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package org.apache.juneau.jsonschema;
import static org.apache.juneau.internal.ObjectUtils.*;
import static org.apache.juneau.jsonschema.TypeCategory.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.*;
import org.apache.juneau.*;
import org.apache.juneau.json.*;
import org.apache.juneau.jsonschema.annotation.*;
import org.apache.juneau.serializer.*;
import org.apache.juneau.transform.*;
* Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of {@link JsonSchemaSerializer}.
* <p>
* This class is NOT thread safe.
* It is typically discarded after one-time use although it can be reused within the same thread.
public class JsonSchemaGeneratorSession extends BeanTraverseSession {
private final JsonSchemaGenerator ctx;
private final Map<String,ObjectMap> defs;
private JsonSerializerSession jsSession;
* Create a new session using properties specified in the context.
* @param ctx
* The context creating this session object.
* The context contains all the configuration settings for this object.
* @param args
* Runtime arguments.
* These specify session-level information such as locale and URI context.
* It also include session-level properties that override the properties defined on the bean and
* serializer contexts.
protected JsonSchemaGeneratorSession(JsonSchemaGenerator ctx, BeanSessionArgs args) {
super(ctx, args);
this.ctx = ctx;
if (isUseBeanDefs())
defs = new TreeMap<>();
defs = null;
* Returns the JSON-schema for the specified object.
* @param o
* The object.
* <br>Can either be a POJO or a <code>Class</code>/<code>Type</code>.
* @return The schema for the type.
* @throws Exception
public ObjectMap getSchema(Object o) throws Exception {
return getSchema(toClassMeta(o), "root", null, false, false, null);
* Returns the JSON-schema for the specified type.
* @param type The object type.
* @return The schema for the type.
* @throws Exception
public ObjectMap getSchema(Type type) throws Exception {
return getSchema(getClassMeta(type), "root", null, false, false, null);
* Returns the JSON-schema for the specified type.
* @param cm The object type.
* @return The schema for the type.
* @throws Exception
public ObjectMap getSchema(ClassMeta<?> cm) throws Exception {
return getSchema(cm, "root", null, false, false, null);
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private ObjectMap getSchema(ClassMeta<?> eType, String attrName, String[] pNames, boolean exampleAdded, boolean descriptionAdded, JsonSchemaBeanPropertyMeta jsbpm) throws Exception {
if (ctx.isIgnoredType(eType))
return null;
ObjectMap out = new ObjectMap();
if (eType == null)
eType = object();
ClassMeta<?> aType; // The actual type (will be null if recursion occurs)
ClassMeta<?> sType; // The serialized type
PojoSwap pojoSwap = eType.getPojoSwap(this);
aType = push(attrName, eType, null);
sType = eType.getSerializedClassMeta(this);
String type = null, format = null;
Object example = null, description = null;
boolean useDef = isUseBeanDefs() && sType.isBean() && pNames == null;
if (useDef) {
exampleAdded = false;
descriptionAdded = false;
if (useDef && defs.containsKey(getBeanDefId(sType))) {
return new ObjectMap().append("$ref", getBeanDefUri(sType));
ObjectMap ds = getDefaultSchemas().get(sType.getInnerClass().getName());
if (ds != null && ds.containsKey("type")) {
return out.appendAll(ds);
JsonSchemaClassMeta jscm = null;
if (pojoSwap != null && pojoSwap.getClass().getAnnotation(Schema.class) != null)
jscm = getClassMeta(pojoSwap.getClass()).getExtendedMeta(JsonSchemaClassMeta.class);
if (jscm == null)
jscm = sType.getExtendedMeta(JsonSchemaClassMeta.class);
TypeCategory tc = null;
if (sType.isNumber()) {
tc = NUMBER;
if (sType.isDecimal()) {
type = "number";
if (sType.isFloat()) {
format = "float";
} else if (sType.isDouble()) {
format = "double";
} else {
type = "integer";
if (sType.isShort()) {
format = "int16";
} else if (sType.isInteger()) {
format = "int32";
} else if (sType.isLong()) {
format = "int64";
} else if (sType.isBoolean()) {
type = "boolean";
} else if (sType.isMap()) {
tc = MAP;
type = "object";
} else if (sType.isBean()) {
tc = BEAN;
type = "object";
} else if (sType.isCollection()) {
type = "array";
} else if (sType.isArray()) {
tc = ARRAY;
type = "array";
} else if (sType.isEnum()) {
tc = ENUM;
type = "string";
} else if (sType.isCharSequence() || sType.isChar()) {
tc = STRING;
type = "string";
} else if (sType.isUri()) {
tc = STRING;
type = "string";
format = "uri";
} else {
tc = STRING;
type = "string";
// Add info from @Schema on bean property.
