @return The addressed element, or null if that element does not exist in the tree.
public Object getWithDefault(String url, Object defVal) {
Object o = service(GET, url, null);
return o == null ? defVal : o;
* Retrieves the element addressed by the URL as the specified object type.
* <p>
* Will convert object to the specified type per {@link BeanSession#convertToType(Object, Class)}.
* <h5 class='section'>Examples:</h5>
* <p class='bcode w800'>
* PojoRest r = <jk>new</jk> PojoRest(object);
* <jc>// Value converted to a string.</jc>
* String s = r.get(<js>"path/to/string"</js>, String.<jk>class</jk>);
* <jc>// Value converted to a bean.</jc>
* MyBean b = r.get(<js>"path/to/bean"</js>, MyBean.<jk>class</jk>);
* <jc>// Value converted to a bean array.</jc>
* MyBean[] ba = r.get(<js>"path/to/beanarray"</js>, MyBean[].<jk>class</jk>);
* <jc>// Value converted to a linked-list of objects.</jc>
* List l = r.get(<js>"path/to/list"</js>, LinkedList.<jk>class</jk>);
* <jc>// Value converted to a map of object keys/values.</jc>
* Map m2 = r.get(<js>"path/to/map"</js>, TreeMap.<jk>class</jk>);
* </p>
* @param url
* The URL of the element to retrieve.
* If <jk>null</jk> or blank, returns the root.
* @param type The specified object type.
* @param <T> The specified object type.
* @return The addressed element, or null if that element does not exist in the tree.
public <T> T get(String url, Class<T> type) {
return getWithDefault(url, null, type);
* Retrieves the element addressed by the URL as the specified object type.
* <p>
* Will convert object to the specified type per {@link BeanSession#convertToType(Object, Class)}.
* <p>
* The type can be a simple type (e.g. beans, strings, numbers) or parameterized type (collections/maps).
* <h5 class='section'>Examples:</h5>
* <p class='bcode w800'>
* PojoMap r = <jk>new</jk> PojoMap(object);
* <jc>// Value converted to a linked-list of strings.</jc>
* List&lt;String&gt; l1 = r.get(<js>"path/to/list1"</js>, LinkedList.<jk>class</jk>, String.<jk>class</jk>);
* <jc>// Value converted to a linked-list of beans.</jc>
* List&lt;MyBean&gt; l2 = r.get(<js>"path/to/list2"</js>, LinkedList.<jk>class</jk>, MyBean.<jk>class</jk>);
* <jc>// Value converted to a linked-list of linked-lists of strings.</jc>
* List&lt;List&lt;String&gt;&gt; l3 = r.get(<js>"path/to/list3"</js>, LinkedList.<jk>class</jk>, LinkedList.<jk>class</jk>, String.<jk>class</jk>);
* <jc>// Value converted to a map of string keys/values.</jc>
* Map&lt;String,String&gt; m1 = r.get(<js>"path/to/map1"</js>, TreeMap.<jk>class</jk>, String.<jk>class</jk>, String.<jk>class</jk>);
* <jc>// Value converted to a map containing string keys and values of lists containing beans.</jc>
* Map&lt;String,List&lt;MyBean&gt;&gt; m2 = r.get(<js>"path/to/map2"</js>, TreeMap.<jk>class</jk>, String.<jk>class</jk>, List.<jk>class</jk>, MyBean.<jk>class</jk>);
* </p>
* <p>
* <code>Collection</code> classes are assumed to be followed by zero or one objects indicating the element type.
* <p>
* <code>Map</code> classes are assumed to be followed by zero or two meta objects indicating the key and value types.
* <p>
* The array can be arbitrarily long to indicate arbitrarily complex data structures.
* <h5 class='section'>Notes:</h5>
* <ul class='spaced-list'>
* <li>
* Use the {@link #get(String, Class)} method instead if you don't need a parameterized map/collection.
* </ul>
* @param url
* The URL of the element to retrieve.
* If <jk>null</jk> or blank, returns the root.
* @param type The specified object type.
* @param args The specified object parameter types.
* @param <T> The specified object type.
* @return The addressed element, or null if that element does not exist in the tree.
public <T> T get(String url, Type type, Type...args) {
return getWithDefault(url, null, type, args);
* Same as {@link #get(String, Class)} but returns a default value if the addressed element is null or non-existent.
* @param url
* The URL of the element to retrieve.
* If <jk>null</jk> or blank, returns the root.
* @param def The default value if addressed item does not exist.
* @param type The specified object type.
* @param <T> The specified object type.
* @return The addressed element, or null if that element does not exist in the tree.
public <T> T getWithDefault(String url, T def, Class<T> type) {
Object o = service(GET, url, null);
if (o == null)
return def;
return session.convertToType(o, type);
* Same as {@link #get(String,Type,Type[])} but returns a default value if the addressed element is null or non-existent.
* @param url
* The URL of the element to retrieve.
* If <jk>null</jk> or blank, returns the root.
* @param def The default value if addressed item does not exist.
* @param type The specified object type.
* @param args The specified object parameter types.
* @param <T> The specified object type.
* @return The addressed element, or null if that element does not exist in the tree.
public <T> T getWithDefault(String url, T def, Type type, Type...args) {
Object o = service(GET, url, null);
if (o == null)
return def;
return session.convertToType(o, type, args);
* Returns the specified entry value converted to a {@link String}.
* <p>
* Shortcut for <code>get(String.<jk>class</jk>, key)</code>.
* @param url The key.
* @return The converted value, or <jk>null</jk> if the map contains no mapping for this key.
public String getString(String url) {
return get(url, String.class);
* Returns the specified entry value converted to a {@link String}.
* <p>
* Shortcut for <code>get(String.<jk>class</jk>, key, defVal)</code>.
* @param url The key.
* @param defVal The default value if the map doesn't contain the specified mapping.
* @return The converted value, or the default value if the map contains no mapping for this key.
public String getString(String url, String defVal) {
return getWithDefault(url, defVal, String.class);
* Returns the specified entry value converted to an {@link Integer}.
* <p>
* Shortcut for <code>get(Integer.<jk>class</jk>, key)</code>.
* @param url The key.
* @return The converted value, or <jk>null</jk> if the map contains no mapping for this key.
* @throws InvalidDataConversionException If value cannot be converted.
public Integer getInt(String url) {
return get(url, Integer.class);
* Returns the specified entry value converted to an {@link Integer}.
* <p>
* Shortcut for <code>get(Integer.<jk>class</jk>, key, defVal)</code>.
* @param url The key.
* @param defVal The default value if the map doesn't contain the specified mapping.
* @return The converted value, or the default value if the map contains no mapping for this key.
* @throws InvalidDataConversionException If value cannot be converted.
public Integer getInt(String url, Integer defVal) {
return getWithDefault(url, defVal, Integer.class);
* Returns the specified entry value converted to a {@link Long}.
* <p>
* Shortcut for <code>get(Long.<jk>class</jk>, key)</code>.
* @param url The key.
* @return The converted value, or <jk>null</jk> if the map contains no mapping for this key.
* @throws InvalidDataConversionException If value cannot be converted.
public Long getLong(String url) {
return get(url, Long.class);
* Returns the specified entry value converted to a {@link Long}.
* <p>
* Shortcut for <code>get(Long.<jk>class</jk>, key, defVal)</code>.
* @param url The key.
* @param defVal The default value if the map doesn't contain the specified mapping.
* @return The converted value, or the default value if the map contains no mapping for this key.
* @throws InvalidDataConversionException If value cannot be converted.
public Long getLong(String url, Long defVal) {
return getWithDefault(url, defVal, Long.class);
* Returns the specified entry value converted to a {@link Boolean}.
* <p>
* Shortcut for <code>get(Boolean.<jk>class</jk>, key)</code>.
* @param url The key.
* @return The converted value, or <jk>null</jk> if the map contains no mapping for this key.
* @throws InvalidDataConversionException If value cannot be converted.
public Boolean getBoolean(String url) {
return get(url, Boolean.class);
* Returns the specified entry value converted to a {@link Boolean}.