if (jsbpm != null) {
out.appendIf(false, true, true, "type", type);
out.appendIf(false, true, true, "format", format);
if (aType != null) {
example = getExample(sType, tc, exampleAdded);
description = getDescription(sType, tc, descriptionAdded);
exampleAdded |= example != null;
descriptionAdded |= description != null;
if (tc == BEAN) {
ObjectMap properties = new ObjectMap();
BeanMeta bm = getBeanMeta(sType.getInnerClass());
if (pNames != null)
bm = new BeanMetaFiltered(bm, pNames);
for (Iterator<BeanPropertyMeta> i = bm.getPropertyMetas().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
BeanPropertyMeta p =;
if (p.canRead())
properties.put(p.getName(), getSchema(p.getClassMeta(), p.getName(), p.getProperties(), exampleAdded, descriptionAdded, p.getExtendedMeta(JsonSchemaBeanPropertyMeta.class)));
out.put("properties", properties);
} else if (tc == COLLECTION) {
ClassMeta et = sType.getElementType();
if (sType.isCollection() && sType.getInfo().isChildOf(Set.class))
out.put("uniqueItems", true);
out.put("items", getSchema(et, "items", pNames, exampleAdded, descriptionAdded, null));
} else if (tc == ARRAY) {
ClassMeta et = sType.getElementType();
if (sType.isCollection() && sType.getInfo().isChildOf(Set.class))
out.put("uniqueItems", true);
out.put("items", getSchema(et, "items", pNames, exampleAdded, descriptionAdded, null));
} else if (tc == ENUM) {
out.put("enum", getEnums(sType));
} else if (tc == MAP) {
ObjectMap om = getSchema(sType.getValueType(), "additionalProperties", null, exampleAdded, descriptionAdded, null);
if (! om.isEmpty())
out.put("additionalProperties", om);
out.appendIf(false, true, true, "description", description);
out.appendIf(false, true, true, "x-example", example);
if (ds != null)
if (useDef) {
defs.put(getBeanDefId(sType), out);
out = new ObjectMap().append("$ref", getBeanDefUri(sType));
return out;
private List<String> getEnums(ClassMeta<?> cm) {
List<String> l = new ArrayList<>();
for (Enum<?> e : getEnumConstants(cm.getInnerClass()))
return l;
private Object getExample(ClassMeta<?> sType, TypeCategory t, boolean exampleAdded) throws Exception {
boolean canAdd = isAllowNestedExamples() || ! exampleAdded;
if (canAdd && (getAddExamplesTo().contains(t) || getAddExamplesTo().contains(ANY))) {
Object example = sType.getExample(this);
if (example != null)
return JsonParser.DEFAULT.parse(toJson(example), Object.class);
return null;
private String toJson(Object o) throws SerializeException {
if (jsSession == null)
jsSession = ctx.getJsonSerializer().createSession(null);
return jsSession.serializeToString(o);
private Object getDescription(ClassMeta<?> sType, TypeCategory t, boolean descriptionAdded) {
boolean canAdd = isAllowNestedDescriptions() || ! descriptionAdded;
if (canAdd && (getAddDescriptionsTo().contains(t) || getAddDescriptionsTo().contains(ANY)))
return sType.toString();
return null;
* Returns the definition ID for the specified class.