* <p>
* Shortcut for <code>get(Boolean.<jk>class</jk>, key, defVal)</code>.
* @param url The key.
* @param defVal The default value if the map doesn't contain the specified mapping.
* @return The converted value, or the default value if the map contains no mapping for this key.
* @throws InvalidDataConversionException If value cannot be converted.
public Boolean getBoolean(String url, Boolean defVal) {
return getWithDefault(url, defVal, Boolean.class);
* Returns the specified entry value converted to a {@link Map}.
* <p>
* Shortcut for <code>get(Map.<jk>class</jk>, key)</code>.
* @param url The key.
* @return The converted value, or <jk>null</jk> if the map contains no mapping for this key.
* @throws InvalidDataConversionException If value cannot be converted.
public Map<?,?> getMap(String url) {
return get(url, Map.class);
* Returns the specified entry value converted to a {@link Map}.
* <p>
* Shortcut for <code>get(Map.<jk>class</jk>, key, defVal)</code>.
* @param url The key.
* @param defVal The default value if the map doesn't contain the specified mapping.
* @return The converted value, or the default value if the map contains no mapping for this key.
* @throws InvalidDataConversionException If value cannot be converted.
public Map<?,?> getMap(String url, Map<?,?> defVal) {
return getWithDefault(url, defVal, Map.class);
* Returns the specified entry value converted to a {@link List}.
* <p>
* Shortcut for <code>get(List.<jk>class</jk>, key)</code>.
* @param url The key.
* @return The converted value, or <jk>null</jk> if the map contains no mapping for this key.
* @throws InvalidDataConversionException If value cannot be converted.
public List<?> getList(String url) {
return get(url, List.class);
* Returns the specified entry value converted to a {@link List}.
* <p>
* Shortcut for <code>get(List.<jk>class</jk>, key, defVal)</code>.
* @param url The key.
* @param defVal The default value if the map doesn't contain the specified mapping.
* @return The converted value, or the default value if the map contains no mapping for this key.
* @throws InvalidDataConversionException If value cannot be converted.
public List<?> getList(String url, List<?> defVal) {
return getWithDefault(url, defVal, List.class);
* Returns the specified entry value converted to a {@link Map}.
* <p>
* Shortcut for <code>get(ObjectMap.<jk>class</jk>, key)</code>.
* @param url The key.
* @return The converted value, or <jk>null</jk> if the map contains no mapping for this key.
* @throws InvalidDataConversionException If value cannot be converted.
public ObjectMap getObjectMap(String url) {
return get(url, ObjectMap.class);
* Returns the specified entry value converted to a {@link ObjectMap}.
* <p>
* Shortcut for <code>get(ObjectMap.<jk>class</jk>, key, defVal)</code>.
* @param url The key.
* @param defVal The default value if the map doesn't contain the specified mapping.
* @return The converted value, or the default value if the map contains no mapping for this key.
* @throws InvalidDataConversionException If value cannot be converted.
public ObjectMap getObjectMap(String url, ObjectMap defVal) {
return getWithDefault(url, defVal, ObjectMap.class);
* Returns the specified entry value converted to a {@link ObjectList}.
* <p>
* Shortcut for <code>get(ObjectList.<jk>class</jk>, key)</code>.
* @param url The key.
* @return The converted value, or <jk>null</jk> if the map contains no mapping for this key.
* @throws InvalidDataConversionException If value cannot be converted.
public ObjectList getObjectList(String url) {
return get(url, ObjectList.class);
* Returns the specified entry value converted to a {@link ObjectList}.
* <p>
* Shortcut for <code>get(ObjectList.<jk>class</jk>, key, defVal)</code>.
* @param url The key.
* @param defVal The default value if the map doesn't contain the specified mapping.
* @return The converted value, or the default value if the map contains no mapping for this key.
* @throws InvalidDataConversionException If value cannot be converted.
public ObjectList getObjectList(String url, ObjectList defVal) {
return getWithDefault(url, defVal, ObjectList.class);
* Executes the specified method with the specified parameters on the specified object.