* @param cm The class to get the definition ID of.
* @return The definition ID for the specified class.
public String getBeanDefId(ClassMeta<?> cm) {
return getBeanDefMapper().getId(cm);
* Returns the definition URI for the specified class.
* @param cm The class to get the definition URI of.
* @return The definition URI for the specified class.
public getBeanDefUri(ClassMeta<?> cm) {
return getBeanDefMapper().getURI(cm);
* Returns the definition URI for the specified class.
* @param id The definition ID to get the definition URI of.
* @return The definition URI for the specified class.
public getBeanDefUri(String id) {
return getBeanDefMapper().getURI(id);
* Returns the definitions that were gathered during this session.
* <p>
* This map is modifiable and affects the map in the session.
* @return
* The definitions that were gathered during this session, or <jk>null</jk> if {@link JsonSchemaGenerator#JSONSCHEMA_useBeanDefs} was not enabled.
public Map<String,ObjectMap> getBeanDefs() {
return defs;
* Adds a schema definition to this session.
* @param id The definition ID.
* @param def The definition schema.
* @return This object (for method chaining).
public JsonSchemaGeneratorSession addBeanDef(String id, ObjectMap def) {
if (defs != null)
defs.put(id, def);
return this;
// Properties
* Configuration property: Add descriptions to types.
* @see JsonSchemaGenerator#JSONSCHEMA_addDescriptionsTo
* @return
* Set of categories of types that descriptions should be automatically added to generated schemas.
protected final Set<TypeCategory> getAddDescriptionsTo() {
return ctx.getAddDescriptionsTo();
* Configuration property: Add examples.
* @see JsonSchemaGenerator#JSONSCHEMA_addExamplesTo
* @return
* Set of categories of types that examples should be automatically added to generated schemas.
protected final Set<TypeCategory> getAddExamplesTo() {
return ctx.getAddExamplesTo();
* Configuration property: Allow nested descriptions.
* @see JsonSchemaGenerator#JSONSCHEMA_allowNestedDescriptions
* @return
* <jk>true</jk> if nested descriptions are allowed in schema definitions.
protected final boolean isAllowNestedDescriptions() {
return ctx.isAllowNestedDescriptions();
* Configuration property: Allow nested examples.
* @see JsonSchemaGenerator#JSONSCHEMA_allowNestedExamples
* @return
* <jk>true</jk> if nested examples are allowed in schema definitions.
protected final boolean isAllowNestedExamples() {
return ctx.isAllowNestedExamples();
* Configuration property: Bean schema definition mapper.
* @see JsonSchemaGenerator#JSONSCHEMA_beanDefMapper
* @return
* Interface to use for converting Bean classes to definition IDs and URIs.
protected final BeanDefMapper getBeanDefMapper() {
return ctx.getBeanDefMapper();
* Configuration property: Default schemas.
* @see JsonSchemaGenerator#JSONSCHEMA_defaultSchemas
* @return
* Custom schema information for particular class types.
protected final Map<String,ObjectMap> getDefaultSchemas() {
return ctx.getDefaultSchemas();
* Configuration property: Ignore types from schema definitions.
* @see JsonSchemaGenerator#JSONSCHEMA_ignoreTypes
* @return
* Custom schema information for particular class types.
protected final Set<Pattern> getIgnoreTypes() {
return ctx.getIgnoreTypes();
* Configuration property: Use bean definitions.
* @see JsonSchemaGenerator#JSONSCHEMA_useBeanDefs
* @return
* <jk>true</jk> if schemas on beans will be serialized with <js>'$ref'</js> tags.
protected final boolean isUseBeanDefs() {
return ctx.isUseBeanDefs();
// Utility methods
private ClassMeta<?> toClassMeta(Object o) {
if (o instanceof Type)
return getClassMeta((Type)o);
return getClassMetaForObject(o);
// Other methods
@Override /* Session */
public ObjectMap toMap() {
return super.toMap()
.append("JsonSchemaGeneratorSession", new DefaultFilteringObjectMap()