* @param url The URL of the element to retrieve.
* @param method
* The method signature.
* <p>
* Can be any of the following formats:
* <ul class='spaced-list'>
* <li>
* Method name only. e.g. <js>"myMethod"</js>.
* <li>
* Method name with class names. e.g. <js>"myMethod(String,int)"</js>.
* <li>
* Method name with fully-qualified class names. e.g. <js>"myMethod(java.util.String,int)"</js>.
* </ul>
* <p>
* As a rule, use the simplest format needed to uniquely resolve a method.
* @param args
* The arguments to pass as parameters to the method.
* These will automatically be converted to the appropriate object type if possible.
* This must be an array, like a JSON array.
* @return The returned object from the method call.
* @throws IllegalAccessException
* If the <code>Constructor</code> object enforces Java language access control and the underlying constructor is
* inaccessible.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If one of the following occurs:
* <ul class='spaced-list'>
* <li>
* The number of actual and formal parameters differ.
* <li>
* An unwrapping conversion for primitive arguments fails.
* <li>
* A parameter value cannot be converted to the corresponding formal parameter type by a method invocation
* conversion.
* <li>
* The constructor pertains to an enum type.
* </ul>
* @throws InvocationTargetException If the underlying constructor throws an exception.
* @throws ParseException If the input contains a syntax error or is malformed.
* @throws NoSuchMethodException
* @throws IOException
public Object invokeMethod(String url, String method, String args) throws InvocationTargetException,
IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, ParseException, NoSuchMethodException, IOException {
return new PojoIntrospector(get(url), parser).invokeMethod(method, args);
* Returns the list of available methods that can be passed to the {@link #invokeMethod(String, String, String)}
* for the object addressed by the specified URL.
* @param url The URL.
* @return The list of methods.
public Collection<String> getPublicMethods(String url) {
Object o = get(url);
if (o == null)
return null;
return session.getClassMeta(o.getClass()).getPublicMethods().keySet();
* Returns the class type of the object at the specified URL.
* @param url The URL.
* @return The class type.
public ClassMeta getClassMeta(String url) {
JsonNode n = getNode(normalizeUrl(url), root);
if (n == null)
return null;
* Sets/replaces the element addressed by the URL.
* <p>
* This method expands the POJO model as necessary to create the new element.
* @param url
* The URL of the element to create.
* If <jk>null</jk> or blank, the root itself is replaced with the specified value.
* @param val The value being set. Value can be of any type.
* @return The previously addressed element, or <jk>null</jk> the element did not previously exist.
public Object put(String url, Object val) {
return service(PUT, url, val);
* Adds a value to a list element in a POJO model.
* <p>
* The URL is the address of the list being added to.
* <p>
* If the list does not already exist, it will be created.
* <p>
* This method expands the POJO model as necessary to create the new element.
* <h5 class='section'>Notes:</h5>
* <ul class='spaced-list'>
* <li>
* You can only post to three types of nodes:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link List Lists}
* <li>{@link Map Maps} containing integers as keys (i.e sparse arrays)
* <li>arrays
* </ul>
* </ul>
* @param url
* The URL of the element being added to.
* If <jk>null</jk> or blank, the root itself (assuming it's one of the types specified above) is added to.
* @param val The value being added.
* @return The URL of the element that was added.
public String post(String url, Object val) {
return (String)service(POST, url, val);
* Remove an element from a POJO model.
* <p>
* If the element does not exist, no action is taken.
* @param url
* The URL of the element being deleted.
* If <jk>null</jk> or blank, the root itself is deleted.
* @return The removed element, or null if that element does not exist.
public Object delete(String url) {
return service(DELETE, url, null);
@Override /* Object */
public String toString() {
return String.valueOf(root.o);
/** Handle nulls and strip off leading '/' char. */
private static String normalizeUrl(String url) {
// Interpret nulls and blanks the same (i.e. as addressing the root itself)
if (url == null)
url = "";
// Strip off leading slash if present.
if (url.length() > 0 && url.charAt(0) == '/')
url = url.substring(1);
return url;
* Workhorse method.
private Object service(int method, String url, Object val) throws PojoRestException {
url = normalizeUrl(url);
if (method == GET) {
JsonNode p = getNode(url, root);
return p == null ? null : p.o;
// Get the url of the parent and the property name of the addressed object.
int i = url.lastIndexOf('/');
String parentUrl = (i == -1 ? null : url.substring(0, i));
String childKey = (i == -1 ? url : url.substring(i + 1));
if (method == PUT) {
if (url.length() == 0) {
if (rootLocked)
throw new PojoRestException(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "Cannot overwrite root object");
Object o = root.o;
root = new JsonNode(null, null, val, session.object());
return o;
JsonNode n = (parentUrl == null ? root : getNode(parentUrl, root));
if (n == null)
throw new PojoRestException(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "Node at URL ''{0}'' not found.", parentUrl);
ClassMeta cm =;
Object o = n.o;
if (cm.isMap())
return ((Map)o).put(childKey, convert(val, cm.getValueType()));
if (cm.isCollection() && o instanceof List)
return ((List)o).set(parseInt(childKey), convert(val, cm.getElementType()));
if (cm.isArray()) {
o = setArrayEntry(n.o, parseInt(childKey), val, cm.getElementType());
ClassMeta pct =;
Object po = n.parent.o;
if (pct.isMap()) {
((Map)po).put(n.keyName, o);
return url;
if (pct.isBean()) {
BeanMap m = session.toBeanMap(po);
m.put(n.keyName, o);
return url;
throw new PojoRestException(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Cannot perform PUT on ''{0}'' with parent node type ''{1}''", url, pct);
if (cm.isBean())
return session.toBeanMap(o).put(childKey, val);
throw new PojoRestException(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Cannot perform PUT on ''{0}'' whose parent is of type ''{1}''", url, cm);
if (method == POST) {
// Handle POST to root special
if (url.length() == 0) {
ClassMeta cm =;
Object o = root.o;
if (cm.isCollection()) {
Collection c = (Collection)o;
c.add(convert(val, cm.getElementType()));
return (c instanceof List ? url + "/" + (c.size()-1) : null);
if (cm.isArray()) {
Object[] o2 = addArrayEntry(o, val, cm.getElementType());
root = new JsonNode(null, null, o2, null);
return url + "/" + (o2.length-1);
throw new PojoRestException(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Cannot perform POST on ''{0}'' of type ''{1}''", url, cm);
JsonNode n = getNode(url, root);
if (n == null)
throw new PojoRestException(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "Node at URL ''{0}'' not found.", url);
ClassMeta cm =;
Object o = n.o;
if (cm.isArray()) {
Object[] o2 = addArrayEntry(o, val, cm.getElementType());
ClassMeta pct =;
Object po = n.parent.o;
if (pct.isMap()) {
((Map)po).put(childKey, o2);
return url + "/" + (o2.length-1);
if (pct.isBean()) {
BeanMap m = session.toBeanMap(po);
m.put(childKey, o2);
return url + "/" + (o2.length-1);
throw new PojoRestException(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Cannot perform POST on ''{0}'' with parent node type ''{1}''", url, pct);
if (cm.isCollection()) {
Collection c = (Collection)o;
c.add(convert(val, cm.getElementType()));
return (c instanceof List ? url + "/" + (c.size()-1) : null);
throw new PojoRestException(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Cannot perform POST on ''{0}'' of type ''{1}''", url, cm);
if (method == DELETE) {
if (url.length() == 0) {
if (rootLocked)
throw new PojoRestException(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "Cannot overwrite root object");
Object o = root.o;
root = new JsonNode(null, null, null, session.object());
return o;
JsonNode n = (parentUrl == null ? root : getNode(parentUrl, root));
ClassMeta cm =;
Object o = n.o;
if (cm.isMap())
return ((Map)o).remove(childKey);
if (cm.isCollection() && o instanceof List)
return ((List)o).remove(parseInt(childKey));
if (cm.isArray()) {
int index = parseInt(childKey);
Object old = ((Object[])o)[index];
Object[] o2 = removeArrayEntry(o, index);
ClassMeta pct =;
Object po = n.parent.o;
if (pct.isMap()) {
((Map)po).put(n.keyName, o2);
return old;
if (pct.isBean()) {
BeanMap m = session.toBeanMap(po);
m.put(n.keyName, o2);
return old;
throw new PojoRestException(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Cannot perform POST on ''{0}'' with parent node type ''{1}''", url, pct);
if (cm.isBean())
return session.toBeanMap(o).put(childKey, null);
throw new PojoRestException(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Cannot perform PUT on ''{0}'' whose parent is of type ''{1}''", url, cm);
return null; // Never gets here.
private Object[] setArrayEntry(Object o, int index, Object val, ClassMeta componentType) {
Object[] a = (Object[])o;
if (a.length <= index) {
// Expand out the array.
Object[] a2 = (Object[])Array.newInstance(a.getClass().getComponentType(), index+1);
System.arraycopy(a, 0, a2, 0, a.length);
a = a2;
a[index] = convert(val, componentType);
return a;
private Object[] addArrayEntry(Object o, Object val, ClassMeta componentType) {
Object[] a = (Object[])o;
// Expand out the array.
Object[] a2 = (Object[])Array.newInstance(a.getClass().getComponentType(), a.length+1);
System.arraycopy(a, 0, a2, 0, a.length);
a2[a.length] = convert(val, componentType);
return a2;
private static Object[] removeArrayEntry(Object o, int index) {
Object[] a = (Object[])o;
// Shrink the array.
Object[] a2 = (Object[])Array.newInstance(a.getClass().getComponentType(), a.length-1);
System.arraycopy(a, 0, a2, 0, index);
System.arraycopy(a, index+1, a2, index, a.length-index-1);
return a2;
class JsonNode {
Object o;
ClassMeta cm;
JsonNode parent;
String keyName;
JsonNode(JsonNode parent, String keyName, Object o, ClassMeta cm) {
this.o = o;
this.keyName = keyName;
this.parent = parent;
if (cm == null || cm.isObject()) {
if (o == null)
cm = session.object();
cm = session.getClassMetaForObject(o);
} = cm;
JsonNode getNode(String url, JsonNode n) {
if (url == null || url.isEmpty())
return n;
int i = url.indexOf('/');
String parentKey, childUrl = null;
if (i == -1) {
parentKey = url;
} else {
parentKey = url.substring(0, i);
childUrl = url.substring(i + 1);
Object o = n.o;
Object o2 = null;
ClassMeta cm =;
ClassMeta ct2 = null;
if (o == null)
return null;
if (cm.isMap()) {
o2 = ((Map)o).get(parentKey);
ct2 = cm.getValueType();
} else if (cm.isCollection() && o instanceof List) {
int key = parseInt(parentKey);
List l = ((List)o);
if (l.size() <= key)
return null;
o2 = l.get(key);
ct2 = cm.getElementType();
} else if (cm.isArray()) {
int key = parseInt(parentKey);
Object[] a = ((Object[])o);
if (a.length <= key)
return null;
o2 = a[key];
ct2 = cm.getElementType();
} else if (cm.isBean()) {
BeanMap m = session.toBeanMap(o);
o2 = m.get(parentKey);
BeanPropertyMeta pMeta = m.getPropertyMeta(parentKey);
if (pMeta == null)
throw new PojoRestException(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST,
"Unknown property ''{0}'' encountered while trying to parse into class ''{1}''",
parentKey, m.getClassMeta()
ct2 = pMeta.getClassMeta();
if (childUrl == null)
return new JsonNode(n, parentKey, o2, ct2);
return getNode(childUrl, new JsonNode(n, parentKey, o2, ct2));
private Object convert(Object in, ClassMeta cm) {
if (cm == null)
return in;
if (cm.isBean() && in instanceof Map)
return session.convertToType(in, cm);
return in;
private static int parseInt(String key) {
try {
return Integer.parseInt(key);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new PojoRestException(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST,
"Cannot address an item in an array with a non-integer key ''{0}''", key